famous marketer's outline for making an easy $3k a month - my observations
- Find a hot niche market.
- Create a 10-15 page free report.
- Give the report away using a high-converting squeeze page.
- Build relationships with your list/Promote products.
Now this is a well-known and very successful marketer, and this was his method TODAY... at the end of 2013.
Granted there are some specific details you'd need to know like "how do you select a niche", "how do you get traffic to your squeeze page", or "how do you build relationships with your list", but here's what really stood out to me...
Making money online is, in many ways, all about sticking to the basics.
How do you lose weight? Diet and exercise. There. Is. No. Way. Around. It.
The same with Internet Marketing. Sure, there are other methods and even many variables to the one outlined above, but here's the question: What are you doing RIGHT NOW? What is your next step?
If you're still struggling to pick a hot niche market, step two or step three doesn't even matter. Don't waste your time researching "solo ads", "media buys", "SEO", this new product or that, UNLESS, UNLESS, UNLESS, it's going to help you pick a niche.
Once you pick a niche though, it's time to create your free report. Now you know what you need to research. Not "offline marketing" or "outsourcing". The only thing you need to do right now is create that 10-15 report.
Next, you need to know how to build a squeeze page and how to get it converting well. Do you not yet know how to build a squeeze page? I can help you, BUT ONLY if you've picked a niche market.
See what I mean? Focus on the step you're on before trying to learn about step five or step seven, or even step two for that matter.
When I heard the 4-step presentation above it wasn't new to me. But it was a solid reminder that the basics work. Stick to them. I hope to encourage you by that fact. Making money online is possible, but it's not likely if you're bouncing around from one shiny object to the next. Stick to the basics; and not even ALL the basics, but really just your very next step.
So, what's your next step? Figure it out. We can even discuss it in this thread if you like. But figure it out, and take action on it. Maybe you have a different plan than the one above. The plan above works, but it's not the only way. It doesn't really matter what your "way" is though. You have steps you need to take too. What are they? Where are your "knowledge gaps" that you need to fill? What new skill do you need to learn to help you take that next step? Be specific. Don't go buy any new products until you know exactly what you're looking for before hand. Make sense? I hope so!
My rant for the day.
The bartender says: "We don't serve faster-than-light particles here."
...A tachyon enters a bar.
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The bartender says: "We don't serve faster-than-light particles here."
...A tachyon enters a bar.
"Never make someone a priority in your life who makes you an option in theirs." Anon.
"Some see private enterprise as a predatory target to be shot, others as a cow to be milked, but few are those who see it as a sturdy horse pulling the wagon." -- Winston Churchill