Keyword Research - Peril or Promise?

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As a newbie, I was, like so many others, in search of the quick buck. I would buy a domain, build a wordpress site with 10 or more posts and just wait for the big G to give me traffic. That traffic never came! What did come was a lot of frustration. I knew in the back of my mind why the traffic never came but my quest for the quick buck and a good looking site had a huge strangle hold over my common sense! The traffic never came because my keyword research was not research at all. It was akin to a 2 year old trying to turn in a doctoral thesis.

I hated doing keyword research although I had bought 2 keyword research programs a few years back. It was too time consuming, not very sexy and involved a lot of grunt work that I didn't care for!

So I slapped myself silly a few times and decided to slow things down and do a little experiment. I built 4 websites. I put two websites up like I normally do (without REAL keyword research). That took me about 1 hour. The other 2 sites I did with 4 days of keyword research.

The results weren't surprising. After 1 month, the sites with no research resulted in zero traffic, as usual. The other 2 sites, the ones that took a lot of not sexy, boring and grunt keyword research had hundreds of visitors. The second set of sites had long tail phrases that people were actually searching for and had little to no competition. I must admit the sales weren't bad either!

I'm sure the experienced guys already know this, maybe thru their own similar experiences. For the newbies, learn from my experience. It is easy to build an awesome looking website but without proper keyword research you may be the only one looking at it!!!

You know what they say.."If I knew then what I know now..."

You might guess what I do first now..before even buying a domain. Do your keyword research folks!
#keyword #peril #promise #research

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