Puzzle and Trivia Book Marketing

1 replies
Hello Warriors,

I have a client who writes and self-publishes puzzle and trivia books. He's quite good at it, but he's a book guy ---- he doesn't want to write apps or anything like that.

The problem is that he doesn't sell many of them. They're quite good, but nobody knows about them. He has a website currently, but it's a little out of date, so I'm starting the process of helping him out. He's had some good luck at selling his questions for use in games, and that would be a nice way for him to pull in some additional income.

I'd love to know your thoughts on what I could do with this guy's work. I'm kind of stumped, and probably leaving out important bits of information - so please ask away. He's a nice kid and I'd like to help him out.

Thanks everyone
#book #marketing #puzzle #trivia
  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    He could perhaps sell them to clubs and groups that run quiz nights. They would always be looking for more questions. There would be thousands of those types of clubs if you search for them.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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