Has anyone ever made significant amounts from WSO's

6 replies
Was a little bored to decided to have a look through the WSO forum here. It made an interesting read, however, lots of people enquiring about opportunities, but very little feedback to substantiate the claims.

Anyone has any great success?
#amounts #made #significant #wso
  • Profile picture of the author YourOnlyWriter
    I've made a decision to sign-up and see what does the Warrior Forum crowd do inside only this month. I've known this forum for years, however.

    I read and heard that some of those who took actions on those WSOs they bought succeeded. I think I have 2 to 3 clients who discussed some WSOs to me in the recent months.

    I didn't buy any WSO product. By pure hard work, heart and grace, I now manage an online business that secures me an income beyond my imagination. I think, the key here is, whether we're talking about a WSO or not, we should take action.

    Some people get stuck at "ready, aim, ready, ready, ready, read, rea, re, a...."
    I don't. I do this: "Ready. Aim. Fire. Aim. Fire. Aim. Fire. Aim. Fire. Fire. Fire. Fire. Fire. Fire"
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    The reality is the typical WSO buyer is quite lazy and after solutions that require very little work or push button simple. That's just what I have learnt from my own experience selling products in this space.

    They are not typically the type of people who go out of their way and work hard to make things work. There is of course an exception to every rule - I am simply talking about the majority.

    How hard you work ultimately determines how successful you are. Give the exact same WSO (or any other product for that matter) to two different people and they will always get two very different results. He who works hard will make money and he who doesn't will make no money. Sadly the latter sums up the average person in this industry and it's why so few people succeed.

    So don't wait here for other people to tell you they made x amount of dollars before you decide to take action. The average person will make no money. Does that mean you can't make any money? No, you just have to work harder than the average person is willing to.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
    Originally Posted by InstantLolly View Post

    Was a little bored to decided to have a look through the WSO forum here. It made an interesting read, however, lots of people enquiring about opportunities, but very little feedback to substantiate the claims.

    Anyone has any great success?

    This is a better explanation.

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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Short answer, YES.

    But as everything, you'll need to work "it" to make money.

    One of the first WSO's I bought was from a older member, Youtube related, and damn, what a beauty - great tutorials, and awesome strategies. Made some pretty good figures with it. Then Google trashed the technique... and time to move on - as usual
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    Originally Posted by InstantLolly View Post

    Was a little bored to decided to have a look through the WSO forum here. It made an interesting read, however, lots of people enquiring about opportunities, but very little feedback to substantiate the claims.

    Anyone has any great success?
    I've actually found plenty of WSOs with tons of feedback from the purchasers. I'm not going to name them but there were 2 in particular last year that really helped out my business in more ways than one.

    WSOs never make people any money, it's having a solid business plan and doing your market research and then executing is what's going to make you money.

    Take all the Kindle WSOs that are out there as one example. There are a few that have been around for a while and have pages and pages of solid feedback. If you research the seller and look at their posts, it gives you an indication on what kind of customer service skills they have. One in particular has so many stellar and real testimonials that it warrants it's higher price (the training is simply that good).

    You should only buy WSOs that your business needs. If you're just curious about them then you probably shouldn't buy any. Asking others which ones made them money is taking away your own responsibility for doing your own research and figuring out which WSO really suits your needs.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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    • Profile picture of the author datingworld
      Originally Posted by Rod Cortez View Post

      WSOs never make people any money, it's having a solid business plan and doing your market research and then executing is what's going to make you money.
      Very well Explained Rod,

      It's probably a misconception about WSO's
      Some people think, buy a WSO and it will make you money.
      Well it will Never happen
      WSO will give you idea, plan or platform and then it's you who is going to put effort into it, it's you who is going to work hard on it to make earnings.
      Buying WSO alone will never profit you in anyway unless you take action on it.
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