Do you own the to your name? (You should).
Even I used to have several versions of my name registered.
The main one (Arnold I really wasn't using at all, and so I let it expire a while back.
Ignoring the email reminders, I figured I'd get around to registering it again someday.
I mean, who's going to want to re-register "my" name right?? So no worries...
Come to find out that someone did re-register it, and is now selling my name for 2,900 EUR on Sedo.
Really? Pfff.
I guess the purpose of this post is to advise you that if you have been considering picking up the .com in your name, why not secure it if available? (Before you end up having to pay significantly more for it later).
If you think no one is going to buy it, especially if you are known for your business etc, you are wrong.
Even if you are a hill in New Zealand named Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakit anatahu, someone is going to buy it, and put it up for auction. ($660 was the current bid the last time I checked.).
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