Creating Ping-Back article directory| Need help

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Today I came across a site which provides article directory in all new way. And I am interested in creating it.

On that site you have to register.
After registration process you receive email for confirmation.
After confirmation login to your account
Then there will be an option "add your blog/site"
here you need to add your RSS enabled blog.
Then there will be a "generate Ping-Back widget code"
After clicking on it it will generate a code which we need to put on out blog/site.
That will show a logo of the directory.
Now you just need to post new content on your site. The same will automatically get posted on their site not complete article but few lines with link to my original article.

I received good traffic from there. Now I want to create same directory. I guess it's drouple based site. Thanks in advance!
#article #creating #directory| #pingback

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