Article marketing - please critique my sig box

6 replies
I recently finished up 11 articles. I submitted them to ezinearticles. I believe the titles and articles are fine but I had to fine tune the signature box.

Here is an example of what my sig box looks like. Please feel free to make suggestions.

If you're interested in obtaining financial freedom then you should check out "your link goes here" You will receive a free report and an honest review. "link to free report"

Secure your financial future today!


"your name"
#article #box #critique #marketing #sig
  • Profile picture of the author MelissaChurch
    From what I've seen, I don't think your signature box should have a salutation. It should cut off after the "link to free report." It's not a letter so the sincerely looks weird. At least to me it does!
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  • Profile picture of the author Iamnotherenow
    thanks but is everything else good.
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  • Profile picture of the author J smith
    Everyone does it differently, and at the end of the day all one can say is to test and adjust untill you get results you are satisfied with. With that said I always make the signature box (for ezine at least) a continuation of the article itself.

    Ie. take the last paragraph of your article and add 2 links to it, using your keywords for anchor text.

    So just do a conclussion or restate the points made in the article or what not as your signature. So for example your example signature would work (for me) if an article was title and focused on "financial freedom" But it wouldn't really work if an article was focused on say make money selling lemonade. A signature fr that would be along the lines of:

    "You can learn more about<linl>selling lemonade</> You should also check out a free report about other creative ways to <link>make extra money</>"

    Or something along those lines. But as I said, that's just how I do it. But since EA doesn't separate your resource box from the rest of the article (like some other directories do) I think it works better than having the same sig in all your articles, or even worse telling them that you are an expert on blah blah blah.
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  • Profile picture of the author MelissaChurch
    Everything else looks good from my end. Like J Smith said...the best way to find out is to test your results and see how it works.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mary Gallivan

    Make your resource box flow naturally from your article. You can have up to 300 words in it so make it as long as you can.
    Test, test, test. I very rarely use the same resource box for every article.
    Try something like:

    Start on Your journey to financial freedom with this (link)free report(link) and join the many others who are free of the 9-5 slavery. Link to site

    Something like that.

    Use your 2 links that are allowed - one as anchor text and one as a straightforward url.

    Have a look at these posts as well

    This one is by Chris Knight of Ezine Articles:

    Article Marketing 101: The Perfect Author Resource Box

    and this is by Herod Shannon:

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Disclaimer: the following is pure personal opinion...

      Your resource box seems okay, but kind of dull.

      And promising an honest review of something you are obviously promoting may raise more suspicion than it cures.

      Were it me, I'd look for a curiosity angle I could put in the form of a question. Then I'd craft a landing page that answered the question, positioning my offer as a vital part of the solution.

      From your post, I'm assuming you're promoting some type of make money or biz-opp offer, so I'll use that...

      Resource box: "Do you know how to drive any car you desire? I do, here's how... (link)"

      While you're there, don't forget to pick up your free report on how to experience (link)financial freedom(/link)...

      Landing Page: (Headline) Here's how you can drive the car of your dreams while you're wide awake...

      [Explain how you can drive almost any car available by creating an income stream that covers the payment. Then, after the car is paid for, you still have the income stream. Add a little credibility and implied third party endorsement by crediting Robert "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" Kiyosaki for the idea.]

      For a free report on how to generate the income streams that will give you the life of your dreams, and an objective review of one means to that end, just enter your name and an email address you check regularly. We'll email you the access code immediately.

      If you can't wait, (link)check out how I'm building my own income streams(/link).

      Very rough, but you get the idea...

      Just make the benefit in the bio box and the landing page relate somehow to the subject of the article...
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