Question on Guest Posting.

13 replies

I've been recently to a blogs that makes me clueless on how to do guest posting. I am so new in doing this that is why I came here to seek help. Anyone can teach me on how to post here Simply Shopping | All about shopping information and here I've seen some recent post on August month and I wonder if they have access or they just contacted site owners? Really need your help.

#guest #posting #question
  • Profile picture of the author NatesMarketing
    You'll probably have to contact the webmaster.

    You can also look to see if they accept guest posts - they may already have a place for you to do so.

    Otherwise - yeah, contact the webmaster.
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  • Profile picture of the author DeborahDera
    You're going to have to write an email to the site owner with a pitch - a good pitch.

    There are a lot of great articles out there about how to do this. Try to Google "how to write a guest post pitch" and see what you come up with.

    You have to have something the blog owner wants/needs, build relationships, and not just be in it for a backlink. You'll be surprised at the number of site owners who charge to publish posts (and you should be cautious of that), but you'll be surprised at the number who welcome *quality content* as well.

    Originally Posted by kjekk980 View Post


    I've been recently to a blogs that makes me clueless on how to do guest posting. I am so new in doing this that is why I came here to seek help. Anyone can teach me on how to post here Simply Shopping | All about shopping information and here Shop Online for Branded Shoes, Money Clothing and Accessories in UK. I've seen some recent post on August month and I wonder if they have access or they just contacted site owners? Really need your help.

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    • Profile picture of the author kjekk980
      So basically I still need to email them if they accept guest blogging right? Thank you so much for answering.. and even if they allow it is not guaranteed that they will post your writings and the time they will accept your submission as well right?
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      • Profile picture of the author DTGeorge
        Originally Posted by kjekk980 View Post

        So basically I still need to email them if they accept guest blogging right? Thank you so much for answering.. and even if they allow it is not guaranteed that they will post your writings and the time they will accept your submission as well right?
        If you're working or targeting a particular niche it would be best to run a simple google search as to what websites in that nice accept guest posts. Assuming that they do, they most likely would have guidelines as to guest post queries and submissions.

        If you're interested in sites that don't openly advertise guest post opportunities, I'd suggest to have a look through the previous posts on the website to see if they have previously accepted posts from guest posters.

        Craft up a good pitch in order to figure to get a guest post accepted. There are lots of articles on this, but basically give a brief introduction, your guest post idea, and why you're qualified or would like to write on this topic, and how it would help them or their business.
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  • Profile picture of the author benzwm02
    You will have to contact the site owner and let he/she know why your article would make a great guest blog post. If it is a high traffic blog, the webmaster will most likely be getting guest post proposals every day. To help your cause of being selected, make sure that you have participated in conversations on the blog, tweeted the webmasters content, 'Liked' his/her Facebook page, and try to establish some sort of relationship.
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  • Profile picture of the author TimothyTorrents
    Yeah, you will have to contact the owner of the website. It is relatively easy to find websites that allow guest posts. Just open Google and search for "submit a guest post" or something similar and you should find plenty of websites that allow guests posts.

    Of course, you might want to include the name of your niche to narrow things down.

    Alternatively, there are many internet marketing forums where you can find people who have similar websites and would be happy to let your write a guest post for them.

    You could post a new thread in this section Wanted - Members Looking To Hire You and offer some kind of deal. Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author kjekk980
      Thanks a lot for all of you who replied. At least now I have a little ideas about this particular thing on SEO. I am starting to like this forum and I really do appreciate the replies and ideas shared to me. Thanks a lot!
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    If you want to start guest posting on blogs, there are websites that deal in that, not going to search you can do that. But they hook you up sort to speak.

    Do you have a blog and can substantiate your professionalism first though. You need something to back up your guest post with.
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  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    I am so new in doing this that is why I came here to seek help.
    Maybe you should get a little more information before you start trying to guest post. If your post is an indication of your writing ability then you might want to take some time and polish your skills.

    Nothing will turn off an editor faster than an obvious amateur.
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    BTW look up Kim Roach on here, she is a pro at guest blogging.
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    • Profile picture of the author kjekk980
      I am not a good writer but I work as an assistant SEO to my employer. I am researching about this kind of method co'z I needed to be well versed to this to be able to be more effective and productive on task. He already provided me with articles for guest blogging, only thing is that I am not yet used to this kind of method. The good thing is that he asked me to research things about the said task and told me to take my time and learn and come back to him again to discuss the information I've collected. Thank you so much!
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      • Profile picture of the author RitaWrites
        You cannot simply guest post without asking first. Write an email to the webmaster and tell them you are interested in guest posting for them and go from there.
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  • Profile picture of the author tritrain
    If there is not an ability to register for an account that allows posting, or a form to submit your post, or an email to send to the webmaster, then I think something is not working right at those sites.

    There are other sites that allow guest post/guest writers too.
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