Article sample worth some $

13 replies
Hello,from a long time i am surfing the forum. Articles can be worth of 1 to 20 $.
If if the article is informatic does single article can cost in range of 20$.

I studied and analysed 5 to 6 free ebook about article writting.

I want to know what should be there for 5$ article.I know theoratically it should be informative and uniqe. But practically i dont know how 5$ article looks like. I wanted some sample to review it. So that get the idea and start my own paid article to write.
#article #sample #worth
  • Profile picture of the author Horny Devil

    $20 article - maybe look ok if you look with one eye
    $5 article - crap
    $1 article - shoot yourself in the leg and kiss goodbye to IM career

    Originally Posted by pin9211 View Post

    I wanted some sample to review it. So that get the idea and start my own paid article to write.
    Don't even CONSIDER article writing yourself until you've learned proper English. And looking at your post, it's going to take a long, long time.
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  • Profile picture of the author pin9211
    I wanted any samples that i can review for my guidline to write few $ articles. Only theoritically i was reading and reading. The term i got is quality. So,i am in confusion how to start with.
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    As Horny said, you need to greatly improve your English as your post has quite a few mistakes in it. Nobody will pay for articles with mistakes in it, let alone good quality information.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author pin9211
    As i already mentioned i am a newbie in this catogary. I was asking for some article which is worth of 5$ and up in the public domain or anywhere else you know. I am not asking about my writing skill.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Head over to,, or some other directory. Read articles on the topics you might consider writing about. You'll find a mix of $1, $5, $20 articles along with a boatload of pure worthless nonsense. See if you can pick out which is which.

      Another option is to head over to Fiverr and look for article writers who are a) making sales and b) linking to samples or a portfolio. By definition, these will be "$5 articles"...
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  • Profile picture of the author tess47
    To begin with, proper grammar is essential to being successful as an article writer. If you plan to write articles for $1, you won't have to work very hard because crap will do. $5 articles are still laughable, but some people are willing to pay for trash. $20 or $25 for a 400 or 500 word article? Now you're talking, but it better be better than average

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  • Profile picture of the author pin9211
    Thank you John and tess
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    • Profile picture of the author Juozas K
      If you want to know how $5 articles look like go to Fiverr and buy article for $5 or just ask for samples. Fiverr sellers will gladly show you they work so you know what they are able to deliver.
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  • Profile picture of the author Juozas K
    And there are many Fiverr clone sites. Just google "Fiverr clone sites"

    Ask as many writers as you want for samples of they work and you will have an idea how it looks like
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  • Profile picture of the author mdan287
    Just go to Fiverr and ask some writers for sample and you get it.
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  • Profile picture of the author pin9211
    Thank you mdan and all.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    You can check the warrior for hire section and see the different price points. Many of the writers offering their services there post links to their samples. Just correlate the samples to the price points to get the information you're looking for. Hint: value doesn't just turn on how informative an article is. You also have to factor in engagement level and overall professional quality. Another hint: just because an article is $5 doesn't mean it has to automatically be crap.
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  • Profile picture of the author pin9211
    Wow, This is realy what i was looking for. This is a huge article that shows the interest to read. I thought it will like in small 2 sheet but its a long. I have to practice and elaborate my writting more with my weak grammer. I will work hard. Thank you v.much writeaway for the help. Thank you Thank you
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