What's your opinion on QR codes?

Profile picture of Shadowflux
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11 replies
QR codes, in case you don't know, are those funky looking squares that appear to be a problematic game of Tetris. They can be used by smartphones and other mobile devices to access content.

They've been around for a while now but I've only recently started hearing people talk about them. I own a smartphone, which I use all the time, yet I have never actually used a QR code with it. I always felt they were a neat trick that never really caught on.

What do you guys think? Will they be useful in the coming months and years? Have you had any success using them?
#codes #opinion #qr codes
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Tandan
    Mark Tandan
    Profile picture of Mark Tandan
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    I'm seeing them more and more in retail stores and I believe they're here to stay. Internet access and online shopping has brought a 'need' by most consumers to get instant access to detailed product information and reviews. And that 'need' has translated to the shoppers that still buy in store.

    If a QR code gives a potential buyer some further incentive to make the purchase, it's a no-brainer. Millions have been invested in the tech already. Too soon to say if they'll replace the advice of a live staff member in a store, or the unbiased review of an online marketer, but in any event I believe the QR codes aren't going anywhere.
  • Profile picture of the author Nathan Franklin
    Nathan Franklin
    Profile picture of Nathan Franklin
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    I know what you mean, the concept is great but when in practice I don't really know how many people use them. I like to think of myself as pretty tech-savvy and always have my phone with me but like you have never used one.

    Then again, they are free. Can't hurt to add it to your business card/flyer even if it only brings in a couple of sales.
  • Profile picture of the author Jay Moreno
    Jay Moreno
    Profile picture of Jay Moreno
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    I think QR codes are great if deployed properly ie linked to mobile optimized content

    We offer qr code tracking to our clients as well - just like any other form of marketing the number of scans, location, how long they spend on your mobile site, etc, etc all needs to be accountable

    Does drive me nuts these people that deploy them that don't connect it through to mobile optimized content though! grrr!
    Sorry, I am too busy helping people to think of a cool signature!
    • Profile picture of the author Shadowflux
      Profile picture of Shadowflux
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      I think you guys are right about people not implementing them correctly. I've seen them used a lot on in-store signs. I guess the idea is that people will walk by, see it, and then access the content immediately. Thinking back, I haven't actually seen this happen.

      Now that I think about it, I tried to use one a while ago in a Dunkin' Donuts. All it did was confuse me so I gave up and just ordered my coffee.

      I suppose if I was going to use one I would put it on my busienss card, flyer, or other promotional material that goes into someone's hand. I can see it making the process of turning an offline interaction into an online one easier this way. If they want more information right now, they can just follow the QR code.

      I can also see how some sort of incentive might increase their use. An exclusive discount, found only through the QR code, might entice some people to use it.

      Admittedly, I'm not 100% up to date on mobile tech but, last I checked, you needed a certain program to use a QR code and can't just use the regular camera. I think that's been one of the biggest barriers.

      Thanks for the opinions!
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  • Profile picture of the author stoltingmediagroup
    Profile picture of stoltingmediagroup
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    I personally don't scan QR codes in order to get more information on a product.
    I suspect that most people who have seen a QR code somewhere most likely do not have the app installed in order to scan it, since to my knowledge most devices don't ship with a QR code app.

    Therefore before you can even scan a QR code for the first time, you need to:

    1. Navigate to a marketplace that offers apps for your device.
    2. Search for the appropriate QR code app for your device.
    3. Download the QR code app.
    4. Install the QR code app.

    These steps alone just to scan a code for the first time can be a deal breaker for most.

    However, if you decided to install the app, then you have to:

    5. Open the QR Code reader app on your phone.
    6. Hold your phone over a QR Code so that it’s clearly visible in your screen.
    7. Let the phone scan the code.
    8. Some readers require you to press a button to snap a picture.
    9. If necessary, press the button.
    10. Let your phone read the code and navigate to a webpage.
    11. This takes a few seconds on most devices.

    After all this, if you made it this far, then the end result (the webpage you end up on) better be something exciting, which in most cases it might not be.
    Arnold Stolting - Stolting Media Group
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  • Profile picture of the author BradVert2013
    Profile picture of BradVert2013
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've scanned a few QR codes and generally haven't been impressed. QR codes were supposed to be the "big new thing" but never really caught on.

    They do have their place and I think if used, properly, can be useful with certain people.

    That said, whatever you do - don't put QR codes on your website!!! I actually see this a lot and it makes no sense.
    • Profile picture of the author garyisonline
      Profile picture of garyisonline
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Just last week we were driving down the road and a car had huge QR codes on the doors. No text as to what it was for, just the QR code. Using them that way is crazy and ineffective.

      QR codes should be used just like any other form of contact. Call this number right now to get [x]. Visit our website to get [x]. Email us at [x] to request your [x]. Scan this QR code to get [x].

      Should QR codes be used? Heck yes! Always put it right along with any other contact information...with an explanation and a call to action. They take nothing to add, so why wouldn't you have one on everything you print?

      What about people who don't have a scan app, or don't even know what they are? QR codes aren't for those people. Just like an email or web address isn't for people who don't use the Internet. QR codes are for people who use QR codes. And again...they take nothing to add, so why wouldn't you have one on everything you print?

      Do or will people use them? Think of the (QR savvy) passerby - the person walking by your business entrance, trade show booth, bus bench, flyer, brochure or other advertisement. Are they going to stop and type in a web address? ...get into a phone call? ...thumb-type you an email? Really? But will they scan a QR? If they are interested in what you have, sure they will!

      There are SO many creative marketing ideas that you can use too. And it doesn't take that much to think of them. And QR codes are still just new, and weird looking enough that they are still more eye catching than a web address or phone number.

      They are free, easy and readily available, so yes use QR codes on everything!
    • Profile picture of the author Jay Moreno
      Jay Moreno
      Profile picture of Jay Moreno
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by BradVert2013 View Post

      I've scanned a few QR codes and generally haven't been impressed. QR codes were supposed to be the "big new thing" but never really caught on.

      They do have their place and I think if used, properly, can be useful with certain people.

      That said, whatever you do - don't put QR codes on your website!!! I actually see this a lot and it makes no sense.
      I dont think its necessarily the fault of the qr code more the content its linked it thats perhaps tarnished peoples first opinion of them...

      Again having a QR code on a website is not necessarily a bad idea - but it really depends the context its under, say for example there is a particular model of a product i want, scan the qr code now i have it on my phone so when i get down to the store i can compare it with what they have in stock...

      i have a qr code generator plugin on my browser and i use it all the time actually... not just for checking to see if the site is mobile friendly, but i have had times am working on the car and being doing research on my desktop, ive just gone ahead and scanned the qr code on my phone then gone to my car so can see the video/content on my phone...

      Figure for gardeners, cooks, diy, etc this could be a good scenario to have a qr code on the site... i would much rather do in depth research on my desktop and then pass what i am looking for over to my phone if i need that info on the go, the experience of course would be much better if their site is setup properly for mobile
      Sorry, I am too busy helping people to think of a cool signature!
  • Profile picture of the author chaotic squid
    chaotic squid
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    They have to be used in the right kind of context. This guy sums it up the best:

    I have a QR code on my business card and it's really nice because I have it set so that once someone scans it, it adds my phone number, email, social media link, and website automatically to their contacts...very handy.

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