Been busy making money

2 replies
Hi Everyone,

Long time no see. Really missed WF a lot, so have much to talk about.

Last time I entered was probably June 2013. Remembered well because that time my laptop was hit by a trojan. It was restored after doing some search as well as after getting inputs and reaffirmations from Warriors here. Thanks guys !

Since then been busy making some money. Nope, not by the Membership site biz I was working on. Was putting a lot of effort and resources on the site, including deploying the very best Membership plugin, i.e DAP ! . If it was launched, it would be a paid membership site delivering training content via video-streaming.

Unfortunately, had to pause the online project when a solid opportunity came. Was given a contract to develop and organize 10 different training programs. This time, real-live people participating in physical classroom sessions. Highly specialized subject matters, where I had to bring in experts.

Now that's done, I thought of continuing on my own online project. But I feel it is now too late. Too crowded with competitors doing the same thing & delivering the same material. So, I thought of exploring another Biz Type, i.e. => B2B.

In a way, Warrior Forum is part B2C and partly B2B. But that's using a Forum based app with lots & lots of tweaking. Was thinking of using the easiest, coolest and most convenient app to facilitate B2B => WORDPRESS.

Here are some questions :
(1) WP is certainly easy and convenient for Membership sites, but is it reliable for B2B?
(2) Has anyone implemented WP for B2B? Any case studies?
(3) Based on experience, any pointers to the most suitable plugins for front-end and backend?
(4) WF is making money with its unique biz model. Any inputs on other potential biz models in B2B?

Thanks. Your response would be greatly appreciated.
#busy #making #money
  • Profile picture of the author Geoff101
    Most people won't read such a long post and they won't respond to many questions.

    You got to be to the point and try to ask fewer questions. May be have one thread per question.
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    • Profile picture of the author azmanar
      Hi Geoff,

      Good advice. Thanks.

      But that's just me, the long-winded one.

      Will make it shorter, the next time around.
      === >>> Tomorrow Should Be Better Than Today

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