Website Estimate

by 20 replies
Hello, guys! Can you take a look on my website please? I want to hear suggestions from you, what I can add or improve to make my site more "selling", so how can I attract clients? Link: WhirlWare - Homepage
#main internet marketing discussion forum #estimate #website
  • Compress the images more or improve the hosting .. they load kind of slowly...
    • [1] reply
    • Are you talking about slideshow images? If it is, I compressed images, but sometimes it still load slowly =(
  • First thing you need to do is optimize it, I noticed it loaded slow so put it to a speed test.
    Page Speed Grade:
    CYSlow Grade:
    Page load time: 10.82s
    Total page size: 2.05MB
    Total number of requests: 49
    • [1] reply
    • Hm, not bad speed

      I will do something for caching optimization. But How can I attract potential clients to site?
  • Get the site to load under 4 seconds then come back and ask that. Preferrably 2 seconds load time.
    • [1] reply
    • This time is not possible, because images slow my site Only way is to remove it, but thanks for advice.
  • I would use a static image that will take care of the load time, even a jpeg will load in two seconds.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Your slideshow images need optimizing. The file sizes are HUGE!

      One of your images is 424 Kb. In Fireworks I can optimize this down to 33 Kb.

      If you want me to optimize all the s/show images, please PM me and give me an email address I can send them to.

      I won't make a charge.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
      • [1] reply
  • Great work. Obviously a labor of love. Now here come the buzzsaws. Feel free to ignore my opinions, I could be wrong.

    Home: Love the slide transitions. Like the colors. Nice navigation.

    About page - turn your long service sentence into a feature/bullet list.

    How We Work: Table buttons seem to be dead links. "Is the site still in business?" I like the table. I'd use the Home page welcome paragraph font on your table bullet points.

    Projects: Put a "Back" link on your "More Info" pages. Or a "Next Project" button. Keeps your reader's eyes on screen and on your message.

    Contact Form: "
    Erm, now what? You should say more here, for example:
    "We have received your message and will be responding to you as early as possible." Just some indication there's a human being on the other side of the anonymous website.

    I'd like to see more paragraph side pictures - tech, brands, or some little visual interest. I guess that's a matter of personal preference.

    I'd also like to know who you are: even if you are a telecommuting team, where are you based? What market do you serve primarily? I would want to know as a customer, what kind of communication challenges might I face? What satisfaction guarantees do I have really? People fear the unknown. Give them something.

    I'm not sure why everything is so large on your home page. I'd shrink all the elements. I bet you could put the whole page above the fold and not lose a thing. The smaller and cleaner you make it, the more techie you look. Consider Adobe's website., or this random tech repair site (no affiliation). Your blog looks nice and techie!

    Footer - add some little bits of info, now it just looks like a free template. Again, look at Adobe's footer - not to copy, just to illustrate the point.

    Menu: use a web-safe font with no jaggies

    Content - hey, run it through your gmail and find the misspellings. Say "Clients' satisfaction" not "Clients satisfaction." Each spelling error is a sign of neglect. You have many spelling errors.

    Well, just some ideas. Best of luck to you! Your service looks great! These are all just design issues.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Great advices! I fixed copyrights a little and changed "Your e-mail was sent successfully!" like you said. Soon I will remake portfolio and add "back" & "next" buttons, it is nice idea. Misspellings already fixed.

      You have a great taste of design and big professionalism as I see Thanks for advices a lot!
  • Great job man.
    Your load time almost dropped in half and it looks much better.
    I can't help you with the cache, I emailed my coder but he won't get back to me for while to ask him.
    If you go here you will see whats slowing it down.
    Website speed test
    And it is the cache.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Looks like these two are slowing you down with the smaller one being the load hog.
    638.5 kB Open

    455.6 kB Open
    • [1] reply
    • I don`t know the reason, why this images load from "cache" because I loaded it to another folder, and my slideshow get images from there. It`s strange.
  • What do the slides do to get people to take action? Not much. They are nice but they take up a LOT of space and do VERY little in the way of educating the visitor. You would be better off writing a short blurb describing the benefits of your services and why people should use you.

    I also think the text below the slide presentation needs work. It appears to have been written by someone whose primary language is not English. Not being judgmental but the message is awkward and unclear.

    Overall, a clean looking design though I would definitely get rid of the slides as they (still) take a long time to load and aren't doing much to relay any kind of compelling message to the visitor. Good luck.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • My main language is not English, that is the reason of awkward texts

      Slides were originally intended only for beauty and a little presentation of services, but your idea to make slides interact with visitors is nice, I will work on it, thanks!
      • [1] reply
  • hmm, how can i put this, first you are in the wrong forum ( this post should be in : Website Design )

    but since I am here, I would say my opinion. The website design sucks ( Yes, you provide a web design service, your website design says a lot about your team ). I wouldn't hire a web designer with such a home page. It lack web 2.0.

    Your current website situation looks like the guy who say I want to sell writing service for high end users but has too many typing errors in a single sentence.

    If you guys having a hard time creating a landing page for a company, I would suggest to remove web design service from your website ( and limit it to programming ) and use a WP Theme.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • We don`t afford design services anymore, this is old info, only development. Thanks for opinion!

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  • 24

    Hello, guys! Can you take a look on my website please? I want to hear suggestions from you, what I can add or improve to make my site more "selling", so how can I attract clients? Link: WhirlWare - Homepage