Online, passive income - where does a newbie start?

by Aniig
53 replies
Last week I quit my job to pursue a online, passive income. But(!) I have no clue where to start, and I only have until about christmas before I run out of money. My goal is to create an online income I can live off by then(1600-1700usd a month).

I would be really grateful if you guys could give me some starting tips. Some questions that pop into my head are:
  • What are the best places to start for a newbie?
  • What areas can I learn a lot about the ropes of online income, while still reaching my financial goal before christmas?
  • Is my goal totally unrealistic, and if so, what are some better goals?

Also, do you have suggestions as to what I can read/watch to figure out where to start/learn the ropes? I don't know the different types/areas of online/passive income. Maybe there are some areas I could excel at, but that I don't know of.

I'm currently thinking about starting a tutorial site for programming, and monetize with monthly subscriptions. But right now, learning the ropes is my highest priority.

I couldn't find similiar posts. If you find any, I'd love it if you could link it to me =)

Thanks - a 22year old newbie.
#income #newbie #online #passive #start
  • Profile picture of the author znightmare
    Your goal does not seem too unrealistic, but you will have to work hard to achieve it I'm sure. One obvious thing you could do is build an online business where you sell a product or offer a service. If there's anything you're passionate about or if you have any certain skills that might be a good place to start. Just think of a good idea and either create a website yourself (Wordpress or Magneto might help) or pay someone to make one if you think it's worth it. Then it's all advertising from there (the hard part).
    $5 Wordpress Website! ---> <--- Get Your Blog up in 24 Hrs!
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    • Profile picture of the author Aniig
      Originally Posted by znightmare View Post

      Your goal does not seem too unrealistic, but you will have to work hard to achieve it I'm sure. One obvious thing you could do is build an online business where you sell a product or offer a service. If there's anything you're passionate about or if you have any certain skills that might be a good place to start. Just think of a good idea and either create a website yourself (Wordpress or Magneto might help) or pay someone to make one if you think it's worth it. Then it's all advertising from there (the hard part).

      Aight, thanks =)
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  • Profile picture of the author amwarner
    Just a question. Why couldn't you continue to work your job for a few months or so more while you built your future online business? I understand you have money to last you for a while but still.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aniig
      Originally Posted by amwarner View Post

      Just a question. Why couldn't you continue to work your job for a few months or so more while you built your future online business? I understand you have money to last you for a while but still.
      I could have and it would probably have been the more logical choice. But I didn't want to =)
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    • Profile picture of the author cjalvarez91
      I'm probably in the same road as you, though with different plans, as for where to start, I could say maybe pay a coach? This could cost you a few thousand dollars maybe but it could be very worth it and a faster guide for you to earn money online.

      On the other hand, it's probably best that while you pursue your online career, in the mean time, why not keep your job? I mean I'm working full time - 60 hours a week sometimes, but I'm still not giving up with some day working full time from home.

      There are advantages to this:

      1. I dont have to worry about running out of money soon or later
      2. I use some of this cash to invest online
      3. I still save some money to have in the bank
      4. It's more responsible

      This last word (responsible), it what keeps my dream alive, if I quit my job and I fail online everything else just fells apart.

      Keep it going and I wish you the best.
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      • Profile picture of the author Aniig
        Originally Posted by cjalvarez91 View Post

        I'm probably in the same road as you, though with different plans, as for where to start, I could say maybe pay a coach? This could cost you a few thousand dollars maybe but it could be very worth it and a faster guide for you to earn money online.

        On the other hand, it's probably best that while you pursue your online career, in the mean time, why not keep your job? I mean I'm working full time - 60 hours a week sometimes, but I'm still not giving up with some day working full time from home.

        There are advantages to this:

        1. I dont have to worry about running out of money soon or later
        2. I use some of this cash to invest online
        3. I still save some money to have in the bank
        4. It's more responsible

        This last word (responsible), it what keeps my dream alive, if I quit my job and I fail online everything else just fells apart.

        Keep it going and I wish you the best.
        Getting a coach is a great idea. Do you have any suggestions/recommendations?

        Yeah, keeping my job is the logical choice, from a personal economy perspective. But it drains too much energy in my case, and I find myself never starting anything. If it goes to hell, then I'll make it worth it =) At least I've failed and learned something then!
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  • Profile picture of the author Thriftypreneur
    There are many different areas to "learn the ropes" in. I'd start out by researching and seeing the various business models that would help you reach your goal.

    In your OP you talk about starting a membership site, so I would look into that. Additionally you can check out other models such as:

    Niche Site Building
    Email Marketing and List Building
    YouTube Affiliate Marketing
    Kindle Publishing
    Product Creation and Promotion (Software, Ebook, Training Courses, Etc)

    and many more. Lots of internet marketers use one or all of those methods in their businesses. While I don't know of any specific resources that teach the majority of those models, you can learn about niche site building by visiting Thriftypreneur | Webpreneuring on a Budget!

    Good luck, hope you reach your goal.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aniig
      Originally Posted by Thriftypreneur View Post

      There are many different areas to "learn the ropes" in. I'd start out by researching and seeing the various business models that would help you reach your goal.

      In your OP you talk about starting a membership site, so I would look into that. Additionally you can check out other models such as:

      Niche Site Building
      Email Marketing and List Building
      YouTube Affiliate Marketing
      Kindle Publishing
      Product Creation and Promotion (Software, Ebook, Training Courses, Etc)

      and many more. Lots of internet marketers use one or all of those methods in their businesses. While I don't know of any specific resources that teach the majority of those models, you can learn about niche site building by visiting Thriftypreneur | Webpreneuring on a Budget!

      Good luck, hope you reach your goal.
      That's gold man, thanks!
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    • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
      Originally Posted by Thriftypreneur View Post

      Email Marketing and List Building
      My favorite and I think the best and most rewarding brought to us by Thriftypreneur first.

      Google can change, ebay can change, amazon can change but you will still have your list in the end.
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    I don't really understand, what is passive income, sounds as though I have to do nothing at all, I want to apply also. I wish I made passive income, but mine is very much active income online, I have found out the hard way if I'm away for any length of time my income will drop in a few weeks.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aniig
      Originally Posted by hustlinsmoke View Post

      I don't really understand, what is passive income, sounds as though I have to do nothing at all, I want to apply also. I wish I made passive income, but mine is very much active income online, I have found out the hard way if I'm away for any length of time my income will drop in a few weeks.
      Thanks for the heads up. I think a passive income is possible. Maybe not completely, but I guess I could always outsource work, or hire someone to do the work I'm doing. Of course, even that would require some work, but significantly less - I think. But hey! Who knows? That's what I'm here to find out
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      • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
        Well its still not passive, if you ever hired a va and outsourced, you have to do the listing the interviews, research them. You have to manage them cause I promise you most of them don't manage themselves.

        Im an old pro at va's and I would rather manage a team of wild buffalo if I had the choice.
        Originally Posted by Aniig View Post

        Thanks for the heads up. I think a passive income is possible. Maybe not completely, but I guess I could always outsource work, or hire someone to do the work I'm doing. Of course, even that would require some work, but significantly less - I think. But hey! Who knows? That's what I'm here to find out
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  • Profile picture of the author Mary Stevens
    If i had it to do over again i would learn copywriting the rest will take care of itself.
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    • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
      Now I would like that job, if I was a great copywriter and could charge a few thousand for a sales ad.

      I think the thing that stopped me was you have to be able to write lol. I hire ghost writers cause I just plain right down suck at writing, just read my posts lol.
      Originally Posted by Mary Stevens View Post

      If i had it to do over again i would learn copywriting the rest will take care of itself.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aniig
      Originally Posted by Mary Stevens View Post

      If i had it to do over again i would learn copywriting the rest will take care of itself.
      Cool, I'll look into it. But I guess one needs something to copywrite for as well? But I hear about that a lot, so it seems important to master =)
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      • Profile picture of the author TheEye
        Content creation is the skill that internet marketing revolves around.

        You can either do this yourself or get someone else to do it but it has to be done.

        Articles, ebooks, sales pages, audios and videos are just variations of content creation.

        If you can create great content, people will forgive you a lot of other faults.
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    Okay I will tell you this, I have had some products that i created and I put them up and earned very good money without doing nothing.

    After I put them up that is, after I managed three programmers all the writers and I paid a support to outsource it. Then I made a little profit and guess what because I treated it as passive it was, after a while,

    The income just past me by lol.

    Im not trying to be snide or anything just that people want that push button money machine and that four hour work week. They want to drink those funny drinks at the beach with the little umbrellas. They can but I bet they have there laptops in there lap posting on warriors or jvnotify or in a webinar or talking to a programmer why the software doesn't work like promised.

    Online marketers face the same challenges as every day people, we have bosses (our customers) we have problems that we have to solve and we have sleep less nights sometimes.

    The benefit of working online is because you can do it on the beach or the bedroom but you have to work to make the money and the harder you work the better you do.

    For me its a challenge, can I get 1000 emails from this product, why isn't my sig working I need to change it so I can get four signups a day instead of two. See we work just as hard if not harder because we strive to better each day.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aniig
      Originally Posted by hustlinsmoke View Post

      Okay I will tell you this, I have had some products that i created and I put them up and earned very good money without doing nothing.

      After I put them up that is, after I managed three programmers all the writers and I paid a support to outsource it. Then I made a little profit and guess what because I treated it as passive it was, after a while,

      The income just past me by lol.

      Im not trying to be snide or anything just that people want that push button money machine and that four hour work week. They want to drink those funny drinks at the beach with the little umbrellas. They can but I bet they have there laptops in there lap posting on warriors or jvnotify or in a webinar or talking to a programmer why the software doesn't work like promised.

      Online marketers face the same challenges as every day people, we have bosses (our customers) we have problems that we have to solve and we have sleep less nights sometimes.

      The benefit of working online is because you can do it on the beach or the bedroom but you have to work to make the money and the harder you work the better you do.

      For me its a challenge, can I get 1000 emails from this product, why isn't my sig working I need to change it so I can get four signups a day instead of two. See we work just as hard if not harder because we strive to better each day.
      I guess I want a true passive income, where I actually don't have to do anything at all. But I'm not so naive as to think making money online is without work. And I do hear about a lot of people saying that the income will never be truly passive. But if that's the case my final goal will be to amass enough capital to live off money in the bank.

      Thanks for the warning of possible wrong expectations. I know a lot of people expects to just suddenly make money without work, and for that money to just keep coming. But I expect to do a lot of work, maintaining, and further growing Unless anybody feels like giving me the money..
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  • Profile picture of the author Victor Edson
    You forgot to mention what your budget is. If you've got 10k to invest it's a little different than if you've got 1k and lots of time.

    Your goal is doable, but only if you get on a quick action plan from the beginning and follow through. No ebook or report out there will do any of the work for you, and just like HustlinSmoke has mentioned a few times.. it does take work.

    The smarter you work in the beginning, the easier you can work in the end.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aniig
      Originally Posted by Victor Edson View Post

      You forgot to mention what your budget is. If you've got 10k to invest it's a little different than if you've got 1k and lots of time.

      Your goal is doable, but only if you get on a quick action plan from the beginning and follow through. No ebook or report out there will do any of the work for you, and just like HustlinSmoke has mentioned a few times.. it does take work.

      The smarter you work in the beginning, the easier you can work in the end.
      My budget is very limited. I don't have an overview yet, but I guess I only have about 200-300$, at least as of now. Do you think I need more money to reach my goal? I was thinking of doing some private programmingtutoring for investmentmoney, if I found out I needed it

      Great to know that it's doable =) (That's what she said)
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      • Profile picture of the author KellzB
        What skills do you have that you can leverage to earn an income online? You mentioned programming in your post.

        What I would do is take what skills you have and jump on Elance and Odesk. If you do good work you'll end up with some clients.

        At the same time, go to Themeforest (or do it yourself) and put together a website. For under $100 (hosting + domain + theme + misc) using WordPress.

        You'll now have a professional looking website, which will give you a professional look. Be sure to not skimp on adding quality content. You want your words to sizzle and your copy to compel people to click/take action.

        One tip: Try to find clients that will continue to pay you month after month. If you just go for the "one-off" sale, you'll constantly be scrambling for that next sell. If you are paid a monthly rate your stress level goes down and you can concentrate on landing more clients. Recurring income is what you want.

        Use Freshbooks to bill your clients. This will make you look even more professional, and what's better is it's free for up to 3 clients. You'll be able to send out recurring monthly invoices and track your sales and expenses. The paid plan is $19.95, but at that point you're over 3 clients and should be moving along quite nicely.
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        • Profile picture of the author Aniig
          Originally Posted by KellzB View Post

          What skills do you have that you can leverage to earn an income online? You mentioned programming in your post.

          What I would do is take what skills you have and jump on Elance and Odesk. If you do good work you'll end up with some clients.

          At the same time, go to Themeforest (or do it yourself) and put together a website. For under $100 (hosting + domain + theme + misc) using WordPress.

          You'll now have a professional looking website, which will give you a professional look. Be sure to not skimp on adding quality content. You want your words to sizzle and your copy to compel people to click/take action.

          One tip: Try to find clients that will continue to pay you month after month. If you just go for the "one-off" sale, you'll constantly be scrambling for that next sell. If you are paid a monthly rate your stress level goes down and you can concentrate on landing more clients. Recurring income is what you want.

          Use Freshbooks to bill your clients. This will make you look even more professional, and what's better is it's free for up to 3 clients. You'll be able to send out recurring monthly invoices and track your sales and expenses. The paid plan is $19.95, but at that point you're over 3 clients and should be moving along quite nicely.
          Love you man!
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          • Profile picture of the author KellzB
            Originally Posted by Aniig View Post

            Love you man!
            Thanx! Fyi you can make that woman.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Aniig View Post

    Online, passive income - where does a newbie start?
    By appreciating that there's almost no such thing as truly "passive" income available (unless you mean something very different by that from others here).

    Originally Posted by Aniig View Post

    Last week I quit my job to pursue a online, passive income.
    Are you sure that was wise, Captain?

    Originally Posted by Aniig View Post

    I only have until about christmas before I run out of money. My goal is to create an online income I can live off by then(1600-1700usd a month).
    Well, that's possible. A small proportion of people trying it do manage that.

    Originally Posted by Aniig View Post

    What are the best places to start for a newbie?
    It depends on what kind of business you want to start. If you don't yet know what the possibilities are, from which to choose, I'd use up about a week doing nothing apart from reading the threads listed on the first page or two of every section of this forum (without ever buying anything!), just to get the flavor.

    Originally Posted by Aniig View Post

    What areas can I learn a lot about the ropes of online income, while still reaching my financial goal before christmas?
    All the areas covered by the forum headings in the Warrior Forum.

    Originally Posted by Aniig View Post

    Is my goal totally unrealistic, and if so, what are some better goals?
    No, not necessarily. I managed it, myself (though I earned almost nothing in my first 3-4 months), so it can't be. I knew almost nothing when I started and made a huge number of mistakes.

    Originally Posted by Aniig View Post

    I don't know the different types/areas of online/passive income.
    I wish you'd stop saying "passive".

    Every time you use that word, I instinctively think of your chances declining a little, because your expectations may be unrealistic.

    Just my perspective.

    Originally Posted by Aniig View Post

    I'm currently thinking about starting a tutorial site for programming, and monetize with monthly subscriptions.
    I know nothing about this business model. Others who do will comment.

    This is what I do, if it helps/interests you:

    Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author Aniig
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      By appreciating that there's almost no such thing as truly "passive" income available (unless you mean something very different by that from others here).

      It depends on what kind of business you want to start. If you don't yet know what the possibilities are, from which to choose, I'd use up about a week doing nothing apart from reading the threads listed on the first page or two of every section of this forum (without ever buying anything!), just to get the flavor.

      All the areas covered by the forum headings in the Warrior Forum.

      No, not necessarily. I managed it, myself (though I earned almost nothing in my first 3-4 months), so it can't be. I knew almost nothing when I started and made a huge number of mistakes.

      This is what I do, if it helps/interests you:

      Good luck!
      Thanks! That's a valuable post for me - really appreciate it! Specific things I can do, where to start, great links - awesome!

      Setting my expectations right from the get-go is a good move. Passive income is my dream, but I do realize it might be a "myth". Even if it's a possiblity, I expect a lot of work to get there =) Thanks for the heads up.
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    What I was looking for, a wordsmith to put it in the right perspective for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author joaquin112
    Start by learning skills such as copywriting, PPC, e-mail marketing and so on. There are many good books on Amazon. Then sign up to see what the top guys in your niche are doing.

    Publish your digital course at We create the video sales letter, drive affiliate traffic and split the profits with you. If you want to start making money by teaching online, submit your application here.

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    • Profile picture of the author Aniig
      Originally Posted by joaquin112 View Post

      Start by learning skills such as copywriting, PPC, e-mail marketing and so on. There are many good books on Amazon. Then sign up to see what the top guys in your niche are doing.
      Great, I'll check it out! Never even heard of PPC, so thanks =)
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  • Profile picture of the author MKCookins
    If I were you, I think the best way to create a passive income online is first and always build your list.

    Find a niche you are passionate about, and is profitable, then start collecting people's email addresses that are also interested in this subject matter.

    Once on your list -- then promote products that have a recurring billing like membership sites or coaching. If you stay focused, this can be accomplished.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aniig
      Originally Posted by MKCookins View Post

      If I were you, I think the best way to create a passive income online is first and always build your list.

      Find a niche you are passionate about, and is profitable, then start collecting people's email addresses that are also interested in this subject matter.

      Once on your list -- then promote products that have a recurring billing like membership sites or coaching. If you stay focused, this can be accomplished.
      That's an interesting way of doing it. Any ideas how to find these people and collect emails? Blogging for instance? It seems solid, thanks =)
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      • Profile picture of the author zahanega
        Originally Posted by Aniig View Post

        That's an interesting way of doing it. Any ideas how to find these people and collect emails? Blogging for instance? It seems solid, thanks =)
        You can also buy solo ads where you pay someone else to send people to your site. This can get expensive though.
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  • Profile picture of the author archie79
    To get an immediate income, I would do some services on Fiverr or the Warriors for Hire section. If you aren't sure what services you could offer, go through Fiverr and check out Internet Marketing gigs that have a lot of feedback. Then, find a WSO that will teach you how to do it. After that, post some gigs and try to get some money rolling in.
    As for the passive part, I suggest a membership site. There are some good WSO's on membership sites that cover setup, traffic and content. Just search for the term "membership site" in the Warrior Special Offers section. One of the best ways to do content is some quality PLR. Just google PLR.
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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    1. The first thing I would do is get the idea of "passive" out of your mind except possibly for a very long term (years away) goal.

    2. Next get yourself mentally ready to put in a lot of time and hard work.

    3. Don't believe anyone that tells you to ignore #2.

    4. Next thing is follow Alexa's suggestions to scour WF and find your passion. You need to decide on ONE method to build your business. Thriftypreneur gave you an example of some current models being used by others.

    5. Get to work.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aniig
      Originally Posted by Janice Sperry View Post

      1. The first thing I would do is get the idea of "passive" out of your mind except possibly for a very long term (years away) goal.

      2. Next get yourself mentally ready to put in a lot of time and hard work.

      3. Don't believe anyone that tells you to ignore #2.

      4. Next thing is follow Alexa's suggestions to scour WF and find your passion. You need to decide on ONE method to build your business. Thriftypreneur gave you an example of some current models being used by others.

      5. Get to work.
      Do I have to work for it? =(

      Kidding! Thanks! Mentality sure is everything. I love how all you guys make sure I'm setting up my expectations right.

      Alright, one method it is.
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  • Profile picture of the author wilbda
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    • Profile picture of the author mominternet
      Best places to start for a newbie is to find a mentor. Someone you would like to pattern yourself after. If you are not able to invest in one learn all you can from them, many mentors who are quite confident with what they have to offer are not afraid to offer information on their blogs.

      Basic ropes to learn
      1. Your offer
      2. Get traffic to it
      3. Does it convert? (make sales, etc)

      Your goal is not unrealistic provided that you have a marketing plan to tweak the above. A marketing plan consist of your market, what they are looking for, does you offer give them the answer and why should they trust you?

      Think of the market you plan to target...Nerdy people? Normal people who are technically challenged? Could you offer programming services (freelance) rather than only teach?

      In the long run what is in it for your market? Just tossing ideas to think about.

      Best wishes.
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      • Profile picture of the author Brandon Sean
        Originally Posted by mominternet View Post

        Best places to start for a newbie is to find a mentor. Someone you would like to pattern yourself after. If you are not able to invest in one learn all you can from them, many mentors who are quite confident with what they have to offer are not afraid to offer information on their blogs.

        Basic ropes to learn
        1. Your offer
        2. Get traffic to it
        3. Does it convert? (make sales, etc)

        Your goal is not unrealistic provided that you have a marketing plan to tweak the above. A marketing plan consist of your market, what they are looking for, does you offer give them the answer and why should they trust you?

        Think of the market you plan to target...Nerdy people? Normal people who are technically challenged? Could you offer programming services (freelance) rather than only teach?

        In the long run what is in it for your market? Just tossing ideas to think about.

        Best wishes.
        Agree with this!

        Getting a mentor , definitely helps! But beware there are some people who claim to be mentors and charge waaay too much for their mentoring. There are also some mentors who wont charge you a single penny. Finding them here in the Warrior forum isn't too hard at all, you just gotta know which to pick.
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        • Profile picture of the author welldone
          Do a search for "where to start" in the forum. This brings up many threads with useful info to get a bigger picture. One thing that I would stress is having a business plan so that you don't lose focus.
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  • Profile picture of the author imperets
    Originally Posted by Aniig View Post

    Last week I quit my job to pursue a online, passive income. But(!) I have no clue where to start, and I only have until about christmas before I run out of money. My goal is to create an online income I can live off by then(1600-1700usd a month).

    I would be really grateful if you guys could give me some starting tips. Some questions that pop into my head are:
    • What are the best places to start for a newbie?
    • What areas can I learn a lot about the ropes of online income, while still reaching my financial goal before christmas?
    • Is my goal totally unrealistic, and if so, what are some better goals?

    Also, do you have suggestions as to what I can read/watch to figure out where to start/learn the ropes? I don't know the different types/areas of online/passive income. Maybe there are some areas I could excel at, but that I don't know of.

    I'm currently thinking about starting a tutorial site for programming, and monetize with monthly subscriptions. But right now, learning the ropes is my highest priority.

    I couldn't find similiar posts. If you find any, I'd love it if you could link it to me =)

    Thanks - a 22year old newbie.
    I highly recommend selling on Flippa to any newbie. The concept of selling websites is more straightforward than, say, affiliate marketing or SEO. I think it's much easier to learn and master this type of business than any other branch of online entrepreneurship. The revenues are fast, and the workload is moderate to heavy: perfect for a someone who's looking to do this full-time. All you need to do is:
    - Learn WordPress and how to clone/transfer websites
    - Buy a few nice themes
    - Build attractive websites
    - Attach business models to your websites (e.g. online services, blogs, etc.)
    - Write good copy for your listings. And remember that Flippa is not the Warrior forum, people won't appreciate "over the top" descriptions there.
    - Scale up and start outsourcing...
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  • Profile picture of the author RoseHunt
    Good luck, but wouldn't it have been better to continue with your job and at the same time start making money online? I think it's better to be safe than sorry and anyway you couldn't possibly earn too much money from the very beginning!
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    • Profile picture of the author Mitch Barber
      Hey man, I think you've got a great attitude and I'm sure you'll do well. There's some great advice here (particularly the coaching and listbuilding). And if you felt it was right to quit your job, then don't let others tell you otherwise. I'm sure you know what you're doing and if you ever need to go back to a job I'm sure you'll be able to get one (I don't think you will have to though).

      The advantage you have now is you can put total focus into what you're doing and you can speed up your road to success 4 to 10 fold compared to if you had to keep diverting your time and energies into a pointless job.

      If you follow your instincts and your dream with focus I believe you will get there :-)

      We don't need to Compete, if we'll only just Create! When we create, there is no competition.

      Take the pain out of Affliliate Marketing and make some money as soon as tommorrow!
      Get details at my blog NOW.

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  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    I would:

    1. Call your boss and ask for you job back.
    1b. Apply for other jobs
    2. Read up and come up with a plan.
    3. Work on your business while working at least part time.

    In all seriousness, and without knowing too much about your financial situation, it will be tough. It will especially be tough with $0 of reliable income each month while getting started.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by joaquin112 View Post

      Start by learning skills such as copywriting, PPC, e-mail marketing and so on. There are many good books on Amazon. Then sign up to see what the top guys in your niche are doing.
      The goal was to have this $16-1700 per month income in less than five months. Yet you've listed three skillsets that take months or years to learn. Just because you've read a book on, say, email marketing , doesn't mean you know how to do it well enough to make a living.

      OP, if you someday want truly passive income, here's your plan:

      > Build a site/business that gets big enough to annoy a heavyweight like Microsoft or Google. Alternatively, develop a proprietary technology they want.

      > Accept the multi-million dollar buyout they offer.

      > Invest that money in safe, income producing investments.

      The only work you'll have to do is sign the slips for those umbrella drinks.

      In the meantime, I hope you didn't burn any bridges when you quit your job. You may need to ask for it back.

      As the saying goes, keep your words soft and sweet, for someday you may have to eat them.
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      • Profile picture of the author Tom B
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        > Invest that money in safe, income producing investments.
        You still have to manage your investments. Damn you passivity!
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Clark
    Each of my mentors has at some point told me to keep plan B going until plan A makes it impossible. Keeping a little job going that covers your living expenses keeps the pressure off which means you can focus on enjoying building your online business.
    Make $5 every 10 minutes
    non-affiliate site
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Gee, Art, that doesn't sound too passive to me... :p:confused:

    Originally Posted by Art of Marketing View Post

    Passive income? Newbie?

    Start with the products or services that would pay you passively.

    Yours? Or as an affiliate?

    If you just did nothing else but find winning products with customers that love them and continue to pay monthly for them that is a great start.

    Now after that you find out who is leading the pack as an affiliate and break down how and why they are top dogs.

    Contact the product service owners to get advice on promotions of that product or service.

    Now get all the training you can on promoting to that market and researching where they hang out and you hang out there as well and create groups with that demographic in mind.

    What I am giving you is a straight guerrilla marketing sort of tactics that cuts out alot of the traditional learning so I hope you see it that way. It is not a substitute for learning all you can on your chosen promotions.

    I am just giving you the pure essentials on how I personally would go about it and it has worked for me.

    Good absolutely can be done if you are totally focused and not jumping around on sales pages everyday.

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  • Profile picture of the author Geri Richmond
    Wish you hadn't quit your job! I know you are anxious to get started, but, building an online business takes time. There is no magic bullet!!
    You will work hard toward achieving your goal.

    Send me a message and go and visit my blog.
    There is a multitude of how-to's videos and exactly what you need to do first.
    Before you pick a domain name, pick a niche. Something that you like, ie, hobbies, cooking, fishing, pets etc. You should know something about the niche you pick and really like it. Go to Google and investigate the niche. How popular is it?

    Start thinking about a domain name that goes with the niche you pick. Don't put any numbers, dashes or weird spellings in your domain name.

    So that you can earn some money online, check out What are your strengths. You can set up gigs and earn some money while you are working on your business.
    Good luck. Hope this was helpful.
    Geri Richmond
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  • Profile picture of the author thedanbrown
    Since you're looking for passive income the easiest route for you would be to start building your list and create some sort of membership program, could even be a monthly newsletter, but just make sure you have a recurring charge and then start sending traffic to your sales funnel and turn your leads into members.
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  • Profile picture of the author Soulchild
    Passive income is all about setting up something that will bring in income monthly without you having to do much once it is setup. The best way to do it in my opinion is to setup websites and promote different affiliate programs. Amazon has a pretty good program that a lot of warriors are making money on. Making money online is just like any other job and if you WORK hard enough at it, you will be successful..
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  • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
    The phrase "passive income" is throwing me off. Are you saying that
    you want to set something up that will require you to do no further
    work by your deadline?

    That's what I think of when I read passive income, and it takes most
    people many years to reach that point... not that it can't be done a
    lot quicker.


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    Click To Go BIG!

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  • Profile picture of the author
    Dude keep it up that's good
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  • Profile picture of the author HumbleGuy
    Interesting to read, different people with different opinions. Very interesting in fact, though everyone agrees, you will have to do hard work. I mean HARD WORK, it won't be hard anymore.
    Medical MCQs like never before!
    Medical Tourism and Health Tourism in Malaysia
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