What Are Some Decent Freelance Writing Sites? (2013)
I'm looking for sites that pay for quality work. While there are some good clientele to pick up off of forums, the majority of them want $1.00 superstar writers.
The only sites I still know of that are functional:
Yahoo Voices
Pure Content
If someone mentions the following:
Somewhere in the world, a kitten you don't know will be kicked. Content mill websites are running dry because more and more people are either hiring private, or realize that hiring insanely cheap writers isn't the best way to get quality content.
Not that opening up an iWriter article to see 1,000 words of requirements on an article that's paying .75c per 100 words doesn't sound mighty appealing.
Textbroker pays a little more and has slightly more projects available but not nearly as much as it used to have. Google has changed, the need for high quality content has changed and the demand for filler crap has gone down.
Anyone got any of their own personal favorites or know any that are functional in 2013? I'm not going to even bother wasting my time with a website that doesn't pay .03c per word at the very minimum. A lot of writers would consider the price I'm asking peanuts and wouldn't touch that either. Just looking to add some more to my list and keep my options open before I launch a website (which hopefully is soon).
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