Do you own the to your name? (You should).

13 replies
Many marketers, especially those who consider themselves to be somewhat of a big deal, register the to their name.

Even I used to have several versions of my name registered.

The main one (Arnold I really wasn't using at all, and so I let it expire a while back.

Ignoring the email reminders, I figured I'd get around to registering it again someday.

I mean, who's going to want to re-register "my" name right?? So no worries...

Come to find out that someone did re-register it, and is now selling my name for 2,900 EUR on Sedo.

Really? Pfff.

I guess the purpose of this post is to advise you that if you have been considering picking up the .com in your name, why not secure it if available? (Before you end up having to pay significantly more for it later).

If you think no one is going to buy it, especially if you are known for your business etc, you are wrong.

Even if you are a hill in New Zealand named Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakit anatahu, someone is going to buy it, and put it up for auction. ($660 was the current bid the last time I checked.). #domain name. #domain registration #url #urlcom #your
  • Profile picture of the author dean20653
    I tried .. But apparently Eric dean is a popular name (I know of 5 Eric deans)

    I contacted and offered to buy but Eric dean is an @$$ and said NOPE!

    Didn't want the hyphen .. So I'm just waiting on him to forget and snatch it up

    After 20 years smoking, ecigs FINALLY help me quit!
    Quit smoking today, and use that money to invest in IM

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  • Profile picture of the author igorGriffiths
    Great advice, I already have the .com and the .net for my name but recently added the to my own name portfolio.

    Rather than consider them as a bad investment, you can use them to protect your name from fraudsters and redirect these to your main name url, in my case .com
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  • Profile picture of the author ps2home
    Yep, I got mine last year.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marco Moeschter
    First thing I bought a couple of years back was my! Best thing I could do after deciding to brand myself and just myself and not any company which might disappear in the future!
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  • Profile picture of the author baldandwrinkly
    My name .com was already gone when I decided to look for it. The person who has it doesn't use it, but won't sell it. I ended up with the hyphenated version. I've also been picking up all other versions of my name, .net, .info, etc. so I can protect any reputation I make and just redirect them to my main site.
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  • Profile picture of the author thisisjack
    The .com of my name has been snapped up by a lawyer, mediator, and consultant. At least he is making use of it, after all it is his name too.

    EDIT: I just checked the .net of my name, my name is Jack. He has registered my name as his domain, however his name is Samuel. He does however share my last name, but I personally find that annoying.
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  • Profile picture of the author zenxseo
    issue comes with popular name , but its good to have
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    Well the is available, and the is available, but the bigger problem is there's a major car dealer w/ multiple dealership's that shares my name, and the top 15 pages on G are all owned by him... just my luck, my last name is Irish, lol!
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Profile picture of the author athlon24
    Wow. I never really thought of that. Thanks for the idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author XponentSYS


    I've had it for 10 years. That's where my BLOG is.
    "Hybrid Method" Gets 120,846 TARGETED VISITORS
    To Any Site in ANY NICHE!

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  • Profile picture of the author schttrj
    Originally Posted by stoltingmediagroup View Post

    Many marketers, especially those who consider themselves to be somewhat of a big deal, register the to their name.

    Even I used to have several versions of my name registered.

    The main one (Arnold I really wasn't using at all, and so I let it expire a while back.

    Ignoring the email reminders, I figured I'd get around to registering it again someday.

    I mean, who's going to want to re-register "my" name right?? So no worries...

    Come to find out that someone did re-register it, and is now selling my name for 2,900 EUR on Sedo.

    Really? Pfff.

    I guess the purpose of this post is to advise you that if you have been considering picking up the .com in your name, why not secure it if available? (Before you end up having to pay significantly more for it later).

    If you think no one is going to buy it, especially if you are known for your business etc, you are wrong.

    Even if you are a hill in New Zealand named Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakit anatahu, someone is going to buy it, and put it up for auction. ($660 was the current bid the last time I checked.).
    In the Google Plus age, it is actually important to buy one's own name domain. You just reminded me to do the same.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Tandan
    Good advice. Was fortunate enough to get the .com to mine. And of course that comes with email addresses as well, which adds professionalism when necessary!
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