FaceBook FanPages VS Solo ADs & AD Swaps - what have you had more success with?

5 replies
Facebook fanpages are really tempting to use to build a list but im unsure if it is really worth it since Facebook likes to eat peoples efforts up.

#ads #facebook #fanpages #solo #success #swaps
  • Profile picture of the author chall
    I have bought solo ads .I think if you get the right solo you would do well.I think fb fan pages aren`t as good unless you know how to get a target audience.Keep testing different methods and track to see what works better.
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  • Profile picture of the author absolutelee
    Facebook ads are just okay for me. Ad swaps with other list builders I personally know are good. Solos from reputable vendors are good. Bottom line. It's the quality of the other list that counts.
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    • Profile picture of the author Simon71
      Facebook fan pages can be a very powerful way of getting known and you can use FB tabs to get opt ins but this can be very time consuming. FB ads done well can get conversions as well as solos and ad swaps. Fan pages alone are one free traffic method you can use but as you may know already 'free' traffic takes a lot of time and effort so if you have funds available, go for carefully targeted paid traffic.

      Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim Fuhrman
    In terms of your list I would go in this order: Ad Swaps, Solo Ads, Facebook Ads. You need to have a bit of a list to do Ad Swaps but once you do it is the easiest way to grow your list fast with no cost. I like Solos vs. Facebook right now but I am still working on getting better with Facebook ads so I may change my mind.
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  • Profile picture of the author loaf1011
    ^ I completely agree with Tim's order, but I'd swap Solo Ads to first before Ad Swaps because you need to grow your list first before you can get into swaps. Solo ads are the fastest and cheapest way to grow your list, and there are so many reviews out there that you can do your homework to find good, reliable suppliers.
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