How would you be convinced to change web host provider?

by 13 replies
I'm doing some market research in the IM niche and would like to ask all of you for your feedback on one simple question:

What would it take to convince you to switch web hosting providers?

Basically I'm looking to find out what people are missing from their existing web hosting and or would make them switch to another provider.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #change #convinced #host #provider #web
  • [Reserved] to build a bullet point list of peoples replies.
    • Lower or Equal Price
    • Better Conditions/Extras Included
    • Customer Feedback
    • Reliability and Uptime
    • Load Times
    • Ability to have more than one domain without extra cost
    • Better Customer service
  • Hi Stuart,
    What would convince me?
    3 things:
    - a lower or equal price
    - better conditions/extras compairing to what I'm using at the moment
    - good feedback from other users (like Warriors for example)
    That's it!
    I'm pretty fed up with the two providers I'm using at the moment...
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [2] replies
    • Here are the things that are important to me in hosting:

      -Load Times
      -Ability to have more than one domain without extra fees

      I think most people don't really think about switching though unless they run into problems with their own service. So you have to target those that are already ready to switch.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • I currently have all my sites hosted with one company, who I shall not name.
      In the last few months I have become disillusioned with their customer service, and the amount of downtime.
      I am therefore currently researching a new hosting company, and the criteria I will base my decision are: -

      Customer service

      Hope this helps.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • The biggest things are speed and uptime.

    Next is support response quality and speed. Many of the first responders I have encountered are clueless.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Banned
    Here are some of the reasons why I'd personally consider switching to a new web hosting provider:

    1. Not satisfied with your current provider’s support or features.
    - Shared hosting services offers unlimited space and bandwidth and comes with the most up to date scripts and email services so that you can build and manage your websites and emails with ease.

    - Reseller hosting services offers web entrepreneurs the opportunity to build out their own web hosting services that they can offer to their clients.

    - VPS hosting services were designed especially for the enterprise level customer with enterprise level options like Web Host Manager (WHM) with VPS Management Control Panel so that you can start, stop, restart, re-install with a few clicks.

    2. You found a better price elsewhere and you simply cannot pass up the savings.

    3. Enterprise Network, Servers & 99.9% Uptime

    - Web hosting company that invest in high quality servers. Downtime is synonymous to lost money or business opportunities. World-class facility that can do nightly backups of customer's data.

    4. Customer Service/Customer Satisfaction

    - Easy to deal with when technical issues arise via 24x7 Live Chat and Email support. The same applies to billing and other customer service concerns.

    5. Leading Green Web Hosting

    - Web hosting provider that's eco-friendly since the web hosting industry use as much energy to power their server that is equivalent to 14 major power plants. There are web hosting providers that currently use wind power and solar energy.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I'll switch if

    - 99.9 % Uptime
    - SPEED is better, on a shared account
    - Price is the same or slightly more
    - Support would switch ALL my sites over for me (not the case with Hostmonster cPanel as it looks like)

    I recently signed up at Namecheap to test their hosting and it looks like WAY better than Hostmonster which is an EIG company.

    Point is that they do not help me to transfer my sites as it looks like that the cPanel at Hostmonster is NOT a normal cPanel.

    Heck someone understands that problem.

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I once switched my hosting because at the older one my site kept getting hacked.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I just finished moving all of my sites and domains (over five months) away from the big 2 (you know who I mean).

    The simple reason: Customer service, or more specifically; the lack there of.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Here's what I would factor in:
    * Price
    * reliability (minimum down time)
    * unlimited emails and sub-domains
    * incentives on free domain registration
    * multiple facets of customer service, including 24/7 online chat for support issues
    * user friendly cpanel and dashboard
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I have a very good hosting supplier with pretty good customer service.
    The only thing that can make me move on is:
    - load speed
    and of-course all other parameters should stay at least at the same level
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I've only left one hosting company (1and1) and it was because they're customer service was absolutely horrible. That and their system is equally terrible. I honestly don't see how they stay in business.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Thanks for all your replies so far everyone. Keep them coming!

    Two things that seem common in all your posts is Customer Support Quality/Existence and Website Speed/Loading Time.

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