order form conversions

Profile picture of DMWood
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
4 replies

I just remade my sales page for The Time Management Expert Course which has made it much better than the old.
During the last 7 days I have had a conversion rate of 45 hops per order form impression (which is a huge increase from before) my problem now is that my order form isn't converting.

Do you have any advice?

#conversions #form #order
  • Profile picture of the author TheContentAuthority
    Profile picture of TheContentAuthority
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    So you are saying that people are clicking the add to cart button but not completing the process?

    Because some of the more obvious things don’t appear to be the issue, could it be that people just don’t see enough value in what you are offering? One thing you could try is changing the text on your button. Add to cart implies that an item will be added to a total purchase but the user will not be taken directly to a checkout page. Try something like buy now, purchase now, checkout or something more definitive.

    Maybe you can find some ideas here,

    10 Tips to Create a Sales Page that Converts Prospects to Customers


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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Alexa Smith
    Profile picture of Alexa Smith
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    Originally Posted by DMWood View Post

    During the last 7 days I have had a conversion rate of 45 hops per order form impression (which is a huge increase from before) my problem now is that my order form isn't converting.

    Do you have any advice?
    I don't completely understand what you're asking, Daniel.

    "45 hops per order-form impression" means that out of every 45 people who look at the sales page, one also looks at the order-page. (Is this really what you meant to say? I'm surprised that only one out of 45 looks at the order-page).

    Order-forms, strictly speaking, don't really "convert", per se, though it's true that bad ones can lose some sales. Many people look at the order-form when the price/payment details aren't displayed very prominently on the sales page, as your aren't, and for a variety of other reasons.

    I suppose you've tested whether this $17 per month arrangement, for 5 months, converts better than just charging the $85 up-front, and it must do, otherwise you wouldn't be using it? I'm not a potential customer for the product so I can offer only the affiliate perspective that, given my traffic demographics (which will be different from those of many other affiliates), I'd potentially be more interested in promoting the product with a single $85 payment than the current offer.

    You're presumably saying that since the re-write of the sales page, more people are now going from the sales page to the order-page but they're still not buying? Well, this is to do with the sales page, surely?

    This is all personal opinion only, but I don't like the sales page at all. It seems to conform to few, if any, of the tried-and-tested basics of sales page writing and presentation: it has a strange layout; it has a terribly weak headline with no "hook" at all; it seems to have all the hallmarks of a "home-made sales page" (sorry - I sound terribly rude! ). I think it would help you a lot to ask for reviews of your sales copy in the Copywriting Forum here (but be thick-skinned about the responses: our resident copywriting members will doubtless offer some observations but they may not all be tactful!).

    This little trick with $39 crossed out and "today's price" of $17 shown, on the sales page, would come across as "scammy" to my traffic (which is one of the reasons I wouldn't be willing to send any traffic to the page as it stands now). People are not stupid: they know perfectly well that if they go back tomorrow or the next day it will still be $17 and not $39. The "claimed reduction for today" therefore comes across as dishonest. It makes it look like you're trying to mislead people. I don't know about you, but when I'm trying to sell something to someone, the very last thing I want them to think is that I'm trying to mislead them. Sorry. If you genuinely used to sell this for $39 per month rather than for $17 per month, then say so, say when and where, and explain openly and honestly why it now costs only $17 per month instead. Otherwise this looks bad.
  • Profile picture of the author HamzaW
    Profile picture of HamzaW
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    My Time Management really needs improving, and I know it does, so I read your sales page with interest.

    I thought most of the copy itself was pretty engaging, but ultimately didn't lead me to buy. I completely agree with Alexa on the headline and sub, the design & layout and the patronising "special offer". I'll go further and say that the testimonials are too much effort to read too.

    So let me tell you why I (your perfect customer) didn't click the buy button. But remember, these are just my personal opinions:

    1. You spend a lot of time bashing the competition but I didn't see any proof of your own credibility or ability to deliver (perhaps this could be improved by making the testimonials better). Also, despite saying how seminars and books don't keep you on track you fail to suggest how your course is going to keep me on track.

    2. I'm not really sure what I get from the course because that detail is just buried in the mass of copy.

    3. Your claim of 2,000 hours a year really made me think about how many hours a week that is. And that made my brain hurt which was a real turn-off. I'm sure you picked this timeframe because 2,000 sounds impressive, but for me it's too long term. I don't really care what you can do for me in 1 year - I want to know what you can do for me this month.

    I hope my feedback is helpful, I really do think you have a potential winner here but it just needs a bit of tweaking I guess. Let me know when you've got it improved because I'm ready to bite!

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    • Profile picture of the author DMWood
      Profile picture of DMWood
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks Hamza,
      I am working on improving my sales page. It is much better than the old but obviously still needs work.
      I'll post a new thread when we have gotten further!


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