Am I on the right path to Making money Online

by 23 replies
I have been playing around with different ways to earn money online. I have a couple sites up that are not doing as much as I would like but I m learning everyday.

I have adopted a ready, fire, aim approach to all of this. It may not be the best strategy but... I m trying to find something that produces the results I want. I changed focus a bit and am trying affiliate marketing and promoting products.

I created my own site that promotes a product and I am thinking of doing more of the same. Anyone have advice on this method? Is this an effective strategy or is there a better way? Is it to small scale?

Since this was a all new to me not to long ago, I like to think I have made progress or at least learned a lot of new things but it would be nice to hear from someone that has been at it for a while and is making money.

#main internet marketing discussion forum #making #money #online #path
  • Hi Rob! It sounds like you're definitely ready to get started on an IM career!

    Personally, I would suggest creating and getting affiliates to promote your product. Not only is it relatively simple (once you have the product and copy done), but it's definitely a great passive income source.

    For a newbie, I think that's a more than decent job. True, it is small-scale, but it definitely is a market with potential. For this one, I think that Google traffic might be a great way to go. Plus, I don't think there are too many other similar programs, which means less competition.

    I haven't been at this for a while at all. All the information above is only stuff that I personally have gleaned after spending hours on WF.

    Good luck, Rob!

    JR John
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Hi Rob,

    Do you mean a site that promoted one single product or a review site to promote or "review" all kinds of products?

  • Hi Rob,

    Looking through your other posts, I can't help but think that you are posting this to promote your site. This is disrespectful to members who would be willing to help.

    Nevertheless, every fail will help you grow. Keep experimenting and reading up and you will get there.

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    • I just recently started looking to this site for help. My other post was asking for help about the first site I put up. An ebook site. I included the link to the site so that others can actually see what I did and give me some tips. I did get some good advice- and was grateful that other members took the time to give their opinion. The same goes for this post. If you can not see the site, I don't expect much quality advice. It is not about promoting the site.

      Who said "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"? Really, I can't remember, but that is why I am making these posts. I need to change something or find a different approach and from what I have seen on this forum, there seems to be a lot of knowledgable individuals that are willing to help.

      Again, the question I was asking with this site is whether it is an effective way to make money online. The idea is to find an affiliate product I like and promote it by building a site around that product. Ineffective? Maybe to slow?

      I have spend a lot of time with other sites and even if they are not a success from an economical stand point, the journey and the skills I gained from putting in the time and effort were well worth it and it has led me to try other things. I am still looking for a recipe for success.
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  • Ready, fire aim is fine. But you need to re-sight your target, instead of changing guns.

    Focus. Get it right.

    What have you tried, and worked? What have you tried and did not work? What can you do more of that will give you more success, and what should you do less of that will increase your results?
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Hi Rob, when building a site around an affiliate product you have to really make sure yours is the best out there (most detailed reviews, tutorials etc). Focus on your users, offering real value, building an opt in email list and being visible in the places your target audience congregates online (be it forums, facebook groups etc). Give value, build trust and your visitors will be more likely to click through from your site and buy the product.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Thanks David, good advice, it might be a good idea to include a video and more testimonials on the site. What is a good product to build an opt in email list?
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  • Rob,

    Successful Internet business owners have a very particularly focused mindset. "Playing around" with different ways to make money is not part of it. They have very specific goals and means to get there. Certainly they try new approaches to expanding their "empires" but they research, implement, track and test their way to making additional money. Too many newbies "play around" all day long and never focus on the often mundane aspects of business execution.

    It's a popular slogan that gets tossed around but it's not the most efficient and effective way to begin your IM career. Think of this as a journey which includes a specific destination (your goal). "Ready, fire, aim" suggests that you head out, travel around a bunch, then decide where you're going.

    I've been involved on a daily basis with small business development for over 35 years and I can tell you, without hesitation, that the most successful entrepreneurs are those with a laser focused drive toward a set of specific outcomes that are planned from the beginning. Of course they make modifications and corrections "in flight" but they know where they're going and they use all their resources to get there.

    You've gotten a start on your marketing career and I applaud you for that - it's more than many others have done. But until you adopt a very focused and outcome driven mindset and strategy, you'll continue to "dabble" and try new exciting things without ever enjoying the success that potentially is yours.

    Spend some time on this forum, observe what's happening, and you'll notice that many Warriors never gain traction because they never focus on one thing and stick with it long enough to "force it" to become profitable.

    The very best to you,

    • [ 3 ] Thanks
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  • You can blow up your site big time. The volume of searches and interest in DIY logos and headers is HUGE. I know the product you're promoting is good because I have it and use it every day.

    The number of tutorials and samples you could create as posts with videos is endless. That software does more than logos. I use it for a ton of graphics needs, but you might want to stick to the "logo" concept ... that alone is a truckload of traffic. I think YouTube is good because people like video tutorials for graphics - just be sure to use external links in your videos with annotations back to your product review.

    I'd probably post videos that don't reveal the software name so they have to go to your site to find out or post a part 1 on YouTube and then part 2 on your site.

    Once you have a really cool video set up, pay for YouTube Adwords for targeted views. You should be able to send a ton of traffic to your review if you set it up right.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • I m getting some really good responses here and by the sounds of it, I still have a lot of work to do to perfect the site....if that is even possible.

      EnterIn, I also thought about adding more pages but wasn't sure how it would benefit the site. Do you mean write an article (s) based on key word searches? I will have to do some more research on how to properly research relevant key words when it comes to Logo Design etc. I am sure there are some good posts on how to do that on this forum.

      The Youtube idea is also great but since I have never done a Youtube video before, that will have to go on the back burner for a bit until I can really look into it. So much to learn, so little time:-)

      And Steve B I really enjoyed reading your response. It made perfect sense and that is why I decided to seek out help from those who have "been there, done that". I do think that playing around with the ideas I had (couple other sites) was a necessary evil because it got me to this point. I needed the time to figure out how to do different things online. But I agree wholeheartedly with your advice. I do have a goal (goals actually) but I also realized that I m all over the map. I am trying to narrow my focus.

      Thanks again everyone.
  • Hey,
    I don't think Fire.Aim approach works fine at all. But If you have the Motivation to Aim for the correct path you should get results.

    Don't do everything at once, Just focus on creating an Authority Website, so you can monetize that site by using relevant Affiliate Products, Selling Direct Ads, Using PPC Ads etc.

    You need a better plan and I suggest you to write a Project Report in how you should optimize your website, what areas to improve, what monetization methods you want to use and what functionality you want to have in your website.

    Once you're done with the Great Plan of your Online Business. Stick to it and follow it. One of the biggest mistakes of mine is NOT TAKING ACTION.

    If I took action at the right time, then I should build my website in 2008 and today it should be really popular. Anyway, concentrate on one main Goal and there will be many chances to monetize that Goal in a later day.

    Best Wishes,
    Shyam Chathuranga.
  • Hey great thread guys!! really learned a lot myself!
  • Banned
    This is tricky. Personally, I am not a big fan of e-mail marketing, although it;'s been proven to me that it works. But from a consumer perspective, I wouldn't go there, unless what I promote on that site is really really great. Otherwise, affliliate sites and Facebook ads and Adwords... These would be my options.
  • Banned
    You have to roll with the punches. Do not think that there is a limited amount of information you need to use to get things going in the right direction. There are new strategies coming out every day and you need to keep on the lookout.
  • based on the feedback you need to change the strategy and improve your results... and what works will work more for you..
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    • Yes JanePlaten, I am trying to change my strategy. I have been reading a lot the last days and checking out what is being written on this forum. It seems that it is easy to have a good idea, but difficult to monetize it. But I see from a lot of the posts in this forum that it is definitely possible and that is exciting.
  • Banned
  • Hi,

    You can certainly add a signature link that points to the site you've added in your post.

    Offer some kind of service at the "Warriors For Hire" section of this forum.

    I'm sure there will be loads of people looking for this kind of service.

    Collect email addresses by offering some logos for free maybe?

    I would always recommend you build a list with whatever you promote
    online. You get to keep those leads and build up a relationship with them

    It's much much easier to then be able to promote other products and
    services to them further down the line if you decide to venture into
    product creation on a more serious scale.

    All the best and good luck

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I logged into my account the other day and just saw that I had made my 1st SALE and with it my first money earned online. I have to say that I was totally pumped. I was actually shaking.

    It s funny because if I average out the amount of work I put in so far- not just with this one site, but with the others that I have been working on as well, I m averaging about one peanut per hour. If I m lucky! But seeing that “SALE” gives me hope that there is more to come.

    I am not posting this to brag (not much to brag about:-)). I m posting this to let those who are just starting out know that you really can do it and not to give up. I have been learning as much as possible about internet marketing and devouring as much information as possible for months now- and man, if seeing that first Sale isn’t motivation enough to keep going I don’t know what is.

    Thank you to everyone who gave me encouragement on my first post in this forum- and to all the other "warriors” on this forum who are posting great information, tips and giving quality advice.

    PS. Some things that i noticed are that if you are selling a great product it makes things easier, also believe in what your are doing- others may not understand what you are trying to accomplish so keep things to yourself for a while unless you have unlimited support and celebrate your small victories. I consider this a small victory. Thanks again to those who gave tips in my original post.

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  • 28

    I have been playing around with different ways to earn money online. I have a couple sites up that are not doing as much as I would like but I m learning everyday. I have adopted a ready, fire, aim approach to all of this. It may not be the best strategy but... I m trying to find something that produces the results I want. I changed focus a bit and am trying affiliate marketing and promoting products.