creating a kindle series

by jumshi
7 replies
so i have 1 book on sale, im working on more in the series but my question is - is it best to


write say 8 books and then use the first book KDP to promote the others ( linked) or


publish one a month? and do the 5 day thing at the end of the month

and if its b

is it because amazon rewards new books?

and does anyone here know about NOT using KDP to promote the other 8 books ie just using one book linked to the other 8 to promote and hope that people will buy the entire series?
#creating #kindle #series
  • Profile picture of the author KenJ
    Hi Jumshi

    You need to know the answers before you write 8 books. If you haven't done so already you should invest in the Warrior Book Club and the Kindling WSO.

    Then you can plan your Kindle business properly. These two resources will equip you at a cost of less than $200 which is remarkable.

    In answer to your questions there are people who are successful with both strategies. There are also other methods to promote and be successful on Kindle. You have to strike your own path.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ghoster
    Assuming you're writing fiction, it's best to create an Amazon Serial. Now, you have to pitch your idea to their editors, but it's a lot better than just uploading book after book to KDP. If the editor's accept your pitch they'll expect you to release a new serial every two weeks.

    The benefit: People pay once for your entire series, but you can re-release the entire series as a single book once it's run its course. Most Amazon Serial authors re-release the series for a high price.

    Other benefits: You get reviews coming in constantly over the course of your serial's run. This is good for rank.

    You make more money in general.

    On the whole, you get what you pay for.

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    • Profile picture of the author jumshi
      actually its childrens books so i dont think it would work the same way. ive just checked your link, its the usual romance thriller stuff

      Originally Posted by Ghoster View Post

      Assuming you're writing fiction, it's best to create an Amazon Serial. Now, you have to pitch your idea to their editors, but it's a lot better than just uploading book after book to KDP. If the editor's accept your pitch they'll expect you to release a new serial every two weeks.

      The benefit: People pay once for your entire series, but you can re-release the entire series as a single book once it's run its course. Most Amazon Serial authors re-release the series for a high price.

      Other benefits: You get reviews coming in constantly over the course of your serial's run. This is good for rank.

      You make more money in general.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    A lot of writers want to create a series. This is more like an on going TV show than a stand alone movie. I can tell you that it does not work from my experience. People have to start at the beginning with episode one or it does not make any sense. Books should be like a lotto ticket in that every one is a new potential winner. Like creating a series will box you in. Create many new books in different areas.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      If you have 8 books in a series, all 8 should list the others in the back of the book.

      Originally Posted by seobro View Post

      A lot of writers want to create a series. This is more like an on going TV show than a stand alone movie. I can tell you that it does not work from my experience. People have to start at the beginning with episode one or it does not make any sense. Books should be like a lotto ticket in that every one is a new potential winner. Like creating a series will box you in. Create many new books in different areas.
      Much like the TV series you mentioned, there are ways to do a series and still have each book/episode a self-contained whole. Since jumshi mentioned children's books, there are a ton of examples of successful series, from Curious George and Dr. Seuss for little kids to Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys mysteries for older kids to the whole Twilight angsty teen vampire thing for teens.
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    • Profile picture of the author KateD
      Originally Posted by seobro View Post

      A lot of writers want to create a series. This is more like an on going TV show than a stand alone movie. I can tell you that it does not work from my experience. People have to start at the beginning with episode one or it does not make any sense. Books should be like a lotto ticket in that every one is a new potential winner. Like creating a series will box you in. Create many new books in different areas.

      I typically agree with your opinions seobro, but I think this is some of the worst advice I have seen given regarding an aspect of Kindle publishing.

      And I know that you are going on your personal experience, but it's fairly common knowledge about the power and popularity of creating and growing a series of books.

      Even if someone was to find book #3 (for example). If the description and cover image are well-made, you will have readers researching the other books in the series.

      And like you, I am basing my opinion on personal experience. Creating a series in fiction can have a cummulative effect. A well-written series have turned many no-name authors into massive hits.

      I would recommend that the OP do additional research here, but also on forums that are more targeted to Kindle writers.

      Best wishes,

      Why Aren't You Making Money On Kindle With Erotica?

      --->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
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  • Profile picture of the author iFaith
    Creating a series is the way to go especially for fiction. Series can be standalone stories that are set in one place or themed in a certain way connects all standalone books within the series. Or a true series that follows the story of your heroine or hero throughout a series of books with different plots and adventures.

    Making the first one free is usually the best strategy... as you'll get lots of downloads and it will funnel your readers to your other books and of course increase your brand and reviews. Do it free or at least a lesser price of 99Cents only.

    If you already have some books in the series written and ready for launch... publish at least 2 or 3 at first... the first one being free or 99C and linked to the other one or two. That way your free readers can immediately have an option to buy your other books and be funneled into your 'tribe' ;o)
    Then you can continue to build your brand and create excitement by slowly releasing your other books monthly or however long you want.

    Also, many series authors who have created a winning series that do not offer the first book as free or for a lesser price, and have launched several books all paid.... do write a prequel that introduces the series and is usually offered free or 99C and is usually a short story or novella in length.

    Good luck and happy writing and sharing/marketing your fiction stories! ;o)


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