famous marketer's outline for making an easy $3k a month - my observations

87 replies
I jumped on a conference call with a well known marketer the other day. He was presenting his method for earning an easy $3k a month. Here's what it was:

- Find a hot niche market.
- Create a 10-15 page free report.
- Give the report away using a high-converting squeeze page.
- Build relationships with your list/Promote products.

Now this is a well-known and very successful marketer, and this was his method TODAY... at the end of 2013.

Granted there are some specific details you'd need to know like "how do you select a niche", "how do you get traffic to your squeeze page", or "how do you build relationships with your list", but here's what really stood out to me...

Making money online is, in many ways, all about sticking to the basics.

How do you lose weight? Diet and exercise. There. Is. No. Way. Around. It.

The same with Internet Marketing. Sure, there are other methods and even many variables to the one outlined above, but here's the question: What are you doing RIGHT NOW? What is your next step?

If you're still struggling to pick a hot niche market, step two or step three doesn't even matter. Don't waste your time researching "solo ads", "media buys", "SEO", this new product or that, UNLESS, UNLESS, UNLESS, it's going to help you pick a niche.

Once you pick a niche though, it's time to create your free report. Now you know what you need to research. Not "offline marketing" or "outsourcing". The only thing you need to do right now is create that 10-15 report.

Next, you need to know how to build a squeeze page and how to get it converting well. Do you not yet know how to build a squeeze page? I can help you, BUT ONLY if you've picked a niche market.

See what I mean? Focus on the step you're on before trying to learn about step five or step seven, or even step two for that matter.

When I heard the 4-step presentation above it wasn't new to me. But it was a solid reminder that the basics work. Stick to them. I hope to encourage you by that fact. Making money online is possible, but it's not likely if you're bouncing around from one shiny object to the next. Stick to the basics; and not even ALL the basics, but really just your very next step.

So, what's your next step? Figure it out. We can even discuss it in this thread if you like. But figure it out, and take action on it. Maybe you have a different plan than the one above. The plan above works, but it's not the only way. It doesn't really matter what your "way" is though. You have steps you need to take too. What are they? Where are your "knowledge gaps" that you need to fill? What new skill do you need to learn to help you take that next step? Be specific. Don't go buy any new products until you know exactly what you're looking for before hand. Make sense? I hope so!

My rant for the day.
#$3k #famous #making #marketer #month #observations #outline
  • Profile picture of the author samkadya
    Originally Posted by Derek_Thomas View Post

    I jumped on a conference call with a well known marketer the other day. He was presenting his method for earning an easy $3k a month. Here's what it was:

    - Find a hot niche market.
    - Create a 10-15 page free report.
    - Give the report away using a high-converting squeeze page.
    - Build relationships with your list/Promote products.

    Now this is a well-known and very successful marketer, and this was his method TODAY... at the end of 2013.

    Granted there are some specific details you'd need to know like "how do you select a niche", "how do you get traffic to your squeeze page", or "how do you build relationships with your list", but here's what really stood out to me...

    Making money online is, in many ways, all about sticking to the basics.

    How do you lose weight? Diet and exercise. There. Is. No. Way. Around. It.

    The same with Internet Marketing. Sure, there are other methods and even many variables to the one outlined above, but here's the question: What are you doing RIGHT NOW? What is your next step?

    If you're still struggling to pick a hot niche market, step two or step three doesn't even matter. Don't waste your time researching "solo ads", "media buys", "SEO", this new product or that, UNLESS, UNLESS, UNLESS, it's going to help you pick a niche.

    Once you pick a niche though, it's time to create your free report. Now you know what you need to research. Not "offline marketing" or "outsourcing". The only thing you need to do right now is create that 10-15 report.

    Next, you need to know how to build a squeeze page and how to get it converting well. Do you not yet know how to build a squeeze page? I can help you, BUT ONLY if you've picked a niche market.

    See what I mean? Focus on the step you're on before trying to learn about step five or step seven, or even step two for that matter.

    When I heard the 4-step presentation above it wasn't new to me. But it was a solid reminder that the basics work. Stick to them. I hope to encourage you by that fact. Making money online is possible, but it's not likely if you're bouncing around from one shiny object to the next. Stick to the basics; and not even ALL the basics, but really just your very next step.

    So, what's your next step? Figure it out. We can even discuss it in this thread if you like. But figure it out, and take action on it. Maybe you have a different plan than the one above. The plan above works, but it's not the only way. It doesn't really matter what your "way" is though. You have steps you need to take too. What are they? Where are your "knowledge gaps" that you need to fill? What new skill do you need to learn to help you take that next step? Be specific. Don't go buy any new products until you know exactly what you're looking for before hand. Make sense? I hope so!

    My rant for the day.
    Well said. If one cannot do the above on his own then he or she can hire someone to do it for him or her.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8776837].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
      Originally Posted by samkadya View Post

      Well said. If one cannot do the above on his own then he or she can hire someone to do it for him or her.
      True. Though I would argue...

      1) There's no reason someone couldn't learn the above steps. There're not that hard really.

      2) There are still "steps" you need to take when hiring an outsourcer, so the same principle of one-step-after-another is still important to keep in mind...no matter your business model.

      3) It's much easier to hire an outsourcer, explain your project, and review their work if you too know how to do what you're asking of them or at least specifically what you're looking for.

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  • Profile picture of the author MikeTucker
    Originally Posted by Derek_Thomas View Post

    - Find a hot niche market.
    - Create a free sample.
    - Give the sample away to build your list.
    - Build relationships with your list/Promote products and/or services.
    Pretty much the Small Business Formula for the last 200,000+ years or so?

    The bartender says: "We don't serve faster-than-light particles here."

    ...A tachyon enters a bar.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8776927].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
      Originally Posted by MikeTucker View Post

      Pretty much the Small Business Formula for the last 200,000+ years or so?
      Pretty much.

      The sad thing is when you see people still running around wondering what they should be doing and how this whole thing works. Like I said, it's not the only way, but just because it's incredibly simple doesn't mean it doesn't work.

      Part of the inspiration for this post was an email I got today from a client I had about a year ago asking the same questions and still in the same boat. No progress. What had they been doing this whole time? A little of this. A little of that. No particular strategy. No particular order. That just doesn't work. Stick to the basics, one step at a time.

      It's simple, but it's not easy. Otherwise, everyone would be doing it.

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      This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
      Derek is a keyword genius - Alan W.
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  • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
    Oh, and Mike... Your slight additions to the 4 steps were very important and worth noting in case anyone missed them. I know I did at first.

    Look for the bold here.

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    This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
    Derek is a keyword genius - Alan W.
    The results are incredible - page one already! - Navia B.
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  • Profile picture of the author webmonopoly
    Man, I need 2 squeeze pages built for 2 different niches.
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    • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
      Originally Posted by webmonopoly View Post

      Man, I need 2 squeeze pages built for 2 different niches.
      I work in multiple niches too. My advice though: pick the best niche and start there. Focus on the one. Get the one rolling. THEN transition to the second.

      My two cents.

      Thousands of happy Warriors agree...
      This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
      Derek is a keyword genius - Alan W.
      The results are incredible - page one already! - Navia B.
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  • Profile picture of the author webmonopoly
    Where's the best place to get an HTML squeeze page built?
    Want To Make Real Passive Income? InvestorChamp.com
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi Derek,

    Excellent. The relationship part is key. Build them to gain trust. Making money online is about creating value and patiently waiting to gain the trust of people in your target market. While you are waiting act of course Build relationships with pros and keep sharing value via blogs, newsletters and videos.

    Good analogy for weight loss too; the magic pill ain't so magic....smart, persistent work, all driven by WHY you want to make money online.

    Thanks for sharing!
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author Jassen
      Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

      Making money online is about creating value
      This, right here, is the single biggest mistake I see people making in business. I have an exercise that I go through with clients where we identify what value they're bringing to the marketplace, because they usually don't know the answer themselves.

      Quite frankly, as I spend more time on Warrior Forum, it's also the biggest tragedy that I see in the endless train of posts asking about how to make their first X dollars online.

      People seem to forget about the most basic thing that makes economics work: People only exchange value (in the form of money) for something else of value.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8790561].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Content Commando
        Originally Posted by Jassen View Post

        This, right here, is the single biggest mistake I see people making in business. I have an exercise that I go through with clients where we identify what value they're bringing to the marketplace, because they usually don't know the answer themselves.

        Quite frankly, as I spend more time on Warrior Forum, it's also the biggest tragedy that I see in the endless train of posts asking about how to make their first X dollars online.

        People seem to forget about the most basic thing that makes economics work: People only exchange value (in the form of money) for something else of value.
        I think if more people focused on helping others instead of chasing their first dollar, we'd see a lot more success stories on this forum
        One article received 10,519 social shares! Become a true authority within any niche INSTANTLY by investing in a proven content writer.

        Don't believe me? Click
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      • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
        Originally Posted by Jassen View Post

        This, right here, is the single biggest mistake I see people making in business. I have an exercise that I go through with clients where we identify what value they're bringing to the marketplace, because they usually don't know the answer themselves.

        Quite frankly, as I spend more time on Warrior Forum, it's also the biggest tragedy that I see in the endless train of posts asking about how to make their first X dollars online.

        People seem to forget about the most basic thing that makes economics work: People only exchange value (in the form of money) for something else of value.
        Well said.

        Often times when I'm consulting with people on how to get started online I encourage them to consider what services they can provide, whether that be writing or design or whatever. I get a lot of push back on this though because that requires "work"; however providing in-demand services are a perfect way to create value. It's what I did with my keyword research services.

        Eric Louvier has talked about the difference in "pay the bills" cash and "build wealth" cash. I love that distinction. If you have to crank out a dozen articles a day or whatever it is you do, do it in order to pay the bills and quit looking for magically "push button profits". It takes work and dedication for sure. It's been said throughout this post: It's simple, but it's not easy; otherwise, everyone would be doing it.

        Back to your point though: creating value is key.

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  • Profile picture of the author webmonopoly
    Is it ok to have your header and footer navigation on the squeeze page? If I link to my squeeze page from inside my site I want people to be able to navigate off of it no?
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    • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
      Originally Posted by webmonopoly View Post

      Is it ok to have your header and footer navigation on the squeeze page? If I link to my squeeze page from inside my site I want people to be able to navigate off of it no?
      There's a whole lot of thought behind a high converting squeeze page, and unfortunately I won't be able to answer all of your questions in this thread. The good news though is there's a ton of information out there, much of it here in the Forum.

      Here's my challenge to you: Carve out a couple of hours and just study everything you can about squeeze pages. Search Google. Search the Forum. Study squeeze pages that compel you personally to opt in. You won't be a "master", but you will begin to obtain a good working knowledge of what it takes to create a high-converting page.

      Best of luck. Keep taking action!
      Thousands of happy Warriors agree...
      This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
      Derek is a keyword genius - Alan W.
      The results are incredible - page one already! - Navia B.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8777038].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
      Originally Posted by webmonopoly View Post

      Is it ok to have your header and footer navigation on the squeeze page? If I link to my squeeze page from inside my site I want people to be able to navigate off of it no?
      I've seen a ton of expensive squeeze page softwares & elaborate templates come and go in my five years of online marketing. I've tried plenty of them.

      The squeeze pages that still work best for me and convert at the highest rates are the stupid simple ones with a really catchy headline in big red letters, a couple of sentences underneath describing why they need to opt-in, and then the opt-in form.

      Don't overthink it. I've tried squeeze pages with elaborate graphics and squeeze pages that take 10 minutes to read and my conclusion is that they don't work as well as the plain white page with just a headline, a catch phrase that builds curiousity, and the opt-in form.

      I have one squeeze page that converts steady at 40%. It was one of the first ones I ever set up. I created it myself in about 15 minutes using Gimp and Kompozer.

      This all falls into line with what the OP is saying. The things that worked well 5 years ago will most likely still work well now.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8876709].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    Originally Posted by Derek_Thomas View Post

    When I heard the 4-step presentation above it wasn't new to me. But it was a solid reminder that the basics work.
    That 4-step process hasn't been "the basics" for a decade. Nowadays it's the framework for one marketing angle in addition to many that have sprouted since then. "The basics" that this "guru" has laid out are rarely enough to generate a full time living in itself anymore. Now things generally require a multi-prong approach that may or may not include the email relationship element.

    You just see the email relationship model preached all the time because the fake gurus know it's the model that newbies are most likely to buy into. The chances of earning an "easy" $36,000 per year though this single marketing method are slim though.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8777116].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
      Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

      That 4-step process hasn't been "the basics" for a decade.
      How would you define "the basics" then?

      Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

      Nowadays it's the framework for one marketing angle in addition to many that have sprouted since then.
      I agree, and said as much a couple of different times in my post. The interesting thing though is you can strip them down to make the 4 steps even more universally relevant.

      - Find a hot niche market = have someone to sell to
      - Create a report = have something to sell
      - Give the report away using a high-converting squeeze page = have somewhere to sell it
      - Build relationships with your list = be more than an obnoxious salesman

      Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

      "The basics" that this "guru" has laid out are rarely enough to generate a full time living in itself anymore. Now things generally require a multi-prong approach that may or may not include the email relationship element.
      Here's my thesis: You can add to these steps, but you cannot take away from them. You may not follow the specific strategy of giving away a free report to build a list, but the basic principle of having something to offer, someone to offer it to, and an outlet of offering it can't really be argued with in my opinion.

      Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

      You just see the email relationship model preached all the time because the fake gurus know it's the model that newbies are most likely to buy into.
      I "buy into" relationship myself building because I know who I buy products from personally...without regret. Those people I trust, that provide good value, and that I have a relationship with. If a "relationship" is important for me when I'm making buying decisions, I know it is for my list when purchasing from me as well.

      Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

      The chances of earning an "easy" $36,000 per year though this single marketing method are slim though.
      Which part doesn't work in your mind? Is your proposition that you cannot earn $3k a month from a healthy email list? If your issue is with the word "easy", I'd agree that it's not necessarily easy. It's simple, yes; but easy, no. Otherwise everyone would be doing it.

      I'm afraid you may have missed the point though. The point is less about "do these 4 things" and more about having focus, following a plan, filling your "knowledge gaps", taking action, not trying to overcomplicate matters, and yes, sticking to the basics. Now you may disagree with what "the basics" are, but I'm convinced this is an absolute fact: simple is better.

      Thanks for your thoughts. Makes for an interesting discussion.
      Thousands of happy Warriors agree...
      This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
      Derek is a keyword genius - Alan W.
      The results are incredible - page one already! - Navia B.
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    • Profile picture of the author Coby
      Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

      That 4-step process hasn't been "the basics" for a decade. Nowadays it's the framework for one marketing angle in addition to many that have sprouted since then. "The basics" that this "guru" has laid out are rarely enough to generate a full time living in itself anymore. Now things generally require a multi-prong approach that may or may not include the email relationship element.

      You just see the email relationship model preached all the time because the fake gurus know it's the model that newbies are most likely to buy into. The chances of earning an "easy" $36,000 per year though this single marketing method are slim though.
      I must be "old school" because that's pretty much the strategy that has allowed me to earn a full-time living since 2010.

      The only difference is that after the first year I started creating and launching my own products to promote to the list in addition to marketing products as an affiliate.

      Granted, email marketing isn't my entire source of income, but it does account for about 80%.

      Also, I have to disagree that "list building" is an easy sale to newbies. List building is my main niche (why wouldn't it be, that's what I know, lol) and rarely are you able to convert complete newbies to list builders...

      Normally the types of folks that "buy into the list building model" are folks that have been around the track a few times and already bought the (normally) over-hyped MMO type of products.

      In reality, it really is that simple.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8778177].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author whysoserious
        Originally Posted by Coby View Post

        I must be "old school" because that's pretty much the strategy that has allowed me to earn a full-time living since 2010.

        The only difference is that after the first year I started creating and launching my own products to promote to the list in addition to marketing products as an affiliate.

        Granted, email marketing isn't my entire source of income, but it does account for about 80%.

        Also, I have to disagree that "list building" is an easy sale to newbies. List building is my main niche (why wouldn't it be, that's what I know, lol) and rarely are you able to convert complete newbies to list builders...

        Normally the types of folks that "buy into the list building model" are folks that have been around the track a few times and already bought the (normally) over-hyped MMO type of products.

        In reality, it really is that simple.

        Motivational reply. I am also trying to gain full time financial freedom. I hope i would attain it because of you expert guys.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8793858].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Coby
          Originally Posted by whysoserious View Post

          Motivational reply. I am also trying to gain full time financial freedom. I hope i would attain it because of you expert guys.
          If you stick it out you will make it!

          The key is to focus on one thing and one thing only! Do that one thing for at least 6 months. Then re-evaluate if you are making money or if you should start a new "one thing".

          For me personally, once I finally focused on "one thing" (list building) I quit my job and went full time at the end of that six months. Since then I never looked back.

          You can do it!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8795665].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
            Originally Posted by Coby View Post

            The key is to focus on one thing and one thing only! Do that one thing for at least 6 months. Then re-evaluate if you are making money or if you should start a new "one thing".

            For me personally, once I finally focused on "one thing" (list building) I quit my job and went full time at the end of that six months. Since then I never looked back.
            List building is not a business. It's one marketing angle of many for your business.

            What you are essentially saying is that people should focus on only one marketing angle. You might experience some brief success with that, but it has never worked out for anyone long term.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8799059].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
              Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

              List building is not a business. It's one marketing angle of many for your business.

              What you are essentially saying is that people should focus on only one marketing angle. You might experience some brief success with that, but it has never worked out for anyone long term.
              You're right, it is just one marketing "angle" if that's what you want to call it. The point is that people so often focus on multiple angles without really getting a good grasp or seeing any success with any one angle. My premise (and Coby's) is that a focused approach brings more success than a scattered one.

              I appreciate your critique of our particular approach, but what actionable advice would you give in its place?

              I responded to your initial comment BTW, in case you've not seen that yet.

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              This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
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              The results are incredible - page one already! - Navia B.
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    • Profile picture of the author iconoclast
      Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

      That 4-step process hasn't been "the basics" for a decade. Nowadays it's the framework for one marketing angle in addition to many that have sprouted since then. "The basics" that this "guru" has laid out are rarely enough to generate a full time living in itself anymore. Now things generally require a multi-prong approach that may or may not include the email relationship element.

      You just see the email relationship model preached all the time because the fake gurus know it's the model that newbies are most likely to buy into. The chances of earning an "easy" $36,000 per year though this single marketing method are slim though.

      Well said sir. It is very easy to say build a list and market to them but it is much much more difficult to do. You better be providing your list with highly valuable content or the chances of anyone buying from you are very slim. Unless you are an expert at something and love writing, where are you going to constantly find good, fresh content and offers to suggest? Imo, people are pretty saavy and don't part with their money easily. They don't just buy something because someone say's it's good. If you dupe them just once, chances are they will never buy from you again. It's not that easy.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8783442].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
        Originally Posted by iconoclast View Post

        Well said sir. It is very easy to say build a list and market to them but it is much much more difficult to do. You better be providing your list with highly valuable content or the chances of anyone buying from you are very slim. Unless you are an expert at something and love writing, where are you going to constantly find good, fresh content and offers to suggest? Imo, people are pretty saavy and don't part with their money easily. They don't just buy something because someone say's it's good. If you dupe them just once, chances are they will never buy from you again. It's not that easy.
        I've said this a couple of times, but it's worth repeating: it's simple, but it's not easy; otherwise, everyone would be doing it. I used the word "easy" in the thread title, but have since corrected myself.

        That is not to say I agree with you though.

        I don't.

        Something you said...

        Unless you are an expert at something and love writing, where are you going to constantly find good, fresh content and offers to suggest?
        That is an obvious "knowledge gap" you have, and there are ways to fill it.

        Imo, people are pretty saavy and don't part with their money easily. They don't just buy something because someone say's it's good. If you dupe them just once, chances are they will never buy from you again. It's not that easy.
        Who says you have to dupe them?

        It's "easy" to say list building works. It's equally as "easy" to say it doesn't. All I know is not only my personal experience, but what I've seen successfully duplicated over and over again. It's not the only way though. What is your way? If this method doesn't work, is too difficult, and just no good unless you're a superstar, what would you recommend in its place?

        Thousands of happy Warriors agree...
        This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
        Derek is a keyword genius - Alan W.
        The results are incredible - page one already! - Navia B.
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  • Profile picture of the author H.Miller
    I couldn't agree more. Its all about sticking with the basics and taking massive action every single day.
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    • Profile picture of the author honestim
      Hey Derek,

      Thanks for the thought provoking post!

      Basics always work, be it IM or any other sphere of life. Again as Robert T Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Fame) says earning money is boring and that is one of the major reason not many are successful at doing that. Anybody would agree it is so very boring to stick to the basics and keep doing things that are routine that actually make you money. It is so easy to chase the next shiny thing and in the process move away from your goal and plan.

      For me I have a simple goal of becoming the go to guy for videos here on the forum. Been receiving some great feedback for my work so far just want to scale it up further so that I can provide up to 10 custom videos per day. Once I have the social validation about the quality of my work I would like to move on to bigger projects.

      Get Custom Animation Explainer Videos starting at $29 per minute
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  • Profile picture of the author Slin
    Well that's all fine and dandy, but how are you going to drive traffic to your site?

    I think that's where most people run into issues, especially with the "just build a squeeze page" approach.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8777397].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Coby
      Originally Posted by Slin View Post

      Well that's all fine and dandy, but how are you going to drive traffic to your site?

      I think that's where most people run into issues, especially with the "just build a squeeze page" approach.
      That's actually an easy question to answer...

      Here's how you get traffic to a squeeze page:

      - Ad Swaps
      - Solo Ads
      - JV Giveaway Events
      - Mini Giveaway Events
      - PPV
      - PPC
      - Media Buys
      - Free WSOs
      - Affiliates

      This is just the tip of the iceberg, but I think you get the idea.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8778190].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
        Originally Posted by Slin View Post

        Well that's all fine and dandy, but how are you going to drive traffic to your site?

        I think that's where most people run into issues, especially with the "just build a squeeze page" approach.
        If you're stuck and unsure of how to drive traffic, then that is your "knowledge gap" you need to fill. Coby did a fine job of providing an overview, which I've quoted below. The point of my post though is there's no use worrying about driving traffic if you don't have a niche or a product. There's a logical and efficient order to things that many people miss. They buy products on traffic but don't have a product and then wonder why they don't see success.


        Originally Posted by Coby View Post

        That's actually an easy question to answer...

        Here's how you get traffic to a squeeze page:

        - Ad Swaps
        - Solo Ads
        - JV Giveaway Events
        - Mini Giveaway Events
        - PPV
        - PPC
        - Media Buys
        - Free WSOs
        - Affiliates

        This is just the tip of the iceberg, but I think you get the idea.

        Thousands of happy Warriors agree...
        This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
        Derek is a keyword genius - Alan W.
        The results are incredible - page one already! - Navia B.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8780057].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author An Al
          Originally Posted by Derek_Thomas View Post

          The point of my post though is there's no use worrying about driving traffic if you don't have a niche or a product.

          Then you and the marketer should have stopped at step two, because there is no use worrying about giving away a freebie and building a relationship with your list if you don't have traffic.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8793098].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
            Originally Posted by An Al View Post

            Then you and the marketer should have stopped at step two, because there is no use worrying about giving away a freebie and building a relationship with your list if you don't have traffic.
            Sorry, but I'm missing your point. Care to elaborate?

            You say don't worry about giving away a freebie/building a list if you don't have traffic. I'm saying, which I think should be pretty obvious and self-explanatory, that driving traffic to a freebie is a method of building your list. BUT you don't start with the traffic. You have certain other steps you have to have in place first. It sounds obvious, but it's not.

            Thousands of happy Warriors agree...
            This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
            Derek is a keyword genius - Alan W.
            The results are incredible - page one already! - Navia B.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8793108].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author sidee
              Uh, the biggest thing is traffic. It's what everyone is fighting for. Creating some freebie and identifying a "hot niche" is not hard. I can do that right now: free weight loss report for the weight loss industry.

              Ok, so what? I just did something that a gazillion peasants have done. Good luck trying to be able to afford a cup of coffee with your earnings unless you have traffic.

              If you think that creating a freebie in a "hot niche" is enough to get traffic, then you are VERY mistaken. The internet is littered with the corpses of blogs giving away freebies in "hot niches." Many of those blogs never even generated $200 a month.

              Everyone is fighting for traffic. It's why people list products on Amazon. It's why SEO is prized. It's why PPC is a multibillion market. It's why Facebook is valued at billions. They all deliver traffic.

              Noobs should figure out how to get traffic before they spend a bunch of time and money writing reports.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8793247].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
                Originally Posted by sidee View Post

                Uh, the biggest thing is traffic. It's what everyone is fighting for. Creating some freebie and identifying a "hot niche" is not hard. I can do that right now: free weight loss report for the weight loss industry.

                Ok, so what? I just did something that a gazillion peasants have done. Good luck trying to be able to afford a cup of coffee with your earnings unless you have traffic.

                If you think that creating a freebie in a "hot niche" is enough to get traffic, then you are VERY mistaken. The internet is littered with the corpses of blogs giving away freebies in "hot niches." Many of those blogs never even generated $200 a month.

                Everyone is fighting for traffic. It's why people list products on Amazon. It's why SEO is prized. It's why PPC is a multibillion market. It's why Facebook is valued at billions. They all deliver traffic.

                Noobs should figure out how to get traffic before they spend a bunch of time and money writing reports.
                There's a lot I could say in response, but I'll just ask this: just where would you recommend "noobs" send their traffic to?

                Thousands of happy Warriors agree...
                This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
                Derek is a keyword genius - Alan W.
                The results are incredible - page one already! - Navia B.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8798381].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ChantalVanderlaan
        Originally Posted by Coby View Post

        That's actually an easy question to answer...

        Here's how you get traffic to a squeeze page:

        - Ad Swaps
        - Solo Ads
        - JV Giveaway Events
        - Mini Giveaway Events
        - PPV
        - PPC
        - Media Buys
        - Free WSOs
        - Affiliates

        This is just the tip of the iceberg, but I think you get the idea.

        This may sound simple to veterans such as yourselves but it is overwhelming for a newbie such as myself. I have my squeeze page built and ready to go. I've been struggling with a way to get traffic to it though. Yesterday I ran a quick PPC ad on Facebook ($5 budget just to test it out) and I didn't get any subscribers. I'm an educated person but I don't know anything about the methods that you mention and desperately need some guidance.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8875875].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
          Originally Posted by cbvsolutions View Post

          This may sound simple to veterans such as yourselves but it is overwhelming for a newbie such as myself. I have my squeeze page built and ready to go. I've been struggling with a way to get traffic to it though. Yesterday I ran a quick PPC ad on Facebook ($5 budget just to test it out) and I didn't get any subscribers. I'm an educated person but I don't know anything about the methods that you mention and desperately need some guidance.
          From that $5 spent, how many clicks/views did you get?

          Thousands of happy Warriors agree...
          This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
          Derek is a keyword genius - Alan W.
          The results are incredible - page one already! - Navia B.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8876432].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Coby
          Originally Posted by cbvsolutions View Post

          This may sound simple to veterans such as yourselves but it is overwhelming for a newbie such as myself. I have my squeeze page built and ready to go. I've been struggling with a way to get traffic to it though. Yesterday I ran a quick PPC ad on Facebook ($5 budget just to test it out) and I didn't get any subscribers. I'm an educated person but I don't know anything about the methods that you mention and desperately need some guidance.
          The key is to start with one traffic source at a time. Master that, then move to the next one. Paid traffic sources such as Facebook take a little more time to master. Don't give up after just one small test. Keep tweaking your campaigns and studying that traffic source and how to use it until you see the results you want.

          Nothing worth having comes easy. Don't give up yet.

          Good luck.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8876593].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dewayneboyd
    Originally Posted by Derek_Thomas View Post

    I jumped on a conference call with a well known marketer the other day. He was presenting his method for earning an easy $3k a month. Here's what it was:

    - Find a hot niche market.
    - Create a 10-15 page free report.
    - Give the report away using a high-converting squeeze page.
    - Build relationships with your list/Promote products.

    Now this is a well-known and very successful marketer, and this was his method TODAY... at the end of 2013.

    Granted there are some specific details you'd need to know like "how do you select a niche", "how do you get traffic to your squeeze page", or "how do you build relationships with your list", but here's what really stood out to me...

    Making money online is, in many ways, all about sticking to the basics.

    How do you lose weight? Diet and exercise. There. Is. No. Way. Around. It.

    The same with Internet Marketing. Sure, there are other methods and even many variables to the one outlined above, but here's the question: What are you doing RIGHT NOW? What is your next step?

    If you're still struggling to pick a hot niche market, step two or step three doesn't even matter. Don't waste your time researching "solo ads", "media buys", "SEO", this new product or that, UNLESS, UNLESS, UNLESS, it's going to help you pick a niche.

    Once you pick a niche though, it's time to create your free report. Now you know what you need to research. Not "offline marketing" or "outsourcing". The only thing you need to do right now is create that 10-15 report.

    Next, you need to know how to build a squeeze page and how to get it converting well. Do you not yet know how to build a squeeze page? I can help you, BUT ONLY if you've picked a niche market.

    See what I mean? Focus on the step you're on before trying to learn about step five or step seven, or even step two for that matter.

    When I heard the 4-step presentation above it wasn't new to me. But it was a solid reminder that the basics work. Stick to them. I hope to encourage you by that fact. Making money online is possible, but it's not likely if you're bouncing around from one shiny object to the next. Stick to the basics; and not even ALL the basics, but really just your very next step.

    So, what's your next step? Figure it out. We can even discuss it in this thread if you like. But figure it out, and take action on it. Maybe you have a different plan than the one above. The plan above works, but it's not the only way. It doesn't really matter what your "way" is though. You have steps you need to take too. What are they? Where are your "knowledge gaps" that you need to fill? What new skill do you need to learn to help you take that next step? Be specific. Don't go buy any new products until you know exactly what you're looking for before hand. Make sense? I hope so!

    My rant for the day.
    So you trust someone who says it's easy to make 3K a month who gives you 4 basic steps that tens of thousands of people know but still haven't figured out how to profit even $100 with. All righty , then. Finding the right niche is not a step. It's like a lifetime pursuit for some people. People can get unlucky for a lifetime and not discover even one easily accessible niche.

    1,574,810 unique visitors and counting. And that's just one of my websites.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8780065].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Coby
      Originally Posted by dewayneboyd View Post

      So you trust someone who says it's easy to make 3K a month who gives you 4 basic steps that tens of thousands of people know but still haven't figured out how to profit even $100 with. All righty , then. Finding the right niche is not a step. It's like a lifetime pursuit for some people. People can get unlucky for a lifetime and not discover even one easily accessible niche.
      Here are some profitable hot niches, no research required...

      - Make Money Online
      - Internet Marketing (similar to MMO, but not the same)
      - Weight Loss
      - Forex
      - Sex
      - Health (similar to weight loss, but not the same)
      - Real Estate
      - Investing
      - Divorce
      - Happiness

      Stop making it hard! Don't make excuses, just get to work...

      I know - your next objection will be "these niches are too big, how will I ever break into them"... At which point I will point you back to Derek's OP which and tell you to take a look at the 4 steps then look at my post on getting traffic...

      These niches might be "huge" but that also means there are lots of folks you can partner with or buy traffic from...

      Do you think that everyone in these niches started in another niche? How did they get to where they are now? They started at the bottom...

      Was I "born in the the IM niche", no! I worked hard and followed simple steps (more or less the one's outlined by Derek) and I built a business...

      Was it easy? Heck no! Was it simple, oh yeah!

      Can you do it? Absolutely?

      Pick a niche from above, do the other 3 steps listed in the OP then go buy traffic from your "competition" or partner with them in some way...

      Everyone has to start at the bottom - some make excuses and others just climb the ladder...

      In my opinion, the only thing holding you back is your mindset. Take a step back, clear the mental slate and start over if you have to. If you haven't made $100 in any niche yet, then today is the day you start working to change that.

      Good luck.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8780833].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dewayneboyd
    It's just not as simple as going through steps. You can't find a niche until you test it first. So finding a good niche DOES involve dabbling in traffic techniques. You don't just magically find a profitable niche. The steps don't work that way. You at least have to find a niche and test it with traffic. Otherwise, you'll never know whether it's going to work for you. So people saying don't worry about traffic until you find a niche are making no sense.

    1,574,810 unique visitors and counting. And that's just one of my websites.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8780086].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
      Originally Posted by dewayneboyd View Post

      So you trust someone who says it's easy to make 3K a month who gives you 4 basic steps that tens of thousands of people know but still haven't figured out how to profit even $100 with. All righty , then. Finding the right niche is not a step. It's like a lifetime pursuit for some people. People can get unlucky for a lifetime and not discover even one easily accessible niche.
      Here's what I think the main problem is: it's too easy to mentally tick the "I know this" box without ever actually doing it. I'm known around the Forum for my keyword research services, and even released a how-to product. It's astounding how many people "know" how to do keyword research, but don't do it. Why is that?

      I wrote this post because I got an email from a client I worked with over a year ago. A year ago he was asking questions about niche marketing and how that could help him make money online. My first advice was to spend time and nail down a niche. One niche. Not two, not three. One.

      Is there any guarantee that one niche would be the bull's eye? Not necessarily. But in my experience you have exponentially greater chances of success when you focus on one niche than when you focus on multiple...at least when you're first starting out.

      But like I said, he came back to me one year later with the same questions, so I gave him the save advice. What niche did you settle on? The answer was "I tried this method, and this niche, and then this method, and then this other niche". Translation? I dabbled.

      Dabbling is not likely to get you far in this business. Focusing on a proven plan, one step at a time? That was my point of the post. We can argue about the steps all day, and to be honest, we'd probably both be "right". There is no one right way to make money online, but "dabbling" is hardly it. It's like with personal finances: a "dabbler" might get lucky and win the lotto, but I don't want my financial future resting on finding that lucky ticket. I want a proven plan to financial well being, so I budget, invest and follow a plan. It's the same with Internet Marketing.

      And all I really trust is what is working for me. I started making money online in late 2009 and it was entirely because I focused on a singular niche market. I'm not sure how you go about things, but finding a niche for me was not about getting lucky. It's was about knowing what to look for, and like you said, getting out there and trying it. I'm not saying you're going to hit the bull's eye on your first run, but I would say this: 1) if you wait for that "perfect" niche you'll be waiting forever, 2) most strategies do require having a niche focus for best results, and 3) you have a much greater chance at finding a workable niche if you focus on one at a time.

      Often time it's not that the niche doesn't work or isn't profitable, we just didn't focus on it properly. Just pick any of the big three: making money, weight loss, relationships. Or how about golf or parenting. All huge niches. All proven money makers. Do we have to test? You bet. But again, dabbling in those niches isn't likely going to work. There's a reason those "tens of thousands of people" you mentioned still haven't made any money, and it's not that the "steps" don't work.

      Originally Posted by dewayneboyd View Post

      It's just not as simple as going through steps. You can't find a niche until you test it first. So finding a good niche DOES involve dabbling in traffic techniques. You don't just magically find a profitable niche. The steps don't work that way. You at least have to find a niche and test it with traffic. Otherwise, you'll never know whether it's going to work for you. So people saying don't worry about traffic until you find a niche are making no sense.
      You're right, it has nothing to do with magic, or luck, or any set of special skills. It's about following a proven plan, rather than trying to do a little bit of everything. It's about knowing what steps you need to take next in order to get you where you want to go. It's about filling your "knowledge gaps" with specific training instead of bouncing around from one WSO OTD to the next.

      Traffic may very well be your next step. So learn and research and test and experiment. But do so with one niche, and make sure you've given your due diligence to research that one niche and ensure it has at least a strong likelihood of being profitable. But you have to ask yourself? Where am I going to send that traffic? What am I going to offer that traffic? If you don't have answers to those questions, why are we even talking about traffic at all?

      The point is not in these 4 steps though. Not at all. You can have 5 steps, 10 steps, sub-steps, it doesn't matter. My point is this: it does little good to learn about "step ten" if you haven't taken, learned, or even know what "step five" is.

      Thousands of happy Warriors agree...
      This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
      Derek is a keyword genius - Alan W.
      The results are incredible - page one already! - Navia B.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8780150].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author joaquin112
    Excellent posts and I agree with you 100%. I personally started IM in 2004. At one point I had over 20 websites. I did notice that all the times I focused completely on a single website in a single niche, I would have a winner.

    Just three months ago I decided to sell all my sites and focus on the site that was making me the most money. This turned to be the best business decision that I have ever made. Focusing on a single site allowed me to improve the conversion rate of all my squeeze pages, landing pages, ads and e-mails. Now it's all a matter of scaling up my model.

    Publish your digital course at Accomplisher.com. We create the video sales letter, drive affiliate traffic and split the profits with you. If you want to start making money by teaching online, submit your application here.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8780323].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BillyBee
      Great posts, Derek, I am with you on this completely. People can parse all they want, but the fundamentals don't really change.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8780764].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Coby
      Originally Posted by joaquin112 View Post

      Excellent posts and I agree with you 100%. I personally started IM in 2004. At one point I had over 20 websites. I did notice that all the times I focused completely on a single website in a single niche, I would have a winner.

      Just three months ago I decided to sell all my sites and focus on the site that was making me the most money. This turned to be the best business decision that I have ever made. Focusing on a single site allowed me to improve the conversion rate of all my squeeze pages, landing pages, ads and e-mails. Now it's all a matter of scaling up my model.
      I went through the same thing! I ended up selling off a bunch of sites and putting that money to use buying traffic to build my list...

      I haven't looked back since.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8780835].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author wulfgar2012
    Originally Posted by Derek_Thomas View Post

    I jumped on a conference call with a well known marketer the other day. He was presenting his method for earning an easy $3k a month. Here's what it was:

    - Find a hot niche market.
    - Create a 10-15 page free report.
    - Give the report away using a high-converting squeeze page.
    - Build relationships with your list/Promote products.

    Now this is a well-known and very successful marketer, and this was his method TODAY... at the end of 2013.

    Granted there are some specific details you'd need to know like "how do you select a niche", "how do you get traffic to your squeeze page", or "how do you build relationships with your list", but here's what really stood out to me...

    Making money online is, in many ways, all about sticking to the basics.

    How do you lose weight? Diet and exercise. There. Is. No. Way. Around. It.

    The same with Internet Marketing. Sure, there are other methods and even many variables to the one outlined above, but here's the question: What are you doing RIGHT NOW? What is your next step?

    If you're still struggling to pick a hot niche market, step two or step three doesn't even matter. Don't waste your time researching "solo ads", "media buys", "SEO", this new product or that, UNLESS, UNLESS, UNLESS, it's going to help you pick a niche.

    Once you pick a niche though, it's time to create your free report. Now you know what you need to research. Not "offline marketing" or "outsourcing". The only thing you need to do right now is create that 10-15 report.

    Next, you need to know how to build a squeeze page and how to get it converting well. Do you not yet know how to build a squeeze page? I can help you, BUT ONLY if you've picked a niche market.

    See what I mean? Focus on the step you're on before trying to learn about step five or step seven, or even step two for that matter.

    When I heard the 4-step presentation above it wasn't new to me. But it was a solid reminder that the basics work. Stick to them. I hope to encourage you by that fact. Making money online is possible, but it's not likely if you're bouncing around from one shiny object to the next. Stick to the basics; and not even ALL the basics, but really just your very next step.

    So, what's your next step? Figure it out. We can even discuss it in this thread if you like. But figure it out, and take action on it. Maybe you have a different plan than the one above. The plan above works, but it's not the only way. It doesn't really matter what your "way" is though. You have steps you need to take too. What are they? Where are your "knowledge gaps" that you need to fill? What new skill do you need to learn to help you take that next step? Be specific. Don't go buy any new products until you know exactly what you're looking for before hand. Make sense? I hope so!

    My rant for the day.
    Hi Derek,

    so let's say I want to promote TaoOfBadass by Joshua Pellicer, what should I put in the report?

    Do I just highlight the stuff I think is important? I've never been very good at this type of writing , and I don't want the report to sound like something that's not going to do the product justice. I'm also unsure I'd know how to fill 10-15 pages with quality content.

    I'd be greatful if you'd agree to critique a report for me if I wrote one.

    I'd like to show you a link to a site which I found, of what I'd use as an example of something I think I could use as something like a template, so I could get your opinion on it. I didn't want to post the link since I believe that's against the rules here.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8783331].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    It's a pretty simple and straight-forward method, but it really works - especially if you sell information products online. If you sell physical items or you have a bakery or fitness gym.... you will have to vary the strategy slightly. - and get more creative with your techniques.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8783443].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author online only
    Don't know...

    I'm the guy who prefers to do media buys & SEO. I don't concentrate on building list by any means - I just don't have the time. Yet I'm making a lot more than $3000 a month.

    Furthermore, I might be too "newschool", but "free report" doesn't make me put my email to your list. That's just not enough.. Great content is something that will add my email to your list, and yeah, I'm a content marketing fan as well.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8790281].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
      Originally Posted by online only View Post

      Furthermore, I might be too "newschool", but "free report" doesn't make me put my email to your list. That's just not enough.. Great content is something that will add my email to your list, and yeah, I'm a content marketing fan as well.
      Is your point provide the content first and have an opt in for "more"? I remember Frank Kern (and others) always being big on providing steps one, two, and three for free but then steps four and five being "paid" for, even if only by opting in. That may not be your point though.

      Again though, I would just say the specifics of the 4 steps aren't really what's most important as these are just one path of many. The point is to pick a path (a proven path though) and then "trust the process".

      Thousands of happy Warriors agree...
      This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
      Derek is a keyword genius - Alan W.
      The results are incredible - page one already! - Navia B.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8793025].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MichaelNz
    Thanks again! your always sharing and helping others.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8793230].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Lacer
    Great post Derek,

    Although I'm not really a fan of a traditional sqeeuzepage (I'd like to give away more value before people opt-in), this method still works and will still be working in 100 years.

    Just a question, do you offer an OTO after people opt-in? I've been thinking about this a lot but still don't exactly know what I think is best. Not having one leaves money on the table but having one will decrease your credibility as someone who wants to help instead of only selling. What are your thoughts about this?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8793435].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Lacer
    Very strange, my post has disappeared. What I posted was something like this:

    Great post, this method still works and will be working for the next 100 years at least!

    I do have a question though. Do you offer an OTO after someone opts-in? I still don't really know what's best. Not having one will leave money on the table, having one will lower your credibility as someone who wants to help instead of someone who's only trying to sell.

    What are your thoughts about this?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8793467].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author FXdarling
    Great info. I still think that generating traffic is a number one task and challenge in IM. Whatever niche you work at.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8793589].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BethHewitt
    Unfortunately people get lost in the detail or dont stick it out so run off to the next big thing. It's actually very simple and the key is to stay focused and consistent and focus on building relationships and an audience that loves your stuff.

    Need help figuring out your niche? >>The Simple Blogging Network can Help

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8793640].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dengkane
    Yes, I believe in this simple method, in fact, it is not simple if you use it for a while. You have to learn copywriting - prepare squeeze pages, find advertising providers, track traffic, etc.

    But it is a proven model, and I'm doing it everyday now.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8793981].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gcbmark20
      Originally Posted by dengkane View Post

      Yes, I believe in this simple method, in fact, it is not simple if you use it for a while. You have to learn copywriting - prepare squeeze pages, find advertising providers, track traffic, etc.

      But it is a proven model, and I'm doing it everyday now.

      Exactly it's a MODEL!

      Once you have that model transfixed in your mind then it's all
      about getting your hands dirty and cracking on with things like...

      ...Getting good at sales copy



      Tweaking your funnel

      Getting good at writing engaging email copy

      Keeping your discipline by RE-INVESTING your money
      back into your business that you've made. (That's not always

      And so on until it becomes like riding a bike.

      You never forget how to do something well once you mastered it.

      Good comment & all the best
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797700].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author pickeringmt
    Wow, awesome thread.
    Thank you all so much for the discussion.
    Derek - Thank you for the perspective adjustment. Sometimes the most simple and fundamental pieces are the easiest to forget.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8794413].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tomm
    I don't know why you got impressed by this 4-step plan, it's what people been posting for years here on WF.

    But this 4-step plan leaves out important things. For example, in order to build a relationship you have to do a lot of research on the niche you pick. You can't build a relationship if you don't know the niche.

    Then, if you do actually research and study the subject and then you build the relationship with your audience, selling products through email would be my very last option.

    How do you build relationship? Certainly not with email.. You build relationship with a site/blog, social networks, forums, etc.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796780].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BillyBee
      Originally Posted by tomm View Post

      How do you build relationship? Certainly not with email.. You build relationship with a site/blog, social networks, forums, etc.
      Of course you can build a relationship with email. If you can't, then it simply means you can't write very well or perhaps you don't know your audience well enough. (Which is a good point you made earlier in your post, actually.)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797683].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
      Originally Posted by tomm View Post

      I don't know why you got impressed by this 4-step plan, it's what people been posting for years here on WF.
      At the risk of sounding sarcastic, did you even read the post? Of course people have been posting this on the WF (and elsewhere) for years. In fact, that was my point. My point was certain fundamentals don't change, but my bigger point was about finding a plan and sticking to it. You can argue the merits of the "4 steps" all you want, but the "4 steps" in and of themselves are not the point of my post. You can have fewer steps or more steps. You can have different steps altogether. I don't care, so long as (1) you follow a PROVEN plan, and (2) you stick to the plan and focus. And I honestly don't think that is something you or anyone else can argue with.

      Originally Posted by tomm View Post

      But this 4-step plan leaves out important things. For example, in order to build a relationship you have to do a lot of research on the niche you pick. You can't build a relationship if you don't know the niche.
      EXACTLY. I'm confused as to why you think you're saying something different than me. In my example, "step ONE" was to find a hot niche; "step FOUR" was to "build relationship". So, what are you saying is "left out"?

      Originally Posted by tomm View Post

      Then, if you do actually research and study the subject and then you build the relationship with your audience, selling products through email would be my very last option.

      How do you build relationship? Certainly not with email.. You build relationship with a site/blog, social networks, forums, etc.
      So, is your advice then to not build an email list?

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      • Profile picture of the author tomm
        Originally Posted by Derek_Thomas View Post

        So, is your advice then to not build an email list?
        yes, and depending on you definition of "PROVEN", this plan is far from being proven.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8798548].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
          Originally Posted by tomm View Post

          yes, and depending on you definition of "PROVEN", this plan is far from being proven.
          That's incredibly interesting. Can I ask what your plan is then? If the quoted plan below doesn't work, perhaps you can offer some helpful advice for any beginners who might be reading this thread.

          - Find a hot niche market = have someone to sell to
          - Create a report = have something to sell
          - Give the report away using a high-converting squeeze page = have somewhere to sell it
          - Build relationships with your list = be more than an obnoxious salesman
          Would love to hear more.
          Thousands of happy Warriors agree...
          This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
          Derek is a keyword genius - Alan W.
          The results are incredible - page one already! - Navia B.
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          • Profile picture of the author tomm
            Originally Posted by Derek_Thomas View Post

            That's incredibly interesting. Can I ask what your plan is then? If the quoted plan below doesn't work, perhaps you can offer some helpful advice for any beginners who might be reading this thread.

            - Find a hot niche market = have someone to sell to
            - Create a report = have something to sell
            - Give the report away using a high-converting squeeze page = have somewhere to sell it
            - Build relationships with your list = be more than an obnoxious salesman
            Would love to hear more.
            I didn't say the plan doesn't work. It's not a binary thing like it either works or not. Like everything in life, it's about probability. I meant that the outlined plan has low probability of success.

            The problem with the plan is focusing on building relationship using email. That's a poor choice.

            Oh and I meant the plan you outlined in your first post. The correlation you made after that is open to interpretation.

            My plan for beginners is simple and non-specific just like yours.

            - find a niche
            - offer something useful
            - get traffic
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8798619].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
              Originally Posted by tomm View Post

              I didn't say the plan doesn't work. It's not a binary thing like it either works or not. Like everything in life, it's about probability. I meant that the outlined plan has low probability of success.

              The problem with the plan is focusing on building relationship using email. That's a poor choice.

              Oh and I meant the plan you outlined in your first post. The correlation you made after that is open to interpretation.

              My plan for beginners is simple and non-specific just like yours.

              - find a niche
              - offer something useful
              - get traffic
              Thanks for sharing. An interesting aside: I never said anything about email specifically in my original post. I did imply it yes in my use of the word "list", and I do believe in building an email list for sure (because it's working for me), however the point of my arbitrary "step four" is not list building but relationship building.

              Why? Because "email" is not fundamental, "relationship" is. "Email" is just a method, and methods change, become outdated, evolve. You will always need an audience though, and you will always need a way to communicate with them. You may do it a different way and that's fine, but whether you see it or not, we seem to (sort of) be saying the same thing, at least in principle.

              When it comes to methodology though, you're going to have to do a lot of work to prove to me that my email marketing methods are a "poor choice".

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              This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
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  • Profile picture of the author superowid
    I think the most basic stuff is...
    people don't understand who they are.
    Seller, broker or buyer?
    Most of them are buyers only and too busy getting shiny products just to dream to be a success seller as a broker (Famously known as affiliate).
    So, I bet they will not even do the 1st step Derek said here.


    Hard time to keep promoting business? Don't worry!
    . . . . . Let me help cutting your ad production cost! . . . . .
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  • Profile picture of the author Todd Pedersen
    I do think your signature brings up a good point.

    Your ability to write (copywriter) effectively will go a long ways towards accomplishing your goal! Who would have thought all those years in English class (which I hated by the way ) would pay off.

    Best of luck to all in the New Year!!
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  • Profile picture of the author pringle1troy
    Originally Posted by Derek_Thomas View Post

    I jumped on a conference call with a well known marketer the other day. He was presenting his method for earning an easy $3k a month. Here's what it was:

    - Find a hot niche market.
    - Create a 10-15 page free report.
    - Give the report away using a high-converting squeeze page.
    - Build relationships with your list/Promote products.

    Now this is a well-known and very successful marketer, and this was his method TODAY... at the end of 2013.

    Granted there are some specific details you'd need to know like "how do you select a niche", "how do you get traffic to your squeeze page", or "how do you build relationships with your list", but here's what really stood out to me...

    Making money online is, in many ways, all about sticking to the basics.

    How do you lose weight? Diet and exercise. There. Is. No. Way. Around. It.

    The same with Internet Marketing. Sure, there are other methods and even many variables to the one outlined above, but here's the question: What are you doing RIGHT NOW? What is your next step?

    If you're still struggling to pick a hot niche market, step two or step three doesn't even matter. Don't waste your time researching "solo ads", "media buys", "SEO", this new product or that, UNLESS, UNLESS, UNLESS, it's going to help you pick a niche.

    Once you pick a niche though, it's time to create your free report. Now you know what you need to research. Not "offline marketing" or "outsourcing". The only thing you need to do right now is create that 10-15 report.

    Next, you need to know how to build a squeeze page and how to get it converting well. Do you not yet know how to build a squeeze page? I can help you, BUT ONLY if you've picked a niche market.

    See what I mean? Focus on the step you're on before trying to learn about step five or step seven, or even step two for that matter.

    When I heard the 4-step presentation above it wasn't new to me. But it was a solid reminder that the basics work. Stick to them. I hope to encourage you by that fact. Making money online is possible, but it's not likely if you're bouncing around from one shiny object to the next. Stick to the basics; and not even ALL the basics, but really just your very next step.

    So, what's your next step? Figure it out. We can even discuss it in this thread if you like. But figure it out, and take action on it. Maybe you have a different plan than the one above. The plan above works, but it's not the only way. It doesn't really matter what your "way" is though. You have steps you need to take too. What are they? Where are your "knowledge gaps" that you need to fill? What new skill do you need to learn to help you take that next step? Be specific. Don't go buy any new products until you know exactly what you're looking for before hand. Make sense? I hope so!

    My rant for the day.
    Great post.. I have been using wordpress squeeze pages for my business and have a great system going and making good money from home.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8803291].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author iamthegame12
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    • Profile picture of the author SteveSki
      Great Rant....

      It's true, Making money online is simple but it's not easy for most people because they never master the basics or stick to doing them for very long because they get distracted buying one shiny object after another.

      Being stuck in the outer limits of buying and learning mode instead of remaining focused on being inside of the selling/doing mode.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8804203].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rdilipk1
    Some very interesting thoughts here. One key term that was being discussed again and again throughout the different posts was about "doing the basics". Actually there is nothing other than doing the basics, in Internet Marketing..
    And if you are wondering what the basics are - that too have been spoken about in different voices and tones in most of the posts above. Create content (when offered FREE - not literally though because you want them to enter their email address, it is called as the Squeeze pages), drive traffic, build a list and sell to them..
    In spite of the fact that most of these things are known to people, there are thousands of IM products explaining the same things, churned out everyday and best part is that each of these sell.
    The Complete Course on FB Marketing Basics ==> Click Here

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  • Originally Posted by Derek_Thomas View Post

    - Find a hot niche market.
    - Create a 10-15 page free report.
    - Give the report away using a high-converting squeeze page.
    - Build relationships with your list/Promote products.
    I see a problem why I can predict why it will not work for most people? It has no sexy thing in it, also most people will dismiss it by saying it's the "same old rehashed stuff".

    Sorry dude people demand the next sexy thing not something from 10 years ago even if it's works.

    Just my observation from reading responses from other people, let me know if my observation is wrong. (I hope it is and everyone makes money using the simple steps you outlined which is what I do by the way).

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    • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
      Originally Posted by HelpingYouBeAnExpert View Post

      I see a problem why I can predict why it will not work for most people? It has no sexy thing in it, also most people will dismiss it by saying it's the "same old rehashed stuff".

      Sorry dude people demand the next sexy thing not something from 10 years ago even if it's works.

      Just my observation from reading responses from other people, let me know if my observation is wrong. (I hope it is and everyone makes money using the simple steps you outlined which is what I do by the way).
      I'm soon to finish another round of P90X. Have you ever seen those infomercials? It's packaged in a very "sexy" way with a great USP. As a result, it's been crazy popular for years now, and P90X3 (which just released) is already breaking records.

      So, does it work?

      That depends.

      It depends on whether or not you put the DVD in, whether or not you "bring it" during the workouts, and whether or not you eat right. The premise of P90X: eat right and exercise.

      How we package those 4 steps is important. Here's the thing though...

      I see a problem why I can predict why it will not work for most people? It has no sexy thing in it, also most people will dismiss it by saying it's the "same old rehashed stuff".
      The reason it won't work is NOT because there's nothing sexy about it. It's because people don't do anything with it! You're definitely right though that people crave newer, bigger, better, sexier; and it's easy to discount the basics as "old school", "boring", or "rehashed". But can we really say that P90X doesn't work if someone doesn't do the workouts? Likewise, can we really say these 4 steps don't work if someone doesn't act on them?

      My advice to those reading: ignore the noise, unsubscribe from about 95% of those mailing lists your on, quit browsing the WSO section, and DO SOMETHING today.

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      The results are incredible - page one already! - Navia B.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    This is the blueprint for much of my own success. Good post!

    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B

      Thank you for the thread, your post specifically, and the reminders about basic online business steps. It does seem so very easy . . . and if it were really that easy in practice, we'd all be successful business owners.

      Here's the challenge, in my opinion: you have provided the view of Internet business success from 40,000 feet. Where the game changes is on the ground!

      Yes, you have given the formula and it does work extremely well. Where people get hung up, especially newcomers with no online business experience, is with the daily details of executing the steps necessary in a smart and profitable way.

      It's easy to say "pick a niche" - it's much more difficult to pick a money niche with rabid fans, not too intense competition, and a position for your business in front of prospects that want what you offer.

      It seems so simple to say "drive traffic to a squeeze page" - yet doing that and having a page that converts is not easy at all.

      It is so obvious that you should "develop a relationship" with your customers and prospects - yet actually doing that poses all kinds of challenges.

      I am personally convinced that having a great business is not the result of knowing the basic steps (the 40,000 ft view). Those are in plain view for everyone - yet so many fail every day.

      I think success comes when you learn how to implement those basic steps tailored to your own business model, and you do that day after day after day. You try things, test and track results, make modifications and try again. And here's something critically important: you learn how to overcome any obstacle thrown in your path - there will surely be some big ones.

      Profitable online business is mostly about daily business execution of small details more than it is about a basic big-picture formula.

      Just my thoughts . . . I welcome contrasting views.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8805370].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas

        You won't find any contrasting views from me. I agree with you 100%.

        I've said this a time or two but it's worth repeating again.

        When I heard the 4-step presentation above it wasn't new to me. But it was a solid reminder that the basics work. Stick to them. I hope to encourage you by that fact. Making money online is possible, but it's not likely if you're bouncing around from one shiny object to the next. Stick to the basics; and not even ALL the basics, but really just your very next step.

        So, what's your next step? Figure it out.
        This was the main idea of my post. It's not so much in how you define the four steps; that was never my intention. Sadly, for a select few people reading this thread (not you mind you, but others), it has caused them to completely miss the point. The point is: have a plan. Don't bounce around haphazardly. Understand what you need to do next, and do it.

        Every day.

        It is important to have that 40,000 ft view though, otherwise your "ground game" is just going to be random. We can't leave this up to luck, and if all you focus on is the "ground game" and not the "end game" then that's what you leave it to.

        You said something important...

        Yes, you have given the formula and it does work extremely well. Where people get hung up, especially newcomers with no online business experience, is with the daily details of executing the steps necessary in a smart and profitable way.
        So true.

        And those "daily details" being executed in "smart and profitable" ways represent those "knowledge gaps" I've talked about a few times. If you don't have that aerial view, then you won't know what pieces to the puzzle you're missing, nor will you know in which order you need to learn them.

        Those four steps could so easily be discredited as "old school rehashed stuff everybody knows". It's been described as all of those things in this very thread. But, if I can be frank, those are ignorant and outright foolish things to say. I say that because those four steps are working for me and countless others...today. And I can also so for a fact, "everyone" might "know" them, but few, few, few people are DOING them.

        But, as you alluded to, knowing those four steps isn't what creates success. The game really is in the specifics. Picking a niche is simple, but it's not easy. Driving traffic is simple, but it's not easy. And so on.

        My hope for anyone reading this thread who feels stuck is that (1) they'll find a plan, and (2) stick to it. That four step plan works, but it's not the only option. But no matter what plan you decide to follow though there are going to be a ton of variables, and small but important tasks to test and tweak in each individual step along the way. Don't expect to just throw up a weight loss squeeze page and start automatically building a list and making money. It doesn't work like that. It's not that easy.

        Knowing the plan is important, but knowing the plan is not enough.

        You have to take action.

        Daily, consistent, planned action that leads you to accomplish a certain goal which then leads to another goal, all of which leads somewhere.

        You said...

        I am personally convinced that having a great business is not the result of knowing the basic steps (the 40,000 ft view). Those are in plain view for everyone - yet so many fail every day.
        I agree. The only question I would pose: Can you have a great business without knowing the basic steps?

        I also agree they truly are in plan view for anyone, but why do so few people see any real success?

        Is it because they don't execute those daily tasks like you said? Sure. But I also know a ton of people who don't really struggle with taking profitable action steps, they just don't take any steps. It's to that crowd I was speaking. It's to that crowd I was saying: DO SOMETHING TODAY. Quit "learning". Quit reading. Quit buying WSOs. Do something!

        Profitable online business is mostly about daily business execution of small details more than it is about a basic big-picture formula.
        While it's hard for me to say one is more important than the other, they are certainly both essential. No doubt about that.

        Bottom line: This is so true and everyone should read it again...

        I think success comes when you learn how to implement those basic steps tailored to your own business model, and you do that day after day after day. You try things, test and track results, make modifications and try again. And here's something critically important: you learn how to overcome any obstacle thrown in your path - there will surely be some big ones.
        Thanks for your thoughts.
        Thousands of happy Warriors agree...
        This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
        Derek is a keyword genius - Alan W.
        The results are incredible - page one already! - Navia B.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeTucker
    P90X brings up another point for me:

    Consistently deliver on your promise!!!

    The commercials were excellent, and really set the program apart, got people
    talking about it and trying it.

    But the videos are nothing like the commercials... The guy seems more like
    an oily used car salesman who is forever stuck in that kiss-ass-and-seek-approval-
    until-you-like-me phase. I only did the first one, but I'm told he gets somehow worse!?

    Ultimately, the program might deliver the results that the commercial promised,
    but people I know who are using the program don't talk about anything
    except how annoying he is, and how he turns into yet another "reason"
    not to turn on the DVD and workout.

    I also skipped ahead to see what would come up later, and the exercises
    were far too easy for what the commercials promised. I understand that
    they are marketing to the general public, but somehow I still felt let down
    when I realized that it was just another set of workout videos, really not
    even up to the quality of the Tae-Bo ones that were so popular a few
    years ago.

    I can't help but think that if they had consistently delivered on the promise
    that they marketed, from the initial marketing to the delivery and final product/service,
    they would have built a long-term word-of-mouth campaign rather than
    short-term buzz fizzling out under the weight of negative criticism?

    The bartender says: "We don't serve faster-than-light particles here."

    ...A tachyon enters a bar.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8805478].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
      Originally Posted by MikeTucker View Post

      P90X brings up another point for me:

      Consistently deliver on your promise!!!

      The commercials were excellent, and really set the program apart, got people
      talking about it and trying it.

      But the videos are nothing like the commercials... The guy seems more like
      an oily used car salesman who is forever stuck in that kiss-ass-and-seek-approval-
      until-you-like-me phase. I only did the first one, but I'm told he gets somehow worse!?

      Ultimately, the program might deliver the results that the commercial promised,
      but people I know who are using the program don't talk about anything
      except how annoying he is, and how he turns into yet another "reason"
      not to turn on the DVD and workout.

      I also skipped ahead to see what would come up later, and the exercises
      were far too easy for what the commercials promised. I understand that
      they are marketing to the general public, but somehow I still felt let down
      when I realized that it was just another set of workout videos, really not
      even up to the quality of the Tae-Bo ones that were so popular a few
      years ago.

      I can't help but think that if they had consistently delivered on the promise
      that they marketed, from the initial marketing to the delivery and final product/service,
      they would have built a long-term word-of-mouth campaign rather than
      short-term buzz fizzling out under the weight of negative criticism?
      The power of perspective is so very interesting because you and I have WAAAAAY different views of the P90X program. It's interesting because it's the same with everything in life, isn't it? Two people look at a situation and you have at least three opinions.

      Personally, I like Tony and find the videos to be great. And if someone does the exercises yet finds them to be "easy", then I'm truly impressed! It still kicks my butt every time. Who knew Yoga could make you sweat so much!

      And on an aside: The sales numbers (both over the last few years for P90X and with the December release of P90X3) indicate a very successful campaign. And I'm not personally familiar with much criticism from those that actually went through the program.


      What does this actually have to do with our discussion? A lot actually.

      True, I am a Tony Horton disciple , but there are still a ton of lessons we can learn from this P90X tangent...

      1. Branding (Have a good USP. Even if what you're selling is diet and exercise, package it in an appealing way)
      2. Perspective (You have a negative taste in your mouth; I have a very positive one. I have the advantage though of actually doing the program, twice; which leads to...)
      3. The importance of action (You can't say P90X doesn't work unless you don't work it. Same with Internet Marketing. I can WATCH the workout videos while eating cake and ice cream on my couch, but I won't get in shape that way. So in that sense, P90X doesn't work. Likewise, I can watch sales videos, buy WSOs, and learn new methods for 50 hours a week, but unless I spent AT LEAST the same amount of time implementing what I'm learning, then I can't expect any results)

      Speaking of working out, today is KenpoX, so I'm off for now. Thanks for contributing though. Good thoughts for sure.

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  • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
    Originally Posted by Jeremy Lacer View Post

    Just a question, do you offer an OTO after people opt-in? I've been thinking about this a lot but still don't exactly know what I think is best. Not having one leaves money on the table but having one will decrease your credibility as someone who wants to help instead of only selling. What are your thoughts about this?

    Sometimes, but not presently; not in the majority of my current campaigns.

    This is a great example though of the many variables inside each "step", and another "knowledge gap" that you need to fill. There is a lot to learn, and even more to experiment with. As you know, it's not as simple as just throwing up a squeeze page. However it becomes much more simple when you know what you need to do (or learn) next.

    Thousands of happy Warriors agree...
    This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
    Derek is a keyword genius - Alan W.
    The results are incredible - page one already! - Navia B.
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  • Profile picture of the author SandraLarkin
    You can make $3k a month utilizing a ton of systems if you put in effort to build the business. This is one of the oldest, well known, and time tested way. It works now and will work in the future. You just need to execute it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8875086].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
      Originally Posted by SandraLarkin View Post

      You can make $3k a month utilizing a ton of systems if you put in effort to build the business. This is one of the oldest, well known, and time tested way. It works now and will work in the future. You just need to execute it.
      Focused execution is the key.

      Not sitting around talking it.
      Not wishing something magical would happen.
      Not buying new products about it.
      Not critiquing those who support it.
      Not complaining about how hard it is.
      Not saying it doesn't work if you've never tried it.

      Thousands of happy Warriors agree...
      This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
      Derek is a keyword genius - Alan W.
      The results are incredible - page one already! - Navia B.
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  • Profile picture of the author dee4d
    This thread is very interesting. Unless you learn and know how to create a campaign, then you may not support the basic steps.
    Stay Healthy all your Life, and Avoid Lifesty Diseases Later in Life. Enjoy life to the fullest.
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    • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
      Originally Posted by dee4d View Post

      This thread is very interesting. Unless you learn and know how to create a campaign, then you may not support the basic steps.
      One of the things I've referenced several times in this post is "knowledge gaps" (something I learned from Mr. Paul Myers). So yes, learning how to "create a campaign" is very important. That's the gap you need to fill.

      If you're a total beginner, you likely need either a good coach or a detailed A to Z plan. Maybe both. For most others though...those that have been stalled for 6 months (others for years) and "learning" but never "doing", the plan is pretty simple, and you probably already "know" it. You don't need the whole package, you need specialized training. You don't need A through Z, you need specific training on how to do E or how to do J. So the question we all have to ask ourselves... What "letter" (i.e., What specific step) am I stuck on, that if learned would take me to the next level?

      Maybe it would be worth a number of us taking 10 minutes and actually answering that question.

      Thousands of happy Warriors agree...
      This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
      Derek is a keyword genius - Alan W.
      The results are incredible - page one already! - Navia B.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hugh
    Zig Ziglar said it many years ago.

    "You will get all you want in life if you help
    enough other people get what they want."

    I have built a successful and lucrative career
    of over 30 years following this principle.

    You must bring value.


    "Never make someone a priority in your life who makes you an option in theirs." Anon.
    "Some see private enterprise as a predatory target to be shot, others as a cow to be milked, but few are those who see it as a sturdy horse pulling the wagon." -- Winston Churchill

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8876379].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kate Smith
    The one commonality between P90X and Internet Marketing is that they both take a great of dedication to succeed with them.

    Most people are looking for an easy quick route.

    Nothing is more important than consistent hard work!

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