Best Coaching Warriors On The Forum?

by 8 replies
If You Had 2500 To Pay For a Coaching Class, What Warrior Would You Pay It To?
#main internet marketing discussion forum #2500 #class #coaching #forum #pay #warriors
  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    You may get a higher quality response if you say what you want to be coached on. And no, "how to make money online" doesn't count. That's like asking how to make money at a job (presumably any job) in the real world.
  • Profile picture of the author dropout
    I don't see how I would ever pay that much for a coach. The way you frame the question, I assume you want a coach who will teach you a new business, and not one that can help you out with specific areas of an existing one?

    With that kind of money on the line I would want to hear in detail what kind of a business I would be taught, what the long-term potential of it is, what kind of methods are used to generate traffic and so on. A lot of variables to consider!
  • @Peregrino,

    I'm not gonna give you any names. Instead, I'll give you a few tips on the best way to choose a coach/mentor.

    There are the 5 crucial questions you need to ask and they are as follows:

    1. Does their service cover A-Z of the business model you are interested to follow?
    2. What is the cost of their program as well as any startup costs? $2.5k is way to much in my opinion, especially if you're new to the business.
    3. What type of support do you prefer? Skype, Email, Phone? Does he offer it?
    4. Do they have any positive reviews & testimonials from previous students?
    5. Is their training updated and ongoing?

    Make sure you keep these questions in mind when you find a potential coach/mentor to help you with your business.

    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Profile picture of the author Peregrino
    Ok, here is the thing, i ve been online for about one year, i have bought many training courses, ebooks, softwares, and i have learn a lot, i know php html css java, i learn about traffic methods and all types of stuff .. but i get like overwhelm with all this information and products and tools ... i was trying to make a mastermind group in my country im from dominican republic, but all my friends are either to lazy or they dont just believe in IM ... I have many sites (like around 10) but there not converting, as i havent start promoting and ranking them .. yet .. so i need a mentor someone that can actually teach me how to take all of this that i have so that i can start making money online ...

    All i have make is like 0.42 cents on a adsense account i have with one of my sites.. and i have already spent over 5000 for sure .... i dont want to give up ... as i know a lot of you guys are making a nice living, but more important you are making it doing something that you like and enjoy doing like internet ...
  • hey there

    you don't need a mentor. you need to improve your communication skills or develop a business model that does not require you to write and sell in english (whether that's through outsourcing or whatever).

    take half of your money and invest it in quality SEO and good english writers. get free help from WF on the rest. one person's opinion, take it or leave it.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Profile picture of the author desley
    Good on you for wanting to keep on trying. I agree with the suggestions so far.

    Look at what your ultimate aim is and then ask the questions that one respondent has provided.

    As the saying goes: when the pupil is ready, the teacher will arrive!!!

    Be prepared, do your research, and don't just jump at the first person that will present themselves to you. With the money you're wanting to wave around - the sharks will also present themselves as an opportunity too good to miss. Be money wise. Be student savvy. Be patient. Be very selective with what you spend your money on; and most of all - Be true to yourself. Not every teacher is good for every student.

    Before people get up in arms - Warrior Forum is a good place to start - however one still has to be careful.

    Good luck
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    If you live in the Dominican Republic then you probably want to target areas of the world with traffic of a higher value. The obstacle will be producing a site that resonates with them since you will be doing things from the perspective of a Dominican. Are there any topics that interest central Americans living in the US? You could go specifically for that demographic.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • The warrior that has proven themselves over multiple years

    The same warrior that also has the life/business lifestyle that you want to have

    The very same warrior still that has a good teaching manner and will genuinely
    try to help you.

    I paid £5000 for my first business lesson from someone when I was just 17 and starting out in IM... never looked back and now in a position where people share their knowledge for free with me....
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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