can you make money with solo ads with a basic sales funnel

by 16 replies
Hey guys! I know that alot of people have all this perfect sale funnels with upsells, dowsells, oto's, etc...

Back in the day before all of this started, marketers used to build a basic sales.

Meaning when someone opt ins, they get their free report.
After that, they are follow with 5-10 pre-written follow up messages promoting the product. Alot of marketers made alot of money this way through solo ads.

Now alot of new people that want to learn how to make money online don't even know the difference between the old sales funnel and the new one. As a matter of fact, i think the new sales funnel is more annoying because alot of people get annoyed by exit pop ups, upsells and downsells right away.

People just want to get their free report,video, etc.. and learn what you have to offer. Then you can try to make your offer through your follow up messages

I don't know how to build a sales funnel with all of those upsells and downsells and oto's

My sales funnel is very basic- free report follow by messages promoting my product

Can this old style work, or is this a myth by marketers advertising that you have to have the latest sales funnel

I really want to buy a solo ad next week and see what kind of conversion I get with this basic set up. At least that's what I learn back a few years ago on Chris Farrell membership.

Ok well hope to get some advice and thank you for your input
#main internet marketing discussion forum #ads #basic #funnel #make #money #sales #solo
  • Got to be honest, I'm with you on this one. There's a limit on how many upsells and downsells and OTOs there should be.

    I'm fairly young so not sure how far back it is when you say "Back in the Day" but I've always been of the opinion that upsells are there to enhance a product so I only ever include an upsell if there's a reason for an upsell.

    As for exit offers well they're just annoying.

    I don't get it. You get this fresh subscriber to your list and the first thing you do is p*ss them off with exit offer after exit offer making it impossible for them to leave.

    Instead, my funnel goes like this:

    Squeeze Page ==> OTO Cheap Guide (with extract from guide for them to see quality) ==> They get emailed their free guide.

    I then give them a few days to actually read the free guide, to see the high quality and so on and then I push the cheap guide again to them now they know that the quality is high.

    Then it's a case of selling to them MONTHLY! Yes, JUST MONTHLY! I know some Warrior 'gurus' will promote some new rubbish every day but I'm all about providing quality.

    In the long run, I believe it pays off.

    But Ray, I'm with you basically. I think people have taking the upsell, downsell, exit offer thing too far and are simply thinking of the short term monetary advantage of breaking even/profiting from their solo.
  • I have had better luck getting people to opt in with INFORMATION (available after an optin page) than offering freebies. Depending on the niche, many users have become desensitized to freebie-centered sales funnels. They know the drill. That's why many newbie marketers fail in this game.
  • oto/offer is the way to go if you want to make money off solo ads. its like having a 100% open rate. you dont have to do any exit pops, upsells, or downsells. you can just make money off the one offer. but i suggest if it converts good, put an upsell. if it doesnt, put a downsell. i suggest starting off with at least a single offer.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • You do need a good sales funnel but the trick is to make it more personal so like using a video that has you in it speaking to your customers. Your emails should also be well branded so that they look and sound like they are from a friend. Even if you do not sell the first time around, you will do so later if your emails are good. The key is a good solo ad provide with a good buyer list.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • I hear you guys. I was always told to give a free report on your squeeze page and mention it that way they opt in. But then again you guys say that it attracts only freebie seekers. So there is a debate on this.

      Maybe instead of saying a free report you can say something like

      Discover How This Simple Trick Can Make You X amount of dollars with hardly any work

      Then it redirects them to the free report without you saying the word "free"

      Then on your report, you sell them on the product though the anchor words that lead to the product you are selling

      Follow with your AR messages.

      There are alot of new people that want to learn how to make money and if I put myself in their shoes, i just want something to make me curious enough for me to opt in, i don't even pay attention to the background image, or if the opt in template is transparent or see through. All of that is a myth

      When none of that existed, internet marketers were building their list with the aweber templates, a simple free report and follow up messages

      This method should still work today.

      At least that is the K.I.S.S. rule Keep It Simple Stupid
      • [1] reply
  • If you don't know how to create a sales funnel that upsells and downsells, why not find products that do this for you. Your only job is to create a squeeze page to capture leads and then follow up with those leads about that product.

    Let the product, after the OTO sale is done, to do all the upsells and downsells for you.

    By the way, solo ads are a great way to get started but if you want HIGHER conversions that lead to more sales, I would go with pay per click.
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    • For example??? what do you mean find products that do what for me?
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  • Check out Micro continuity 2.0 by Russel Brunson You will find your answers about OTO etc
  • The simple funnel you talk about, might convert on some level, but you need to understand.. that you have to take advantage and place at least one offer after your squeeze page. Why? Because that is THE ONLY TIME you have 100% of your visitor attention. After that.. who knows if he will ever open your emails, or not..
    People wouldn't build sales funnels with upsells and downsells if his thing wouldn t work.

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