Researching an Article

2 replies
Hi guys

When writing an authoritative article it's sometimes important to provide references to relevant research data to back up your claims - especially if, as a writer, you are not considered an authority in a particular niche.

Besides the good old fashioned library, where do people get their research data from online? Are there particular websites where research papers, surveys, etc can be freely accessed?

For example, I was recently writing an article about twitter, and I would have loved access to some solid data, facts and figures to back up my claims and help give the article some real authority, but I had trouble finding anything relevant. A Google search didn't return anything helpful.

Any ideas?
#article #researching
  • Profile picture of the author BradVert2013
    Google has more specialized search functions, like Google scholar. I've used them many times. And surprisingly, Amazon is a good source for information because they are pretty generous with book samples. Just look for authoritative books on the subject you're researching.

    Wikipedia works well if you jump down to the sources for each article. The sources are usually a good jumping off point. I've even found some good primary sources for research just using the sources Wikipedia cites.
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  • Profile picture of the author FreeMeal
    Google Scholar is a new one on me. I'll have to check it out. Thanks.
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