3 replies
Hey fellow warriors I was wondering if programs like mister safe list will actually generate sales.
Thanks: Darren
#mailers #safe #work
  • Profile picture of the author mikeink
    Safe mailers do work, there also may be a lot of work also it is up to you how you do it.

    Most people use them to help build a list of their own.

    Also they just click on your ads just to get the point credits so they are able to send out their own message/advertising.

    Time of day is involved also, you send to late or to early, pending on the market you want to connect with you loss.:confused::confused:

    Well let me see. OH yea need to start work on my ???????? again.
    Been working for slave wages to long.

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  • Profile picture of the author derb540
    So more or less a traffic exchange for emails.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    I never liked when others clicked on my links just to get credits.

    In my 11 years experience, I can tell you that you should not waste your time and money with this type of traffic.

    Same thing goes with traffic exchange websites.

    You want to get FRESH people who never joined anything to see your website or affiliate offer.

    That's just my experience.
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