What would you do if you needed some emergency cash if you're stuck at home(Watching a elder)?

Profile picture of lilphilupt
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I have really fell on hard times, i quit my job a while ago to take care of my grandma after she had a stroke that paralyzed one side of her body, The home health aides wasn't doing what they were suppose to do, so i choose to sacrifice my life for my grandma and take care of her, i have no problem with that but I'm at home all the time and I'm not making any cash....

What would you do if you needed some emergency cash? (other than a job especially if you can't find one) Like what type of or what method in general would you do or have done? or what type of methods can i do in general to make some cash? i don't even care if i have to wait a whole month to see some profits coming in , i just need to do something. I have really lost the little knowledge that i did have about IM.
#cash #elder #emergency #homewatching #needed #stuck

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