Major information overload....

Profile picture of twinmom
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
12 replies
Whew - in the last few weeks, I have:

*spent waaayy too much time here reading
*spent waaayy too much money
*have absorbed waaayy too much information for a short time
*come up with waaaayyy too many ideas

Now, why can't I act on them? :rolleyes:

I've read about this, and then about that, and how one person makes money and then how someone else makes money. They all sound great, so what's the deal? Did anyone else go through this in the beginning?
#information #major #overload
  • Profile picture of the author Joel O
    Joel O
    Profile picture of Joel O
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes, there are countless ways to make money online, but one thing you might want to consider is if you want to focus on making money in the short term, or build up a real business to make money in the long run.

    When you decide that, it should help you to be able to decide which way to go.
    Be careful not to jump from idea to idea... pick one (or two) things and work hard at it until you have done everything you can with it.

    Another thing to think about is how much disposable time vs. money do you have?
    Having less of one will guide you to the other, which might also help to decide which method to go after.

    Don't forget to set goals.. long term and short term, and then take massive action to reach those goals.

    Hope that helps,
    Joel Osborne

    Have you taken massive action today?

    • Profile picture of the author mike52683
      Profile picture of mike52683
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      I know the feeling! Start with the idea that interests you the most or that you are the best at. Focus on taking action on that idea and only that idea. Believe me I know it's easier said than done!

      Pick an idea, set a goal (an actual $ figure) of what you need to accomplish with this idea and make a commitment to yourself not to jump to another idea until you reach that goal or are content with your results.

      Remember, you won't be very successful if you are just "ok" at 15 different ways to make money. Now, if you master one way of making money...think of how successful you'll become!

      Good luck.
  • Profile picture of the author Gabe77
    Profile picture of Gabe77
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by twinmom View Post

    Whew - in the last few weeks, I have:

    *spent waaayy too much time here reading
    *spent waaayy too much money
    *have absorbed waaayy too much information for a short time
    *come up with waaaayyy too many ideas

    Now, why can't I act on them? :rolleyes:

    I've read about this, and then about that, and how one person makes money and then how someone else makes money. They all sound great, so what's the deal? Did anyone else go through this in the beginning?
    You'll be overwhelmed at first. That's normal. What you can do is take action on the info you have just learned. Make a plan on how to achieve your goals. Start with small goals, make it specific goals. Then come up with strategies on how you'll achieve them.

    Success in IM takes time. You need to be patient.
  • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
    Brad Gosse
    Profile picture of Brad Gosse
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    Thankfully I have staff to help me execute all my ideas.

    Before I had staff I worked on single projects on my own for days or weeks. Pick something and focus on it
  • Profile picture of the author chris-1960
    Profile picture of chris-1960
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It's the excitement of something new (Try and learn everything you can as fast as you can to make some money). Like someone said earlier in this post. Pick one thing and focus on it. Good Luck.

  • Profile picture of the author Asher
    Profile picture of Asher
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think Information Overload's part of the process everyone
    has to go through in order to succeed =)

    Call it a rite of passage heh.

  • Profile picture of the author Cornelius G
    Cornelius G
    Profile picture of Cornelius G
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    FOCUS-FOCUS! Too many good distractions and "you" end up spinning wheels. I am talking to myself here. All the best...
  • Profile picture of the author jondavidson
    Profile picture of jondavidson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes, I think we all go through it when starting out. You get so hyped up about making it happen that the hype burns you out. Pick something that you are interested in or know about. Focus on that one topic and promote it. Try not to juggle too much at once. I use the analogy of the guy who spins the plates on a stick. You have to get one spinning before the rest. Get good at one thing first.
    Don't feel overwhelmed. The best thing to do is...just do it.
  • Profile picture of the author dddougal
    Profile picture of dddougal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes, unfortunately it is a very steep learning curve but just take it all in chunks.
  • Profile picture of the author Fabian Tan
    Fabian Tan
    Profile picture of Fabian Tan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think the solution is to set some priorities.

    For instance, if you want to build a list, just consume information on list building, autoresponders, email marketing....

    It's very easy to get overloaded in today's society. There's always something to watch on telly, something to Tweet, something to post on Facebook, some holiday to go to, some party to catch...there are plenty of distractions to eat up 24 hours a day.

    Sounds like that has nothing to do with Internet marketing, but it has everything to do with it...

    For most people, they are too mired in their day jobs and daily lives, that's why they have to enjoy themselves to the max on weekends, and never end up doing what they really want to do and pursuing their dreams. Their dreams are forever put on the back burners.

    Take control of your time (by choosing which information to consume, which activities to undertake, learn to say 'No'), and you'll take control of your life.

    • Profile picture of the author Waterways2k8
      Profile picture of Waterways2k8
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi there

      Yes unfortunately information overload is quite typical for anyone who first starts out in IM, and it still happens to fellow IM who have been at it for a while.

      The only thing I would suggest is if you are getting bombarded with too much emails for various promotions, then it's better to either unsubscribe from them or have a separate email account just for them emails.

      Additionally, it's better to take one guide/ebook/system or product or method and follow it right through to the end and as one fellow newbie turn guru told me

      "Keep things simple" and that "winners never quit and quitters never win"

      and to also keep "Focus" and to have a decent plan as well of what you would like to achieve.

      The other thing I like to add to that is " don't think about the end goal first and that it's all or nothing. Instead, take miniature steps towards to the goal and then move it on further as you achieve or get nearer to it.

      Just like building a house, start with the foundations, make sure you build a good solid one and then add on top of it brick by brick until you reach the roof, and then when you have get there, and am doing well, then you can think about how to expand your business like adding adding an extension or conservatory to the existing house etc....

      Overall, best wishes

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