How to find successful sales pages?

by kevd10
14 replies
I am in the process of building my sales funnel, and it would be really helpful to see examples of sales pages that are actually selling and are successful. Any ideas on how to track these down?

#find #pages #sales #successful
  • Profile picture of the author IanM723
    Yeah, just look at mine! Just kidding. Actually, one of the best tutorials on exactly how to set up killer squeeze pages and sales pages is in Martin A O'Flynn's List Detonator course (no affiliate links here ). It is a huge pdf and it has an entire chapter dedicated to every single aspect of your squeeze page setup. That is a really good source if you want to know what is necessary for high-converting squeeze pages and sales pages.
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    • Profile picture of the author kevd10
      Originally Posted by IanM723 View Post

      Yeah, just look at mine! Just kidding. Actually, one of the best tutorials on exactly how to set up killer squeeze pages and sales pages is in Martin A O'Flynn's List Detonator course (no affiliate links here ). It is a huge pdf and it has an entire chapter dedicated to every single aspect of your squeeze page setup. That is a really good source if you want to know what is necessary for high-converting squeeze pages and sales pages.
      Only thing is, this is geared towards squeeze pages. I have the WSO you are talking about, nothing in there with regards to sales pages. Only opt in pages.

      Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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      • Profile picture of the author IanM723
        Originally Posted by kevd10 View Post

        Only thing is, this is geared towards squeeze pages. I have the WSO you are talking about, nothing in there with regards to sales pages. Only opt in pages.
        Yes, my apologies, you are correct about brain is in "Weekend mode" sorry about that !

        I haven't actually seen many products that talk about writing high converting sales pages (although I am sure they are out there). Somehow, though, it just seems like it would be easier and probably more profitable to outsource that to someone really experienced in it.

        If you try to learn to how to write high-converting sales pages on your own for your product launches, it could probably mean a lot lower conversions and sales than if you have someone with extensive experience do it. One person I do know of who does a lot with copywriting is Mike Marin. I believe (hopefully I am not 0 for 2 today ) that he is a professional copywriter and has done some big major brand type stuff. He might be someone to look into.

        Sorry again about the mix up with squeeze pages vs sales pages. Hopefully at least some of this has helped you.
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  • Profile picture of the author lotsofsnow
    You can head over to the WSO section.

    You will find some WSOs have been running for years.

    Just take a look at what they do and you can learn a lot.

    Another way is to use W+ or JVzoo and take a look at
    products that sold 1,000, 2,000 or 7,000 units.

    Call Center Fuel - High Volume Data
    Delivering the highest quality leads in virtually all consumer verticals.

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    • Profile picture of the author IanM723
      Originally Posted by hpgoodboy View Post

      You can head over to the WSO section.

      You will find some WSOs have been running for years.

      Just take a look at what they do and you can learn a lot.

      Another way is to use W+ or JVzoo and take a look at
      products that sold 1,000, 2,000 or 7,000 units.
      That is good advice. Another idea is to look at these WSO's and then contact the seller and ask them if they outsource their sales page creation and sales copy (many of the bigger sellers do) and find out who they use.

      Getting a quality, high-convering sales page created is not going to be inexpensive but if you can get references from people who have good results in the past it will make the purchase a lot easier (similar to solo ads).
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    • Profile picture of the author kevd10
      Originally Posted by hpgoodboy View Post

      You can head over to the WSO section.

      You will find some WSOs have been running for years.

      Just take a look at what they do and you can learn a lot.

      Another way is to use W+ or JVzoo and take a look at
      products that sold 1,000, 2,000 or 7,000 units.
      How do you find out how many units a product has sold on these sites? Cant find it anywhere

      Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author kevd10
    Great advice guys....thanks!

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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  • lol if you find the WSO that have been running a long time. They are doing something right.
    Don't try and reinvent the wheel but learn from them.
    You can find out a lot from them if you were to contact them.
    How did they get to the squeeze page that they are using today?
    Did they create the squeeze page themselves?
    Who did they use to create the squeeze page?
    Take a look at what others are doing with squeeze pages in your niche.

    Look for people that design squeeze pages.
    you can find them at warriors for hire, or by doing a Google search
    Always split test and find out what works for you
    The advice that everyone has given you so far is very good advice
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  • Profile picture of the author Luke newton
    Hey, i can give some good tips that have worked for me.. to be honest 1 way i was told about way to search google for "worst sales page" or "rubbish opt-in page" i no it sounds stupid but when you see how bad some of them are you will learn very fast what you dont need to do...
    Keep it very simple, good headline that grabs your eyes, bullet points, give away something... nice and simple... hope this helps....
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  • Profile picture of the author thebert
    Check out the WSO that have remained at or near the top over the past week/month. Check out Clickbank and see what's selling there. That should give you plenty of ideas.

    Don't forget some off-line resources as well. Remember, it's the copy that sells! There's some fantastic books that can steer you in the right direction. Anything by Dan Kennedy is golden.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrrightme
    You can try some spy tools.
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  • Go back and study some of the sales pages that have moved you in the past. For example, think about that one product you really wanted after reading its sales page but couldn't get at that moment maybe due to low funds.
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  • Profile picture of the author davidaclark
    Originally Posted by kevd10 View Post

    I am in the process of building my sales funnel, and it would be really helpful to see examples of sales pages that are actually selling and are successful. Any ideas on how to track these down?

    What products have you puurchased in the past? Surely you have purchased some warrior special offers or JVZOO products.

    If you look through your purchases in your email, I am sure you will find what offers interested you enough to purchase them. Even better if you also purchased the OTO.

    Feel free to click the link in my signature below to see my sales page and sign up form.
    Buy the perfect domain name for your website.

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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Jvzoo marketplace or warrior plus. just look for products that you might want to sell, then look at the stats, they tell you how many have been sold. Find products with quite a few sales then look at their sales page to get ideas


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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