Your Best Traffic Experts?

18 replies
Who do you think are the best IM experts for teaching how to get traffic to your sites or to an offer?
#experts #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author emelef
    Too many to mention. Depends if you want paid traffic or free traffic or do social media or solo ads... everyone is an expert at different things. Find a hub where you have a range of experts.
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    • Profile picture of the author LeslieZ
      Looking for free traffic mostly
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      • Profile picture of the author themusiccoach
        I do find it rather frustrating when people do not at least try to be helpful but I honesty find that to be the minority here. Otherwise you get: well you should figure it out.

        Here my list for what it is worth at least it IS one:Brian Clark - @Copyblogger, Matt Cutts - @mattcutts, Bryan Eisenberg - @theGrok,Rand Fishkin - @randfish, Avinash Kaushik - @avinash, Ian Lurie - @Portentint, Geno Prussakov - @eprussakov, Danny Sullivan - @dannysullivan, Adam Sherk - @adamsherk, Dan Zarrella - @danzarrella

        There you go. Peace!

        Peace And Possibilities,

        Kyle O -
        Prinicipal , Student, and Teacher
        The Web Traffic School

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  • Profile picture of the author nmcc
    Do you want free advice, which is worth what you've paid, or a paid program?
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  • Profile picture of the author Friedmett
    Those who can get the results you seek.

    You can look for the best youtube guru there is and he might have the great tips upfront for download and you can purchase his in depth products but you will still have to learn and apply it. This takes, time, money and errors.

    Otherwise if you look for those freelancers who work in their fields it is up to you to try and find those who can deliver what they say.

    You need to look at what traffic options you have and deicde on the traffic goals. Is it website views? Is it leads? Is it sold products? Is it the number of subscribers?
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  • Profile picture of the author AJMontoya
    I learned a lot from a product released by Alex Jefferys. You might want to check him out.
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    • Profile picture of the author LeslieZ
      I'm looking to get targeted website traffic. I don't care which method. I'm just trying to find those top in the traffic field and learn from them. I understand that each expert may have their own specialty, but would like to research many different options.
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    • Profile picture of the author HeadStartSEO
      Originally Posted by BuyExpiredDomains View Post

      Source Wave.
      Yeah I'll throw my vote in for Becker as well. His niche ranking videos work, plain and simple. Wish I had a bigger network and cared less about building real sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author himanuzo
    Google is still best traffic source. And forums / communities.
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  • Profile picture of the author preets
    Originally Posted by LeslieZ View Post

    Who do you think are the best IM experts for teaching how to get traffic to your sites or to an offer?
    View Profile: Fredbou
    BUY HIGH QUALITY BACKLINKS | Party Supplies Singapore | Affordable SEO Services
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  • My Suggestions-
    Free Traffic sources can be niche Forums, Yahoo Answers, Guest Posting.
    Paid Traffic Sources can be PPC, Facebook paid ads.
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    • Profile picture of the author TrafficFlow
      Another way to generate traffic is through contests and there are plugins for that as well as experts who can put contests on your Facebook page. It would be nice if there were some good traffic gigs on Fiverr but I have not seen any.

      You can also buy media ads but don't buy visitors
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      • Profile picture of the author Reid Stevens
        Look up Kim Roach. I've applied some of her teachings on her blog and receive lots of traffic to my website everyday, and buyer traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author TrafficFlow
    I am not a traffic expert but I made over $100 yesterday with a single email. I did it by having someone create a killer opt in box on the top right side of my site and I sent the email to 8300 opted in subscribers and the money was made from adsense because when they went to check out my post they also clicked on related ads. As I only get 20 to 50 subscribers per day it took awhile to build the list. I plan on closing the list when it gets to almost 10000 as Aweber charges $150 a month once you hit 10000 subscribers. Unfortunately I can only run this type of promo 1 to 3 times a month. I also have 14000. Facebook fans but the promos work better with the list because unless you pay Facebook they only send your posts to less than 10 percent of your fans. Please do not ask me for the name of my site.
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  • Profile picture of the author WarWizard
    I've heard Chad Hamzeh's course is good for paid traffic. Also as mentioned above Alex Jeffreys' courses cover various traffic getting methodologies.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nicole Sakoman
    Originally Posted by LeslieZ View Post

    Who do you think are the best IM experts for teaching how to get traffic to your sites or to an offer?
    I think Russell Brunson... but that's just my opinion.

    Tim Atkinson is not for sure


    site will be soon live...

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