Domain Tips Needed

by 8 replies
Hi, i'm planning to buy a domain for a website. Is it OK if i added some trademark name on my domain name? For example:,, etc? Is it safe? Thanks.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #domain #needed #tips #trademark
  • Even if you could do it .. I'm not so sure it would be a good idea. Companies like google, amazon, eBay all have lawyers deep in there pocket and depending on what your using the domain for (more than likely AM) they will shut you down an send a letter for their trademark an then you could lose the domain name altogether.

    My thoughts on the subject
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Thanks for your opinion. I'll use other domain then, i don't want them to shut my website down later on.
  • You're welcome

    There may be a loop hole or a "disclaimer" but I'm not a .com expert. Maybe one somebody will chime in who knows a bit more on the subject. Either way best of luck to you.
  • they will not allow you using their trandmark on your domains.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • It is not a good idea as the other members said already. What kind of website you are planning to create?
    • [1] reply
    • I'm not sure. Probably product review. Thanks for your thought.
  • There are very few circumstances that will allow you to legally use someone elses' trademark in a domain name. If you are attempting to generate revenue from the site in any way, the only legitimate way to use a trademark is with written legal permission from the owner.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Thanks Gene. Yes, that's what i should do if i want to use the trademark. I'll be lucky if they allow it but the probability is low. Nevermind, i'll just going to buy other domain.

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    Hi, i'm planning to buy a domain for a website. Is it OK if i added some trademark name on my domain name? For example:,, etc? Is it safe? Thanks.