kindle analysis paralysis and real publishers

by jumshi
58 replies

i am stuck before the announcement of my kindle fiction book - can you guys give me a checklist of what i must do ?

heres what i have so far

- press release
- reviews
- blog giveaways
- facebook
= forums

should i have done some promotion beforehand ie chatting on forums?

how do i get out of this thing, because i want it to be 'perfect'..i know i have to do ready fire aim but im too scared

also secondly do you guys have any experience in getting to real publishers? how did you do it and how long did it take?
#analysis #kindle #paralysis #publisher #publishers #real
  • Profile picture of the author Silentkiller1
    You can try kindle select program and get initial lift to your book sales. This will help you in getting reviews thus will increase your sales. In "Kindle Select" you will get five days for distributing your eBook for free. But if you opt for the program you can't place your eBook on any other platform or even on your website for 90 days.
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  • Profile picture of the author TinkBD
    Originally Posted by jumshi View Post

    also secondly do you guys have any experience in getting to real publishers? how did you do it and how long did it take?

    Frankly, these day, friends don't let friends sign with trad publishers... Really.

    Contracts are getting worse and worse.

    Do minimal promo for a first/single fiction title.

    More important -- get yourself BIC and write the next book FOR THE SAME READERS

    Depending on the genre/sub-genre, figure 3-7 books to get traction

    Oh! And Congratulations You are now one book ahead of millions of wanna be writers ;-)
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by TinkBD View Post

      Frankly, these day, friends don't let friends sign with trad publishers... Really.
      Ooooh, I'm glad it was you who said this (i.e. so that I immediately know to take it seriously!). Very interesting comment.
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      • Profile picture of the author TinkBD
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        Ooooh, I'm glad it was you who said this (i.e. so that I immediately know to take it seriously!). Very interesting comment.
        I really believe it.

        Call me if you get an offer so I can Gibbsmack you and then we can figure out a better path for you ;-)

        Truth of the matter, you need to have the courage to walk away. IF you think you do want a deal, you need a GOOD lawyer, most probably entertainment not IP ;-)
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    • Profile picture of the author mrdomains
      Originally Posted by TinkBD View Post

      More important -- get yourself BIC and write the next book...
      Bleary eyed, wrong time-zone, wrong day.. I was like WTF?...get yourself BIC..?

      BIC.. BIC?.. grr.. bring it closer?... better internet connection?..
      barf into can?... beyond introspective criticism?.. be in control?..
      bong intensive coughing?.. before I collapse?...
      aoow, now I remember! butt in chair..

      analysis paralisys indeed :p

      Free action plan : Think less. Do more.

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      • Profile picture of the author farahtenhoff148
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    • Profile picture of the author Don Schenk
      Originally Posted by TinkBD View Post

      Frankly, these day, friends don't let friends sign with trad publishers... Really. Contracts are getting worse and worse.

      My wife was at the Romance Writers of America convention in Atlanta this past week. She said many of the programs were about self publishing.

      There were two ladies, who together gave a 2 hour program, and between them they have sold around 4.5 million (yes that is with an M) books in the past 2 years! Self-publishing!

      My wife ordered the audio recordings of the convention. I can't wait to hear them.

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      • Profile picture of the author TinkBD
        Originally Posted by Don Schenk View Post


        My wife was at the Romance Writers of America convention in Atlanta this past week. She said many of the programs were about self publishing.

        There were two ladies, who together gave a 2 hour program, and between them they have sold around 4.5 million (yes that is with an M) books in the past 2 years! Self-publishing!

        My wife ordered the audio recordings of the convention. I can't wait to hear them.


        Yeah It was, by all accounts a wonderful and significant RWA convention

        One of the most significant events? The fact that there were 141 open pitch appointment slots last week with Harlequin editors...

        In the past, people stood by the main desk in case there were cancellations. This year? Not only were some not filled but 141 were not filled

        If anyone was wondering if the pubbing landscape is really changing? This is the proof!
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    • Profile picture of the author TinkBD
      Originally Posted by TinkBD View Post

      Frankly, these day, friends don't let friends sign with trad publishers... Really.
      Yet another of the hundreds of stories from authors who were traditionally published. It's the midlist who paid the heavy price... and most everyone IS midlist.

      Now, thanks to inde pubbing, midlisters can do VERY well. ;-)

      And, remember, since we don't have a backlist, BIC for the frontlist is all the more important.

      A Newbie's Guide to Publishing: Guest Post by Geraldine Evans
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      • Profile picture of the author jumshi
        Originally Posted by TinkBD View Post

        Now, thanks to inde pubbing, midlisters can do VERY well. ;-)

        And, remember, since we don't have a backlist, BIC for the frontlist is all the more important.

        A Newbie's Guide to Publishing: Guest Post by Geraldine Evans
        nice article, you are right BIC is the only way forward. I can only hope that I can start onto a good career doing this- heres a quote from that article

        'I'm seeing the old system fail, bit by bit. All the information is out there, easily accessible.'
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    Concentrate on social media to gain exposure. For example, you tube, twitter, pinterest, etc. I have gotten good results with pinterest as you can upload your book cover. This takes people to my site where they get more information on the book and a link to amazon.

    Also, ask your friends for reviews. If you get enough sales and reviews in the 1st week then you are placed in "HOT NEW RELEASES" section by amazon. This can be a big boost for you. Don't forget to gift copies of your book to professional reviewers. Yeah, they can really move sales up.
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  • Profile picture of the author GobBluthJD
    Stay away from real publishers - it's simply not worth it.

    As far as:
    - press release
    - reviews
    - blog giveaways
    - facebook
    = forums

    All good ideas. The more, the merrier.
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  • Profile picture of the author Don Grace
    Get in with KDP select, they give you five days of free promo you can spread out. When you do a promo get the free book highlighter service from this site... Authors and Publishers: How to Sponsor Kindle Nation Daily | Author's Corner @ Kindle Nation Daily

    Also sign up at and be sure your author profile is complete at amazon.

    Also make videos for youtube, have someone interview you about the book via hangout or skype.

    It ain't gonna be perfect... EVER. So don't get hung up on that, just pull the trigger and make adjustments as you go along.
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    • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
      Just cus we are Indie does not make us NOT real publishers...hummph!

      I guess that is not real money I am making from my eBooks....geez!

      Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

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  • Profile picture of the author alex richardson
    I would use PPC and drive the traffic to an opt in page.
    I would then use an auto responder to create product launch hype and then launch the product.

    This is one of the ways I use PPC to make my entire living online

    Hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author jumshi
    thanks everyone, more questions

    the list of stuff i need to do

    - is it okay just to say, get the reviews done, then research which blogs to make announcements on etc?

    i guess im looking at it like the build up to an internet marketing product. you know getting everyone juiced up and then announcing it. how important is that build up?

    i mean , you know, im a nobody, right? so how much anticipation can i create? as opposed to say if i was a big name in the internet marketing field or having someone push me big on their lists etc

    ...just do it?
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    • Profile picture of the author TinkBD
      Originally Posted by jumshi View Post

      i guess im looking at it like the build up to an internet marketing product. you know getting everyone juiced up and then announcing it. how important is that build up?

      i mean , you know, im a nobody, right? so how much anticipation can i create? as opposed to say if i was a big name in the internet marketing field or having someone push me big on their lists etc

      ...just do it?
      Some plain talk... take it or leave it... apologies if it's blunt, I am eating breakfast before my AM walk... I have a date for 5-10k words on my next novel today, so every word here is one less on it LOLOL

      That buildup is totally unimportant and meaningless.

      Successful Fiction writing is TOTALLY different than IM... and it is a mistake I see IMers make all the time.

      They waste their time promoting when they have only a single piece of fiction...

      There are experienced and successful (read -- multi-millionaire) writers advising -- don't bother to pubb until you have 3-5 books ALREADY WRITTEN.

      If you do pubb a single work, then get Butt In Chair ASAP so you can write the next book and then next one and then next one (all aimed at the same readers.)

      ALL promoting does at the beginning is keep you from writing.

      If you have nothing else for readers to read... you are wasting your time and theirs.

      An important important subtlety here is, and part of the FICTION VS IM mind shift needed, is an understanding of the hungry crowd.

      In IM, you are looking for the people with problems... and you solve their prob, which can be done with a single product, although, obviously more than one (upsell and/or downsell) is ideal.

      In FICTION, you are feeding *addicts* (apologies to those who may have loved ones with true issues, but I haven't been able to come up with a better analogy before my morning coffee.)

      FICTION readers are jonesing for the next book in their fav sub-genre. If you don't have another one and another one and another one to send them to, they'll devour yours like starving locusts and move on.

      The odds that your book will be memorable enough for them to remember you until your next release are remote. No matter how good your book is, this is just reality.

      Releasing the first book without others ready to follow within 30-90 days wastes the impact of that first book...

      Stop right now and buy a copy of The Naked Truth about Indie Publishing. If you like to take notes and mark things up, skip to the chase and buy a paper copy...

      Read it, absorb it, and then BIC for your next fiction book...

      The folks writing The Naked Truth, walk the walk.

      They aren't IMErs trying to game the system or make a living doing WSOs... all 10 authors are G-E-N-U-I-N-E NYT Bestsellers...

      And don't be put off by how they are marketing The Naked Truth, it has valuable info that will work for ANY fiction sub-genre.

      Now... get BIC. ;-)

      Off for my morning walk and a heavy writing day! I need all 8 books done before I start releasing in early Sept!

      Best of luck with your writing, which ever path you choose!
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      • Profile picture of the author cashcow
        Originally Posted by TinkBD View Post

        Some plain talk... take it or leave it... apologies if it's blunt, I am eating breakfast before my AM walk... I have a date for 5-10k words on my next novel today, so every word here is one less on it LOLOL

        That buildup is totally unimportant and meaningless.

        Successful Fiction writing is TOTALLY different than IM... and it is a mistake I see IMers make all the time.

        They waste their time promoting when they have only a single piece of fiction...

        There are experienced and successful (read -- multi-millionaire) writers advising -- don't bother to pubb until you have 3-5 books ALREADY WRITTEN.

        If you do pubb a single work, then get Butt In Chair ASAP so you can write the next book and then next one and then next one (all aimed at the same readers.)

        ALL promoting does at the beginning is keep you from writing.

        If you have nothing else for readers to read... you are wasting your time and theirs.

        An important important subtlety here is, and part of the FICTION VS IM mind shift needed, is an understanding of the hungry crowd.

        In IM, you are looking for the people with problems... and you solve their prob, which can be done with a single product, although, obviously more than one (upsell and/or downsell) is ideal.

        In FICTION, you are feeding *addicts* (apologies to those who may have loved ones with true issues, but I haven't been able to come up with a better analogy before my morning coffee.)

        FICTION readers are jonesing for the next book in their fav sub-genre. If you don't have another one and another one and another one to send them to, they'll devour yours like starving locusts and move on.

        The odds that your book will be memorable enough for them to remember you until your next release are remote. No matter how good your book is, this is just reality.

        Releasing the first book without others ready to follow within 30-90 days wastes the impact of that first book...

        Stop right now and buy a copy of The Naked Truth about Indie Publishing. If you like to take notes and mark things up, skip to the chase and buy a paper copy...

        Read it, absorb it, and then BIC for your next fiction book...

        The folks writing The Naked Truth, walk the walk.

        They aren't IMErs trying to game the system or make a living doing WSOs... all 10 authors are G-E-N-U-I-N-E NYT Bestsellers...

        And don't be put off by how they are marketing The Naked Truth, it has valuable info that will work for ANY fiction sub-genre.

        Now... get BIC. ;-)

        Off for my morning walk and a heavy writing day! I need all 8 books done before I start releasing in early Sept!

        Best of luck with your writing, which ever path you choose!
        ^^^^ This should be posted into every kindle thread on this forum.

        Tink has just given you the real truth and the blueprint for kindle fiction success. What she said there is more valuable than 90% of the kindle WSO's you'd buy. And she said it for free!

        And don't even think about a publisher, if you are any good you'll make a lot more money self published, then the publishers will be coming to you and you can push for a deal that pays you what you are worth.
        Gone Fishing
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      • Profile picture of the author jumshi
        Originally Posted by TinkBD View Post

        Releasing the first book without others ready to follow within 30-90 days wastes the impact of that first book...

        Stop right now and buy a copy of The Naked Truth about Indie Publishing.

        30-90 days. so lets see thats basically a 1 month gap release between each book. Thats doable. Im gonna take a look at Naked Truth,thanks although my genre isnt romantic adult fiction.

        I found this quote from cashcow on another thread about selling a series of childrens books ( which is my genre)

        So, you give away book 1 - you get it into as many hands as possible which means promoting the giveaway on the various blogs and even PAYING for featured placement.

        can you guys give me links of some good places for fiction book blogs, forums etc where i can actually pay for featured placement? Ones that are actually tried and tested, not just throwing money at fiverr and hoping itll stick. I dont mind investing money to market the first one free, but If you guys can be generous to share what actually works, in your experience, id appreciate it
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        • Profile picture of the author cashcow
          Originally Posted by jumshi View Post

          [/I]can you guys give me links of some good places for fiction book blogs, forums etc where i can actually pay for featured placement? Ones that are actually tried and tested, not just throwing money at fiverr and hoping itll stick. I dont mind investing money to market the first one free, but If you guys can be generous to share what actually works, in your experience, id appreciate it
          I always did good with the freebooksy feature plus ad on this page : Freebooksy Feature Pricing — Freebooksy | Free eBooks, Free Kindle Books, Free Nook Books

          Over at Author Marketing Club - Free Book Marketing Resources & Tools For Authors they have a page with all the places to submit your book to when it is going to be free. A lot of those places charge $5 or $10 for guaranteed placement which I suggest you use.

          My experience is with adult fiction so I can't say if any of this works for children's books.

          RenfromPenn had exactly the same problem - and she has published 4 books and apart from not writing a series, and im beginning to think it was because she didnt do enough promo beforehand
          I doubt it. Doing promo beforehand works great for established authors whose names are recognizable but for a brand new author that no one has ever heard of I can't see people getting too excited. Probably better to spend your time writing another book.

          Perhaps you could contact some children's blogs or websites that have an email list and tell them about your book and that you will be offering one for free and see if they are interested in mailing their list about it?
          Gone Fishing
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          • Profile picture of the author jumshi
            thanks cashcow

            okay so anyone know of any facebook groups for childrens books? or is this the point where the thread vanishes into the archives never to be seen again

            thanks to everyone by the way, for replying, so far. i appreciate it.
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            • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
              Originally Posted by jumshi View Post

              thanks cashcow

              okay so anyone know of any facebook groups for childrens books? or is this the point where the thread vanishes into the archives never to be seen again

              thanks to everyone by the way, for replying, so far. i appreciate it.
              How about doing some of your own research and getting on Facebook and looking.

              Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

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              • Profile picture of the author jumshi
                Originally Posted by LilBlackDress View Post

                How about doing some of your own research and getting on Facebook and looking.
                Thanks, I have done, but cannot find anything thats why I put the example above
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  • Profile picture of the author dml8131
    I have two books on Kindle not doing much of anything for sales, but that is ok as it was a learning lesson for me to go through the process. Writing and uploading a Kindle book is easy. the hard part is the marketing of the book, which can be time consuming and not very rewarding. However some folks do very well with Kindle, so worth investigating further on your part. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author jumshi
    TinkTB yes i already have 3-5 already written,
    its sounds like i need to be ready with 3-5 books before i even start publishing the first one . At this rate, once the ball starts rolling inbetween releasing one book a month

    Speaking of which, can you guys give me specific places where I can do the following for childrens books

    - promo on 5 days on kindle
    - tweeting on facebook forums and PR
    - submitting on blogs

    basically im trying to organise a timetable for what to do. I know promoting once a day on facebook etc is a good idea, but still - any specific childrens book promo suggestions?

    1 hour facebook ( does anyone know of a good childrens book facebook)
    1 hour forum chatting to other authors ( does anyone know of chatting to other children authors and what i should be saying to them)

    by the way re forum chatting and facebook it sounds like i should be building a name for myself but how can you do it when you have promo facebook pages like this

    that dont allow participation?

    did you guys check out this thread?

    RenfromPenn had exactly the same problem - and she has published 4 books and apart from not writing a series, and im beginning to think it was because she didnt do enough promo beforehand

    analysis paralysis
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  • Profile picture of the author TinkBD
    Remember, this is a marathon.

    For kids books, try reaching out to the HomeSchoolers and Mommy bloggers.
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  • Profile picture of the author jumshi
    Thanks TinkBD

    One last question do people mean by 'gift'? and which one of the following is the best - 1, 2 or 3?

    1. publish
    2. give them 99c voucher to purchase book with and to review? ( then after 2 weeks, reduce price to 0c and submit to promo sites)

    1. publish
    2. give them link to 0c book to review ( and then submit to promo sites at same time)

    1 publish
    2 send them PDF copy of book hoping they buy the book at 99c ( and 3 week later, change price, and submit to free promo sites at KDP at 0c)
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    • Profile picture of the author TinkBD
      Originally Posted by jumshi View Post

      Thanks TinkBD

      One last question do people mean by 'gift'? and which one of the following is the best - 1, 2 or 3?

      1. publish
      2. give them 99c voucher to purchase book with and to review? ( then after 2 weeks, reduce price to 0c and submit to promo sites)

      1. publish
      2. give them link to 0c book to review ( and then submit to promo sites at same time)

      1 publish
      2 send them PDF copy of book hoping they buy the book at 99c ( and 3 week later, change price, and submit to free promo sites at KDP at 0c)
      I'm not sure what you are asking. Sorry.

      You can gift/buy a copy of your book using Amazon for anyone if you have their email address. I believe that it will count towards your purchases... If you have a 70% royalty, doing so will only cost you 30% of the cost.

      I haven't been watching this carefully so things may have changed, in which case I hope someone will correct me ;-)
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      • Profile picture of the author jumshi
        thats what i was looking for - the definition of 'gift'- thanks - basically buying an amazon gift voucher and sending it their email address.

        Originally Posted by TinkBD View Post

        You can gift/buy a copy of your book using Amazon for anyone if you have their email address. I believe that it will count towards your purchases... If you have a 70% royalty, doing so will only cost you 30% of the cost.
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  • Profile picture of the author jumshi
    So im guessing its option one to choose -
    1. publish
    2. give them 99c voucher to purchase book with and to review? ( then after 2 weeks, reduce price to 0c and submit to promo sites)
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    • Profile picture of the author TinkBD
      Originally Posted by jumshi View Post

      So im guessing its option one to choose -
      1. publish
      2. give them 99c voucher to purchase book with and to review? ( then after 2 weeks, reduce price to 0c and submit to promo sites)
      No, not a voucher... Go to your book and gift IT...
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  • Profile picture of the author jumshi
    also wanted to ask, if i have 6 books ready to go, should i just put them up for sale all at once, or just promote one by one? i mean if as you say, its not until you have many books that you get recognition , shouldnt i just get all 6 out there and then start promoting all of them equally?
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    • Profile picture of the author TinkBD
      Originally Posted by jumshi View Post

      also wanted to ask, if i have 6 books ready to go, should i just put them up for sale all at once, or just promote one by one? i mean if as you say, its not until you have many books that you get recognition , shouldnt i just get all 6 out there and then start promoting all of them equally?
      I strongly suggest you invest in a copy of The Naked Truth about Self-Publishing... Chapter 8, by Liliana Hart, has a comprehensive explanation of the Amazon algos... I'd give the Chapter name, but it's too naughty! LOLOLOL

      And remember, the book was written by 10 authors, most of whom have earned over a million $$s writing fiction on Amazon... without resorting to black hat or other questionable methods... I know... a tough concept here... It took most of them about 2 years of hard work to reach that magic tipping point.

      The book has just been published so you can figure the info is at its freshest right now ;-)

      Yes, you can pubb all at once, but you won't be maximizing the Amazon Algos if you do so...

      I pubbed all at once the last time I pubbed, in part due to the timing. This time I will be experimenting... spreading out the 4 books over a period of time...
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      • Profile picture of the author jumshi
        This is great, although arent these authors established so publishing a book together is only adding to their established following right?

        Originally Posted by TinkBD View Post

        And remember, the book was written by 10 authors, most of whom have earned over a million $ writing fiction on Amazon... without resorting to black hat or other questionable methods... I know... a tough concept here... It took most of them about 2 years of hard work to reach that magic tipping point.
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        • Profile picture of the author jumshi
          And finally, when i gift a copy, can you clarify that when i send it to them as a gift, that when i publish it will be priced at 0c, so i can also let the free blog promos know in advance?

          thanks again
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          • Profile picture of the author TinkBD
            Originally Posted by jumshi View Post

            And finally, when i gift a copy, can you clarify that when i send it to them as a gift, that when i publish it will be priced at 0c, so i can also let the free blog promos know in advance?

            thanks again
            When you gift it... if it is priced at $.99, you will pay Amazon $.99 and you get your royalty.

            In order to price it at $.00 you have one of two choices...

            Put it in KDP Select for 90 days and use the 5 FREE days they give you


            Pubb it elsewhere and try to perma-free it thru Amazon, which can take months and is not guaranteed to work
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            • Profile picture of the author jumshi
              Originally Posted by TinkBD View Post

              When you gift it... if it is priced at $.99, you will pay Amazon $.99 and you get your royalty.

              In order to price it at $.00 you have one of two choices...

              Put it in KDP Select for 90 days and use the 5 FREE days they give you

              so basically gift it at 99c to the reviewers, and price it at 00$ and use KDP to promote for 5 FREE DAYS and on those 5 days promote it to that blog?

              is it possible to gift it at 00$? because this would mean i can then put it onto promotion straight away. Im assuming NO because as you say , it can take months for this price to be approved - that is what you said, right?
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              • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
                Originally Posted by jumshi View Post

                so basically gift it at 99c to the reviewers, and price it at 00$ and use KDP to promote for 5 FREE DAYS and on those 5 days promote it to that blog?

                is it possible to gift it at 00$? because this would mean i can then put it onto promotion straight away. Im assuming NO because as you say , it can take months for this price to be approved - that is what you said, right?
                You can put it on promotion as soon as it is published. Make it free and then tell people to download their free copy. And no you can't buy a "free" download as a gift. The button to buy does not show up.

                Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

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                • Profile picture of the author jumshi
                  Originally Posted by LilBlackDress View Post

                  You can put it on promotion as soon as it is published. Make it free and then tell people to download their free copy. And no you can't buy a "free" download as a gift. The button to buy does not show up.
                  LilBlackDress, so I guess even priced at $0 , as long as i enrol in KDP, once ive sent review copies telling them to download now, i can still send it out for FREE 5 DAY PROMO, and notify the free promo blogs. Great this frees up my schedule, giving me more flexibility, gives me one less thing to worry about.

                  And once the new one is up for sale, Ill put it up to 2.99, as by that time, its probably fair to say i can sell it for full price.

                  Except later when i want to put it at 99c or sell as part of a package. Which If i do for any one random day a month, should be okay right?

                  And im guessing you guys package 4 books at a time as a special at say $.6.99? And only do this once every 4 months? Or is there any time scale for this?
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        • Profile picture of the author TinkBD
          Originally Posted by jumshi View Post

          This is great, although arent these authors established so publishing a book together is only adding to their established following right?
          Not sure what your point is?

          They are Romance and Romantic Erotica writers... pubbing a book about pubbing?

          And this DOES have valuable info for ANY Fiction genre

          Unlike most here... they know what they're doing... and they share details...
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  • Profile picture of the author jumshi
    Thanks TinkBD, really appreciate you helping me, I will publish soon and keep you and anyone else interested, on how it goes. Will purchase that book. I need a break from all this analysis and organising lol
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  • Profile picture of the author jumshi
    also how do i set the price at 0c?


    FYI i sent two emails to amazon contact help( about different matters) and they still havent replied to me, so its not like im not trying.,..
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    • Profile picture of the author jumshi
      Originally Posted by jumshi View Post

      also how do i set the price at 0c?


      FYI i sent two emails to amazon contact help( about different matters) and they still havent replied to me, so its not like im not trying.,..
      ok i googled and found this

      put the book on BN first and make it $0 and check the box in Amazon that says available for a lower price. This sets in motion the ability to make the price 0$. The book can't be in the KDP Select Lending program as one of the rules is that only Amazon can be distributing the book.

      anyone know what BN means? And if i cant put it in the KDP system, means that i can only lend it to FREE PROMO BLOGS, which means that after 1 month, i have to set it back at 99c and enlist it in KDP right?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8341482].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TinkBD
        Originally Posted by jumshi View Post

        ok i googled and found this

        put the book on BN first and make it $0 and check the box in Amazon that says available for a lower price. This sets in motion the ability to make the price 0$. The book can't be in the KDP Select Lending program as one of the rules is that only Amazon can be distributing the book.

        anyone know what BN means? And if i cant put it in the KDP system, means that i can only lend it to FREE PROMO BLOGS, which means that after 1 month, i have to set it back at 99c and enlist it in KDP right?
        BN is Barnes and Noble...

        I haven't had my coffee yet so not commenting on rest of post. ;-)

        With all due respect, just write the next one and be sure to aim it at the same readers... don't waste your time promoting a single fiction title... Really.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8341590].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author jumshi
          Originally Posted by TinkBD View Post

          BN is Barnes and Noble...

          I haven't had my coffee yet so not commenting on rest of post. ;-)

          With all due respect, just write the next one and be sure to aim it at the same readers... don't waste your time promoting a single fiction title... Really.
          ok i think i found the answer

          basically you have to publish it at 99c, then for zero at smashwords or BN, then let amazon know about person wrote this

          3) Amazon has a "price matching" policy. Therefore, if you can, over the course of a few weeks, get a number of friends to write to Amazon, saying that they saw your book elsewhere for FREE, and they think Amazon should match that, it's possible that Amazon will lower the price to free.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8341804].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author TinkBD
            Originally Posted by jumshi View Post

            ok i think i found the answer


            basically you have to publish it at 99c, then for zero at smashwords or BN, then let amazon know about person wrote this

            3) Amazon has a "price matching" policy. Therefore, if you can, over the course of a few weeks, get a number of friends to write to Amazon, saying that they saw your book elsewhere for FREE, and they think Amazon should match that, it's possible that Amazon will lower the price to free.
            Yes. Sorry I thought that question had been answered here already. My bad.

            Keep in mind if you set something permafree, it can't be in Select.

            If you put it in Select, you can only go free 5 days out of 90, and you can't sell it anywhere but Amazon. Depending on your sub-niche, you may make far more money putting it across platforms.

            Also things have changed dramatically in the last year and many folks are making plans based on out dated information.

            Is it possible to get a lot of free downloads, still? Yes, it is but it takes planning, and effort... and you'd better know WHY you are doing it. Also, putting a single book free without another, similar book to send them to, may be a largely wasted effort...

            Write the next book and the next one and the next one... then start to promote. The successful fiction authors I know are seeing the tipping point in the 5-7 book range, depending on phase of the moon and how they purse their lips... Your mileage may vary.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8341884].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author cashcow
              Originally Posted by TinkBD View Post

              Also things have changed dramatically in the last year and many folks are making plans based on out dated information.

              Is it possible to get a lot of free downloads, still? Yes, it is but it takes planning, and effort... and you'd better know WHY you are doing it. Also, putting a single book free without another, similar book to send them to, may be a largely wasted effort...

              Write the next book and the next one and the next one... then start to promote. The successful fiction authors I know are seeing the tipping point in the 5-7 book range, depending on phase of the moon and how they purse their lips... Your mileage may vary.
              Please pay attention to this ^^^. It is true gold.

              If you already have reviewers lined up then I think the gifting option that you are planning is the best way to go. Gift it to them, then wait for their reviews to go up.

              2. once 3 weeks are up, just put it on KDP, i know its starting to lose its effect but its better than nothing
              You can put it in kdp right away and still gift it to the reviewers.

              3. once my month is up, Ill put it on smashwords, to be honest its childrens book so idea how many people sell these different formats. my goal is just to build a following
              It's actually 3 months. 90 days. Once you commit to Select you have to stay in for 90 days. You get to put it on free for 5 days out of those 90 days. What most people do is put it free for 2 days, then wait about 6 weeks and put it free again for another two days.

              Like Tink said, the results of this have become severely diminished over the past few months so all the great stories you are reading about giving books away for free are based on old, outdated information.

              I would forget about the smashwords thing for now. Why? It's a pain in the ass to get the book through their meat grinder. You need to have it in a special format and if you have hair now, you will not have any by the time you are done.

              Just put it in Select for the 90 days ... write your other books (actually make sure you have 3 books published before you even do any of the free days etc..)

              See how it goes then decide if you want to use Smashwords. I would recommend just submitting to B&N Kobo and Apple yourself without smashwords that way you have control of your pricing and earnings and you don't have to go through a third party to change stuff. Plus you get paid a lot sooner (and more often).
              Gone Fishing
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8342177].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author jumshi
              Originally Posted by TinkBD View Post

              Keep in mind if you set something permafree, it can't be in Select.

              If you put it in Select, you can only go free 5 days out of 90, and you can't sell it anywhere but Amazon.
              yes, im not putting it on permafree, as decided above, it seems too much hassle

              Originally Posted by TinkBD View Post

              Depending on your sub-niche, you may make far more money putting it across platforms.
              Originally Posted by TinkBD View Post

              i dont think childrens books, my genre will sell well on nook or smashwords,. ill just stick to kindle
              Originally Posted by TinkBD View Post

              Also things have changed dramatically in the last year and many folks are making plans based on out dated information.

              Is it possible to get a lot of free downloads, still? Yes, it is but it takes planning, and effort... and you'd better know WHY you are doing it.

              Also, putting a single book free without another, similar book to send them to, may be a largely wasted effort...

              your first two sentences are kind of cryptic - what do you mean by this?

              no, i dont intend to put a single book out there, ill do the single, then the next will also be next in the series. actually im thinking of releasing two books at once at the same time. not sure yet about this,. maybe stick to just the one.

              Originally Posted by TinkBD View Post

              Write the next book and the next one and the next one... then start to promote. The successful fiction authors I know are seeing the tipping point in the 5-7 book range, depending on phase of the moon and how they purse their lips... Your mileage may vary.
              haha funny. yeah it will vary, thats why im doing as much prep work here, in the analysis paralysis to get it right and be prepared before i start, because inspite of the 'ready fire aim 'yadda yadda analogy that gets touted on here in IM, ive a strong feeling that once you start with kindle, its the snowball effect and you become a book-cranking machine. so you better have a good structural promo plan in place. at least thats the impression im getting.

              ive actually done kindle before with PLR and made some money but screwed up on it due to the ..PLR being detected, and i lost my account, so no way am i gonna make that mistake again.
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  • Profile picture of the author jumshi
    also found a thread on promotion, in case anyones interested.
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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    Just be aware that once you put it on smashwords it's nearly impossible to get them to pull the titles so you will never be able to put that book in the KDP select program. IMHO KDP Select has lost most of its value anyway, but the thing is if you use this method then you won't be able to change the prices quickly or easily (smashwords takes a long time to make the changes).

    It can takes months for your book to go free on Amazon using this method, so you will have to wait until it does BEFORE you notify the free promo blogs.

    While you are waiting write the next book, as Tink advised above.

    I'm not sure why you keep saying "send it out for review" Do you actually have people lined up that you are sending this to?
    Gone Fishing
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8341865].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jumshi
      Originally Posted by cashcow View Post

      Just be aware that once you put it on smashwords it's nearly impossible to get them to pull the titles so you will never be able to put that book in the KDP select program. IMHO KDP Select has lost most of its value anyway, but the thing is if you use this method then you won't be able to change the prices quickly or easily (smashwords takes a long time to make the changes).

      It can takes months for your book to go free on Amazon using this method, so you will have to wait until it does BEFORE you notify the free promo blogs.

      While you are waiting write the next book, as Tink advised above.

      I'm not sure why you keep saying "send it out for review" Do you actually have people lined up that you are sending this to?
      Hi Cashcow

      Thanks for the answer., yes ive decided im going to gift it at 99c,

      1. email the reviewer with the gifted copy, and let them grab it ( i pay for it as TinkBD said)

      2. once 3 weeks are up, just put it on KDP, i know its starting to lose its effect but its better than nothing

      3. once my month is up, Ill put it on smashwords, to be honest its childrens book so idea how many people sell these different formats. my goal is just to build a following

      to answer your q , yes i do.
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  • Profile picture of the author jumshi
    Plus im an unorganised person ( getting the steps right, and sticking to it and following a structure that actually works as opposed to one that doesnt) so i have to work twice as hard as probably most people on here who can cruise through things that much easily
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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    ive actually done kindle before with PLR and made some money but screwed up on it due to the ..PLR being detected, and i lost my account, so no way am i gonna make that mistake again.
    If you already lost your account, how do you plan to publish on there again?

    They have very sophisticated techniques to detect people that have been banned. I don't know if they go after the people so much now as they used to but its not enough just to open a new account with a different email or ip etc.. I even heard of someone forming an LLC to get around this and they were detected and closed down.
    Gone Fishing
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8342224].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jumshi
      Originally Posted by cashcow View Post

      If you already lost your account, how do you plan to publish on there again?

      They have very sophisticated techniques to detect people that have been banned. I don't know if they go after the people so much now as they used to but its not enough just to open a new account with a different email or ip etc.. I even heard of someone forming an LLC to get around this and they were detected and closed down.
      Haha thats what happens when you start being too open and honest on here - it backfires on you.

      Well basically im coauthoring with my friend write books - we are using his account.
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  • Profile picture of the author jumshi
    One last question, is writing a series simply filling in the section called 'is this book part of a series'
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