What is the biggest reason people fail in IM?

Richard Mortimer
Profile picture of Richard Mortimer
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62 replies
Hey folks,

Please let me know what reasons you've found for people failing on-line.


#biggest #fail #people #reason
  • Profile picture of the author simonthewebguy
    Profile picture of simonthewebguy
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    Hi Richard,

    from my experience I have found that people biggest challenge is implementation they will seek , read buy products but few rarely do what it say on the tin , I have found this to be true in nearly all areas as train people at jobs and also in health and fitness have seen student go from great improvements to slip back to their old bad habits.

    implementation is a huge problem and think its made harder by people taking on too much information if you split your attention over 10 things then in effect you have split your results by 10 just look at Usain Bolt he is the fastest man on the planet but he sprints the 100m he is the first to admit outside that the ladies beat him so if people just mastered one thing at a time think they would get far better results where would I start today Listbuilding think its critical to success online

    here is a excellent video which illustrates my points by john reese and tony

    its a valuable lesson for anyone hope this helps
  • Profile picture of the author DeanJames
    Profile picture of DeanJames
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    It's a combination of things...

    #1) Lack of FOCUS
    #2) Spending too much time on unproductive activities.
    #3) Quitting just before they hit pay-dirt.
    #4) Getting distracted by new products they don't even need.
    #5) The WRONG mindset.
    #6) Undefined goals with no vision beyond the desire to make money online or improve their lifestyle.
    #7) Failing to take ACTION or taking lots of the wrong type of ACTION.
    #8) Not testing what is working so they don't know what is working.
    #9) Listening to people that haven't even made any money online
    #10) Subconsciously sabotaging their own success because of deep-rooted issues (again falls into the mindset category).

    If I had to choose 1 from the list above I would say "Mindset". If your mindset is not right, you are paddling upstream from the outset.
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    • Profile picture of the author seoextremewithsophie
      Profile picture of seoextremewithsophie
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      Originally Posted by DeanJames View Post

      It's a combination of things...

      #1) Lack of FOCUS
      #2) Spending too much time on unproductive activities.
      #3) Quitting just before they hit pay-dirt.
      #4) Getting distracted by new products they don't even need.
      #5) The WRONG mindset.
      #6) Undefined goals with no vision beyond the desire to make money online or improve their lifestyle.
      #7) Failing to take ACTION or taking lots of the wrong type of ACTION.
      #8) Not testing what is working so they don't know what is working.
      #9) Listening to people that haven't even made any money online
      #10) Subconsciously sabotaging their own success because of deep-rooted issues (again falls into the mindset category).

      If I had to choose 1 from the list above I would say "Mindset". If your mindset is not right, you are paddling upstream from the outset.

      They think it is quick money. But it is the same as building a bricks and mortar business. Even harder as people have less attention span online.

      Sophie Choung
      Solo Ad Queen

    • Profile picture of the author r0dvan
      Profile picture of r0dvan
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      Originally Posted by DeanJames View Post

      It's a combination of things...

      #1) Lack of FOCUS
      #2) Spending too much time on unproductive activities.
      #3) Quitting just before they hit pay-dirt.
      #4) Getting distracted by new products they don't even need.
      #5) The WRONG mindset.
      #6) Undefined goals with no vision beyond the desire to make money online or improve their lifestyle.
      #7) Failing to take ACTION or taking lots of the wrong type of ACTION.
      #8) Not testing what is working so they don't know what is working.
      #9) Listening to people that haven't even made any money online
      #10) Subconsciously sabotaging their own success because of deep-rooted issues (again falls into the mindset category).

      If I had to choose 1 from the list above I would say "Mindset". If your mindset is not right, you are paddling upstream from the outset.
      Good points.. Experience detected!
      What do you think is most important, learning from the experience of others or having our own mistakes and failures?
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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Dawidowicz
      Paul Dawidowicz
      Profile picture of Paul Dawidowicz
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      Originally Posted by DeanJames View Post

      It's a combination of things...

      #1) Lack of FOCUS
      #2) Spending too much time on unproductive activities.
      #3) Quitting just before they hit pay-dirt.
      #4) Getting distracted by new products they don't even need.
      #5) The WRONG mindset.
      #6) Undefined goals with no vision beyond the desire to make money online or improve their lifestyle.
      #7) Failing to take ACTION or taking lots of the wrong type of ACTION.
      #8) Not testing what is working so they don't know what is working.
      #9) Listening to people that haven't even made any money online
      #10) Subconsciously sabotaging their own success because of deep-rooted issues (again falls into the mindset category).

      If I had to choose 1 from the list above I would say "Mindset". If your mindset is not right, you are paddling upstream from the outset.
      Exellent list...may I make a product around this list?

      its incredible that facts stare in our face and we cant see them..thanks for a great post
  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
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    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
  • Profile picture of the author dannygnenerate
    Profile picture of dannygnenerate
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    Lack of Focus

    Lack of Knowledge

    If you stop lacking these things you will start making money. This I promise you.

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  • Profile picture of the author dmaster555
    Profile picture of dmaster555
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    Same reason most people fail at ANYTHING.

    TOO much thought - Not enough action.

    and the number one reason for that is fear.

    ask anyone why they haven't followed their life's desires or whatever it may be, it's just that they're scared of something whether it be failure, being ridiculed, going broke, etc.

    Oh yeah, and of course lots of people are lazy.
  • Profile picture of the author mdan287
    Profile picture of mdan287
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    Originally Posted by Richard Mortimer View Post

    Hey folks,

    Please let me know what reasons you've found for people failing on-line.


    Mostly lack of Patience, confident and proper knowledge.
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    Mark Pescetti
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    They give up.




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  • Profile picture of the author troy23
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    It's always down to the individual to put in the work, but one problem is that people get fed the wrong information. What worked well once does not work so well today.
  • Profile picture of the author himanuzo
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    One reason - people don't build good relationship to their customers/ clients.
  • Profile picture of the author svetod
    Profile picture of svetod
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    Most of the people quit when they lose some money and get scared to continue. This is a common scenario for newbies. They start to panic at a particular point when there is absolutely no reason to. They invested money and time, gained some valuable data, but simply are not confident enough to continue. That's why I offer help to people to show them the right way and make them believe.
    Any questions - let me know!
    Want To Know How I Make Money Online? Read my story http://affiliate-lifestyle.com/
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennisknows
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    Spent weeks building an Angry Tutorial site with videos from YouTube. It was a no brainer for me. People would come to the site and I'd get paid from Adsense.

    After getting completely done, I went to setup my adsense ads but before I did, decided to do some keyword research to see how hard it would be to rank in Google. In doing that, i saw that Advertisers were paying less than $0.02 per click which meant I would get a percentage of that 2 cents.

    At that point, I felt it wasn't even worth it. I would be earning pennies per day.

    Lesson learned was that if you're planning to do adsense, see how much Advertisers are paying FIRST before doing any work. :-)
    "May the optimism of your tomorrow fuel your drive for today"
  • Profile picture of the author Fazal Mayar
    Fazal Mayar
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    Giving up too quickly , making money online is a long process.

    Blogger at RicherOrNot.com (Make Money online blog but also promoting ethical internet marketing)

  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    Profile picture of RogueOne
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    #5) The WRONG mindset.
    In one form or another.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
  • Profile picture of the author Aurelijus
    Profile picture of Aurelijus
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    Originally Posted by Richard Mortimer View Post

    Hey folks,

    Please let me know what reasons you've found for people failing on-line.


    Wrong niche, wrong mindset, wrong coaching, lack of persistence.
  • Profile picture of the author BloggerDeen
    Profile picture of BloggerDeen
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    I believe the core reason would be giving up too early, lot of people do enter into IM but majority give up because in IM too early usually refers to few months to year
  • Profile picture of the author Beatinest
    Profile picture of Beatinest
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    Work ethic. It's not "fun" sitting behind a computer screen all day.
  • Profile picture of the author AlexGeorge
    Profile picture of AlexGeorge
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    One of the biggest reasons people fail is because they jump from one idea to the next all the time. You need to block all distractions and concentrate on the current project. Too many people make an affiliate site, get frustrated when it doesn't make instant money then make a membership site. They then get frustrated when that doesn't make instant money then move onto something else...
  • Profile picture of the author Story
    Profile picture of Story
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    There are simply too much stuffs that we can do, I guess it's just jumping from one to another before finally giving up.
    • Profile picture of the author Devid Farah
      Devid Farah
      Profile picture of Devid Farah
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Oh wow.. there are so many ways that is almost impossible to list em all here.

      The biggest of the biggest? People don't like to work. Very simple.

      They expect somebody to do the hard work for them. They just want the money, they want to become millionaires without investing energies or IMPLEMENT the techniques and waiting for the right time to get the results. They give up too easily.

      It comes from our society where nobody is willing to take responsibility for their actions. You are inclined to focus on mistakes, living in the past, ask yourself forever what and why something didnt work instead on focusing on what works.

      Some people love to live in the past and dont want to take any action cause they are afraid of the consequences.

      Another big one? MIND/MINDSET.

      Lots of people struggle with mindset. More precisely the barriers that you create inside you. People make things harder than what they are, get stuck, overwhelmed, buying forever and NEVER take action.

      Let me give you an example; you buy course after course and instead of taking action based on what you read and learn, you decide to put it apart and buy another different course and decide to study the way a different "guru" made his fortune. You repeat this again and again, and again. You get distracted forever. This is called the next shiny thing syndrome.

      Here's how it works; lets say you are working on something right now like setting up a squeeze page, ok? Then you search the web and an idea captures your attention like "making money with cpa offers". You get "attracted" in a way that you get totally distracted from the bigger picture and go off in tangents instead of remaining focused on the goal. (setting up the squeeze page or whatever else).

      So why it is so dangerous?

      Because you always start something but get distracted and NEVER finish everything. Plus there's the risk that you can spend COUNTLESS hours and lots of money on that "new thing"(in this case making money with cpa offers) without even knowing if that thing is right for your business.

      There is another thing that is very dangerous and leads to failure; the search of perfection that automatically brings to ENDLESS procrastination. Here's what happen, you wait for "the perfect moment" before starting your online business, but the reality is that there isn't a "perfect time" to launch it.

      You just need to start something, focus on ONE THING at a time and MASTER it before starting something new.

      As i mentioned previously your mind/mindset is the biggest reason why you are not making a killing online. You create your own mental barriers. You lack of confidence. You don't believe that you are able to make money online and come up with question after question that keeps you from starting an online business or making money online... forever. Questions like; "I'm nobody, why should people listen to me"? or.."i don't have any experience", "am i good enough"?, "why people should pay for my products"? "i was online for years and never made a cent, am not gonna make anything now" etc. etc. You get discouraged and frustrated everytime and seems impossible to get out from this vicious cycle.

      You have to work on your subconscious cause you probably know what to do and what you want to achieve, but on a subconscious level you dont wanna get out of the "comfort zone". You have to beat your fears and start taking MASSIVE action.

      Here's an example; you have taken the courses and read about ways to make money online. You understand what you need to do. Well, NOW, its time for you to BREAK through your confidence barrier and really start making money online focusing on one method only. You gonna make one mistake or two, this is totally normal. Successful people did exactly the same, but your big advantage is that they have given you a roadmap after they made the mistakes.

      So learn their success and reproduce it. This is the key to succeed.

      Do what the gurus do, not what they say.

      Study the successful people cause they even tell you what mistakes to watch out for.

      Your chance at success is much higher than theirs was when they first started out.

      Another big problem is called "analysis paralysis". People get stuck with this mental barrier of not being able to make a decision. They overthing/over analyze something and get stuck and never take action.

      This might be picking one guru's method over another. Or it might be trying to link the main parts of your online business together. Or it could be you have too much information to sift through.

      As i mentioned there's perfectionism. The search of perfection that automatically brings to endless procrastination.

      Perfection can be admirable, but in the long run, it is self-limiting and will bring you nowhere. How to defeat this? Start understanding that NOTHING can be perfect in this world.

      Heres why this brings to endless procrastination:

      1. Waiting until everything is perfect to get started.

      Get over it immediately. There will never be a "perfect" time to start your online business. All you need is a few basics like an internet connection and a simple business idea. Once you start, you'll identify and prioritize what else is needed.

      2. Keeping at it.

      These are people that start working on a business idea but then stall because they don't think it's coming along perfectly.

      It's not suppose to be perfect when you are in the middle of developing your business.

      Just FOCUS on one thing and MASTER it. Your business will get better and better.

      Set short term goals instead of only having a long term goal. Let's say your goal this week is writing three search engine optimized articles about an affiliate product you're promoting... or something along those lines.

      3. Pull the trigger.

      Stop waiting for your online business(or product) to be perfect before you launch it.

      Your business will be evolving forever. Find a criterion other than perfection for launching the business. Instead of perfect, your business is ready to launch after you've completed all of the necessary components and proofread everything three times.

      It wont be perfect but is gonna be good enough to start making money for you.

      Plus, there are many many other factors involved;

      1) Not knowing what you really want and not writing your goals on paper.
      2) Not selling anything at all
      3) Not having the right idea to sell to a market that wants it at an affordable price
      4) They quit after the first failures cause they don't accept failure as a learning experience and not understanding that FAILURE is absolutely acceptable if you want to be successful. You just have to learn from your mistakes and take action as soon as you can.
      5) Not understanding that you MUST experience failure in order to become successful
      6) Not investing any money in traffic

      ...ok... my hands got tired... lol
      • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
        Profile picture of x3xsolxdierx3x
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        Originally Posted by Devid Farah View Post

        Oh wow.. there are so many ways that is almost impossible to list em all here.

        The biggest of the biggest? People don't like to work. Very simple.

        They expect somebody to do the hard work for them. They just want the money, they want to become millionaires without investing energies or IMPLEMENT the techniques and waiting for the right time to get the results. They give up too easily.

        It comes from our society where nobody is willing to take responsibility for their actions. You are inclined to focus on mistakes, living in the past, ask yourself forever what and why something didnt work instead on focusing on what works.

        Some people love to live in the past and dont want to take any action cause they are afraid of the consequences.

        Another big one? MIND/MINDSET.

        Lots of people struggle with mindset. More precisely the barriers that you create inside you. People make things harder than what they are, get stuck, overwhelmed, buying forever and NEVER take action.

        Let me give you an example; you buy course after course and instead of taking action based on what you read and learn, you decide to put it apart and buy another different course and decide to study the way a different "guru" made his fortune. You repeat this again and again, and again. You get distracted forever. This is called the next shiny thing syndrome.

        Here's how it works; lets say you are working on something right now like setting up a squeeze page, ok? Then you search the web and an idea captures your attention like "making money with cpa offers". You get "attracted" in a way that you get totally distracted from the bigger picture and go off in tangents instead of remaining focused on the goal. (setting up the squeeze page or whatever else).

        So why it is so dangerous?

        Because you always start something but get distracted and NEVER finish everything. Plus there's the risk that you can spend COUNTLESS hours and lots of money on that "new thing"(in this case making money with cpa offers) without even knowing if that thing is right for your business.

        There is another thing that is very dangerous and leads to failure; the search of perfection that automatically brings to ENDLESS procrastination. Here's what happen, you wait for "the perfect moment" before starting your online business, but the reality is that there isn't a "perfect time" to launch it.

        You just need to start something, focus on ONE THING at a time and MASTER it before starting something new.

        As i mentioned previously your mind/mindset is the biggest reason why you are not making a killing online. You create your own mental barriers. You lack of confidence. You don't believe that you are able to make money online and come up with question after question that keeps you from starting an online business or making money online... forever. Questions like; "I'm nobody, why should people listen to me"? or.."i don't have any experience", "am i good enough"?, "why people should pay for my products"? "i was online for years and never made a cent, am not gonna make anything now" etc. etc. You get discouraged and frustrated everytime and seems impossible to get out from this vicious cycle.

        You have to work on your subconscious cause you probably know what to do and what you want to achieve, but on a subconscious level you dont wanna get out of the "comfort zone". You have to beat your fears and start taking MASSIVE action.

        Here's an example; you have taken the courses and read about ways to make money online. You understand what you need to do. Well, NOW, its time for you to BREAK through your confidence barrier and really start making money online focusing on one method only. You gonna make one mistake or two, this is totally normal. Successful people did exactly the same, but your big advantage is that they have given you a roadmap after they made the mistakes.

        So learn their success and reproduce it. This is the key to succeed.

        Do what the gurus do, not what they say.

        Study the successful people cause they even tell you what mistakes to watch out for.

        Your chance at success is much higher than theirs was when they first started out.

        Another big problem is called "analysis paralysis". People get stuck with this mental barrier of not being able to make a decision. They overthing/over analyze something and get stuck and never take action.

        This might be picking one guru's method over another. Or it might be trying to link the main parts of your online business together. Or it could be you have too much information to sift through.

        As i mentioned there's perfectionism. The search of perfection that automatically brings to endless procrastination.

        Perfection can be admirable, but in the long run, it is self-limiting and will bring you nowhere. How to defeat this? Start understanding that NOTHING can be perfect in this world.

        Heres why this brings to endless procrastination:

        1. Waiting until everything is perfect to get started.

        Get over it immediately. There will never be a "perfect" time to start your online business. All you need is a few basics like an internet connection and a simple business idea. Once you start, you'll identify and prioritize what else is needed.

        2. Keeping at it.

        These are people that start working on a business idea but then stall because they don't think it's coming along perfectly.

        It's not suppose to be perfect when you are in the middle of developing your business.

        Just FOCUS on one thing and MASTER it. Your business will get better and better.

        Set short term goals instead of only having a long term goal. Let's say your goal this week is writing three search engine optimized articles about an affiliate product you're promoting... or something along those lines.

        3. Pull the trigger.

        Stop waiting for your online business(or product) to be perfect before you launch it.

        Your business will be evolving forever. Find a criterion other than perfection for launching the business. Instead of perfect, your business is ready to launch after you've completed all of the necessary components and proofread everything three times.

        It wont be perfect but is gonna be good enough to start making money for you.

        Plus, there are many many other factors involved;

        1) Not knowing what you really want and not writing your goals on paper.
        2) Not selling anything at all
        3) Not having the right idea to sell to a market that wants it at an affordable price
        4) They quit after the first failures cause they don't accept failure as a learning experience and not understanding that FAILURE is absolutely acceptable if you want to be successful. You just have to learn from your mistakes and take action as soon as you can.
        5) Not understanding that you MUST experience failure in order to become successful
        6) Not investing any money in traffic

        ...ok... my hands got tired... lol
        Admittedly, I didn't get through this whole post....but, if you actually wrote it all (and, saying "my hands got tired" seems to imply that you did), I shot a "Thanks" your way.

        Apologies before hand if I just "thanked" a post that had something like racist comments or something like that in there somewhere.
        • Profile picture of the author Devid Farah
          Devid Farah
          Profile picture of Devid Farah
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          Originally Posted by x3xsolxdierx3x View Post

          Admittedly, I didn't get through this whole post....but, if you actually wrote it all (and, saying "my hands got tired" seems to imply that you did), I shot a "Thanks" your way.

          Apologies before hand if I just "thanked" a post that had something like racist comments or something like that in there somewhere.

          Actually i didnt realize i wrote so much and the post was so long... but just keep in mind that this is just a "brief", literally. This topic is so huge that is almost impossible to write everything here. I tried to summarize some important points.

          For example "analysis paralysis" or "shiny object syndrome" are endless in themselves. It would take pages and pages to write about these subjects.

          Its not just that, there are so many other factors involved that is really impossible to write em here. I was about to complete the list of other factors but my hands got tired a bit.

          Its not just that, the list is huge.

          Can you clarify about the racist comments?

          • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
            Profile picture of x3xsolxdierx3x
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            Originally Posted by Devid Farah View Post


            Actually i didnt realize i wrote so much and the post was so long... but just keep in mind that this is just a "brief", literally. This topic is so huge that is almost impossible to write everything here. I tried to summarize some important points.

            For example "analysis paralysis" or "shiny object syndrome" are endless in themselves. It would take pages and pages to write about these subjects.

            Its not just that, there are so many other factors involved that is really impossible to write em here. I was about to complete the list of other factors but my hands got tired a bit.

            Its not just that, the list is huge.

            Can you clarify about the racist comments?


            I know you wrote a quality post.

            When I wrote "racist comments", I thought the context was clear.

            I simply said that because your post was so long, and because I had (admittedly) not read the ENTIRE thing....I didn't want my "thanks" to be construed as approving had you written some bizarre, controversial, or, racist comment. (Of course, you likely wouldn't have written a racist comment, but I was still covering myself in the even of something...)(I'm sorry for the confusion...)
        • Profile picture of the author TerranceCharles
          Profile picture of TerranceCharles
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          Lot's of reasons...

          - Critics.

          - Lack of direction.

          - Not letting go, staying stuck.

          - Too much ego, or not enough of it.

          - Not creating enough content / products / list-building to keep momentum.

          - Wrong mindset, letting fear dictate your progress.

          - Putting social media before things that actually make you money.

          - Too much perfectionism, leaving them to not grow, only stay perfect.

          - Implementing the wrong information from people that don't even use it.

          - Doing too many things at once, with no tangible results from any.

          - Self, not mastering the self creating fear. People actually fear success.

          - Doing it alone, not expanding with other people or outsourcing.

          - Too much pride to do anything else, even though they know it's right.

          - Self doubt, telling yourself no one would want your products / services.

          - Not stepping out their comfort zone, playing small to not offend others.

          - Not balancing home / family life with business. They both have to be balanced.

          That's just to name some, I could write a whole blog post on it
  • Profile picture of the author Richard Mortimer
    Richard Mortimer
    Profile picture of Richard Mortimer
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    With my coaching clients, I've found they don't like hard work.

    I keep emphasising that it is a business. You need to be an entrepreneur and you need to sell. People don't want either....

    So, I think the biggest reason for failure is people want a quick fix.

    And, there is no such thing!


    • Profile picture of the author Mark Y
      Mark Y
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      That's actually a really good point from Richard Mortimer a couple of posts up and while I agree with virtually everyone in this thread I agree most strongly with Richard. I don't think there's too much more to add to the thread really as you've got a very detailed list of where the pitfalls are.

      However I might flip the coin over and suggest the following things you should do at the very start to begin on the right foot (why? just in case you or anyone else reading this thread is in the same position, and possibly not having any success and not finding themselves focused enough perhaps without even realising it):
      1. Identify your profitable niche : make sure your niche is something you're passionate about or have expertise in - i.e. if you didn't have to work what would make you launch out of bed every morning;
      2. Research and choose a business model : this basically means how do you want to monetise your niche and how you want to deliver value to your customers;
      3. Learn the basics of building a website : just like it says, it can only benefit you to have at least a rudimentary amount of knowledge in constructing a website even if you outsource the bulk of the work;
      4. Create a marketing plan : you need marketing to get customers, and you need customers to generate revenue. Simple as that.

      I've breezed through the list above and while they're only a sentence or two there's a mountain of work in each - you're absolutely at the right place to learn all of it though. Follow the path above however, importantly, at the same time keep in mind all of the pitfalls that the others in the thread have outlined so as to avoid them as best you can.

      All the best!
  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
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    People prefer searching for shiny objects over putting in work.
  • Profile picture of the author Micah Medina
    Micah Medina
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    1. Won't do anything.

    Most people will do anything but do anything.

    2. Too cynical.

    Constantly whining about "this is a scam, that is a scam" without just taking responsibility for things. Ties into #1 I guess.

    3. No skills.

    Not good at writing, design, website stuff, money management. Hard to do most of online business unless you know how to write properly.

    4. No money.

    Hard hard hard to make money with no money.

  • Profile picture of the author dannygnenerate
    Profile picture of dannygnenerate
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I wish I had more time to be more thorough on this topic but I'll say this...

    All you need to succeed is 4 things, these 4 things that I mention are unequivocally the reason you'll succeed. Why am I so certain... How can I be so dedicated to this truth? Because I'm living proof of success after doing this nearly a decade.

    Building a relationship with your customers and potential customers. Prospects are JUST as important as your actual customers. The more you make them feel comfortable the easier it is to sell and introduce them new ideas. I have at least 90 people who I work with closely that I could say, "this is the new best r thing" and no matter what it would cost they will pay it. Why because my attention to them is the same attention a friend or family member would give to them individually.

    Having a concrete plan. Listen it doesn't have to be perfect but there needs to be a structure a strong structure. Would you build your house that your family would live in on a week foundation? No? Then don't run your business like it's a game. You can either plan correctly and live out your dreams or get a job and help that owner build his dream. Either way you go it's up to you. Get in gear and let go of the petty broken structure of a plan and mindset that you have. Ask yourself when promoting something, would trust this product, business or product to the point where I'll use it to feed my family?

    If you said no then why would you sell or promote something that's useless.

    With that said, Value, Value, Value. This is the key to unlocking the success you're looking for. Stop thinking it's a great idea... Don't make a move until you feel that you know it is. I gave a seminar in Florida and I told the people in the crowd that you're one of two people in life, a person with the knowledge which is the powerful person or a person who's uneducated or of no value.

    You are either the cow that gets herded or the herder.

    Confidence. Without confidence you're lost and you can't convey your motives properly. Without confidence you can't articulate the truth properly.

    You need these properties as they are the conduits to your success.

    I was once a very poor person and the embodiment of these characteristics and principles are what left behind that wanna be person to be the guy that I am today. You can't live out your dreams unless you find a way to help people with theirs. The richest people in our world are the most valuable don't think small or else you'll die buried in the guilt of what if. Stop worrying about what the world thinks be yourself. Wealth has no face and life far too short... Stop being herded.

    - Daniel

    "How To Get Clients Begging To Pay For Your Services... And Close More Deals FAST!" Get Clients Now

  • Profile picture of the author J50
    Profile picture of J50
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    They stop working when they feel exhausted, people making $50K - $100K+ a month in this game are working 100 hour work weeks.

    There's so many people at this now, to remain competitive and stay on top, I push myself hard and harder. If I'm not putting someone out of business they sure as heck are trying to put me out of business.
  • Profile picture of the author JamesBorg
    Profile picture of JamesBorg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Lack of critical-thinking abilities manifesting as Pollyanna-ism, insufficient "cynicism" (realism), "positive thinking," being a card-carrying member of Team Think and Grow Rich / The Secret, buying 99% of IM/MMO products, "guru" worship, etc.

    If you can't ruthlessly dissect reality, someone else will and cash in big.
    • Profile picture of the author Micah Medina
      Micah Medina
      Profile picture of Micah Medina
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by JamesBorg View Post

      Lack of critical-thinking abilities manifesting as Pollyanna-ism, insufficient "cynicism" (realism), "positive thinking," being a card-carrying member of Team Think and Grow Rich / The Secret, buying 99% of IM/MMO products, "guru" worship, etc.

      If you can't ruthlessly dissect reality, someone else will and cash in big.
      I actually think I see more of the opposite problem. Give me a Gullible Pollyanna Guru Worshipper over a Bitter Complainy Everything Is A Scam I'm Super Smart Because I Never Do Anything Guy anyday.

      Although both are problematic.I think both have a lack of inner confidence as a root problem.

    • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
      Profile picture of DubDubDubDot
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by JamesBorg View Post

      Lack of critical-thinking abilities manifesting as Pollyanna-ism, insufficient "cynicism" (realism), "positive thinking," being a card-carrying member of Team Think and Grow Rich / The Secret, buying 99% of IM/MMO products, "guru" worship, etc.

      If you can't ruthlessly dissect reality, someone else will and cash in big.
      "Why do people fail?" threads seem to be a weekly occurrence. The above post by JamesBorg is probably the most truthful answer you'll find in any of them.
  • Profile picture of the author Devin X
    Devin X
    Profile picture of Devin X
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    Originally Posted by Richard Mortimer View Post

    Hey folks,

    Please let me know what reasons you've found for people failing on-line.


    Too many to list. Why do you want this information? Here are some big reasons why someone fails:
    1. They lack an operating budget.
    2. They lack creativity.
    3. They lack discipline.
    4. They lack focus.
    5. They are no talent ass clowns.
    6. They are uneducated.
    7. They have no skills.
    8. They have no drive...they only have desire.
    9. They have no common sense.
    10. They lack resourcefulness.
    11. They expect something for nothing.

    Plenty of people...most of people, are not cut out for this.A lot of people come in here thinking they can make millions when they have no education, no skills, no discipline. The only difference between this and starting a brick and mortar company, is that there are low costs of entry...but even those are increasing now.
  • Profile picture of the author Buy Articles
    Buy Articles
    Profile picture of Buy Articles
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    A Big problem is noise. Some people chase the next big thing and bounce around from opportunity to opportunity without giving anything a legitimate chance.

    If you subscribe to every list you see, you'll be flooded with emails about this offer and that strategy and it becomes difficult to focus.
  • Profile picture of the author brutecky
    Profile picture of brutecky
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    Any reason anyone is going to say is just a guess, though an educated guess. The reason its a guess is because you used the word 'most' and Im willing to doubt that no one who has answered (including me) has done any statistical research on people who fail in IM, then parsed the results to find out the most common contributing factors.

    Ok now that I gave the disclaimer let me give you my educated guess:

    People fail at IM the same reason people fail at other things, lack of effort. Period.

    This is actually supported by logic. Think about it. Select any activity. Baseball, Cooking, Singing, Acting, Playing an Instrument, .. just about anything including IM. While the vast majority of people will never become 'great' at the activity just about anyone, given enough effort could become 'good' at it.

    Its the same with IM. Most of us will never become 'great' and be one of the 1% who make millions but just about any of us could be 'good' and be profitable and make some nice money. So why doesn't everyone? Same reason I have a guitar sitting in my office and still cant play it, lack of will power to put forward the required effort.
  • Profile picture of the author Mrs S
    Mrs S
    Profile picture of Mrs S
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    I'd say lack of focus, and the misconception that you can make money in your sleep without putting in any effort.

    If you want to make money then you need to treat your online venture like a real business, pick one strategy and stick with it until you start to make money, then you can widen your net.
  • Profile picture of the author Praize1
    Profile picture of Praize1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The major reason(s) i have found is

    Information overload - people try to take a lot of information so they end up bogged down by it all.The way to get past this is to master one form of driving traffic to their offers before trying to learn more stuff

    also most folks learn and learn and learn but do not take action and implement what they learn

    and finally,people are not consistent to stick with what works until it works for them.they do maybe one solo ad here another type of ad there,PPC there and when they don't get instant results,they move on to another 'shiny' object
    those are the major reasons i discovered
    • Profile picture of the author AlisonM
      Profile picture of AlisonM
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I'd say - focus and mindset -
      Did you know - the average millionaire failed 17 times before they struck it rich. Isn't that incredible?
      Do you think they kept failing until they got lucky? No - they learned from their failures and adopted the correct mindset.
      To achieve your goals and fulfill your potential – we need to make sure you have the correct mindset.

      It's been proven that only 3% of people have this correct mindset.
      3% of people - so the eminent minds of our day say - fulfill their potential.
      3%. That's all. However 3% of the world's population is still over 200 million people.
      Are you going to be one of these 200 million?
      Woody Allen said "...the world is run by people who show up. When you talk to any successful person, they all say that in life, there are either results or excuses."
      Which will be you - 6 months from now?
      • Profile picture of the author dman1995
        Profile picture of dman1995
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        Hi, a lot of great answers here, I will add my 2 cents and say that it is

        The Fear of the unknown

        That causes many people in business, relationships, hell life in
        general to fail or not reach their full potential.

        We feel happy and safe in what is known to us.

        We need to escape from that self-imposed box if we are to succeed!

        Patience is bitter, but it's fruit is sweet!

  • Profile picture of the author BrianMcLeod
    Profile picture of BrianMcLeod
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    Lazy People: Try to buy their way to success, then get frustrated when none of the things they continually buy magically transform them into someone they're not.

    Ignorant People: Never take the time to UNDERSTAND how things work, instead choosing a Bull In A China Shop approach to marketing - then they get mad and say they were lied to or that nothing works.

    Smart People: Get all the way to the 10 yard line, 90% finished, then never let the curtain go up on their show because there's always something else to "improve" before doing so.

    Talented People: Become cynical that the world doesn't automatically recognize their greatness and shift the blame to how "stupid" the market is.

    Angry People: Buy pissed off, consume pissed off, market pissed off... and stay pretty much perpetually pissed off - lots of fun to be around.

    Sad People: Can't let go of their own hurting and so seek only to identify with others equally wounded, guaranteeing a cycle of further dejection and disappointment.

    Woo-Woo People: Eschew pragmatic, boots on the ground labor in favor of etherial feel good self-talk then reinforce the cycle by blaming themselves for not doing the woo-woo right - YET.

    Bored People: Dip their toe into 50 pools, testing the water in all of them, never diving into any of them, thus never get to experience the rewards of full engagement.
  • Profile picture of the author workoutstuff1
    Profile picture of workoutstuff1
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    Doing something that works, and then not working to make it more systematic.

    Even if you are successful at something, if it is something that is difficult, or time consuming to implement, you are going to eventually move on to something else.
  • Profile picture of the author Rod Dinero
    Rod Dinero
    Profile picture of Rod Dinero
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    I think the biggest reason why people fail is because they look all the time for a "push 1 button solution" and are not willing to work hard and take action. People tend to buy WSOs and stuff but very few actually go and take MASSIVE ACTION on what they just read.
  • Profile picture of the author Long Beach Nathan
    Long Beach Nathan
    Profile picture of Long Beach Nathan
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    I believe some of the biggest reasons are:

    -They're so easily distracted by something that looks like it will make them more money (Shiny Object Syndrome)
    -They don't treat it like a business
    -They try too many things at once
    -They spend too much time on details that don't matter that much (I was guilty of this one many times)
    -They don't understand who their customer is. If you don't understand this, then you won't know much about how to sell to them.
    -They don't understand that real marketing online is more about networking and connecting with your audience rather than trying to shove your product down their throat.
    -They don't create a buyer's list. This is HUGE. It's been said that the cost of acquiring a buying customer is 3x as much as selling to an existing customer!
    -They don't at least build some type of list of subscribers whether it's on social networks, or through email.
    -They're easily defeated. They fail a couple times and that's it, they give up. In reality those are not business oriented people at all.
    -They see competition and think there's no room for them to make a profit. In reality, all you have to do in this case is just be better at even one thing, and you can win the customer over to your side.
    -They don't work on getting targeted traffic to their offer. Man, is this HUGE!

    There's more but I can't think of it right now.
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    Profile picture of hustlinsmoke
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    They ask too many dang blasted questions and never get there butts to work is why.
  • Profile picture of the author cyberzolo
    Profile picture of cyberzolo
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    Not acting on their goals and trying out everything.
  • Profile picture of the author jessiem
    Profile picture of jessiem
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    Wrong niche.
    Lack of knowledge and focus.
  • Profile picture of the author trader909
    Profile picture of trader909
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    sad fact is mot shouldn't even try it.

    bis needs: open mind, intelligence, emotional control, drive, focus, plan, high work ethic = Not your average person.
  • Profile picture of the author competent123
    Profile picture of competent123
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    they are running after something that made someone else profit some time ago.

    money in that something has already been made, move on to creating your own something.
  • Profile picture of the author jazbo
    Profile picture of jazbo
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    The biggest single issue is not getting things right in their heads before they even begin. Most people fail before they start in IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author quick_silver
    Profile picture of quick_silver
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    Lacking some form of marketing plan for each and every project.

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  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    Profile picture of PerformanceMan
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    It takes brass balls to succeed in IM. They must not have a set
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