Does this method still work?

2 replies
Basically a few years ago I'd see a banner or something that said coke or Pepsi then "cast vote for 50 dollar home depot card" ... After I cast my vote I was taken to a home depot email submit, after I placed my email, the next page that came up said, "Almost Done- Please complete 1 offer to redeem card" ...

All the way down bottom was a link that said "I don't like these offers", clicking that link took you to a second tier page that said " Complete 2 offers for your gift card. Or the 3rd option was signing up to some "Survey" company and completing 5 free surveys.... Anyways

I know what they were doing on the back-end as the offers were like godaddy, or Direct TV, etc, but I haven't seen it in a while and was wondering if anyone does this anymore or was the crowd just not responding to it anymore?

#method #work
  • Profile picture of the author lotsofsnow
    Yes, standard practice.

    The front end is called "zip-submit".

    On the front end they ask you for just one field, zip or name or email.

    You then go into a "survey path".

    You can see these offers on 2nd tier web sites, not so much on "real" web sites.

    Real web sites being Yahoo, Huff post, CNN etc.

    Anyhow it's a working method to get leads and sell products.

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    • Profile picture of the author dean20653
      Originally Posted by hpgoodboy View Post

      Yes, standard practice.

      The front end is called "zip-submit".

      On the front end they ask you for just one field, zip or name or email.

      You then go into a "survey path".

      You can see these offers on 2nd tier web sites, not so much on "real" web sites.

      Real web sites being Yahoo, Huff post, CNN etc.

      Anyhow it's a working method to get leads and sell products.

      Good to know. However what exactly do people get out of zip submits? I understand email so you can continually email them but zip codes? What the heck do you do with a ton of zip codes?

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