Can someone please explain article writing for money?

Profile picture of chrisphm
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
10 replies
You can tell from my amount of posts that I'm brand new. I have noticed tons of posts here that talk about writing articles for money. The good news is that I have been writing EZA and GoArticles for over a year now, and I have lots of articles written on each site for my mortgage business. So I"m no stranger to article writing.

However, I rarely make any sales directly from my articles. Can the Warriors offer any advice on how to start making real money from article writing, as I am obviously doing something terribly wrong. Every time I write an article, all I'm doing is submitting each one to several bookmarking sites, and a few of them I have ranked very high with backlinking but nothing else.

The Bum Marketing method sounded intriging....but I think I would need to start writing articles about things I don't know much about.

Please be advised that I AM capable of writing 10-15 articles per day if need be, I just don't know where to start, or how to fix what I"m currently doing wrong. It would be really cool if I could bust my but for 6-8 months and start making a few thousand dollars per month.

#article #explain #money #writing
  • Profile picture of the author Elvin Tiong
    Elvin Tiong
    Profile picture of Elvin Tiong
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What are the topics of your articles, I mean what is your niche? If it's about IM, should be quite easy to sell in a bunch. Many IM'ers have no time to write articles, and willing buy quality articles from ghostwriters.
    • Profile picture of the author KenJ
      Profile picture of KenJ
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      There are a number of ways you can make money from article writing but it has to be done right. (That was bad english written on purpose).

      You do not say why you are writing your articles. Are they pointing to your own web site. Are they ON your blog. To help give us some more info about what you are doing.

      There are great article experts here such as Timg, allen graves, steven wagenheim, Jean dize and so on. But there must be a plan to your article writing.

      Otherwise its like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you're doing but the girl doesn't!
      • Profile picture of the author chrisphm
        Profile picture of chrisphm
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by kenj View Post

        There are a number of ways you can make money from article writing but it has to be done right. (That was bad english written on purpose).

        You do not say why you are writing your articles. Are they pointing to your own web site. Are they ON your blog. To help give us some more info about what you are doing.

        There are great article experts here such as Timg, allen graves, steven wagenheim, Jean dize and so on. But there must be a plan to your article writing.

        Otherwise its like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you're doing but the girl doesn't!
        Well, I'm a mortgage loan officer, so my articles all point to my website. And a few select articles are ranked fairly high on Google via high PR backlinks. I do not have them actually ON my blog, which is a Wordpress blog integrated with my website. that's pretty much it.

        When I started, I just thought "I'll write 350 articles and I'll get instant traffic" but clearly that is not the case.

  • Profile picture of the author waken
    Profile picture of waken
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    Check these out ...

    And some nice WSO by Jeremy. Well, there's no better way than learning from videos where Jeremy shows you from $0 to $$$$.

    P.S. I'm not affiliated with Jeremy in anyway at the moment. Just a satisfied customer giving pure, genuine recommendation out of experience. Really begin to Love this guy and Don..
  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Profile picture of Andyhenry
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Chris,

    Although I don't see this subject as much different from many others about making money - I think the fundamental problem you're facing is the same one that faces many IMers - You don't have a reference for how to do this right.

    Making money on or off-line is all about offering people something for a value they're happy with.

    Unfortunately many people that come into Internet Marketing don't have a very successful offline reference for where value gets assigned.

    This means people end up trying to do lots of things but have no idea how to make real money from them.

    As far as making money from writing articles goes - there are just as many ways to do this wrong as for every other thing you could choose.

    I've been paid thousands of dollars to write one article, so when I see writers being told to throw up hundreds of articles or make Adsense sites in order to use their content it seems crazy to me.

    I think the problem you have is that you've been told a lot of stuff about articles and making money and much of it just regurgitated crap or strategies from people who've actually had very little success themselves.

    There are fellow warriors who write for money in many forms (I've paid a few of them myself), so hopefully you'll get some sensible responses rather than other people who are not making money writing but are happy to tell you what to do.

    The best money I've made from writing articles has been:

    1 - Writing them for other business owners who want them printed to promote their business.

    2 - Used at the right time to highlight new software launches (informative industry news type articles which point to a product)

    3 - Created for the purpose of selling to niche groups who struggle for good content.

    Good luck with your efforts, it's good to see someone looking to make money with their passion rather than just make money.


    nothing to see here.

    • Profile picture of the author chrisphm
      Profile picture of chrisphm
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

      Hi Chris,

      Although I don't see this subject as much different from many others about making money - I think the fundamental problem you're facing is the same one that faces many IMers - You don't have a reference for how to do this right.

      Making money on or off-line is all about offering people something for a value they're happy with.

      Unfortunately many people that come into Internet Marketing don't have a very successful offline reference for where value gets assigned.

      This means people end up trying to do lots of things but have no idea how to make real money from them.

      As far as making money from writing articles goes - there are just as many ways to do this wrong as for every other thing you could choose.

      I've been paid thousands of dollars to write one article, so when I see writers being told to throw up hundreds of articles or make Adsense sites in order to use their content it seems crazy to me.

      I think the problem you have is that you've been told a lot of stuff about articles and making money and much of it just regurgitated crap or strategies from people who've actually had very little success themselves.

      There are fellow warriors who write for money in many forms (I've paid a few of them myself), so hopefully you'll get some sensible responses rather than other people who are not making money writing but are happy to tell you what to do.

      The best money I've made from writing articles has been:

      1 - Writing them for other business owners who want them printed to promote their business.

      2 - Used at the right time to highlight new software launches (informative industry news type articles which point to a product)

      3 - Created for the purpose of selling to niche groups who struggle for good content.

      Good luck with your efforts, it's good to see someone looking to make money with their passion rather than just make money.

      Thanks for providing value Andy

  • Profile picture of the author WayneP
    Profile picture of WayneP
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    • Profile picture of the author chrisphm
      Profile picture of chrisphm
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by WayneP View Post

      You need a site to send the readers to, there you can convert the views into adsense clicks or affiliate commissions. PM me and I will setup your Wordpress site free, you just pay the $7 monthly hosting fee.
      Already have a Wordpress site set up, but thank you

  • Profile picture of the author JaredKels
    Profile picture of JaredKels
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Basically the best thing to do for article writing is outsource. It will save you the headache and a lot more time on developing your own products.
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Tompson
    Mike Tompson
    Profile picture of Mike Tompson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Article writing and outsourcing in some seance is the best way. That way both time and cost can be saved.
  • Profile picture of the author Davion Wong
    Davion Wong
    Profile picture of Davion Wong
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Chris,

    Article marketing works great but it also depends on the niche you are targeting. My guess is your niche mortgage is a very competitive one. I am not sure what products you are promoting in this niche but if you are talking about loans, etc, it can be quite challenging.

    Try some of the hot niches in the market such as health products, and look into Clickbank as a start. There are tons of niches you can target. One hint here: look at those popular products in the marketplace. These tend to sell better.

    Originally Posted by chrisphm View Post

    You can tell from my amount of posts that I'm brand new. I have noticed tons of posts here that talk about writing articles for money. The good news is that I have been writing EZA and GoArticles for over a year now, and I have lots of articles written on each site for my mortgage business. So I"m no stranger to article writing.

    However, I rarely make any sales directly from my articles. Can the Warriors offer any advice on how to start making real money from article writing, as I am obviously doing something terribly wrong. Every time I write an article, all I'm doing is submitting each one to several bookmarking sites, and a few of them I have ranked very high with backlinking but nothing else.

    The Bum Marketing method sounded intriging....but I think I would need to start writing articles about things I don't know much about.

    Please be advised that I AM capable of writing 10-15 articles per day if need be, I just don't know where to start, or how to fix what I"m currently doing wrong. It would be really cool if I could bust my but for 6-8 months and start making a few thousand dollars per month.


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