What is The No.1 Reason Why You Have Not Followed Through With an IM Program/System/Course?

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I'm curious (by nature...)

What is The No.1 Reason Why You Have Not Followed Through With an IM Program/System/Course?
What was it all about (No need to tell the name)?

Thank you for sharing your experience/insight!
#follow through #no1 #reason
  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    Profile picture of RogueOne
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    What is The No.1 Reason Why You Have Not Followed Through With an IM Program/System/Course?
    I had better ways to spend my time.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    • Profile picture of the author Matrixler
      Profile picture of Matrixler
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      Originally Posted by RogueOne View Post

      I had better ways to spend my time.
      Lol, well, thanks then Brent for taking the time to comment
      • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
        Profile picture of RogueOne
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        Originally Posted by Matrixler View Post

        Lol, well, thanks then Brent for taking the time to comment

        To clarify, I meant the program would work and make money but not as much as I would make spending time on the things that are already working.

        Does that make sense?
        Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
        All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
  • Profile picture of the author misshang
    Profile picture of misshang
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    Well, I guess everybody has different strength. It will be a problem if you abandon your personal strength to follow a route less favorable to you. So it takes understanding of yourself and the program.

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    • Profile picture of the author Matrixler
      Profile picture of Matrixler
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      Originally Posted by misshang View Post

      Well, I guess everybody has different strength. It will be a problem if you abandon your personal strength to follow a route less favorable to you. So it takes understanding of yourself and the program.
      I agree, often times people follow courses only because they think it will make them money. In the short term that might work, but in the long run it won't. If you are not doing something that excites and fulfills you, chances are you will not be successful in the end.
  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    Profile picture of clever7
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    The main reason I didn't follow a specific program is the fact that my work is not based on internet marketing and in my field I had to make many adaptations.

    I started working online with the intention to sell my own products from the beginning.

  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Randall Magwood
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    It was an internet marketing course... very popular... the only thing i got from it was the math part... cost per lead, cost per sale, average lifetime value of a customer, etc. Other than that... the info in the course i already knew from free ebooks that i had read.
  • Profile picture of the author Danny Cutts
    Danny Cutts
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    most of the ideas and courses I try I continue to push them till they make money and after I have made money I normally sit down and see whether it was worth the hassle....

    every opportunity can be a money maker...


    Posted from Warriorforum.com App for Android
    • Profile picture of the author Matrixler
      Profile picture of Matrixler
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      Originally Posted by Danny Cutts View Post

      most of the ideas and courses I try I continue to push them till they make money and after I have made money I normally sit down and see whether it was worth the hassle....
      every opportunity can be a money maker...
      Posted from Warriorforum.com App for Android
      Hey Danny, so you are saying you have followed through on every one of them? Well, congratulations on being that consistent and persistent!
  • Profile picture of the author JonP
    Profile picture of JonP
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    It was always shiny object syndrome for me. I'd get into a groove with a program and be moving right along and then I'd read my email.... A couple of weeks later I'd be in a groove moving right along and then I'd take a break to read my email again...

    Darned shiny object!

    • Profile picture of the author Matrixler
      Profile picture of Matrixler
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      Originally Posted by JonP View Post

      It was always shiny object syndrome for me. I'd get into a groove with a program and be moving right along and then I'd read my email.... A couple of weeks later I'd be in a groove moving right along and then I'd take a break to read my email again...

      Darned shiny object!

      Hey Jon, I think a lot of us can relate to that. What was the major reason for giving up on a particular program? Was the program not working for you? Does the new one look more promising?
      • Profile picture of the author JonP
        Profile picture of JonP
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        Originally Posted by Matrixler View Post

        Hey Jon, I think a lot of us can relate to that. What was the major reason for giving up on a particular program? Was the program not working for you? Does the new one look more promising?
        Some times it was because of the money investment I'd "need" to put into it in order to be successful and other times I'd see something that looked more promising so I'd pursue that until the next "more" promising opportunity came along. Not proud of it but it is what it is. One of the "benefits" I guess that did come out of that is that I was able to see a lot of different business models that are out there and have been able to go back and decide on which one I wanted to focus on in order to build my business. So not all was lost, except for maybe some hair due to frustration...

  • Profile picture of the author elvisg
    Profile picture of elvisg
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    Oh man.....this is a tough one. Over the years I have been involved in many programs, courses, etc. Up until a few short years ago, I always found ways to do something else instead of actually going through the program.
    I think with most products out there, they are very good at getting a person hyped up, but not so good at following through with the guidance, and help a newbie would need to follow through with the particular program or course. Most people that buy these products are new to the game. so what tends to happen is that as soon as they hit a hump, a bit of struggle, or misunderstanding of a particular task or activity, they give up because it's all too hard.
    A lot of programs out there are actually very easy to do and follow if the person is ready for it, but they are also very easy NOT to do.
    One of the biggest issues I found was procrastination, and that happens due to a lack of guidance and understanding of the steps needed to be taken.
    The other big factor people don't follow through is due to the good old "comfort zone" I know this was a major issue for me because I had a good income coming in. I knew in the back of my mind that if the opportunity didn't work, I had something to fall back on.....I had a plan "B"
    I have learned that having a backup plan is your sure fire way to failure. Eliminate all other plans, decided what you want to do with your life, and go for it. Jumping from one opportunity to another just gets you nowhere in the long run. I learned this the hard way.
    To cut a long story short, I quit my job, and went online full time. You think that would have eliminated all forms of procrastination? You bet......no more regular income, a wife and 2 kids.....you bet that will give you a swift kick up the butt and make you get serious about completing a program or course. No plan "B" was the key to success for me. Sorry for the long post, hope this helps.......
  • Profile picture of the author MarketMaster13
    Profile picture of MarketMaster13
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    Originally Posted by Matrixler View Post

    I'm curious (by nature...)

    What is The No.1 Reason Why You Have Not Followed Through With an IM Program/System/Course?
    What was it all about (No need to tell the name)?

    Thank you for sharing your experience/insight!
    At some point through the IM program/system i felt that i was being taken through what i already know and thought it was a waste of time..lol
    But actually it was not a waste of time.
    • Profile picture of the author VinnyBock
      Profile picture of VinnyBock
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      There was a time that I wouldn't request refunds, I would punish myself for falling for the sales copy, but now I do request them... I request them more to let the product creator know they put together a dud rather than getting my money back. Some of the reasons for requesting a refund are...

      1. rehashed OBVIOUS information
      2. courses that explain a method with out actually explaining how to execute it.

      I bought a course one time that explained crowd funding, it may as well of explained how to buy a lotto ticket...

  • Profile picture of the author Chirag
    Profile picture of Chirag
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    Information Overload! Too much info and not knowing what to really put my finger on. Bummer!
  • Profile picture of the author howtomogo
    Profile picture of howtomogo
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    You see most people suffer from the shiny object syndrome. I agree that most people are embarrassed to request a refund because they feel like they failed. That is not it at all. Most people too are like Animals within marketing. You're either a Fox or a Groundhog.

    A Fox jumps from hole to hole looking for their next meal. Most of these kinds of people are generally not focused and continue to buy product after product after product to supplement their knowledge. Most people will spend a small fortune trying to be a master at nothing and a jack of all trades.

    If your a Groundhog then you commit to your success. This means you take what you have learned and duplicate it over and over and over. Now every product will not present the same kind of results simply due to people taking action on their own to make a buck.

    Most people fail to realize that those people they purchased from simply became a Groundhog along the way and committed to their overall success. That is not to say they know everything about the subject matter but took action in order to become a success and put money in their pockets. That is the difference in someone who took action and someone who is still hunting for the next best thing.

    Most people don't experience success because of a lack of focus and get frustrated because they took limited action and expect to make TRILLIONS online for minimal effort. These same people are scared to make a mistake like the person they just purchased a product from. That person decided they knew enough to take action and would deal with potential failure if they experience that.

    So in short most people treat marketing like a hobby and are like a Fox in many ways. They will get varied success and may not eat very much along the way but will expend a lot of energy to eat. If you decide you can deal with making a mistake and committing to your success and become a Groundhog then you will eventually become a success and make the money you desire experience success over and over and over.

    Just make the decision today that you want to succeed and declare how much you want to make. Affirm it and dedicate yourself to the process and you will eventually hit that number you wrote down. I can't guarantee you that but I will tell you that if you do commit to the process and duplicate your efforts over and over and over then you will experience success.

    On a side note most people who are making the attempt to make money online are not experts at marketing and don't have a background in it. If you actually leveraged an experts time and outsourced to them to create your products or put your site online or SEO your site then you will experience far less headaches and have more success. Most people continue to spend money on product after product after product and forget that they jumped into Internet Marketing to stop working so hard. So switch up your focus from being a technician in your business to a business owner and leverage other peoples time to help build your business.

    That is my take. I am a Groundhog and realized I had to stop being a Fox to achieve success. I hope my analogy with the animals didn't offend anyone but I threw in the technician vs business mindset at the end to hopefully make people realize that is what most people are doing.
  • Profile picture of the author carol951
    Profile picture of carol951
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    I have not follow through with a particular course because it was too techie and difficult to understand...
    • Profile picture of the author Matrixler
      Profile picture of Matrixler
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      Originally Posted by elvisg View Post

      Oh man.....this is a tough one. Over the years I have been involved in many programs, courses, etc. Up until a few short years ago, I always found ways to do something else instead of actually going through the program.
      I think with most products out there, they are very good at getting a person hyped up, but not so good at following through with the guidance, and help a newbie would need to follow through with the particular program or course. Most people that buy these products are new to the game. so what tends to happen is that as soon as they hit a hump, a bit of struggle, or misunderstanding of a particular task or activity, they give up because it's all too hard.
      A lot of programs out there are actually very easy to do and follow if the person is ready for it, but they are also very easy NOT to do.
      One of the biggest issues I found was procrastination, and that happens due to a lack of guidance and understanding of the steps needed to be taken.
      The other big factor people don't follow through is due to the good old "comfort zone" I know this was a major issue for me because I had a good income coming in. I knew in the back of my mind that if the opportunity didn't work, I had something to fall back on.....I had a plan "B"
      I have learned that having a backup plan is your sure fire way to failure. Eliminate all other plans, decided what you want to do with your life, and go for it. Jumping from one opportunity to another just gets you nowhere in the long run. I learned this the hard way.
      To cut a long story short, I quit my job, and went online full time. You think that would have eliminated all forms of procrastination? You bet......no more regular income, a wife and 2 kids.....you bet that will give you a swift kick up the butt and make you get serious about completing a program or course. No plan "B" was the key to success for me. Sorry for the long post, hope this helps.......
      Thanks for the honesty and Elvis, and great advice, you needed to succeed!

      Originally Posted by VinnyBock View Post

      I bought a course one time that explained crowd funding, it may as well of explained how to buy a lotto ticket...
      Lol, well, now you know what crowd funding really is Vinny!

      Originally Posted by RogueOne View Post

      To clarify, I meant the program would work and make money but not as much as I would make spending time on the things that are already working.

      Does that make sense?
      Hahaha, Sorry Brent, I mistakenly thought of something else. Thanks for clarifying!

      Originally Posted by Chirag View Post

      Information Overload! Too much info and not knowing what to really put my finger on. Bummer!
      I hear that very often, it's one of the most common complaints. Most of the times a short and to the point guide is much better than a full fledged course.

      Originally Posted by MarketMaster13 View Post

      At some point through the IM program/system i felt that i was being taken through what i already know and thought it was a waste of time..lol
      But actually it was not a waste of time.
      Again, thanks for the honesty! Knowing is one thing, experiencing and putting into action is completely different. Often times I hear people saying, Oh, I know that already! -> Ok, but what have you done with that information? Have you put it into action?

      Originally Posted by howtomogo View Post

      You see most people suffer from the shiny object syndrome. I agree that most people are embarrassed to request a refund because they feel like they failed. That is not it at all. Most people too are like Animals within marketing. You're either a Fox or a Groundhog.

      A Fox jumps from hole to hole looking for their next meal. Most of these kinds of people are generally not focused and continue to buy product after product after product to supplement their knowledge. Most people will spend a small fortune trying to be a master at nothing and a jack of all trades.

      If your a Groundhog then you commit to your success. This means you take what you have learned and duplicate it over and over and over. Now every product will not present the same kind of results simply due to people taking action on their own to make a buck.

      Most people fail to realize that those people they purchased from simply became a Groundhog along the way and committed to their overall success. That is not to say they know everything about the subject matter but took action in order to become a success and put money in their pockets. That is the difference in someone who took action and someone who is still hunting for the next best thing.

      Most people don't experience success because of a lack of focus and get frustrated because they took limited action and expect to make TRILLIONS online for minimal effort. These same people are scared to make a mistake like the person they just purchased a product from. That person decided they knew enough to take action and would deal with potential failure if they experience that.

      So in short most people treat marketing like a hobby and are like a Fox in many ways. They will get varied success and may not eat very much along the way but will expend a lot of energy to eat. If you decide you can deal with making a mistake and committing to your success and become a Groundhog then you will eventually become a success and make the money you desire experience success over and over and over.

      Just make the decision today that you want to succeed and declare how much you want to make. Affirm it and dedicate yourself to the process and you will eventually hit that number you wrote down. I can't guarantee you that but I will tell you that if you do commit to the process and duplicate your efforts over and over and over then you will experience success.

      On a side note most people who are making the attempt to make money online are not experts at marketing and don't have a background in it. If you actually leveraged an experts time and outsourced to them to create your products or put your site online or SEO your site then you will experience far less headaches and have more success. Most people continue to spend money on product after product after product and forget that they jumped into Internet Marketing to stop working so hard. So switch up your focus from being a technician in your business to a business owner and leverage other peoples time to help build your business.

      That is my take. I am a Groundhog and realized I had to stop being a Fox to achieve success. I hope my analogy with the animals didn't offend anyone but I threw in the technician vs business mindset at the end to hopefully make people realize that is what most people are doing.
      Thanks for sharing, and great analogy. We learn and retain much better if something comes along as a story.

      Originally Posted by carol951 View Post

      I have not follow through with a particular course because it was too techie and difficult to understand...
      Hey Carol, it should be told in the sales copy if it's for beginners or not. On the other hand, have you truly decided to make this happen for you?
  • Profile picture of the author FailFailFailSucceed
    Profile picture of FailFailFailSucceed
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    Holes in the course, skepticism.

    There is always something missing. You ask for real world examples of something in the material and it can't be produced.

    Anyone that's makeing substatial amounts of money, enough to justify creating a course and selling it, should be able to whip our entire examples of what's been presented no problemo.

    Then there is always the obvious business knowledge that you don't share what makes you money. YOu avoid competition at all costs and you certainly don't voluntarily give up your secrets.

    By the time I finish a course I'm wondering, why aren't they doing it if it works so well.

    So the skepticism steers me away from it.

    Heavy Sigh, my quest continues.

    • Profile picture of the author Jacqueline Smith
      Jacqueline Smith
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      Originally Posted by FailFailFailSucceed View Post

      Holes in the course, skepticism.

      There is always something missing. You ask for real world examples of something in the material and it can't be produced.

      Anyone that's makeing substatial amounts of money, enough to justify creating a course and selling it, should be able to whip our entire examples of what's been presented no problemo.

      Then there is always the obvious business knowledge that you don't share what makes you money. YOu avoid competition at all costs and you certainly don't voluntarily give up your secrets.

      By the time I finish a course I'm wondering, why aren't they doing it if it works so well.

      So the skepticism steers me away from it.

      Heavy Sigh, my quest continues.

      I agree! There always seems to be a piece of the puzzle missing.
      • Profile picture of the author Matrixler
        Profile picture of Matrixler
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        Originally Posted by JonP View Post

        Some times it was because of the money investment I'd "need" to put into it in order to be successful and other times I'd see something that looked more promising so I'd pursue that until the next "more" promising opportunity came along. Not proud of it but it is what it is. One of the "benefits" I guess that did come out of that is that I was able to see a lot of different business models that are out there and have been able to go back and decide on which one I wanted to focus on in order to build my business. So not all was lost, except for maybe some hair due to frustration...

        Hopefully you are not bald then! Seems like you have find your angle to IM, congrats on that Jon and for the honesty.

        Originally Posted by Jacqueline Smith View Post

        I agree! There always seems to be a piece of the puzzle missing.
        Why do you think this is Jacqueline?
  • Profile picture of the author mrgoe
    Profile picture of mrgoe
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    The course/program/system made me invest a lot more than it had brought in, when reaching steps that should get me in profit.
    Worked as a senior editor on ThePricer.org, experienced in financial topics
  • Profile picture of the author doggerel
    Profile picture of doggerel
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    Originally Posted by Matrixler View Post

    I'm curious (by nature...)

    What is The No.1 Reason Why You Have Not Followed Through With an IM Program/System/Course?
    What was it all about (No need to tell the name)?

    Thank you for sharing your experience/insight!

    I have trust issues.
    • Profile picture of the author igorGriffiths
      Profile picture of igorGriffiths
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      Broken promises, access to the mentor/coach being timed to suit them not their clients.

      As others have said, courses with large knowledge gaps in them which I have fallen into. Spent so long in these gaps but learned so much that by the time I crawled out of the hole, I could not face going through the course just to fall into another time sink.

      Personal / mindset / job and experience issues where even though I knew it could be the right course intellectually, I was not mentally in the right place or experienced enough to take on board the lessons delivered.
      • Profile picture of the author Matrixler
        Profile picture of Matrixler
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        Originally Posted by FailFailFailSucceed View Post

        Holes in the course, skepticism.

        There is always something missing. You ask for real world examples of something in the material and it can't be produced.

        Anyone that's makeing substatial amounts of money, enough to justify creating a course and selling it, should be able to whip our entire examples of what's been presented no problemo.

        Then there is always the obvious business knowledge that you don't share what makes you money. YOu avoid competition at all costs and you certainly don't voluntarily give up your secrets.

        By the time I finish a course I'm wondering, why aren't they doing it if it works so well.

        So the skepticism steers me away from it.

        Heavy Sigh, my quest continues.

        Fail, Fail, Fail, Succeed - What an alias! Hahaha -> I'm wishing you all the persistence and visionary to finally succeed. Whatever that means to you.

        Originally Posted by mrgoe View Post

        The course/program/system made me invest a lot more than it had brought in, when reaching steps that should get me in profit.
        It seems you have a specific expectation. If it's stated that you will get into profit by reaching steps, then yes, you should. Most of the times this is hard to tell, because there are so many variables which a product creator can not control.

        Originally Posted by doggerel View Post

        I have trust issues.
        Then you have to find the right program, place where you get rid of those trust issues, because this is a no-go if you want to be successful with any program/course. Finding a mentor who you can trust is one of the best ways to become successful in the IM business field.

        Originally Posted by igorGriffiths View Post

        Broken promises, access to the mentor/coach being timed to suit them not their clients.

        As others have said, courses with large knowledge gaps in them which I have fallen into. Spent so long in these gaps but learned so much that by the time I crawled out of the hole, I could not face going through the course just to fall into another time sink.

        Personal / mindset / job and experience issues where even though I knew it could be the right course intellectually, I was not mentally in the right place or experienced enough to take on board the lessons delivered.
        You grow, you learn and if you are clear of what you really want to get out of your efforts, you will find what best suits you. On some level we are all sitting in the same boat. So, please can someone stop drilling holes in it?
  • Profile picture of the author onlinesolutions1985
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    Because it the same from the way that we think on how to attract the costumers purchase and to go back again to our site.
  • Profile picture of the author dgiles63
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    Originally Posted by Matrixler View Post

    I'm curious (by nature...)

    What is The No.1 Reason Why You Have Not Followed Through With an IM Program/System/Course?
    What was it all about (No need to tell the name)?

    Thank you for sharing your experience/insight!
    No immediate results!

    Dean Giles
    Instant Profit with Step-by-Step Books
    Or Profit with
    Google Keyword Planner Exploited

  • Profile picture of the author RobinInTexas
    Profile picture of RobinInTexas
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    Originally Posted by Matrixler View Post

    I'm curious (by nature...)

    What is The No.1 Reason Why You Have Not Followed Through With an IM Program/System/Course?
    What was it all about (No need to tell the name)?

    Thank you for sharing your experience/insight!
    I'm not going to name names, but I have seen too many Program/System/Course(s) that try to take me too far outside my comfort zone.


    ...Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just set there.
    • Profile picture of the author Matrixler
      Profile picture of Matrixler
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      Originally Posted by RobinInTexas View Post

      I'm not going to name names, but I have seen too many Program/System/Course(s) that try to take me too far outside my comfort zone.
      Hey Robin, why is that not a good thing for you?
  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Profile picture of celente
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    I remember spending $1997 on a marketing course, that was very good, but I went on holidays after....and did not put it to use.

    STOOPID really.

    make sure before you buy, you make time to read and implement what you are learning. If you spend money to leave stuff on the digital shelf collecting dust you are better to go down the backyard and throw money into a fire.
  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    Trey Morgan
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    When I was just beginning I lacked the money needed to truly test out the method or business model.

    Also, some methods promised a specific income in a specific time and I was working harder than advertised to reach that income and I either made no money or very little money at all. Looking back I realized that I "could" actually make the money advertised by the sellers but, not in the time frame that was specified.
  • Profile picture of the author Fazal Mayar
    Fazal Mayar
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    Why pay for something when there are free information on the internet. There are dozes of free ebooks on how to make money online. For a system, I don't think we should implement what somebody else is doing but our own way to success.

    Blogger at RicherOrNot.com (Make Money online blog but also promoting ethical internet marketing)

  • Profile picture of the author carlwwsk
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    • Profile picture of the author Matrixler
      Profile picture of Matrixler
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      Originally Posted by carlwwsk View Post

      There is always something missing. You ask for real world examples of something in the material and it can't be produced.
      That's what I hear very often. So, case studies are one effective way to show someone first-hand that what you teach/preach actually works.
      • Profile picture of the author An Al
        An Al
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        Originally Posted by Matrixler View Post

        That's what I hear very often.
        Because it's a convenient excuse.

        So, case studies are one effective way to show someone first-hand that what you teach/preach actually works.
        Not really. They'd just come up with something that wasn't covered in the case study, and use that as an excuse. And if examples are given, they'll just keep throwing questions against the wall until they eventually come up with something the seller can't provide, and voila', they've got their "there's always something missing" excuse.
        • Profile picture of the author Matrixler
          Profile picture of Matrixler
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          Originally Posted by An Al View Post

          Because it's a convenient excuse.

          Not really. They'd just come up with something that wasn't covered in the case study, and use that as an excuse. And if examples are given, they'll just keep throwing questions against the wall until they eventually come up with something the seller can't provide, and voila', they've got their "there's always something missing" excuse.
          There will always be some folks which will find an excuse regardless how well a course/program is put together. But those are not the rule but the exception. If you read through the posts of some of the most successful WSO's, you will notice that only a very few people are complaining like this. Most of the people are smart enough to see the difference here.
  • Profile picture of the author webrankingseoservices
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    Originally Posted by Matrixler View Post

    I'm curious (by nature...)

    What is The No.1 Reason Why You Have Not Followed Through With an IM Program/System/Course?
    What was it all about (No need to tell the name)?

    Thank you for sharing your experience/insight!
    Lack of Focus.

    Most of us jump from 1 course to another, without going into depth
  • Profile picture of the author Jen Eick
    Jen Eick
    Profile picture of Jen Eick
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    • Initially: Not knowing how to stop buying products and become a seller of products instead. Not realizing I was merely doing the first and needed to cross over to the latter...if that makes sense.
    • Once I understood the above, problems choosing a niche I was truly interested in. Now that I have, I still fear it's too broad and struggle with narrowing it down.
    • Interest in several different categories and niches, wanting to do everything and trouble narrowing my focus.
    • Wanting instant gratification. Boredom with the time consuming effort that it truly takes to build a biz in IM. There are tasks that I have learned are part of the game, that I simply don't like to do. No way around that, except to do them.
  • Profile picture of the author inyourway
    Profile picture of inyourway
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    Lack of focus and/or money for other investments which I wasn't aware of from the start. This is something I've seen tons of times the past months.. Things that requires an extra investment to work in full..


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  • Profile picture of the author misslenali
    Profile picture of misslenali
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    yea I think when one is new and see the shiny opportunity to make big money you jump right in because almost everything is promoted as it is the easiest thing ever.... but after weeks and month you realize you have almost no clicks on your links, no traffic and no signups.... so you think this was not the right one and move to another one with the same bad result.
    the part about driving traffic and the amount of traffic needed is a struggle
    So most people give up to soon .... and end up in the information overload evil circle
    welcome to my place
    • Profile picture of the author Matrixler
      Profile picture of Matrixler
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      Originally Posted by webrankingseoservices View Post

      Lack of Focus.
      Most of us jump from 1 course to another, without going into depth
      Why do you think people are doing this? Why are they losing focus?

      Originally Posted by Jen Eick View Post

      • Initially: Not knowing how to stop buying products and become a seller of products instead. Not realizing I was merely doing the first and needed to cross over to the latter...if that makes sense.
      • Once I understood the above, problems choosing a niche I was truly interested in. Now that I have, I still fear it's too broad and struggle with narrowing it down.
      • Interest in several different categories and niches, wanting to do everything and trouble narrowing my focus.
      • Wanting instant gratification. Boredom with the time consuming effort that it truly takes to build a biz in IM. There are tasks that I have learned are part of the game, that I simply don't like to do. No way around that, except to do them.
      Hey Jen, thanks for sharing and taking action! Now, most of us don't know exactly which way is right one as we start initially. All we can do is be persistent in our actions but be flexible in our approach. Then start with a broader niche, get your feet wet, create your own product and see what happens. You will learn a lot along the way. After your first experiences you create your next one etc. You will get better and better every time. Stay hungry and do NOT give up, then you will succeed.

      Have a goal in mind, plan your steps ahead and celebrate every small victory along the way. Start outsourcing some stuff, especially things you do not like wherever possible. If the reason why you are doing this is strong enough, you will not give up.
      All the best for you and stay focused!

      Originally Posted by inyourway View Post

      Lack of focus and/or money for other investments which I wasn't aware of from the start. This is something I've seen tons of times the past months.. Things that requires an extra investment to work in full..
      You will get better and better in anticipating what and how it works more and more over time. Soon, you will spot what it takes to make something work right away.

      Originally Posted by misslenali View Post

      yea I think when one is new and see the shiny opportunity to make big money you jump right in because almost everything is promoted as it is the easiest thing ever.... but after weeks and month you realize you have almost no clicks on your links, no traffic and no signups.... so you think this was not the right one and move to another one with the same bad result.
      the part about driving traffic and the amount of traffic needed is a struggle
      So most people give up to soon .... and end up in the information overload evil circle
      You are right misslenali. You learn as you go. One of the best advice I can give you is to look out for a mentor that is able to help you along the way. This is much more important than to look out for the next best course/method out there. This will cut your learning curve tremendously. Don't give up, stay focused!
      • Profile picture of the author Jen Eick
        Jen Eick
        Profile picture of Jen Eick
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        Thanks for the response and feedback!

        I find myself doing just what you suggest. You simply have to "start SOMEWHERE". Sitting back and learning and deciding is all fine and dandy, but you have to take ACTION. Which can be hard if you're a bit of a perfectionist <Ahem...>

        But just as you've stated...the process itself is going to teach me things. And so that's what I'm learning to do, participate in/learn from the process, rather than seeing it as an all-or-nothing, pass/fail venture. And yes, through this trial and error I am learning new things all the time and learning to tweak it as I go.

        Thanks for the words of wisdom and for the encouragement!

        Originally Posted by Matrixler View Post

        Hey Jen, thanks for sharing and taking action! Now, most of us don't know exactly which way is right one as we start initially. All we can do is be persistent in our actions but be flexible in our approach. Then start with a broader niche, get your feet wet, create your own product and see what happens. You will learn a lot along the way. After your first experiences you create your next one etc. You will get better and better every time. Stay hungry and do NOT give up, then you will succeed.

        Have a goal in mind, plan your steps ahead and celebrate every small victory along the way. Start outsourcing some stuff, especially things you do not like wherever possible. If the reason why you are doing this is strong enough, you will not give up.
        All the best for you and stay focused!

        You will get better and better in anticipating what and how it works more and more over time. Soon, you will spot what it takes to make something work right away.
        • Profile picture of the author Matrixler
          Profile picture of Matrixler
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          Originally Posted by Jen Eick View Post


          Thanks for the response and feedback!

          I find myself doing just what you suggest. You simply have to "start SOMEWHERE". Sitting back and learning and deciding is all fine and dandy, but you have to take ACTION. Which can be hard if you're a bit of a perfectionist <Ahem...>

          But just as you've stated...the process itself is going to teach me things. And so that's what I'm learning to do, participate in/learn from the process, rather than seeing it as an all-or-nothing, pass/fail venture. And yes, through this trial and error I am learning new things all the time and learning to tweak it as I go.

          Thanks for the words of wisdom and for the encouragement!
          Hey Jen, my pleasure :-) My mentor always preaches: Perfection will leave you broke! Hahaha, 80% are good enough, because the other 20% will suck double the time and therefor are not worth the extra effort.

          5 Questions to determine if an action is worth the effort:
          Rate the following questions 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)
          1. What will be the strategic impact?
          2. How certain is the successful outcome really?
          3. How easy or difficult will it be to achieve?
          4. How quickly can I get started?
          5. How long will it take to get the result I want?

          Asking the right questions will save you so much time and you will get very clear about what to expect. I use this nearly every day and I hope you'll find it helpful too.

          So, it's not only about Taking Action, but taking Meaningful and Determined Action!
  • Profile picture of the author shane_k
    Profile picture of shane_k
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    of the 3-5 courses that I actually didn't take action on it was because of these reasons

    1) Because of the ad copy I thought the product was one thing but after I bought it, I found out it was one another business model that I had no interest in at all. So the only action I took was to ask for a refund.

    2) I bought an ebook on Media Buys and the editing in the ebook was so terrible that I couldn't take action. As an example, the author would start explaining a concept on page 20, and then you go to page 21 expecting the rest of the explanation for that concept or strategy but instead there is a new headline about a new concept. So there were obvious gaping holes because of the authors lack of attention to detail.

    3) And finally, I bought one course that taught a strategy that used a particular websites affiliate program that could only be used within the US. And since I live in Canada I couldn't access that strategy. I tried explaining this to the seller but they said that's too damn bad and wouldn't offer a refund when asked.
    • Profile picture of the author Matrixler
      Profile picture of Matrixler
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      Originally Posted by shane_k View Post

      of the 3-5 courses that I actually didn't take action on it was because of these reasons

      1) Because of the ad copy I thought the product was one thing but after I bought it, I found out it was one another business model that I had no interest in at all. So the only action I took was to ask for a refund.

      2) I bought an ebook on Media Buys and the editing in the ebook was so terrible that I couldn't take action. As an example, the author would start explaining a concept on page 20, and then you go to page 21 expecting the rest of the explanation for that concept or strategy but instead there is a new headline about a new concept. So there were obvious gaping holes because of the authors lack of attention to detail.

      3) And finally, I bought one course that taught a strategy that used a particular websites affiliate program that could only be used within the US. And since I live in Canada I couldn't access that strategy. I tried explaining this to the seller but they said that's too damn bad and wouldn't offer a refund when asked.
      Hey Shane, thanks for sharing!
      1. Ad copy not clear enough or misleading by intent - Happens far too often
      2. Crappy layout and grammar, low perceived value
      3. Ad copy not detailed enough - A refund in that case is a MUST, but hey it happens

      Don't let that stop you! Wishing you all the success
  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    Profile picture of sdentrepreneur
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    Well, I actually did follow through on mine, started in early 2011 and its an on going project. With all the new changes to Facebook PPC and Google Places/Local/Brand pages, I have to consistently record new training videos and update with fresh content.
    My next step to get a support staff to handle customer service. I highly suggest everyone sticking with it and I wish you success. :-)

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    • Profile picture of the author Matrixler
      Profile picture of Matrixler
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      Originally Posted by sdentrepreneur View Post

      Well, I actually did follow through on mine, started in early 2011 and its an on going project. With all the new changes to Facebook PPC and Google Places/Local/Brand pages, I have to consistently record new training videos and update with fresh content.
      My next step to get a support staff to handle customer service. I highly suggest everyone sticking with it and I wish you success. :-)
      Thanks for sharing James and congrats on following through! So the effort, focus and persistence turned out to be successful. Inspiring and great to hear that
  • Profile picture of the author AlexGeorge
    Profile picture of AlexGeorge
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    The number one reason for me quitting programs has got to be the fact I joined the wrong ones. The kind of systems that entice you to come in as a newbie, then once you are in you realise it's so saturated that to have a chance in hell you would have to spend a lot of money trying to out do the competition.
  • Profile picture of the author tjaysen70
    Profile picture of tjaysen70
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    is this a survey question? Well, if it's a good program and I haven't had any follow through, then it would be because I was too lazy.

    Tired of the grind? Wait. PM me to see a better way.

  • Profile picture of the author ivan24chameleon
    Profile picture of ivan24chameleon
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    Joined the wrong programs, Shiny object (few times just), lack of action, lack of determination, info overload... I manage to cure myself from all those... Nothing better than realization You are too old to suck You parents blood and money.
    After that came kick to butt and severe damaging of spine due to extensive sitting on chair for countless hours
  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Benjamin Ehinger
    Profile picture of Benjamin Ehinger
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Matrixler View Post

    I'm curious (by nature...)

    What is The No.1 Reason Why You Have Not Followed Through With an IM Program/System/Course?
    What was it all about (No need to tell the name)?

    Thank you for sharing your experience/insight!
    I have followed through, but before I did, the #1 reason was my lack of belief. Anybody looking for a way to make money online, has to find something they believe in and stick with it. Don't worry about the family and friends that tell you it won't work. Stick to it and prove them wrong!

    Benjamin Ehinger
  • Profile picture of the author paulie123
    Profile picture of paulie123
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    Most courses will leave you in one state or the other. You will either know a little about a lot or a lot about a little. I think that is where most people are and represents the main reason follow through is difficult or not possible.

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