Make Money With IM on the Move - Literally!
Been out of the forum for a few weeks due to workload etc, but before I got so busy I had a problem, I couldn't get online when a series of mishaps hit my IM business and I couldn't get online the conventional way.
I had to improvise.
I had customers waiting to hear from me.
I couldn't reach them via computers and broadband, trust me all options were completely blocked to me, it was like being back in the stone ages lol... except I had a mobile phone available to me 24/7.
So... ,
I said to myself... "I can contact my customers via email using my mobile phone, right? So, what am I waiting on? Rapture?!"

And that was my Eureka moment.
I asked some friends how to get connected to the web using my phone (cos these guys are always online browsing for fun and not profit I never thought to use the same method with IM, didn't even think it really worked, silly me!)
Anyway, after 20 minutes or so, I was online... I was in YahooMail, I set up a new Gmail account, I checked my Paypal balance and those who had recently ordered and got their contact details, I checked my shopping cart database for special order requirements they had sent me and under 1 hour I was back in business... at least I could now communicate again!
What happened?
Well, my customers who were getting really impatient, heard from me via my new mobile gmail account and were elated I hadn't simply been ignoring them.
We chatted (via email, me on my phone, they not being any the wiser), within 24 - 72 hours my IM business was back on track, my customers were happy and I was making money - Pretty much business as usual.

Now, Mobile phone web browsing has flaws...
1. It's clumsy at first till you get used to it cos you can only browse one page at a time (no tab browsing).
2. You can only scroll in ONE direction at a time and really only UP or DOWN (side scrolling is possible but even annoying on a small phone screen, so you're happier when you don't need to).
3. It can be expensive (unless you get lucky with a great mobile phone carrier, like I have--I actually browse on my mobile phone 100% free for the time being anyway on a time limited special deal). When that's done I'm happy to pay cos it's not that expensive about 25 cents an hour give and take a few cents.
4. You can't view some sites and use some web forms cos they are built for desktop browsers, but there are a multitude of sites you can access and use, I enjoy easy browsing and can not access and/or use only a handful of sites.
E.g. I can view threads on the warrior forum but can't log in and post for some reason may be due to my location and the fact I'm on a mobile phone (Allen please take note, yeah right, lol)
But all in all, I'm writing this on a desktop, but will check responses on my mobile throughout the day later, other than that, I will be mobile browsing for everything else from Facebook, to Google online research to email customer support.
I get the feeling I will soon not be alone doing this.
As an aside, imagine if you could browse the web and do IM without anyone near you having a clue, sometimes when I should be done working online for the day, I can still sneak online and do some Internet marketing without my better half ever suspecting... being with a workaholic of sorts (me), she's strict when it comes to my relaxation times, but now I can cheat and get away with it -- for now anyway lol..

Anyway what are some of your thougts or questions, I consider myself a mini-mobile-phone-web-browsing-guru so I can answer some doubts, shoot away.
Meanwhile, if anyone knows of even better ways to mobile browse, do share!
- My new blog bestdocumentaries.samuel-king.co.uk-