Advertising Network that permits Adult Content

6 replies
Moderated: Please post your question in the Ad Networks forum.

Hi Guys,

Does anyone know of a good advertising network that works on a website that has Adult (i.e. X-Rated) content?

I'm thinking of starting a Wordpress Blog that contains Adult Content and I'd like to generate some income from advertising on the Blog. Which networks can accommodate this?


#adult #advertising #content #network #permits
  • Profile picture of the author jessiewriter
    In the past I've used porn site affiliate programs and wrote erotica around their visual content. Never had time to test out the effectiveness of this (got to busy with client projects and abandoned the blog) but I know a lot of my clients were doing this and paying me regularly. So that's one avenue of interest, if that applies the kind of content you're looking at doing.

    ~ Jessie Haynes
    Erotica Author
    Caffeine Headaches: Author Blog

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    • Profile picture of the author jimdaly
      Thanks Jessie. Can you recommend any porn site affiliate programs or could you give me a quick heads-up on how they operate?

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      • Profile picture of the author armysmoke
        There are all types of porn site affiliate programs out there. To sell banner ads go to


        To add web cam content you can use

        To add adult tube feeds you can use redtube

        These are just to start.
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  • Profile picture of the author nwmktc
    I have messed around with a few networks that pay pretty well and are trusted. In my experience you have to be very niche specific. There is no point in doing anything that people can just get for free after doing a google search. Look for specific porn models or specific fetish affiliates. I have dabbled in this area of online marketing for quite sometime and if you need any help with anything feel free to pm me.
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  • Profile picture of the author koreancowboy
    Hi jimdaly,

    I used to be in the adult niche...I would highly recommend checking out this forum:


    You'll get all of your answers there. Off of the top of my head, I would put an 2257 landing page on your site, should you chose to go this route. If you're wanting to get into adult, then you'll need to be up on the legal stuff, which changes quite often...

    I provide consulting for companies that use Adobe can check out what I've done so far.

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  • Profile picture of the author planetst
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