How To Sell Through Blog Posts?

12 replies

I am trying to write articles which directly sell products but I dont want it to appear to spammy.

For example:

Top 10 Resources For Serious Gamers
Top 10 Resources For Fruit Growers
Top 10 Resources For Mum's

Then I link to 10 items such as books, ebooks and products.

The only thing I can think of is to include YouTube videos as resources. What are your thoughts on this please?
#blog #posts #sell
  • Profile picture of the author mickel222
    How about you write your post filled with great content and have a ps line at the bottom of the post. If your readers had interest in your blog post they are likely to want to find out more.

    For example: If you really want to master XXX, check out ......

    Also if you are showing people how to do somethings, it would be logical to include a link to the tools that they need in order to reach their goals. In that way they are a guide on somethings and they need these tools in order to do it theirselves. Therefore you are less spammy as you provide them with the tools they need.
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  • Profile picture of the author TiffanyLambert
    Originally Posted by justlukeyou View Post


    I am trying to write articles which directly sell products but I dont want it to appear to spammy.

    For example:

    Top 10 Resources For Serious Gamers
    Top 10 Resources For Fruit Growers
    Top 10 Resources For Mum's

    Then I link to 10 items such as books, ebooks and products.

    The only thing I can think of is to include YouTube videos as resources. What are your thoughts on this please?
    The best thing you can do is personalize the content. So for example, with serious gamers...

    I would talk about a good headset being one must-have item and I would talk about specs, yes - but also the personalized slant. What bugs you about headsets?

    Ear sweat?
    Too tight they crush your head?
    They don't fit well with glasses?

    Get into some personalized storylines about it. Another item might be a gaming chair. Talk about a specific game you have marathon times with - where you're gaming when you wake up and before you know it, it's dark. Does your back ache then? Which chair is perfect for battling marathon syndrome?

    Those are the kinds of reviews that aren't spammy - they're truly helpful. My affiliate conversions with tangibles have grown from 3-4% to over 8% now that I started doing that with every single piece I upload.
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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    Make a research about every topic by reading many documents about this matter. Then, write an article giving information to your readers in your own words. This is what makes an article differ from a sales letter.

    You have to help your readers learn something interesting thanks to your article, besides showing them that they can learn a lot more by purchasing the products you suggest.

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by justlukeyou View Post


    I am trying to write articles which directly sell products but I dont want it to appear to spammy.

    For example:

    Top 10 Resources For Serious Gamers
    Top 10 Resources For Fruit Growers
    Top 10 Resources For Mum's

    Then I link to 10 items such as books, ebooks and products.

    The only thing I can think of is to include YouTube videos as resources. What are your thoughts on this please?
    Whenever I see articles like this I immediately think "this writer cares nothing about me or my needs, he's just trying to extract my money."

    10 resources followed by 10 links to a variety of products seems "greedy" to me.

    I would focus on creating a an article that was very non-salesy. And rather than focus on your knowledge (10 great resources for . . . whatever) I would focus on identifying the reader's problem and then simply explaining the reason why you know a product can solve the problem.

    Your sales pitch won't come across as such. It will seem more like two friends socializing and one making a recommendation to the other based on his experience.

    Good luck to you,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author aqif
    Let me help you to simplify the method.

    It works for my business.

    1) Make sure the headline are related to your product offering.

    2) Body content is all about solving the problems. Use proven data or research to make your content look stronger.

    3) Before you end up your article, ask them question such as, "Do you want to learn more about making money online?"

    4) Then you can directly promote your affiliate links.

    On top of that, it is important to remember one thing.

    "If you can provide value in free content, then your future customers will love to buy anything from you."

    Hope it helps.

    If you want to learn on how to do Internet marketing the effective ways, go read my blog (Click here). It is free and practical information anyway.

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  • Profile picture of the author justlukeyou
    Thanks guys,

    I am going to focus on creating one blog for each item. It does give me 10 articles instead of 1 however I do like the title "Top 10 Resources For..."

    I will also try and personalise it.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    If you want to TRULY MAKE MONEY, do a TOP LIST on ONE PRODUCT only. Don't do lists of products in one article. It will come off as spammy.

    Here's how I would do the article.

    Step 1: Attention-grabbing headline with LSI Keyword

    Step 2: Filter the reader based on the needs answered by the product.

    Step 3: Lay out, on a point by point basis, why the product answers the reader's needs.

    Step 4: Call the reader to action specifically based on his or her needs and reiterate the main selling point of the product.

    Mix it up:

    The article doesn't have to be a hard sell, you can use the steps above in an article with the following slants:

    Semi-political commentary

    You have to engage the reader while delivering the payload. Also, FILTER HARD because not all readers are ideal customers for whatever it is you are pushing.
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  • Profile picture of the author justlukeyou

    What is LSI? I did Google it but nothing useful came.

    What do mean by filtering also?
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    • Profile picture of the author writeaway
      Originally Posted by justlukeyou View Post


      What is LSI? I did Google it but nothing useful came.

      What do mean by filtering also?
      Latent Semantic Indexing. In other words, related keywords.

      Filtering means you ask questions or raise scenarios so the reader 'self-selects.' There is nothing more pointless than trying to sell stuff to a person who is a bad fit for your product. The filtering process of sales article writing filters the readers into buyers and non-buyers.
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  • Profile picture of the author justlukeyou

    Do you have any examples on filtering. Im not totally sure I understand what you mean. But sounds great advice!
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    • Profile picture of the author writeaway
      Originally Posted by justlukeyou View Post


      Do you have any examples on filtering. Im not totally sure I understand what you mean. But sounds great advice!
      Sorry but I am not going to do your homework for you
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Another tip: while many writers try to apply the sales progression described above in REVIEWS, I strongly urge against it. Why? 3 words: conflict of interest. A review is supposed to be objective. If you're 'reviewing' to sell something, the reader might feel he or she is being manipulated. It's better to come out and just do a straight up sales article or blog post.

    It would also help if you have the right pictures for your article.
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