A Brief Money Making Thought For The Future

1 replies
23 year old college student Chris Allen won the American Idol competition tonight. He seemed to be unsure of his abilities early on during the show, but grew with each performance, by taking in the judges feedback by absorbing both their praise and negative comments. 10 months ago he was basically unknown outside his family and friends. He wouldn't be the American Idol if he hadn't originally tried out for the show. Think he might make a dollar or two in the future? Try out for the show. Not American Idol unless you are musical. Find the show of life that suits you best, find your niche or passion. Dreams can come true.

#future #making #money #thought
  • Profile picture of the author MADINAZ
    That's really inspirational. But some people are better off playing the lotto than trying some of the things they do to make money.
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