your biggest challenge

4 replies
What are some of your biggest challenge or obstacles with Internet marketing?
#biggest #challenge
  • Profile picture of the author ParkerFar
    Procrastination. I just wrote about it today on my blog.

    i guess this is where i tell everyone i have a blog, among other things -

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  • Profile picture of the author sflosi34
    For me it is procrastination. I always tell myself that I'll do all this IM stuff and other things like school get in the way and I never get around to doing anything IM related that I wanted to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Franklin
    The biggest challenge is keeping things balanced. Once you start getting into a flow with various projects, you can easily lose track of time. Often. family members or even pets will tell you when you've been at the screen for too long...but it shouldn't always get to that point! Even on the days that seem to produce little results, you have to force yourself to get away from the computer and do some things to recharge like working out or reading an enriching book.

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