1 replies
Hi Guy's

Just wandering around minding my own business and a contact has asked me to design a shop for him - checked out the local web designers who charge between £700 and £1600 for a shop design - so I quoted him £1400.

He came back and said yes but I need it up by 1 September, shouldn't be a problem.

But I would like to have a suppliers contract - any idea where I can get one that is good for both parties, my concern is that I do the inital work and then become his free slave forever

We are both in the UK
#contract #sales #shop
  • Profile picture of the author vk3
    First off...

    Congrats on the contract, dude - good on you for grasping at the opportunities that are coming your way!

    To preface this, I'm not a lawyer... it would be smartest to sit down with one and figure this out together... but, if it were me, I'd type up a straightforward contract and make it as simple as possible... state the bare minimum details of the service, have him sign, you sign... done.

    Keep it simple and you (should) be good - otherwise, sit down with a lawyer and be 100% sure.
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