Calling All Kindle Publishers: Please Share Your Experience Using CreateSpace and/or Smashwords

My Fellow Warriors....
Kindle publishing changed everything for me. I had tried so many of the typical IM income ventures (Adsense, affiliate marketing, CPA offers, etc) with little success. It wasn't until I started to write and publish on Kindle that I finally began to see positive and lasting results.
Now, I am still at the beginning of my journey. Although I do have 15+ titles on Kindle and am making a few hundred dollars per month (and growing), it still isn't enough (yet) to cover all of my living expenses. I am supplementing my income in the meantime by offering ghostwriting services to others looking to join the Kindle opportunity.
Now that I have a number of titles published on Kindle, I am looking for ways to maximize the content that I have already publishing on Kindle. Two options come to mind.
CreateSpace.com (owned by Amazon) allows publishers to offer physical copies of their digital titles.
Smashwords.com allows publishers one place to submit their digital titles to Barnes and Noble (Nook), Apple, Sony, Kobo, and more.
I have looked at both sites, and have a decent understanding of how they work, and what their potentials COULD be. However, what I am searching for is REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE from those that have used either of these websites in order to increase content distribution and sales/income.
So if you have used either CreateSpace or Smashwords, I am asking, ever so politely, for you to share your experiences (both good and bad) on this thread.
Kindle is the big dog and will take up most of my focus, time, and effort. But if there is a way to generate even more royalties on the titles that I have already published on Kindle (or will eventually have on Kindle), then I am very interested in learning more. And if you are a current Kindle publisher, you should be too. It just makes sense, right? We do all this work to publish on Kindle, it just makes sense to take those same titles and distribute them as widely as possible, on as many places as possible.
Thank you all in advance.
Best wishes,
Kindle Self Publishing Supersite - Kindle Templates, Book Covers & Trailers, Marketing Tips, & More
--->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
--->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
--->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
Kindle Self Publishing Supersite - Kindle Templates, Book Covers & Trailers, Marketing Tips, & More
--->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
--->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
--->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
--->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
--->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
--->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
--->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
--->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
--->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)