Any Ideas On How To Get Honest Review Copies? I'm About To Launch My First WSO.

2 replies
I'm about to launch my first WSO and need some tips on how to get honest review copies.
#copies #honest #ideas #launch #review #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Gideon Olade View Post

    I'm about to launch my first WSO and need some tips on how to get honest review copies.
    There's an established, approved method of doing this, Gideon: you can post in this part of the forum with the words "[Reviewers Wanted]" at the start of your thread's title: Wanted - Members Looking To Hire You

    You can also offer some review copies in the WSO sales post itself.

    In either of those places, you can specify whatever criteria you want the reviewers to fulfil ("members of 1+ year standing", "members with 100+ posts", or whatever you want).

    Look at people forum's posts before deciding whether or not to give them review copies. There are some members 99% of whose posts are "WSO reviews" and in the eyes of many Warriors, they carry very little, if any, weight.

    You can advertise it in your signature-file, too (as long as you don't then post to draw attention to your signature-file!).

    The one thing you shouldn't do is send private messages to people you don't know offering them a review copy in exchange for a review: that's really a form of "PM spam".

    Don't forget that reviews written in exchange for a free copy, whether they're posted as posts in your WSO thread or listed/quoted in your own sales post, need to specify clearly that they were incentivized in that way.

    And good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Don Schenk
    In the warriorforum's "warriors for hire" section you can place an advertising thread requesting reviewers. They can then PM you or respond in the thread. I don't remember the cost for this. I think it's $20 to place and ad offering services, it may be less to advertise for reviews.

    Potential problems:
    1-Only about half of the people who request a review copy will actually give a review.
    2- You will want to get their email so you can remind them to send their reviews. So make them give you the email so you can email a link to them. Make it a different link than you will use for the real WSO.
    3- If your WSO is crap they won't tell you so, and you won't get feedback as to how to make it better before launching it.

    I see you have been here for a year with only 9 posts. This means most people won't know you. The better you are known, the more people will want to give a review.

    I remember one fellow who spammed me by PM asking for a review. Silly me, I agreed. Never again. The ebook was terrible! His concept was good, but the explanation and presentation were confusing.

    When I sent him a PM showing where the problems and confusing issues were, he became angry, and nobody has seen or heard from him since. Go figure! It could have been a good WSO.

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