Blog/member site question

5 replies
I am planning a paid member site. The site is live but is nowhere ready to be promoted. I have noticed that a lot of the content/posts have been indexed.

The site will be a lot of video content. I will also be blogging. I want the posts to be indexed. Is there a way to keep people from just getting on the site for free through clicking on an indexed post? Is there a way to set it up so that if they see a little of the post in a search engine and click to see more they will be taken to my squeeze page? Do membership plugins handle this?

#blog or member #question #site
  • Profile picture of the author DeborahDera
    I'm sure there's a way to preview/tease a post. I'm not sure, though, how to do it. I did a quick Google search and this came up. Not sure if it's describing what you're looking for.

    Restrict Content Pro - The Best Membership Plugin for WordPress

    Originally Posted by wolfe655 View Post

    I am planning a paid member site. The site is live but is nowhere ready to be promoted. I have noticed that a lot of the content/posts have been indexed.

    The site will be a lot of video content. I will also be blogging. I want the posts to be indexed. Is there a way to keep people from just getting on the site for free through clicking on an indexed post? Is there a way to set it up so that if they see a little of the post in a search engine and click to see more they will be taken to my squeeze page? Do membership plugins handle this?

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    • Profile picture of the author Nick Lawless
      Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure "wishlist member" also locks content down so that even if they see it in search engines and click the link they can't access the info without logging in.

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      • Profile picture of the author tritrain
        Originally Posted by Nick Lawless View Post

        Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure "wishlist member" also locks content down so that even if they see it in search engines and click the link they can't access the info without logging in.

        Which would be bad for SEO.

        You could provide free articles, sort of as teasers, so people might appreciate the content and then register as members. Or, you could show the first few paragraphs, but a membership is required to read the rest.
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        • Profile picture of the author Steve B
          In Membergate you can set the content as being available to the public or you can lock it down for your members only. You can also have multiple levels of member access and control which levels see what content. In addition, you can make "teaser" information available to the public but it can only be accessed by the designated member level.


          Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
    There are many WP membership plugins that will do this. Do a search here and you'll be flooded with leads. I like aMember Pro, but there are a lot of solutions with a lot of fans for each.

    Having said that, WP has built-in functionality to restrict content to users with a password. That might be a viable option to solve your current problem. But it is not a replacement for a good membership solution, just a band-aid to protect your stuff until you fix it for the long term.
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