What if you're not an expert at anything?

24 replies
I know I need to create a self hosted website about either a topic I'm passionate about or about a topic that I'm an expert in. Problem is, I like talking about certain topics with other like-minded people but, I wouldn't consider myself an expert by a long shot.

Freelancing is out of the question since I don't have any developed skills to contribute to make any money.

Examples of stuff I like talking about usually revolve around my faith, I'm a Christian. My talking does not involve bashing or judging anyone, rather I just like to discuss the teachings in the bible.

However, I don't know if it's ethical to start a blog basically just talking about subjects in that topic and then slapping up some ads and affiliate links.

Would appreciate any insights and tips. Thank you.
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Tandan
    Hey thanks for posting. Look, no one is born an expert in anything. The only way people become experts at anything is by pursuing something they (hopefully) initially enjoy, accumulating knowledge along the way.
    Some of the wealthiest bloggers on the planet had no idea they were going to make that kind of money. They just wanted to blog about stuff they thought was cool.

    So my advice would be to forget about monetizing anything just now. Don't let that part compromise your ethics. Just start a blog, and write and research topics of interest to you. In your discoveries you'll eventually find some valuable service or information that people actually want to pay you for.

    I would encourage you to pick a fairly specific topic as a starting point though. That'll help you, in time, develop expert status in that area.

    - Mark
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    • Profile picture of the author AlonzoTJones
      I agree with Mark on this. Just start a blog and start writing.

      Ask yourself "What can I help people with/do/accomplish/see differently?" And blog about that. It's about giving people value.

      If you keep it focused on that particular issue, you will start to build an audience and a following.
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  • Profile picture of the author Texas_Guns

    I've seen many people use this model VERY successfully....

    1. Read books and go through courses on how to interview people; become comfortable talking on the phone, asking questions, etc.

    2. Figure out a niche to attack.

    3. Create a list of top 100 authority blogs/sites in that niche

    4. Reach out to them for an interview

    From there, world is wide open. Start your own podcast. Post interviews on your site. Earn while you learn through affiliate programs. As you lean more, begin creating products, go back to people you interviewed to promote your products.

    Obviously there are a LOT of other details, but this is a simple method to getting to know a market - via experts - and then using it as a springboard to create your own sites, products, and of course, soon become an expert on any subject.

    Hope this helps.
    Launching A New Product? Need Copywriting? Multiple services offered. 13 years of experience as a Direct Response Copywriter. Product/Company launch expert. Millions of dollars in products sold online.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    A couple of guru types Jimmy D. Brown and Paul Evans have Christian based infoproducts for sale I believe. For example one of them has a monthly membership site for youth lessons out of the Bible or something like that.

    Maybe you should start a blog - just start writing out some of your beliefs or ideas and how they can help people in their everyday life. Make it practical. Just get in the habit of writing and then go from there.

    As far as monetizing a faith based blog, every person's beliefs and ethics are different but I don't see a problem with it. Many pastors and church leaders write books, and have an income from things they sell.


    Originally Posted by JasonRivera View Post

    I know I need to create a self hosted website about either a topic I'm passionate about or about a topic that I'm an expert in. Problem is, I like talking about certain topics with other like-minded people but, I wouldn't consider myself an expert by a long shot.

    Freelancing is out of the question since I don't have any developed skills to contribute to make any money.

    Examples of stuff I like talking about usually revolve around my faith, I'm a Christian. My talking does not involve bashing or judging anyone, rather I just like to discuss the teachings in the bible.

    However, I don't know if it's ethical to start a blog basically just talking about subjects in that topic and then slapping up some ads and affiliate links.

    Would appreciate any insights and tips. Thank you.
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    • Profile picture of the author JasonRivera
      Thank you all very much for your input. I literally have millions of ideas flowing through my brain now lol. The most important lesson I have learned over the years is to just get started. For years I've plagued myself with information overload. I thought more than I did which lead to nothing accomplished. Thank you all again.
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  • Originally Posted by JasonRivera View Post

    I know I need to create a self hosted website about either a topic I'm passionate about or about a topic that I'm an expert in.
    Actually, there are many more avenues available to you online in order to earn an income besides setting up a blog and talking about stuff and adding links to advertising and affiliate products. If you like to discus the teachings of the bible for instance, you could start a radio show and interview others, or better yet, start a YouTube channel and show yourself, you can then build a fan base and then create and sell related products, such as record an audio book, write an eBook, etc....

    Regarding "whether it's ethical to start a blog basically just talking about subjects in that topic and then slapping up some ads and affiliate links"...

    That's usually the main reason "most" people start a blog. (in hopes of earning an income from the ads etc). Unless they have a full time job and run their blog as a hobby.
    Arnold Stolting - Stolting Media Group
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Two things.

    First. The Christian market is huge. Never feel bad about selling something as long as you know it's a good product.

    Second. Pray for the answer to what you should be doing. I certainly couldn't give this answer to everyone but I'm guessing you will understand. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    Look at it this way...become an expert at understanding the pressing questions and areas of interest within your niche, then bring them information from research that will help them gets answers to their questions or further investigate their interest.

    While you don't have to be an expert, you do want to put yourself between those in your market and their desired transformations in life...how can you help with that? Your experiences (even if you aren't an expert), by interviewing others who are more experienced, by researching online and summarizing the top advice, etc...

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    • Profile picture of the author JasonRivera
      Originally Posted by jbsmith View Post

      Look at it this way...become an expert at understanding the pressing questions and areas of interest within your niche, then bring them information from research that will help them gets answers to their questions or further investigate their interest.

      While you don't have to be an expert, you do want to put yourself between those in your market and their desired transformations in life...how can you help with that? Your experiences (even if you aren't an expert), by interviewing others who are more experienced, by researching online and summarizing the top advice, etc...

      You sir are awesome!
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  • Profile picture of the author vedremo
    Jason, I believe that the most important thing that you have to realize and accept from now on is the word Energy Exchange. If there's a tinge of guilt in your psyche about monetizing your knowledge about your personal belief and religion then the best solution to that is Energy Exchange.

    Every service or product has its corresponding Energy Exchange. Remember that we all need to survive. You have to pay for your monthly utility bills i.e. electricity, water, internet, etc.

    Nowadays, there's no such thing as a free lunch. The most important thing to know is that you are not over charging for your knowledge or services. Ask for divine guidance. Ask for clear signs with regards to the appropriate or reasonable costing for your product or services. You'll surely be given an amount that is ethically acceptable and appropriate to your overall work output/efforts.

    Think of the Law of Inertia. You have to start acting on your information overload. It needs an outlet. Right now, the most useful and viable outlet is through writing. You don't have to be the best writer. Simply write from your heart and your creative juices will just flow naturally.

    Empower yourself with knowledge. Allot time researching and reading this forum. You'll learn new stuff, best practices, etc. that you can use for Internet/Online Marketing on a long-term basis.

    Remember that all experts start as novices. Also, that you are not a charitable institution. We all need to survive by doing the best job that we can in the most ethical and morally acceptable manner.

    Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author JasonRivera
      Originally Posted by vedremo View Post

      Jason, I believe that the most important thing that you have to realize and accept from now on is the word Energy Exchange. If there's a tinge of guilt in your psyche about monetizing your knowledge about your personal belief and religion then the best solution to that is Energy Exchange.

      Every service or product has its corresponding Energy Exchange. Remember that we all need to survive. You have to pay for your monthly utility bills i.e. electricity, water, internet, etc.

      Nowadays, there's no such thing as a free lunch. The most important thing to know is that you are not over charging for your knowledge or services. Ask for divine guidance. Ask for clear signs with regards to the appropriate or reasonable costing for your product or services. You'll surely be given an amount that is ethically acceptable and appropriate to your overall work output/efforts.

      Think of the Law of Inertia. You have to start acting on your information overload. It needs an outlet. Right now, the most useful and viable outlet is through writing. You don't have to be the best writer. Simply write from your heart and your creative juices will just flow naturally.

      Empower yourself with knowledge. Allot time researching and reading this forum. You'll learn new stuff, best practices, etc. that you can use for Internet/Online Marketing on a long-term basis.

      Remember that all experts start as novices. Also, that you are not a charitable institution. We all need to survive by doing the best job that we can in the most ethical and morally acceptable manner.

      Good luck!
      Thank you very much for this amazing piece of advice, makes perfect sense.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by JasonRivera View Post

    However, I don't know if it's ethical to start a blog basically just talking about subjects in that topic and then slapping up some ads and affiliate links.

    Would appreciate any insights and tips. Thank you.
    Jason, there's a difference between getting paid to connect people with products/services that you genuinely believe will improve their lives and "slapping up some ads and affiliate links."

    Keep that in mind, and you should be fine...
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    • Profile picture of the author JasonRivera
      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      Jason, there's a difference between getting paid to connect people with products/services that you genuinely believe will improve their lives and "slapping up some ads and affiliate links."

      Keep that in mind, and you should be fine...
      Yes trust me I am very aware of that. I wasn't trying to be technical about it but I know where you're coming from. There are plenty of people who will promote anything just to make a quick buck. Those people usually never last very long if at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author davidfrankk
    You have to learn skill.
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  • Profile picture of the author JoeRemington
    There are some great tips and advice here already but I want to give you a simple 3 step formula that I actually learned from my pastor that can be implemented in all areas of life and I try to always remember to apply it to my efforts online.

    But first I offer a big congrats for seeking advice of many that have been where you are. The Warrior Forum is an excellent place to learn, grow, and teach what you've applied.

    Which kinda brings me to the 3 step formula I mentioned;
    Step 1: Learn a strategy (Learn One)
    Step 2: Do/Implement the strategy you just learned (Do One)
    Step 3: Teach the strategy you just learned to someone else (Teach One)
    So since you have a million ideas floating through your mind, it's time to determine where you want to start. If you already know a specific strategy you want to begin with then (step 1) is done. Great! If you've already applied the strategy and have some results then even better...

    Now (step 2) is complete and all you have to do is now teach it in the form of a blog post, video, short report (step 3) and you're on your way to building yourself a reputation for becoming the expert that you want to be as you learn and grow yourself.

    This can be used over and over again and all while establishing you as the go to person in any niche that you choose.

    I hope this helps my friend.
    Make it a great day,
    Joe Remington

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  • Profile picture of the author adammiller44
    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
    But we all go through the phase where we know a lot of things but have no idea what to do with them as they say jack of all trades master of none.

    Figure out what occupies your mind most of the time...gain more knowledge in that department and try to use it in your practical life--sooner or later u will learn how to earn moniess through your knowledge.
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    • Profile picture of the author lerxtjr
      The only way people become experts at anything is by pursuing something they (hopefully) initially enjoy
      I tend to think we become experts by handling diversity; things that don't go right in our lives. We are forced to learn how to adapt and deal with the bad stuff and we have to do it fast and with detail. That's where the marketable products come from.

      Make a list of all the things in your life that you have overcome. Did you survive? How? Voila...you are an instant expert!

      People often overlook their expertise that is already inside them and people are more than willing to pay to get access to that experience.

      Come practice your public speaking skills with us FREE every week! SpeakersSpeakLIVE.com >>

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  • Profile picture of the author nicolas simpson
    Get a domain name, get some hosting set up a blog and start writing, posting. Over time you will find out what u are good at or in what direction u want to go, get training. be patient.
    Discover Reggae | Dancehall [Jamaica]
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  • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
    not one single person was born an expert at anything except crapping in your diapers. Every expert started as a newbie at some point in some niche.

    Start your journey. TODAY.

    In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

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    • Profile picture of the author 4DayWeekend
      You can either...

      1) Become an expert. Remember that to be an expert in the eyes of a prospect, you just need to know a little bit about the subject than they know.

      2) Interview or work with an expert.

      3) Outsource to an expert.

      Believe it or not, quite a lot of successful people have products in niches that they know nothing about. They're marketers and simply outsource the technical side to the experts and focus on what they're good at.
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfe655
    If you like talking about your faith I agree with mark. There is a lot of books that can be promoted. I have read a lot of great christian books. I read the whole left behind series and a lot of others. Start a blog and start building a list which should not be that difficult in this niche. Christians will seek out other like minded folks. Start with books and I am sure you can find other products to market. I think this could be a great niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author absolutelee
    You don't have to be an xpert to start a blog...but,IMHO, you do need to be passionate! Find something you love...or learn to love something, and blog about that.
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  • Profile picture of the author AffiliatingAlan
    Originally Posted by JasonRivera View Post

    I don't know if it's ethical to start a blog basically just talking about subjects in that topic and then slapping up some ads and affiliate links.
    It works for the church's, why wouldnt it work for you?
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  • Profile picture of the author futureade
    When it comes to doing anything, it is not about being an expert. It is simply just about sharing your experiences. Someone will always find what you offer to be valuable, beyond measure.

    Considering, you like having discussions, you can join forums on faith, add your 2 cents and people will respond accordingly. Add your link in your signature and the conversion can continue to your blog.

    I think it is ethical to monetize your site, so long as it brings real quality value to your readers.

    You could host webinars, hang outs , just to keep your passion of discussion available.
    Good luck
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