Seeking advice on first membership site launch

17 replies
Hi guys,

Apologies for the repeat thread (I posted a variation of this around 10 days ago) but my original title made it sound like I was offering rather than seeking advice and I couldn't edit it.

Anyway, I've had a membership site in the pipeline for years and finally decided to do something about it.

The subject is film making. I have only basic knowledge but am featuring a monthly expert interview. I am also using a combination of unique content in the form of articles (I write web content freelance for a living so am used to researching unfamiliar topics) and have used PLR for the first report.

I'm using a combination of Wordpress, S2member and JVZoo. Although the integration can be a pain, I think I'm going to use HTML and a script such as Memberfire next time.

I'm offering a 7 day $1 trial and then $19.97 per month. Affiliates will receive 50% commission on both the trial and regular subscription fee. I toyed with a free trial and 75% commission. I'd love to hear opinions on these aspects. I've had a few people attempt to sign up for a free trial some time ago when I had a different template and inactive PayPal button.

What I am seeking advice on, aside from the above content and format etc, is the sales page, which is Wordpress-orientated as opposed to a typical sales page. The website is thefilmschoolonlinedotcom Sorry for not typing out the URL properly, I just didn't want this thread to show up in the search results for the domain name.

I'm just wanting it to look right before I make it active in JVZoo and approach affiliates.

Thanks, Jackson
#advice #launch #membership #seeking #site
  • Profile picture of the author BamIPD
    I've never researched $1 trial vs free trial.

    Immediately my mind tells me it would never allow me to sign up for a $1 7 day trial because I'd have to get out a credit card to pay for it and that just sounds like a waste of time to me.

    I've signed up for many free trials knowing I'd have to call and cancel later because I only wanted to use the free trial.
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    I have researched the 1 dollar trail and the free trial. I have better success charging the 1.00. I still love doing free but seems people don't like that word as much as they used too in the past.
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  • Profile picture of the author jacksonkelly
    Thanks guys.

    If anyone can give me advice re: sales page, that would be great.

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  • Profile picture of the author techservice
    Cool Niche and the workings of a good idea but I can't see this making any money for you at the moment. There's no compelling reason for anyone to join.
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  • Profile picture of the author jacksonkelly
    Thanks for your feedback. Could you expand on this a little bit e.g. an example of what would compel prospects to take action? People spend thousands of dollars on attending offline film schools and there a number of books that sell on the subject.
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  • Profile picture of the author techservice
    I'm no expert on your niche so please only take my comments with a pinch of salt but this looks compelling to me Film School Secrets: The Smart Alternative to Film Schools
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  • Profile picture of the author jacksonkelly
    Ah yeah, I've seen that site. It is a good sales page, to be fair. Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author jacksonkelly
    Actually, after looking at the content, I don't think it's any more compelling that what I'm offering. It's simply a case of creating a more standard sales page.
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  • Profile picture of the author momtraders
    Ok, first thing, I'm not familar with your niche, BUT I personally would love to learn about making films, this being said there was NO excitment! ENTICE ME... Im so ready to learn, I want you to break down what I will learn in the membership site. Sales copy needs to be DONE, and when I say done, I mean hit me emotionally.. have me beging to get in this dang membership site. You mst be passionate about film right? Then put that passion into words, HIT me with it. People that want to do something creative, IE film, design, learning they need the orginal passion that spurred you to create the site to begin with.

    It is a natural need to create, to learn, so be playful with your copy.Also, $1 trials NEVER worked for me, give a free trial, if your membership is worth it, people will pay in full to keep getting access, if it is not worth it, they will not pay and then you know to make your membership worth it!

    How could you make it worth it to me, do a step by step of what it takes to make an amature film, give me ideas on how to find actors for my films, where can I submit my work? Perhaps build in a community to the backend so your members can interact. Great idea btw
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    • Profile picture of the author JeremyHendo
      Your sales page should have a very compelling Hook to get the visitors engaged and then go on to let them know WHY they would be crazy to not take advantage of your offer. The sales copy is your most important thing along with a sales funnel to build a relationship with your audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author AJMontoya
    I've tried both the $1 trial and the free trial on membership sites in the past. In my experiences, free trials worked better. If people are looking for something quick and come to your site to find it, they aren't going to want to pull out their credit card and take the time to type in all their details. Lots of people are lazy Give them a free trial by having them subscribe to your list, then offer the paid membership at the end of the trial.
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  • Profile picture of the author jacksonkelly
    Wow, that's such fantastic feedback momtraders, thank you so much for taking the time. You've made some excellent points. I mention what's inside on the syllabus page but, to be fair, it's not laid out in an enticing way at all. I've started a new sales letter where I'll include everything on the one page.
    And I think I'm leaning towards a $1 trial to begin with.
    Thanks again
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  • Profile picture of the author jacksonkelly
    JeremyHendo and xismfofx22, thank you for your feedback. I'll take your experience on board.
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  • Profile picture of the author NicheService
    If I saw a testimonial/proof of someone using your site and making a great film, I would join your membership.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheCodex
    Why should you charge one dollar when you can just do a 14-30 free trial?

    They still have to put in their credit card.

    As for help with your conversions?

    Create a need and having tons of social proof is KEY for converting people.
    Internet Codex - Redefining Internet Marketing
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    • Profile picture of the author 512 Designs
      Instead of doing a free trial or a $1.00 trial, why not just open up a "free area" to give people a taste of what else is inside. The free area could have 1 or 2 interviews along with a few pages of content or reports.

      If they like what they see, then they can join to have access to everything else. Just make sure you get their email address somewhere along the way to start building your list.

      Let Me Show You How You Can Turn Your
      Existing PLR CONTENT Into CASH MONEY
      In Dozens Of Different Ways!
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      • Profile picture of the author Steve B
        Just a few observations that I think would help you:

        1- Get a professionally made logo. The current one has five different type faces or styles. Your name lends itself to a really cool and memorable graphic logo.

        2- Do you really teach how to make films (not digital movies)? Film is an old school photographic process and I'm wondering if that's what this is all about? If you are talking about videos using digital processes then the name is misleading. Just wondering . . .

        3- Features are best explained with short bullet points. What's really more important are benefits - they should be explained and highlighted. Features help the prospect compare between similar products . . . benefits are what actually make sales . . . what the benefits will do for the buyer.

        4- I don't see any testimonials. Give away a few memberships (even if only temporary) in exchange for convincing testimonials - they are important.

        5- Others have mentioned . . . compelling copy is really important in making sales. Give "reasons why" joining your membership site will benefit the customer. Appeal to their emotions. Always keep in mind "what will this do for the buyer" and be as specific as you can.

        6- Often with a brand new site and/or product, it's advantageous to have a FAQs section (or link) displayed so commonly asked questions can be resolved without the need for the prospect to send you an email. It could distract him if he leaves the site - and he may not return.

        7- As someone else pointed out, I like the design of having "public" and members only content. Great membership software will do this for you with one click of the mouse. It's a way to continue to nurture prospects that haven't yet joined. They get to see your style, your expertise, and the layout of your site.

        8- You need a strong call to action. Make it as simple and straight forward as you can.

        I hope you do well with your site.


        Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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