Do you really need that?

13 replies
If you want to succeed, don't buy crap you don't need. Rather blunt this morning but I couldn't think of a way to be clearer. Yesterday, quipped he was wearing 11 year-old shoes to his shocked co-anchors. I tweeted back to him I have 35 year-old cowboy boots that have been resoled 9 or 10 times - he and others chimed back in. When you aren't stressing over debt and drowning in a sea of stuff, you can concentrate on your business and put your money towards your future. If you must buy something, look for sales and discounts every time. Watch the dollars you spend the rest of the week - do you really need that? Or do you just want it?
#jobs. money #reality
  • Profile picture of the author Fantastic
    Originally Posted by blessedchris View Post

    If you want to succeed, don't buy crap you don't need. Rather blunt this morning but I couldn't think of a way to be clearer. Yesterday, quipped he was wearing 11 year-old shoes to his shocked co-anchors. I tweeted back to him I have 35 year-old cowboy boots that have been resoled 9 or 10 times - he and others chimed back in. When you aren't stressing over debt and drowning in a sea of stuff, you can concentrate on your business and put your money towards your future. If you must buy something, look for sales and discounts every time. Watch the dollars you spend the rest of the week - do you really need that? Or do you just want it?

    To me, part of success has always been:

    Being ABLE to buy stuff that you don't need.

    Of course, if you aren't making a living...

    It'd be silly to buy anything out of the bare necessities.
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  • Profile picture of the author Justin Says
    Originally Posted by blessedchris View Post

    If you want to succeed, don't buy crap you don't need. Rather blunt this morning but I couldn't think of a way to be clearer. Yesterday, quipped he was wearing 11 year-old shoes to his shocked co-anchors. I tweeted back to him I have 35 year-old cowboy boots that have been resoled 9 or 10 times - he and others chimed back in. When you aren't stressing over debt and drowning in a sea of stuff, you can concentrate on your business and put your money towards your future. If you must buy something, look for sales and discounts every time. Watch the dollars you spend the rest of the week - do you really need that? Or do you just want it?
    My nephew goes out and buys shoes that cost him $400... he makes his mom buy him those same shoes and she's broke.

    I can understand some things if it's what makes them happy but when it makes them less happy in other areas.. that's when things get tricky.

    I make far more money than my sister and yet I still wear the same old $10 shoes that I bought 2 years ago. And if I'm not wearing those, I wear some dirty cleats that I bought 3 years ago

    And I run faster.. just sayin'. I'm not afraid of messing up my shoes lol.

    My name is Justin Lewis. My digital marketing company has been in business for over 10 years with multiple six-figure years. We do provide a premium web design service.

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  • Profile picture of the author lotsofsnow
    Originally Posted by blessedchris View Post

    If you want to succeed, don't buy crap you don't need. Rather blunt this morning but I couldn't think of a way to be clearer. Yesterday, quipped he was wearing 11 year-old shoes to his shocked co-anchors. I tweeted back to him I have 35 year-old cowboy boots that have been resoled 9 or 10 times - he and others chimed back in. When you aren't stressing over debt and drowning in a sea of stuff, you can concentrate on your business and put your money towards your future. If you must buy something, look for sales and discounts every time. Watch the dollars you spend the rest of the week - do you really need that? Or do you just want it?
    This is the most marvelous piece of computer generated garbage... and it's getting serious replies. wow!

    Call Center Fuel - High Volume Data
    Delivering the highest quality leads in virtually all consumer verticals.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8411050].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Justin Says
      Originally Posted by hpgoodboy View Post

      This is the most marvelous piece of computer generated garbage... and it's getting serious replies. wow!
      Spinners are tricky Sometimes I think somethings spun but then I find out it wasn't and the person really talks that way. I'll give the poster the benefit of the doubt for right now and see if they even respond lol.

      My name is Justin Lewis. My digital marketing company has been in business for over 10 years with multiple six-figure years. We do provide a premium web design service.

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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by Justin Says View Post

        Spinners are tricky Sometimes I think somethings spun but then I find out it wasn't and the person really talks that way. I'll give the poster the benefit of the doubt for right now and see if they even respond lol.
        I wouldn't bet on it. The link in their sig goes to a gig on a Fiverr clone that's been removed or banned.

        The fact that people are taking this post seriously can be attributed more to the global nature of the forum population, with a large number of members for whom English is a second language, than the quality of the spin.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8413944].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Fantastic
          Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

          I wouldn't bet on it. The link in their sig goes to a gig on a Fiverr clone that's been removed or banned.

          The fact that people are taking this post seriously can be attributed more to the global nature of the forum population, with a large number of members for whom English is a second language, than the quality of the spin.
          I dunno. I was born in Virginia, 100% American lol. My point?

          I thought they just had bad English so I guess it was good enough to fool me :p
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8414370].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Fantastic
      Originally Posted by hpgoodboy View Post

      This is the most marvelous piece of computer generated garbage... and it's getting serious replies. wow!

      Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure it's real.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8411156].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Simon Farmer
    Originally Posted by blessedchris View Post

    If you want to succeed, don't buy crap you don't need. Rather blunt this morning but I couldn't think of a way to be clearer. Yesterday, quipped he was wearing 11 year-old shoes to his shocked co-anchors. I tweeted back to him I have 35 year-old cowboy boots that have been resoled 9 or 10 times - he and others chimed back in. When you aren't stressing over debt and drowning in a sea of stuff, you can concentrate on your business and put your money towards your future. If you must buy something, look for sales and discounts every time. Watch the dollars you spend the rest of the week - do you really need that? Or do you just want it?
    This has always been my mindset for as long as I can remember. Even when I was in school I used to save my dinner money.

    Sometimes it confuses me the things people waste money on and if they would just invest that money in an online business they would be so much better off.
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  • Profile picture of the author jeffsolochek
    Originally Posted by blessedchris View Post

    If you want to succeed, don't buy crap you don't need. Rather blunt this morning but I couldn't think of a way to be clearer. Yesterday, quipped he was wearing 11 year-old shoes to his shocked co-anchors. I tweeted back to him I have 35 year-old cowboy boots that have been resoled 9 or 10 times - he and others chimed back in. When you aren't stressing over debt and drowning in a sea of stuff, you can concentrate on your business and put your money towards your future. If you must buy something, look for sales and discounts every time. Watch the dollars you spend the rest of the week - do you really need that? Or do you just want it?
    A good site if your looking to save money is Fatwallet dot com and Groupon. Always put enough aside for a rainy day. Don't spend money unless you have enough coming in and you can afford to spend some of it.

    Jeff Solochek

    I also build blogs for companies and individuals

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  • Profile picture of the author Fazal Mayar
    Saving is an important aspect of life but dont restrain from having fun and enjoying life because you want to save. Investing in an online business could also be good.

    Blogger at (Make Money online blog but also promoting ethical internet marketing)

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  • Profile picture of the author betterwtveter
    Hpgoodboy you said the truth. It is simply piece of writing generated though some intelligent machine. .. Though still people are taking it as real.
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  • Profile picture of the author daavidz
    Dont think this is computer generated stuff, but I agree its sad anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    Result of the WF going back to free membership?

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