95 replies
My goal here is to find a legitimate business to start.

I'm a coder so I can build anything, I just need to know what will make money. It doesn't have to produce immediate results, but I'd like to have a clue that something will work down the road.

The tough part is, it's tough to figure out who to believe, who's methods to follow.

The basic question is always, well if they can make so much money doing that, why aren't they doing that?

The basic premise in business is that if you find something that makes you money, keep it to yourself. If you share, you create competition, which you want to seriously avoid in business.

Then it gets even tougher when you grab "systems" and you don't get the entire story.

The pieces that are missing are always the most important part. Over and over you hear the same basic pieces of the puzzle but never the key pieces. What products to sell specifically? And what content actually produces sales?

Everything else you can find for free.

Even CPA. Here is how you do CPA, now figure out which offers to use.

PPC, Here is how you do it, now guess at what you can sell to generate sales.

etc, etc.

It's frustrating. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame anyone for keeping the secrets. But if you are selling the product, shouldn't it be complete?

Sorry to be a skeptic.
  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Some people do sell complete systems. But that takes work... and people hate hard work -. they just want to push a button and get rich Thats why the "get healthy in 2 minutes" sells more then any "work hard for 5 hours per day and get healthy" ebook series... lol
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
    If you can code anything you already have enough skill to
    make money.

    You could sell your services right now to brick and mortar
    businesses (creating them websites, ecommerce solutions
    etc etc).

    It would be more useful if you explained what it is you're
    actually looking for.

    Why aren't you just selling your coding skills?

    Is there something else you're looking for?

    Kindest regards,
    Andrew Cavanagh
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    • Originally Posted by Fernando Veloso View Post

      people hate hard work
      I work hard every day all day and all night.

      Anything worth doing will require hard work.

      However, I want to learn to work smarter. I want to learn how to do work today that makes me money tomorrow and the next day and the next day.

      It can make pennies, fine. I'll do it over and over again until those pennies add up to enough dollars.

      Originally Posted by AndrewCavanagh View Post

      Why aren't you just selling your coding skills?
      Selling coding skills = trading time for money. I'm not looking for that. I'm looking for a method of passive income. I want to do work today that generates money for a period of time.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8396536].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Lance K
        Originally Posted by FailFailFailSucceed View Post

        Selling coding skills = trading time for money. I'm not looking for that. I'm looking for a method of passive income. I want to do work today that generates money for a period of time.
        Create & sell software. The software industry is a multi-billion dollar industry.

        If you're a coder without marketing skills, partner with someone who has the marketing skills.
        "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
        ~ Zig Ziglar
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8396562].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author rickdangelo
          Originally Posted by Lance K View Post

          Create & sell software. The software industry is a multi-billion dollar industry.

          If you're a coder without marketing skills, partner with someone who has the marketing skills.

          I agree with Lance. If you're not quite savvy or interested with marketing, partner with someone who's good at it. Maybe you have a friend who's very good with selling or maybe he constantly meets with business owners who may need websites, software, and other products/services you can code. Believe me, word of mouth, even in today's "online world" is very powerful.

          Best of luck,
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8399746].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Keith Boisvert
        There are 1000's of ideas that work and make passive income. The key is to find what works for YOU.

        If, for example you are passionate about coding, you could create a site dedicated to just coding tips. This could be built into a membership site, and/or you could start developing a mailing list and developing your own product(create once sell over and over).

        The above was just one example. But there are as many options are there are people.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8396576].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Lance K
          Originally Posted by Keith Boisvert View Post

          There are 1000's of ideas that work and make passive income. The key is to find what works for YOU.

          If, for example you are passionate about coding, you could create a site dedicated to just coding tips. This could be built into a membership site, and/or you could start developing a mailing list and developing your own product(create once sell over and over).

          The above was just one example. But there are as many options are there are people.
          Kind of like what Stefan Mischook did with Web Design Tutorials and Web Design Video Tutorials - KillerSites.com. That's where I learned html back in the day.
          "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
          ~ Zig Ziglar
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      • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
        Originally Posted by FailFailFailSucceed View Post

        I work hard every day all day and all night.

        Anything worth doing will require hard work.

        However, I want to learn to work smarter. I want to learn how to do work today that makes me money tomorrow and the next day and the next day.

        It can make pennies, fine. I'll do it over and over again until those pennies add up to enough dollars.
        Sorry if my post was misunderstood - it wasn't a direct hit for you. It was a reference for this:

        It's frustrating. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame anyone for keeping the secrets. But if you are selling the product, shouldn't it be complete?
        Moving on:

        I learned the hard way this one bit - there is NO passive income. Unless you're Oprah and you get paid royalties. Otherwise, in IM, you'll be a slave of "passive": customer support, tickets, updates, etc etc.

        The closest thing I can think of as "passive income" are the trusted relationships I have with people in this industry who trust me to do my job over and over again, all while that circle of trust in getting bigger by the day.

        I still have to work, sure I do!

        But there are plenty of things I don't do anymore (coding/design/copywriting/rat lab/etc) and I get paid very well to let other people I TRUST do all these things for me.

        Hope it makes sense!
        People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8398242].message }}
        • Originally Posted by Fernando Veloso View Post

          Hope it makes sense!
          Makes perfect sense.

          I realize there is no actual passive income. It all takes work.
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      • Profile picture of the author bluewaveseo
        Originally Posted by FailFailFailSucceed View Post

        I work hard every day all day and all night.

        Anything worth doing will require hard work.

        However, I want to learn to work smarter. I want to learn how to do work today that makes me money tomorrow and the next day and the next day.

        It can make pennies, fine. I'll do it over and over again until those pennies add up to enough dollars.

        Selling coding skills = trading time for money. I'm not looking for that. I'm looking for a method of passive income. I want to do work today that generates money for a period of time.
        you should be thinking of a way to "scale up" your coding work. how about having a team of coders??
        Professional Content Writing Services
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8404443].message }}
        • Originally Posted by bluewaveseo View Post

          you should be thinking of a way to "scale up" your coding work. how about having a team of coders??
          Sales is where the rubber meets the road in any business.

          I've got plenty of friends that code that having a team is not an issue.

          But, if you got no money, you got no business.

          I'm not saying anything new here.

          It's a matter of figuring out what will bring in money, the rest is gravy.
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  • Profile picture of the author IamPower
    Your going the right direction and you seem to understand what you want, and you understand hard work (it took me 2 years to understand what that really meant, as i was lazy).

    But for finding areas which has money - its still too open. You need to sit down, and trace out gaps in markets. Don't necessarily think big (most ppl do actually), sometimes thinking smaller earns more because nobody else is thinking of doing it.

    To start with, if you have other passions in your life which you can look to solve problems of. For example, if your a code, what problems do you and the person that hires you can face? is there a solution you can provide (which has ZERO alternatives?)

    I started to look at iphone and ipad apps, to see what solutions are being provided to spark other ideas - get into the creative process, and you will find something worthwhile. Goodluck.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8396573].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
      Originally Posted by IamPower View Post

      You need to sit down, and trace out gaps in markets. Don't necessarily think big (most ppl do actually), sometimes thinking smaller earns more because nobody else is thinking of doing it.

      To start with, if you have other passions in your life which you can look to solve problems of. For example, if your a code, what problems do you and the person that hires you can face? is there a solution you can provide (which has ZERO alternatives?)
      This is the advice to follow.

      If you are looking for your ideas from a forum full of people who make money off selling the same ideas to as many suckers as they can, you are going to be running in place for a long time.

      Instead, look inward. What are your passions and your skills? What markets have you worked in before? What market languages do you speak (i.e. financial, legal, blue collar, manufacturing, etc)?

      Keep your eyes open for opportunities in your various worlds. They are all around you, waiting to be discovered. Once you train yourself to spot them, you won't stop seeing them. As a coder, you have the wonderful advantage of being able to bring your ideas to life.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8396680].message }}
      • Originally Posted by rocket2uranus View Post

        Keep your eyes open for opportunities in your various worlds. They are all around you, waiting to be discovered. Once you train yourself to spot them, you won't stop seeing them.
        Eyes are and have been opened for an awful long time.

        I have apparently not trained myself well at all. hehe

        I read through your posts and you have my respect for sure. Thanks for your feedback.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8396738].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
          Originally Posted by FailFailFailSucceed View Post

          Eyes are and have been opened for an awful long time.

          I have apparently not trained myself well at all. hehe

          I read through your posts and you have my respect for sure. Thanks for your feedback.
          Thank you for the kind words.

          Learning to spot opportunity might take a little practice, but it is not hard to do. Here is a recent example from my own life.

          I run a couple of businesses, but have dabbled in domain name investing as a hobby for the last 15 years. After a few years of not doing much, I recently started doing it more aggressively again. Over several months I acquired a portfolio I am pretty proud of in my business niche. Then I started thinking about the various ways to market these domains. I decided exactly how I wanted to present them to my industry, then went out to find a Wordpress plugin or theme that would allow me to do what I wanted to do.

          Amazingly, one does not seem to exist. This took me by surprise. Surely, I thought, by 2013 SOMEBODY would have created a tool to do something as simple as I had in mind. But after a fair amount of research, I was pretty certain it just didn't exist.

          There are many domainers out there who would benefit from my idea. So instead of creating a custom site to do what I need, I decided to be the one to create it as a Wordpress theme.

          Suddenly the side business of selling domain names to my industry has also spawned a new business of selling a software tool to the domaining community as well. This software is now actively in development, and will be ready within the next few weeks.

          Maybe it will work, maybe it won't. I won't know until it is out there. But even if it does not sell, as a fallback I will have developed something that will help me.

          I have inspirations like this practically every week. I have let many ideas fade away because I just don't have enough "me's" to follow through with all of them. But when I come up with one that is irresistible, I recognize it and grab the opportunity.

          If I was a coder too, this is the kind of thing that would have kept me awake for weeks at a time
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8399976].message }}
          • Originally Posted by rocket2uranus View Post

            If I was a coder too, this is the kind of thing that would have kept me awake for weeks at a time
            Thanks for your real worled example. It definitely has my wheels spinning.

            I have no shortage of ideas. I don't know if I mentioned it here but I started coding in 6th grade. Over the years I've had piles of ideas. In fact plenty are out there having been built elsewhere.

            I've also built plenty of toys along the way too.

            check out phoneknows.com. Prepare to be unimpressed, but if you recoginze what's going on behind the scenes you'll probably appreciate it. There was no purpose in that site than just to put in idea together.

            Everything on that page is delievered to my site from my phone.

            I keep trying to figure out what's going to work before I spend time building it but you are right, there really is no way to know. I just need to get stuff built and see what happens.
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  • Profile picture of the author elbiz
    Could not agree more we all have to start somewhere but that missing piece is what we need and are still searching for until someone gives us a break.dave Ellis
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    • Profile picture of the author Keith Boisvert
      Originally Posted by elbiz View Post

      Could not agree more we all have to start somewhere but that missing piece is what we need and are still searching for until someone gives us a break.dave Ellis
      For me personally, that "missing piece" wasn't something that I needed a break for. It was something I had to find on my own based off of me evaluating myself , my interests, my passions and what I wanted out of IM (long term residual income and automated processes)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8396616].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author joseph7384
        Originally Posted by FailFailFailSucceed View Post

        The basic premise in business is that if you find something that makes you money, keep it to yourself. If you share, you create competition, which you want to seriously avoid in business.

        The pieces that are missing are always the most important part. Over and over you hear the same basic pieces of the puzzle but never the key pieces. What products to sell specifically? And what content actually produces sales?

        Even CPA. Here is how you do CPA, now figure out which offers to use.

        PPC, Here is how you do it, now guess at what you can sell to generate sales.

        etc, etc.

        It's frustrating. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame anyone for keeping the secrets. But if you are selling the product, shouldn't it be complete?

        Sorry to be a skeptic.

        Although there are products that are not entirely complete, the exact offer that the vendor uses should never be relieved.

        Imagine if I sold you a system and gave you the offers that I use, the email swipes, exact copy of my squeeze page every little detail with no stone UN turned, there would be droves of opportunity seekers pillaging the village and raping the women. The bolded part is just an expression!

        If you purchase a money making product that is known to produce results, it is up to you to research and test to create a profitable sales funnel, if it was that easy and everything was given on a silver platter, everybody and their grandmother would be filthy rich.

        Below is a perfect example of a go getter, now get to work and go out and claim what you would consider is rightfully yours.

        Originally Posted by Keith Boisvert View Post

        For me personally, that "missing piece" wasn't something that I needed a break for. It was something I had to find on my own based off of me evaluating myself , my interests, my passions and what I wanted out of IM (long term residual income and automated processes)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8398375].message }}
    • Software development is hit or miss.

      It's a ton of time and effort to create a worthwhile product.

      Once it's done, will it make money. You have to expect failure.

      So lets say it takes 2,3,4 tries before you hit something that generates some money.

      We are talking 6 mos to a year of failure before you find success.

      In all honesty, with how cheap you can have software produced these days, why even code it yourself? You have to expect investment somewhere.

      Seems that creating something that might generate a couple bucks and can be produced in an hour, is a better approch. Like an article on a blog promoting an amazon product or a clickbank product.

      I'm I off on my thinking?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8396634].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Tom B
        Originally Posted by FailFailFailSucceed View Post

        Software development is hit or miss.

        It's a ton of time and effort to create a worthwhile product.

        Once it's done, will it make money. You have to expect failure.

        So lets say it takes 2,3,4 tries before you hit something that generates some money.

        We are talking 6 mos to a year of failure before you find success.

        In all honesty, with how cheap you can have software produced these days, why even code it yourself? You have to expect investment somewhere.

        Seems that creating something that might generate a couple bucks and can be produced in an hour, is a better approch. Like an article on a blog promoting an amazon product or a clickbank product.

        I'm I off on my thinking?
        Yes, your thinking is off. Most businesses fail and that fact isn't specific to the software industry.

        It sounds like you want to throw crap at the wall and see if it sticks. So you want small investments in time and money to see what works.

        That is ok, I guess. That also means you can't tap into one of your biggest skill. You will have to start learning new skill sets which take time and is not guaranteed to make you money.

        The stuff generating a little money here and there typically isn't long lasting from my experience.

        The only guarantee you can get is to make one to yourself. You stick with it for as long as you have to in order to make it work. It doesn't sound like you want to make that commitment yet.

        I never understood people who are not even making consistent money online worrying about it being passive.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8398585].message }}
        • Originally Posted by Thomas Belknap View Post

          It doesn't sound like you want to make that commitment yet.

          I'm definitely ready to make the commitment, the commitment was made long ago. :-)

          I just have not found something to sink my teeth into yet that seems viable.

          Originally Posted by Thomas Belknap View Post

          I never understood people who are not even making consistent money online worrying about it being passive.
          Point taken.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8399118].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tpw
        Originally Posted by FailFailFailSucceed View Post

        Software development is hit or miss.

        It's a ton of time and effort to create a worthwhile product.

        Once it's done, will it make money. You have to expect failure.

        Software is only hit or miss when the coder doesn't know how to market the software.

        As was recommended previously, you should take your skills to a marketer, who will be willing to split revenue with you on a software that you can code.
        Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
        Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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      • Profile picture of the author JennySweets
        Originally Posted by FailFailFailSucceed View Post

        Software development is hit or miss.

        It's a ton of time and effort to create a worthwhile product.

        Once it's done, will it make money. You have to expect failure.

        So lets say it takes 2,3,4 tries before you hit something that generates some money.

        We are talking 6 mos to a year of failure before you find success.

        In all honesty, with how cheap you can have software produced these days, why even code it yourself? You have to expect investment somewhere.

        Seems that creating something that might generate a couple bucks and can be produced in an hour, is a better approch. Like an article on a blog promoting an amazon product or a clickbank product.

        I'm I off on my thinking?
        Yes, you are off in your thinking. The way to avoid this failure you seem to expect is to keep your eyes on the marketplace and see whats missing. The best way to do that of course is to actually be DOING something yourself.

        I am constantly seeing holes I would love to fill with software if I could code it myself, or if I was in a position to outsource it. Stuff I know would make a killing (and eventually a lot of it has been made because other people doing the things I was doing saw the need as well -and they made great money on them.)

        If you can't see needs you could profitably fill with software then I would suspect you are doing too much reading and planning and wishing and not enough doing and actual failing.

        You know, when I first started trying to learn this "internet marketing thing", I bought a training that, was good and bad. I actually learned a lot of fundamentals that have held true despite the Google zoos. However there was a plugin used in the course that just didn't work the way it should.

        There was a guy in the forums for that course who decided, Funk It! and made a better one himself.

        That guy made a brick-ton of money with that plugin, started everything rolling like a snowball for him.

        So maybe you just need to fail at more stuff and figure out what you could develop that would change that for yourself, and others.

        FailFailFailSucceed is your name here, but you seem afraid of that failure and jaded into the thought that it's all you are ever going to have.

        (I've had failure and success and lost and built a business several times since getting started in 2011. Shit happens then BAM! it breaks open. If I can do it despite everything in my life literally exploding in my face - then by gosh pull yourself up by your bootstraps and stop being so .. what's the word I'm looking for.. wishy washy and sad about your situation. You have a golden ticket in your ability to code.)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8399114].message }}
        • Originally Posted by JennySweets View Post

          (I've had failure and success and lost and built a business several times since getting started in 2011. Shit happens then BAM! it breaks open. If I can do it despite everything in my life literally exploding in my face - then by gosh pull yourself up by your bootstraps and stop being so .. what's the word I'm looking for.. wishy washy and sad about your situation. You have a golden ticket in your ability to code.)
          That's some tough love and some great advice.

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      • Profile picture of the author Friedmett
        Originally Posted by FailFailFailSucceed View Post

        Software development is hit or miss.

        It's a ton of time and effort to create a worthwhile product.

        Once it's done, will it make money. You have to expect failure.

        So lets say it takes 2,3,4 tries before you hit something that generates some money.

        We are talking 6 mos to a year of failure before you find success.

        In all honesty, with how cheap you can have software produced these days, why even code it yourself? You have to expect investment somewhere.

        Seems that creating something that might generate a couple bucks and can be produced in an hour, is a better approch. Like an article on a blog promoting an amazon product or a clickbank product.

        I'm I off on my thinking?
        Yes your are!

        Live to win! Stick with those thoughts! What does thoughts on failure bring? drumroll please failure!

        I sugest you start out by opening up your mind and read Think and Grow rich. You can also watch the video on youtube. Then apply the stuff you learn from it. Then build your online business.

        Building a business online is simple.

        Pick a theme (something you are interested in)
        Is it profitable?

        Build your website/blog and capture the contact information (emails)

        Drive traffic to the website/blog.

        That is it really. Of course you have to start at the top and there are some details not mentioned but go slow and learn and apply step by step.

        The theme helps you decide the keywords and content, domain etc.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8404702].message }}
        • Originally Posted by Friedmett View Post

          Think and Grow rich.
          I've read it a few times.

          Originally Posted by Friedmett View Post

          Building a business online is simple.
          Maybe so.

          I've tried a few things here and there and have not seen many results so I've got to find a better way.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8404733].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Friedmett
            Originally Posted by FailFailFailSucceed View Post

            I've read it a few times.

            Maybe so.

            I've tried a few things here and there and have not seen many results so I've got to find a better way.
            Great but you are still not applying it correctly.

            What is wrong with where you currently are in building your business? Going from one thing to the other is a trap to fall in.
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            • The stuff I have tried so far has not genearated much income.

              In addition, it revolves around dumping junk into the Internet which I'm opposed to.

              I want to start something legit that is usefull/wanted.

              I used to play farmville when it first came out. I want the equivalent in the real world.

              I want to do something that if I put in the work it will generate the money.

              I want to leverage my time so that the work I do today continues to earn money into the future. Lets not call it passive, or the passive doens't exit debate may start up.

              I know there is no magic method. I've actually recieved some killer feedback on this thread that really has me thinking.
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  • Profile picture of the author trader909
    it changes so fast fast online you can hope for is to hit it big,make enough, get out.
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfe655
    If anyone answers my post software idea the replies may give you some ideas. I am still very much in the learning mode of coding and am basically looking for ideas to play around with and learn. if it turns out good I may market it sometime. If you can code anything take the best idea in that post make the program and sell it. You will make money. I see it as hard to monatize the programming niche unless you can code good. If you can code good I think you can do very good. I am not to that point yet. Check freelance sites. If you are good, money all day.

    I guess programming is like anything. If it is your job you hate it and don't want to do it and I understand the passive income thing. I am a truck driver and totally hate it but could probably make marketing to truck drivers. I love programming but if I would have gone to collage and did it for a job I probably would have hated it. It is very fun to play around with and learn on my own.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8396630].message }}
    • Originally Posted by wolfe655 View Post

      I guess programming is like anything. If it is your job you hate it and don't want to do it and I understand the passive income thing. I am a truck driver and totally hate it but could probably make marketing to truck drivers. I love programming but if I would have gone to collage and did it for a job I probably would have hated it. It is very fun to play around with and learn on my own.
      I don't hate it. I love it.

      But I'm ready to build my empire and I'm tired of building someone elses.

      I see software development as gambling. Most will not make you money, but now and then one hits.

      If I'm going to gamble, I want to gamble with something that requires a smaller investment in time and money.

      If you want to produce software, quit wasting your time coding it. Go to the freelance sites and hire someone to build it. You can have code done for dirt these days.

      If your product can be developed in stages, all the better. Have a piece coded and let it generate some money, then reinvest that money back into your software.

      coding is extremely time consuming. Your goal should be to remove yourself from spending your time on something. Own the truck, hire a drive then use the money to buy another truck.

      Move up the chain.

      I'm ready to move up the chain, to run the show. I've been the monkey for a long time and life is short.
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfe655
    I understand all your points. I just love learning to program it is fun! I think it was you who said the small stuff that you could make in an hour or two may work. I think that is it. Maybe time wise from a few days to a week. You love coding, you don't have to take a year making full blown apps with all the bells and whistles. Find out what is needed say in the IM niche, ask questions,knock it out quick and promote it for 15 or 20 bucks. It does not have to be the be all end all app just something quick,easy and useful. And have fun doing it. I wish I was a little further along I would make money at this and may look at some ideas you posted here.

    What languages do you know? I love C++but it is hard and takes a long time to get where I want to be. I also use a basic type of game programming language called Dark basic pro, google it and I have recently gotten into C#
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    • Originally Posted by wolfe655 View Post

      What languages do you know? I love C++but it is hard and takes a long time to get where I want to be. I also use a basic type of game programming language called Dark basic pro, google it and I have recently gotten into C#
      VB.NET, ASP.NET, C, C++, PHP, HTML, SQL, Java, Android and on and on and on.

      I started coding in 1978.

      Focus on the basics and realize that those basics are across all languages, it's simply a matter of syntax from language to language.

      You have variables, loops, conditionals, functions etc etc across all languages. Some have additional bells and whistles but the basics are in all of them.

      Ofcourse there are differences between interpreted and compiled as well.

      As you start jumping into other languages, dont be intimidated, just realize that that same stuff is in each of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author sfrewerd
    I like what Pat Flynn, smartpassiveincome.com, did when his 'job' didn't pan out. He took the knowledge/experience he had from being an architect and created an ebook that taught other architects how to pass an industry specific test. He made a ton of money from it and set himself up as an authority. I wonder since you seem to have 'insider coder' knowledge that couldn't you do the same kind of thing? I don't know...just thinking 'around the box' so to speak. Best of luck to you :-)

    Sherry Frewerd
    Family Niche Marketing Network

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    • Originally Posted by sfrewerd View Post

      I like what Pat Flynn, smartpassiveincome.com, did when his 'job' didn't pan out. He took the knowledge/experience he had from being an architect and created an ebook that taught other architects how to pass an industry specific test. He made a ton of money from it and set himself up as an authority. I wonder since you seem to have 'insider coder' knowledge that couldn't you do the same kind of thing? I don't know...just thinking 'around the box' so to speak. Best of luck to you :-)
      Thanks very much sfrewerd for your insight.

      I'll do some thinking on possibilities using that kind of thinking.

      I will tell you this, I have thought many times about coaching young peeps to skip college if they intend to be coders. Colleges are way behind what's going on in the real world and when you interview for a job they want to know what you know, and your college degree really doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

      Ofcourse, I'd also coach them never to work for the man, but be the man right off the bat. But that's a whole different story.

      Thanks again, I like your "around the box" ideas.
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfe655
    Yes I understand all that. I am past basics.now I am sure everyone knows at least one niche I want to market in. Without being able to code well enough it is hard to compete with free. Free tutorials, compilers, tools,etc...
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfe655
    I forgot about HTML. My first site in 1997 was hand coded in HTML. Didn't know any better back then LOL!
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    • Originally Posted by wolfe655 View Post

      I forgot about HTML. My first site in 1997 was hand coded in HTML. Didn't know any better back then LOL!
      What better is there?

      I still hand code it.
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfe655
    I do what I have to when need be but use Wordpress now.less time to get up
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    • Originally Posted by wolfe655 View Post

      I do what I have to when need be but use Wordpress now.less time to get up
      ah yes, that makes sense. I use wordpress where it makes sense.

      But if you want to build the next ebay or google or list building site wordpress wouldn't make much sense.
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      • Profile picture of the author DigitalBusker
        But if you want to build the next ebay or google or list building site wordpress wouldn't make much sense. [/QUOTE]

        What makes wordpress not much sense for list building? Isn't an autoresponder going to help? I don't have the answer, but I guess it's what many do?
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        • Originally Posted by DigitalBusker View Post

          What makes wordpress not much sense for list building? Isn't an autoresponder going to help? I don't have the answer, but I guess it's what many do?

          Sorry, you are right. What I meant was a safe-swaps type site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sushiman1111
    I think that what to sell is going to vary quite a bit between people. For example, I sell a tendon pain product that I created. Now, someone could buy the product, rip it off, and start selling from their own website, but I guarantee you that they would not see the success that I have with it because of the following factors:

    1. I really like the health and fitness market
    2. I've got over three decades of experience in this field
    3. I know a hell of a lot about tendon pain
    4. (Probably most important) I'm the kind of geek who can talk about tendons, collagen formation, etc. all day long and still have fun with it.

    The above means that I can write blog posts about the subject, give great customer support, create new content/products yada yada yada on a pretty much endless basis. Some guy who thinks, "Hey, Sushiman sells this and does pretty well with it; I think I'll do the same" isn't going to find much success.

    So to me, that's why products sell the "how" but not the "what". What works for one person won't necessarily work for another because personality and interests have a lot to do with one's choice of niche. But the "how" is generally pretty applicable across all niches.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    Visit CodeCanyon, see what plugins are selling and making sales.

    Then, simply improve upon their design; model an existing plugin and improve upon it, then list it in their marketplace.


    Simple as that.
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  • Profile picture of the author MNC74
    Its hard to find true honesty or at least I have had a problem finding someone that will be straight up! Spent to much money and not getting a return.You have to check so many things out and if you get lucky someone will help you out. Dive in and be careful some places the water is deep and over your head. I did find someone who taught me more than anyone I have come across thats billkat! If you get a chance check it out. Been trying for a while and he has got me closer to it than anyone else and at good return for your money! Be careful and HAPPY TRAILS TO ALL WHERE EVER THEY MAY LEAD! dont forget were all human!
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  • Profile picture of the author jeffsolochek
    Originally Posted by FailFailFailSucceed View Post

    My goal here is to find a legitimate business to start.

    I'm a coder so I can build anything, I just need to know what will make money. It doesn't have to produce immediate results, but I'd like to have a clue that something will work down the road.

    The tough part is, it's tough to figure out who to believe, who's methods to follow.

    The basic question is always, well if they can make so much money doing that, why aren't they doing that?

    The basic premise in business is that if you find something that makes you money, keep it to yourself. If you share, you create competition, which you want to seriously avoid in business.

    Then it gets even tougher when you grab "systems" and you don't get the entire story.

    The pieces that are missing are always the most important part. Over and over you hear the same basic pieces of the puzzle but never the key pieces. What products to sell specifically? And what content actually produces sales?

    Everything else you can find for free.

    Even CPA. Here is how you do CPA, now figure out which offers to use.

    PPC, Here is how you do it, now guess at what you can sell to generate sales.

    etc, etc.

    It's frustrating. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame anyone for keeping the secrets. But if you are selling the product, shouldn't it be complete?

    Sorry to be a skeptic.
    What about creating a video that teaches newbies how to become a coder? you could then sell a course that teaches this. A course as an affiliate or create one yourself. The video you make you would upload it to a site like YouTube.

    Now if you want to market other products and make money then you will need something like Stone evan's Plug in profit Site which if followed will teach you to make a full time income online. another good training product that I found is The six Figure Shortcut. It has some great reviews, never saw any negatives plus it will only cost you $27.

    Now I know several marketers have learned how to make money online by just following discussions on this forum.

    Jeff Solochek

    I also build blogs for companies and individuals

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  • Profile picture of the author Devin X
    Originally Posted by FailFailFailSucceed View Post

    My goal here is to find a legitimate business to start.

    I'm a coder so I can build anything, I just need to know what will make money. It doesn't have to produce immediate results, but I'd like to have a clue that something will work down the road.
    You're a coder and you're skeptical about online business!? :confused: What kind of coding are you good at, if any?
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    • Originally Posted by TheRealDudeman View Post

      You're a coder and you're skeptical about online business!? :confused: What kind of coding are you good at, if any?
      No, I'm not skeptical about online business Mr. Dudeman.

      Just skeptical about systems that only tell half the story.

      I'm a web developer more than anything. I code by day in ASP.NET, SQL Server right now. I do ssis ssrs etc. But I also do alot of PHP, HTML at home along with some Jave when I play with Android stuff. I've coded in the past in various strains of SQL (Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server), Classic ASP, C, C++, Pascal, Basic, vb Desktop, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author jofa
    Could not agree with you more.
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonBennet
    I think you will be able to find some Warriors who are trusted and you can learn it from them. The key is to just focus on one system and take action on it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Geri Richmond
    What questions did you have when you started coding? What questions do you still have? Write an E book about your knowledge on coding and sell it on Kindle. Kindle is really hot right now. I think Kindle will always be hot until something replaces it.

    Geri Richmond
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  • Profile picture of the author garyv
    One method of getting into a groove of making sales, is to find out what's selling, and sell it or something similar. I know you think that everyone keeps it a secret, but there are places where sales can't be kept a secret. For instance on eBay - you can't really keep what is selling a secret, because you can see it in people's feedback, plus you can do a search for completed auctions.

    I know you said you were a coder - one place where you can see what is in demand is at Wordpress Plugins - jQuery Plugins - Bootstrap Plugins | CodeCanyon - you can browse the software there by the most sold, and the highest rated. It'll give you a great idea of what is in demand.

    Another great place for finding money makers is on flippa - The money makers there usually provide screenshots and analytics - you can browse and easily find some good money making ideas.
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    • Originally Posted by garyv View Post

      One method of getting into a groove of making sales, is to find out what's selling, and sell it or something similar. I know you think that everyone keeps it a secret, but there are places where sales can't be kept a secret. For instance on eBay - you can't really keep what is selling a secret, because you can see it in people's feedback, plus you can do a search for completed auctions.

      I know you said you were a coder - one place where you can see what is in demand is at Wordpress Plugins - jQuery Plugins - Bootstrap Plugins | CodeCanyon - you can browse the software there by the most sold, and the highest rated. It'll give you a great idea of what is in demand.

      Another great place for finding money makers is on flippa - The money makers there usually provide screenshots and analytics - you can browse and easily find some good money making ideas.
      Good Stuff Gary

      Thanks alot for all of this. I'll be digging in immediately and seeing if I an pick up on something.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    if you are a coder and you can build anything, why don't you create a software or an app and sell that?
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  • Profile picture of the author ReferralCandy
    Being able to code is a tremendous skill that puts you head and shoulders above most of the competition.

    You don't have to work in 6 month blocks. You should look for little things you can contribute to, and iterate from there.

    Do you have a day job? If you do, you can afford to be experimental on the side- work on open-source projects, meet people who're working on legitimate products who're looking for coders.

    I repeat- you don't have to throw yourself into something epic and pray that it succeeds. Aim to make lots of little successes instead. Ship fast, move fast and break things. I know of engineers who make passive income from little $1 apps that they made in a week or so of tinkering-around-for-fun. It's not a lot, but you can build several of those- you'll become better as a coder, you'll build a reputation, you'll get sought out for better projects.

    The life of a coder is pretty fun once you've put in the hours to become competent!

    You say you want something that's a legitimate business, or something that you know will work down the road. Here's the thing- Google, Facebook, all of those things weren't legitimate businesses when they started out. This isn't a recent phenomena. Planes, cars, electric guitars, trains, engines- ALL of those things were toys before they became "legitmate businesses". All of those things didn't look like they were going to work out down the road.

    If I could tell you about something that was DEFINITELY going to be a legitmate business and earn money down the road, I'd be doing it myself instead. There's always risk involved in such exploration. The challenge isn't to get rid of the risk- that's impossible- it's to ensure that you can survive losing, and move from loss to loss with undiminished enthusiasm.

    Measure, manage and incentivize customer referrals with ReferralCandy.

    PS: Looking to get more repeat customers for a physical store? Check out CandyBar's digital loyalty cards!

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    • Originally Posted by ReferralCandy View Post

      I repeat- you don't have to throw yourself into something epic and pray that it succeeds. Aim to make lots of little successes instead. Ship fast, move fast and break things. I know of engineers who make passive income from little $1 apps that they made in a week or so of tinkering-around-for-fun. It's not a lot, but you can build several of those- you'll become better as a coder, you'll build a reputation, you'll get sought out for better projects.


      I'd love to figure out apps like this.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Atkins
    My guess is you bought plenty of products and were disappointed, otherwise you wouldn't be posting this. Why not stop buying products and think about ways to make money yourself?

    If you're a good coder and like what you do then you can easily make money.
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Skepticism is healthy but only up to an extent.

    If you're so skeptical that you're not taking action and learning, then you have an unhealthy case of skepticism. It needs to be toned down.

    I had all the same questions you have and most of those questions went away soon as I started taking action.
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    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by FailFailFailSucceed View Post

      The basic question is always, well if they can make so much money doing that, why aren't they doing that?

      Sorry to be a skeptic.
      I must take issue with one point in your original post. Here is my answer to your question in my case:

      I am not doing what I teach for the simple reason that I have done it for 22 years and am now in health enforced retirement. What I teach works, and I have not left anything out. I teach safe sourcing and easy importing, but I DO NOT claim to teach which products you should import and sell, or how to sell what you import.

      I tend to be somewhat of a skeptic myself so I don't blame you. In fact in a recent post regarding how gullible a great many people seem to be when sourcing supplies overseas, I wrote: Rule #1 - Never Trust Anybody.

      P.S. Did you know that Websters have removed the word "gullible" from their latest edition?
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see https://provenglobalsourcing.com
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      • Originally Posted by Importexport View Post

        I am not doing what I teach for the simple reason that I have done it for 22 years and am now in health enforced retirement. What I teach works, and I have not left anything out. I teach safe sourcing and easy importing, but I DO NOT claim to teach which products you should import and sell, or how to sell what you import.
        Well that makes perfect sense.

        Originally Posted by Importexport View Post

        P.S. Did you know that Websters have removed the word "gullible" from their latest edition?
        I did not know that. It makes no sense to me even.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
        Originally Posted by Importexport View Post

        P.S. Did you know that Websters have removed the word "gullible" from their latest edition?
        lol, I just got it.
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        • Originally Posted by rocket2uranus View Post

          lol, I just got it.
          I've heard it before and I still fell for it. oy
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    • Profile picture of the author EnterIn
      I like your thinking.

      It seems to go to the heart of the matter.


      Because it is very hard to succeed both off and online if you don't know what people are willing to spend their hard earned money on.

      So while we can offer you various suggestions such as write an eBook or start a membership site, or create products and license them to other people for royalty payments, the fundamental issue will always be whether or not there is a market for what you plan to sell.

      This is the domain of market research and you are right. It is a KEY but missing piece of the puzzle in almost every online course. There is a saying that "to fail to prepare is to prepare to fail".

      You see, the truth is that the very successful businesses spend a significant amount of time researching what people want to buy and then decide what to sell based on their findings.

      And since the foundation (the part you can't see) is strong, the entire business becomes strong.

      Ok enough yapping. If you want to build an online business that sells stuff that people definitely want, I strongly recommend www.sitesell.com.

      It is a combination of a course and software that enable you to find a hungry market of people to sell to before you focus your online business on any specific area.

      In other words, it will let you know before hand whether there is a market for the ideas you have in mind. Before you build a single page of your website or write a single word of an eBook. That's priceless.

      I personally use it. And I have been able to find some niches that not many people are currently marketing to. I have not even put any link to my website on this forum yet because I am building great traffic using great search terms and I don't want anyone to find out what those terms are! (Where is my abundance mentality man!)

      I only have one competitor and at the moment she has one page on page 1 of Google while I have 3!

      So use Sitesell. It will solve the "what to sell" piece of the puzzle for you.

      Regarding what to write in order to sell, this question appears to really be about "how to sell". That's the realm of copywriting and again I agree with you entirely. Persuasive writing is key to being able to sell.

      The good news is that it is a skill you can learn. Check out www.Dankennedy.com for great copywriting courses and books. For me, he is the current undisputed authority in this area though there are many other people as well (ok, a bit of self contradiction there).

      I hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author RestlessBlaze
    1)Create a list of 10 softwares which are really good. in Im community.

    2) See, which one you can build.

    3) Sell PLR, MLR rights for $1000 and support for $200 per month.

    4) Make sure, their business dont fall apart. Make sure, you back these guys properly.

    There you go with $20k passive income.

    I can go on and on. Here's other tip.

    Let's say you have 10 ideas which you think will be massive hit. Dont code, create salespage first.

    Drive traffic to the salespage from various sources. Like, facebook, adwords etc (no free trafic please).

    Put buy now button, but make sure, when someone reach paypal page, it says "Out of stock".
    You test 10 different software ideas with this method. I am sure, one oe 2 will come as winner. Now, you know, if coded these softwares will bring sales.

    Than, start coding. Easy stuff.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8399276].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mrkitty
      Originally Posted by RestlessBlaze View Post

      1)Create a list of 10 softwares which are really good. in Im community.

      2) See, which one you can build.

      3) Sell PLR, MLR rights for $1000 and support for $200 per month.

      4) Make sure, their business dont fall apart. Make sure, you back these guys properly.

      There you go with $20k passive income.

      I can go on and on. Here's other tip.

      Let's say you have 10 ideas which you think will be massive hit. Dont code, create salespage first.

      Drive traffic to the salespage from various sources. Like, facebook, adwords etc (no free trafic please).

      Put buy now button, but make sure, when someone reach paypal page, it says "Out of stock".
      You test 10 different software ideas with this method. I am sure, one oe 2 will come as winner. Now, you know, if coded these softwares will bring sales.

      Than, start coding. Easy stuff.

      This is no good. See, you didn't tell him exactly what kind of software to create, you didn't tell him what his ad should say or what keywords to use, you didn't tell him what color his buy button should be, you didn't tell him what time he should set his alarm clock for.....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8399597].message }}
      • Originally Posted by mrkitty View Post

        This is no good. See, you didn't tell him exactly what kind of software to create, you didn't tell him what his ad should say or what keywords to use, you didn't tell him what color his buy button should be, you didn't tell him what time he should set his alarm clock for.....
        Point taken.
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      • Profile picture of the author RestlessBlaze
        Originally Posted by mrkitty View Post

        This is no good. See, you didn't tell him exactly what kind of software to create, you didn't tell him what his ad should say or what keywords to use, you didn't tell him what color his buy button should be, you didn't tell him what time he should set his alarm clock for.....

        I did, see first 2 points.

        1) Check which IM softwares are doing well and then create salespage, test.

        Iif OP want me to give exact software details, then it wont happen. Thats reserve for me or some coder i will be partnering with

        But, again read point 1. I am not sure, how can i make it more clear than that.
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    • Originally Posted by RestlessBlaze View Post

      1)Create a list of 10 softwares which are really good. in Im community.

      2) See, which one you can build.

      3) Sell PLR, MLR rights for $1000 and support for $200 per month.

      4) Make sure, their business dont fall apart. Make sure, you back these guys properly.

      There you go with $20k passive income.

      I can go on and on. Here's other tip.

      Let's say you have 10 ideas which you think will be massive hit. Dont code, create salespage first.

      Drive traffic to the salespage from various sources. Like, facebook, adwords etc (no free trafic please).

      Put buy now button, but make sure, when someone reach paypal page, it says "Out of stock".
      You test 10 different software ideas with this method. I am sure, one oe 2 will come as winner. Now, you know, if coded these softwares will bring sales.

      Than, start coding. Easy stuff.
      Great advice. hmmmmmmm
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  • Profile picture of the author Cason
    I think you need to focus on the business fundamentals like focusing on giving value instead of the technical stuff.

    Use your coding skills to HELP others solve their problems and better their lives.

    If you have something good enough even the simplest traffic methods would work. Like just putting up your app in the appstore, just posting your app on random forums telling people to check it out.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrkitty
    Sorry to be a skeptic.
    On the contrary, you're more than happy to be a skeptic. It gives you the excuse you need to keep from taking action. I mean, seriously, you're skeptical because they aren't telling you exactly which product to promote with ppc and which cpa offers to promote? And how long do you think that would last after revealing that info to 1,000 people? Or maybe you think they should do all the work and research to give each person a different offer. Probably should build the site and do the keyword research too, right? All for the price of a $7 wso. Hey, maybe they could throw in a burping and a diaper change and tuck you into bed too as a free bonus.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8399582].message }}
    • Originally Posted by mrkitty View Post

      On the contrary, you're more than happy to be a skeptic. It gives you the excuse you need to keep from taking action. I mean, seriously, you're skeptical because they aren't telling you exactly which product to promote with ppc and which cpa offers to promote? And how long do you think that would last after revealing that info to 1,000 people? Or maybe you think they should do all the work and research to give each person a different offer. Probably should build the site and do the keyword research too, right? All for the price of a $7 wso. Hey, maybe they could throw in a burping and a diaper change and tuck you into bed too as a free bonus.
      24 posts and you are delivering tough love already.

      You are right though.

      Thanks for your feedback.
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  • Profile picture of the author markowe
    Wordpress plugins. Simple to code, can be something pretty basic to begin with, that meets a need. Try this Google search: https://www.google.com/search?&q=%22...plugin+that%22

    Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

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  • Profile picture of the author TryBPO
    Hey OP,

    What kind of coder/programmer are you? Where did you cut your teeth and what have you built so far? Who do you follow online that you might be able to partner with that has complimentary skills?

    Really rough guess here - but I'm thinking that if you're a programmer you're probably not great at reaching out to people and that's where I think you should start. Try to leverage those that are good at marketing, have an audience, etc. If they're building that they likely have technical needs that you can help them with.

    For example, my business partner and I are not programmers. We're often stuck trying to find/hire programmers to handle our software projects. This can be a bit of a pain - especially when those programmers go missing, stop communicating, etc. Find guys like us, find out what our needs are, and help us build cool shit...
    Website Brokers - We can help you sell businesses making $500 to $50K per month.

    Free Website Valuation - How much is your website really worth? Find out here, free.
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    • Originally Posted by TryBPO View Post

      build cool shit...
      Great advice and this is exactly what I want to do.

      And just so you know, I'm not your typical coder. In fact I have been asked multiple times why I'm not in marketing. hehe.

      Thanks for your input, I really appreciate it.
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  • Profile picture of the author emelef
    The smart choice is one of the three big markets: Dating, Health and Fitness or Make Money markets.
    It doesn't matter what you choose just commit, focus and be consistent. Don't hop around because you don't see instant results. A ready made marketing system makes it much easier to start because although you know coding you aren't a copywriting expert... There is much to learn and no RIGHT answer here. It's up to you... you can make anything a success but make a choice, commit and focus. It can be easy if you want it to be.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
      Originally Posted by emelef View Post

      The smart choice is one of the three big markets: Dating, Health and Fitness or Make Money markets.
      It doesn't matter what you choose just commit, focus and be consistent. Don't hop around because you don't see instant results. A ready made marketing system makes it much easier to start because although you know coding you aren't a copywriting expert... There is much to learn and no RIGHT answer here. It's up to you... you can make anything a success but make a choice, commit and focus. It can be easy if you want it to be.
      I couldn't disagree more. The last thing any of those markets need is another disingenuous "guru" selling crap that doesn't really fix anything. And with the high level of competition in those markets, there is nothing "easy" about standing out even if you do have the goods.

      Find your niche. There is a world of opportunity for those willing to learn how to recognize it. Take a few risks. Build something new and genuinely useful, then market it to your audience. I guarantee you it can be done. I have done it multiple times.
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      • Profile picture of the author Tom B
        Originally Posted by rocket2uranus View Post

        I couldn't disagree more. The last thing any of those markets need is another disingenuous "guru" selling crap that doesn't really fix anything. And with the high level of competition in those markets, there is nothing "easy" about standing out even if you do have the goods.

        Find your niche. There is a world of opportunity for those willing to learn how to recognize it. Take a few risks. Build something new and genuinely useful, then market it to your audience. I guarantee you it can be done. I have done it multiple times.

        That is a very limited belief system you have there.

        Those niches are fantastic. They are so big you don't need a lot to make little or big money. Millions of people are coming into those markets daily. If that isn't something that should excite you, I have to wonder why you're here.

        If you don't want to sell disingenuous products, don't create and sell them. I am wondering why you think you have to scam people in order to make money in those markets.

        As for standing out, that will be the same in any niche. Sure, it is easier to stand out when you have only two competitors but then you will need a part time job at McDonalds. There are reasons for little competition.
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        • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
          Originally Posted by Thomas Belknap View Post

          That is a very limited belief system you have there.

          Those niches are fantastic. They are so big you don't need a lot to make little or big money. Millions of people are coming into those markets daily. If that isn't something that should excite you, I have to wonder why you're here.

          If you don't want to sell disingenuous products, don't create and sell them. I am wondering why you think you have to scam people in order to make money in those markets.

          As for standing out, that will be the same in any niche. Sure, it is easier to stand out when you have only two competitors but then you will need a part time job at McDonalds. There are reasons for little competition.
          I never said anything about having to scam people people to make money in those markets. They are huge, and there is plenty of opportunity to be had for those who are motivated to tap them.

          However, the OP is looking for some advice on what to do with his life. He has certain skills but lacks direction. Based on what little he shared with us, I believe he would bring little, if anything, of value to those markets. Sure, he could find some existing products and learn to be an affiliate, but that is a terrible underutilization of what he actually brings to the table. And there is still no guarantee that he would succeed.

          What I suggest is an infinitely more fulfilling destiny. People who bring something of genuine value to the world around them get rewarded in many ways for their efforts. Learning to spot new opportunities, developing them to their full potential and marketing them to a "hungry crowd" also means he will not be as vulnerable to the next fad.

          There are many people who make money online. Some will lead and innovate, most will be followers, imitators or even parasites - looking to profit off of other people's success.

          I know what I would rather be.
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          • Profile picture of the author Tom B
            Originally Posted by rocket2uranus View Post

            I never said anything about having to scam people people to make money in those markets. They are huge, and there is plenty of opportunity to be had for those who are motivated to tap them.

            However, the OP is looking for some advice on what to do with his life. He has certain skills but lacks direction. Based on what little he shared with us, I believe he would bring little, if anything, of value to those markets. Sure, he could find some existing products and learn to be an affiliate, but that is a terrible underutilization of what he actually brings to the table. And there is still no guarantee that he would succeed.

            What I suggest is an infinitely more fulfilling destiny. People who bring something of genuine value to the world around them get rewarded in many ways for their efforts. Learning to spot new opportunities, developing them to their full potential and marketing them to a "hungry crowd" also means he will not be as vulnerable to the next fad.

            There are many people who make money online. Some will lead and innovate, most will be followers, imitators or even parasites - looking to profit off of other people's success.

            I know what I would rather be.
            That was a decent rant... I hope you feel better.

            He will have to learn a market in order to become active in it. There is no getting around that.

            It would be more cost effective if he put his effort learning a bigger market compared to a small niche based market where there is limited growth.

            It is up to him to decide what he wants to deliver. Adding value has nothing to do with the market in itself.
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      • Profile picture of the author Lance K
        Originally Posted by rocket2uranus View Post

        I couldn't disagree more. The last thing any of those markets need is another disingenuous "guru" selling crap that doesn't really fix anything. And with the high level of competition in those markets, there is nothing "easy" about standing out even if you do have the goods.

        Find your niche. There is a world of opportunity for those willing to learn how to recognize it. Take a few risks. Build something new and genuinely useful, then market it to your audience. I guarantee you it can be done. I have done it multiple times.
        You don't have to be a disingenuous "guru" selling crap that doesn't really fix anything.

        You don't even have to be well enough versed to create quality content. Hire someone else to do it. Pay them for their expertise and use it to put together something that satisfies and existing demand.

        You don't need to be the expert. You just need to own the rights to high quality, in demand products. From there, all you need to be is a marketing machine.
        "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
        ~ Zig Ziglar
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  • Profile picture of the author ronrule
    Originally Posted by FailFailFailSucceed View Post

    The basic question is always, well if they can make so much money doing that, why aren't they doing that?

    The basic premise in business is that if you find something that makes you money, keep it to yourself. If you share, you create competition, which you want to seriously avoid in business.
    I think these three sentences sum up your entire post, but there's a huge flaw in your logic - you're thinking too small. Monetizing your knowledge always has the potential to be more lucrative than monetizing your labor.

    People are at different points in their career paths. I reached the point a long time ago where sitting in front of a screen all day to make $5,000 or $7,000 or $8,000 a month wasn't appealing. Those days may be well behind me, but to others that would be a "dream job" to be able make a few grand a month working from home. There are only so many hours in a day, and only so many of those hours you can allocate to working, therefore when you're monetizing your labor there will always be a ceiling.

    So which is a better deal for me ... sit in front of a screen for 8 hours a day making $8,000 a month, or sell the knowledge of how to do that to 2,500 people at $18 a copy and make $45,000 right now without doing any of it? The choice is pretty obvious.

    At this stage in life, I'd much rather monetize my knowledge, and someone who's in your position and just getting started can get a head start by not having to go through all of the trial and error I did to figure it out. How you apply that knowledge, however, is up to you to figure out.

    Don't be so quick to discount the software and strategy sellers. Sure there are scams and frauds out there selling air, but there are also plenty of valid reasons to want to sell the knowledge instead of monetizing your labor.

    Ron Rule

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    • Profile picture of the author Dave Bean
      In my opinion this post by ronrule is some of the best advice you will ever read on this forum.

      Originally Posted by ronrule View Post

      I think these three sentences sum up your entire post, but there's a huge flaw in your logic - you're thinking too small. Monetizing your knowledge always has the potential to be more lucrative than monetizing your labor.

      People are at different points in their career paths. I reached the point a long time ago where sitting in front of a screen all day to make $5,000 or $7,000 or $8,000 a month wasn't appealing. Those days may be well behind me, but to others that would be a "dream job" to be able make a few grand a month working from home. There are only so many hours in a day, and only so many of those hours you can allocate to working, therefore when you're monetizing your labor there will always be a ceiling.

      So which is a better deal for me ... sit in front of a screen for 8 hours a day making $8,000 a month, or sell the knowledge of how to do that to 2,500 people at $18 a copy and make $45,000 right now without doing any of it? The choice is pretty obvious.

      At this stage in life, I'd much rather monetize my knowledge, and someone who's in your position and just getting started can get a head start by not having to go through all of the trial and error I did to figure it out. How you apply that knowledge, however, is up to you to figure out.

      Don't be so quick to discount the software and strategy sellers. Sure there are scams and frauds out there selling air, but there are also plenty of valid reasons to want to sell the knowledge instead of monetizing your labor.

      Follow ronrule's advice and sell your knowledge of "coding" on a platform like Udemy.com

      Here are just a few examples of coders earning good money selling their knowledge.





      Udemy.com also has an affiliate program to help you market your online courses.

      You could offer a free course to built a huge list of high quality buyers who already trust your opinions. Pure gold right there.

      Once you are set up.... just sell your knowledge "online courses" over and over again.

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  • Profile picture of the author thedanbrown
    What you're encountering is really common. Information overload... there are SO many different ways to make money online so it's important to choose one business model, stcik to it, take massive action, follow it through all the way.

    Buying different reports all the time will just end up pulling you in 15 different directions and you'll jsut keep buying the "tactic of the month" really to avoid getting anything productive done at all. You have to make the switch from consumer to marketer. Buying something NEVER puts dollars in your bank account. That's not to say the information you bought isn't worth it because if you implement what you're taught you could get a return on your investment but the important thing is to take action and implement what you learn. Just learning doesn't bring results.
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  • Profile picture of the author brutecky
    Originally Posted by FailFailFailSucceed View Post

    The basic premise in business is that if you find something that makes you money, keep it to yourself. If you share, you create competition, which you want to seriously avoid in business.
    No there are no key pieces of anything missing. No one is going to tell you what products to sell. And even if they did it would be invalid anyway. For example if I told 5,000 people to sell 'foo' and suddenly everyone is selling 'foo' then the value of 'foo' just plummeted (supply and demand), so now 'foo' isnt the thing you should be selling.

    Ill bet you all ready know how to make money online. In fact Ill bet around 75% of the people who DONT actually make money online in fact KNOW how to make money on line.

    Want to know what the 'key piece is' (Ill tell you for $7.95, but the price is going to go up in just 3 sales) ..

    Really though the key piece is ACTION!
    Those who do well take it .. the other 99% do not.
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  • Profile picture of the author RestlessBlaze
    Take action, thats the most important thing. No matter, how hard everyone tries to tell you. I can assure you, in the end nothing will happen if you dont take action.

    However, let me tell you, you are sitting on goldmine
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    • Originally Posted by RestlessBlaze View Post

      However, let me tell you, you are sitting on goldmine
      We all are then.

      Coders can be outsourced cheap these days.

      It's a matter of knowing what to put together that will make the moolah.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Rosmer
    You sound like a smart guy so it should be pretty simple for you. What sells? Well just ask, what's selling now? What do you buy? The problem with the question "what sells?" is a billion things sell. Just think about yourself, how many things do you buy? If you want to do well sell things you buy or have expertise in so you can know which are better and which are worse and help to provide the best for your customers.

    The second part of this equation is providing a great deal on what sells.

    Then you've got the question of what makes money, which involves the question of customer acquisition costs, which are deeply rooted in lifetime value, which is why list building is so important.
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  • Profile picture of the author RestlessBlaze
    Tthere is difference between coding and running a full startup. The guy is asking "How to create succesful startup". Now, you wont like it, but building a business is an art, not science. We are trying to make it science, but we havnt suceeded in it yet.

    So, only thing i can tell you is do out there and take action.You got to fail 1000 times, you cannot win without failing.

    Now, right now your mindset is "I dont want to fail". This wont work in business. You got to embrace failure. Comingto your question, "what software i should build?" . Ask yourself. Ii know you will say, thats not the answer i am looking for.

    But, thats the truth. I wish, you fail 1000 times before making a success. I am sure, your success will be long lasting. I am pretty sure, you are well settled guy with no stress of bringing food to the table.

    Then, why you dont take chance and live life to the fullest. Go ahead and make next facebook. Enjoy success, failure, betrayal, lies, truth, insanity,sanity, abundance, greedy people, loyalty and also enjoy stabbing in the back. these things will make you powerful. these things will make your success worthwhile. There is lot of fun things out there. Go andemrace sadness and happiness, you cant have only happiness in this world.

    Sooner or later a peace will fill your heart, where sadness and happiness both will feel the same way. There you will feel abundance.
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  • Profile picture of the author svetod
    Beginnings are always hard. I remember the time, before I became successful in affiliate marketing. I tried so many products without success. But I never gave up and thought of my lost money as an investment.
    Then I found that I am really good at lead generation, especially in financial sectors, payouts are very high and this is how I am making lots of money nowadays.
    I can recommend you lead generation as well.

    Any questions, let me know!
    Want To Know How I Make Money Online? Read my story http://affiliate-lifestyle.com/
    Follow me on Instagram for Daily Inspiration & Free Tips: svetlintodd
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  • Profile picture of the author betterwtveter
    You have great skill but don't forget that hard work is the key of success. Never follow short cuts. Follow the valid and authentic ways to earn money.
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