A great way to come up with killer WSO thread titles

4 replies

So I'm pretty sure I have discovered a good way for anybody to get a "feel" for what type of headlines do and don't work for the warrior forum special offer thread titles.

check out this quick video on how I come up with WSO threads based on what I analyze warriors or most prone to click on

#great #killer #thread #titles #wso
  • Profile picture of the author ExRat
    Hi Jason,

    I hate to say this, because I'm actually a big fan of your work/products - but I think the whole premise of this thread is wrong.

    You touched upon the fact that people might click through their own WSOs. But you've also got to add in stuff like if the person immediately starts posting in the main forum to highlight the link to the WSO in their sig file.

    They might use a completely different phrase in their sig but that phrase could be responsible for the clickthroughs. But the person following your advice would be constructing their WSO titles from the actual title of the WSO rather than the sig.

    Then you've got people who set up google alerts and use other WSO alert websites because -

    a) they are a fan of the seller

    b) they are spying on the seller

    This could be for a variety of reasons - but most of them would not relate to the title of the WSO.

    Therefore, by doing this people will be creating their own WSOs titles using information that is incorrect.

    Sorry to disagree, but I still love you stuff!

    Roger Davis

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    • Profile picture of the author Jason Fladlien

      No problem, I encourage debate! It's how you refine ideas.

      I'm just showing you this tactic because I've used it before and it's worked for me. However, maybe for the wrong reasons, lol!

      At the very least, it's a good example of what NOT to do. If you just identify the threads that don't get hardly any views, you'll realize what doesn't work. And if you just avoid NOT doing that, you're okay.

      I like to watch the threads that just get posted right away, and see which ones take off. That's a good way to identify hot subniches.


      Co-creator of WP Twin. Perhaps the most expensive yet most reliable wordress cloning tool on the market. We've definitely been used more successfully than all other options :)

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  • Profile picture of the author ianstables
    Jason you're quite right by saying threads with the most replies are the successful ones. It's not just good enough to study the thread titles. You also need to visit the profile of the thread author and view his other posts and check out his comments and also his sig. Also find out if the person is posting to other forums like digipoint. This will quickly show up reasons for the success of the WSO.

    For instance, your WSO on infoproducts in 48 hours is one of your most successful. Your sig file is mainly responsible for this.

    Here's a suggestion. Why not find out who the most successful WSO offers are made by and interview them. I would be very interested in hearing that.

    Good luck, Ian Stables
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  • Profile picture of the author warrior2008

    I admire your ability to be open minded to what others have to say but by the same token holding your ground to making it very personal to what works for you. Nice!

    I have also been one of a million wso title rewrites and by this I mean before I even submit it. It's NEVER good enogh for me... "Kaizen".
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