"Experienced" IM'ers...if you lost your website and your entire list...how long would it take you?

7 replies
Some people are of the understanding that you should be earning some money ( so you can scale it up) within the first few months, otherwise you aren't running your business very well.

Other people may believe that it's perfectly acceptable to spend a year not making any money as you build up your following, create your products, etc...

So my question is... If you had to start from scratch today, How long would it take you until you started earning ANY money on a CONSISTENT basis (that you could scale up)?
#entire #experienced #imersif #listhow #long #lost #website
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Bkelly301 View Post

    If you had to start from scratch today, How long would it take you until you started earning ANY money on a CONSISTENT basis (that you could scale up)?
    A little under 4 weeks. (I'm guessing, but that won't be far wrong).

    It originally took me 4 months, because I didn't know what I was doing at all, at the start, but "with what I know now", as they say ...

    You can see the sad and bitter and embarrassing tale of my first 3+ months, if you want: http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...ml#post8532320
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    • Profile picture of the author Bkelly301
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      A little under 4 weeks. (I'm guessing, but that won't be far wrong).

      It originally took me 4 months, because I didn't know what I was doing at all, at the start, but "with what I know now", as they say ...

      You can see the sad and bitter and embarrassing tale of my first 3+ months, if you want: http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...ml#post8532320
      Yes I read your story on there.

      4 months is very impressive. I know that you said that you picked just a few reputable people and read just their posts, ignoring all others. You are one of the people on here that I believe I could learn from, so I definitely read all of your posts.

      Now, is there a specific WSO, website, book, mentor, etc...that you would recommend in order to get to a point where I'm "earning" within 6 months.
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  • Profile picture of the author nik0
    Originally Posted by Bkelly301 View Post

    Some people are of the understanding that you should be earning some money ( so you can scale it up) within the first few months, otherwise you aren't running your business very well.

    Other people may believe that it's perfectly acceptable to spend a year not making any money as you build up your following, create your products, etc...

    So my question is... If you had to start from scratch today, How long would it take you until you started earning ANY money on a CONSISTENT basis (that you could scale up)?
    My main business

    If I had to re-start with enough money in my bank and zero contacts/customers or anything of such it would probably cost me 1 year to get back at the same income level as now, although not 100% sure as my type of business changed quite a bit over the last 2 years (SEO that is, people are way more wary and the forums are much less frequented then before). However I would have a much better start then before as I know how things work.

    Any money? The same week.

    Affiliate marketing

    It would take me a bit longer, I would've to build a network of sites to rank my "money sites", I would have to outsource content, build the site, wait for it to rank, wait for getting paid from Amazon and such, probably at least 3-4 months before I see the first dollar in my pocket and probably 1.5-2 months before I see the first sales coming in.

    If I had to start with zero dollar in my pocket or bank, or just 100 bucks or something small like that, no idea what I would do, probably find a normal job first, save as much as I can and invest that. Building a following with no money or anything would not be my thing, then I would rather work a normal job till I have a decent cash flow. Well actually that's the latest what I would do but definitely something I would recommend to new comers in the game.
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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
    To start making money without any lists or website
    I'd expect I could do that in the first week.

    In some ways it could be an advantage.

    Let me explain what I mean.

    Many years ago I had several brick and mortar businesses
    and eventually I got out of those.

    When I decided to go back into business I had a long list
    of criteria for the kind of businesses I was willing to consider
    (low or no overheads was a big one).

    Hindsight is a very valuable thing and if you keep your
    head when you're doing it tough you can build the kind
    of business you really want.

    Kindest regards,
    Andrew Cavanagh
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    • Profile picture of the author Bkelly301
      Originally Posted by AndrewCavanagh View Post

      To start making money without any lists or website
      I'd expect I could do that in the first week.

      In some ways it could be an advantage.

      Let me explain what I mean.

      Many years ago I had several brick and mortar businesses
      and eventually I got out of those.

      When I decided to go back into business I had a long list
      of criteria for the kind of businesses I was willing to consider
      (low or no overheads was a big one).

      Hindsight is a very valuable thing and if you keep your
      head when you're doing it tough you can build the kind
      of business you really want.

      Kindest regards,
      Andrew Cavanagh
      How would you go about earning within just a week? Do you have any WSO suggestions or anything that you could recommend that would teach me the same thing (just generalities...not your exact niche).

      I'm asking this because I feel that I am very good at creating great content, videos, posts, eBooks, websites, etc...and I've done all that. In fact, I've done all that very nicely over the course of the last 6 months. I make a few simple sales here and there from some of my books on Amazon Kindle...but that's chump change (maybe $10 - $20 every other month).

      I have a nice website in place, with several different ways to get people onto my list (free eBook giveaways and/or free content updates).

      But actually "earning money" seems that it's going to take me years to do...because with my strategy, I'm dependent upon slowly "building a reputation" over the course of years in my niche. Once I have the following, then I can sell affiliate products, advertising, my own eBooks, etc...However building the following would take a while, therefor no actual earning for a while...

      This is why I'm extremely confused when people say that they could start actually earning in a month or so....I'm not looking to get rich in a month. Rather, I'm just looking to be pointed into the direction of some guidance that will explain to me what direction I should be taking such that actually earning money online is the end result.

      What is the starting point? Create a squeeze page that gives away one of my books for free in order to build a list?

      From there...."build a relationship" with those on my list while simultaneously promoting affiliate products related to the eBook that I gave them?

      That sounds cool and all, but I fear that I'd ultimately end up down the path of "teaching" people to earn money online (when I don't know how to do so myself).

      My eBooks are about how I quit my 9 - 5 job in order to pursue a life that I am passionate about, which is playing live music, learning piano, learning jiu-jitsu, and essentially "being my own boss". So I have eBooks written about how I make my living theses days and still pay my mortgage....However, I don't know if the "quit your 9 - 5 job and trade lots of money for happiness" is a very lucrative niche.

      So while I'm still going to continue happily living my job-free life, I'm thinking that if I want to start earning some actual money, perhaps I should find a niche that will actually "sell" (because it seems that most people just think that I'm crazy for quitting my engineering job in order to become a self-employed, local rockstar ). I've been trying to "sell" people inspiration to just go for what they want in life rather then just mindlessly going to work everyday at a job they hate just so they can make money. The majority opinion is simply "ya I wish I could do that", but I've no way of actually making sales...

      As to how I'd actually go about earning money within the next month...I'm clueless. I can surely crank out some nicely formatted eBooks, and relatively professional looking websites though .
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      • Profile picture of the author cashforcabinets
        For Me....

        My long term goal would be shot and I would have to rise above all my previous efforts and do a quick start up with capital.

        I would be forced to build my business in a way that most of you don't see.

        What I would do would be simple, I'd write my 38 page business plan and pitch it to accredited investors who have a net worth over 1 million USD.

        From their I would execute the business plan and stay close to my VC firm as they would put there head hunted business people in my life.

        (all this could take 1-3 weeks)

        I will have a fully funded business that is under the umbrella of a VC firm.


        I understand this question very well as I have previously sold a company a long with the domain and corporate identity and had to start from scratch.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    Originally Posted by Bkelly301 View Post

    Some people are of the understanding that you should be earning some money ( so you can scale it up) within the first few months, otherwise you aren't running your business very well.

    Other people may believe that it's perfectly acceptable to spend a year not making any money as you build up your following, create your products, etc...

    So my question is... If you had to start from scratch today, How long would it take you until you started earning ANY money on a CONSISTENT basis (that you could scale up)?
    To start earning money consistently? If I'm allowed to use my current knowledge I could have a profitable campaign set up in about 20 to 30 minutes because I would already know which traffic source to send to which offer.

    But as far as building my business the way it's set up today with my VAs, contractor's, product line, etc. then it would take anywhere from 3 to 6 months; the variance is wide because there are many moving parts involved and a hangup in one area would impact another area of my business.

    So, let's just say 6 months.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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