How do you STOP these torrent sites from putting your product?

by 5 replies
how do you effectively prevent people putting your product
on these torrent sites?

anyone go through this and prevent this in an effective way?

#main internet marketing discussion forum #product #putting #sites #stop #torrent
  • BJ,
    Well the sad fact is if you do not want it online and shared then do not put it online. The best thing you can do is not worry about it very much. Have a backend or upsell product added with your products, if someone gives them away well you just might get a few customers..

    I think it was Paul Myers that actually released some of his stuff in warez just to tease a few people and get them wanting more. I may be wrong on thinking it was paul but I am pretty sure that was posted in a similar thread as this awhile back.

  • I suppose you could be flattered, the fact is the people getting it from the Torrent sites probably wouldn't buy from you anyway, as they are surfing to get it for Free.

  • 1. setup your own private tracker so that fair use arguement is resolved
    2. DMCA all instances of your product
    3. branding bug your videos
    4. add a live component to your offering/backend.
  • Trust me the music industry and others have no solutions except lawyers.

    Content theft is rapid and unfair but you can't stop it. Just slow it down.
  • It's a compliment if your product is being shared.

    Take it with a grain of salt, say, guess what, people want my stuff.

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