5 Crucial Tricks I've Learned About Successful List Building...

by Banned 19 replies
Ok, so these may not necessarily be "tricks" by any means, but I thought I'd post what I've learned about successful list building so far that has worked really well for me. I figured it might help some of the "newbies" here...

1. Email At LEAST 3X Per Week
Why? Constant contact, with the right content keeps your readers active. I feel if you only mail them several times a week, for a few weeks, then taper off to maybe only once every few weeks you'll be toast. They will forget about you. Also, KEEP emailing them. I've landed sales of my own product ($90+) to subscribers who signed up nearly 2 months earlier.

2. Treat Your Lists Like Friends, Not Numbers
I think many people building lists forget that these are REAL people wanting REAL information from you. You don't just have a list of 100,1000, or more "leads". These are real people. These people are your own tribe. Treat them like royalty and friends, not just as people you can make sales off of. This transition in your approach with them can make all the difference in the world.

3. Train Your Subscribers To Click Links
If you build a list, at some point you'll be wanting them to click on either your link or an affiliate link and buy, right? I've found that if I "train" my subscribers to take the actions I want that the objective of making sales along the way works much better. Plus, you can do it in a less "sales-y" manner. You can do this with not just links to your own products or affiliate products, but also links to information, articles or videos that you think they will like. But don't give everything away to them (see #5 below). Make them click to find out more. Tease.

4. Understand The Language of Your Niche, and Use It
Browse the forums in your niche. Read the posts. Watch how they speak, what they speak about, and the tone and personality. Match this in your emails to them. For example, you're probably not going to use the same tone in emails to a list of new mothers as you would to a list of guys wanting to get laid. Make sense?

5. Don't Give Away The Whole Enchilada
Biggest mistake email marketers make I think. Everyone preaches that you have to give SO much content away to make them "trust" you. I call BS. If you give away all the "goodies", why should they buy from you? It's amazing how much trust you can build simply by talking ABOUT a problem vs. HOW to solve it. The pain points. Real life stories. Related content links. Heck, ask them questions and get feedback. Show that you care. Show some personality in your emails, and use "infotainment" to pull them in. Speak their language and lead them down the path to your product without shoving it down their throats.

Anyway, those are 5 biggies I think can help a lot of newbies.

Of course, there are other tips as well like...

**Making sure you're 100% clear to new subscribers WHAT and WHEN you will be sending them emails.

**Using a killer P.S. in every email. Make it an info "golden nugget" of fun that they can look forward to in every mailing. This way, they can read their way down the email to discover it each time. This goes hand-in-hand with "training" them.

**Focusing on quality vs. quantity when it comes to the size of your lists. Duh, right? Shocking how many focus on list sizes still vs. the quality of subscribers.

I'd love to hear some other feedback or tips from others on this as I am by no means an expert.

#main internet marketing discussion forum #building #crucial #learned #list #successful #tricks
  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    I'm not much of a list builder. Although, I probably should do it more. But I don't think you can stress number 2 enough. I think most of us have been on lists where you're treated like an ATM. Constant crap and constant "buy this!".

    If you give your customers what they want, they'll give you what you want.
  • Dayne, I love #2! Doing the friend instead of numbers bit makes you much more approachable, and also makes your links clickable and products sellable. Excellent insight here. Hootsuited!
  • Thanks man. Very useful stuff!
  • Really good stuff here! Thanks a lot for inspiring me.
  • Thanks man for these helpful tips. I would definitely try them.
  • What a great post. Thanks for sharing :-)
  • Profile picture of the author celente
    THing for me as I have lists that are about 1000 strong and then lists that are 10,000 strong and then the extreme where i have lists about in the 300,000 mark.

    What I can tell you is that list building does not only work, it can be the lifesaver that can make you quit your job very very quickly, as it did for me.

    As long as....

    you send them cool stuff, keep in contact and build a relationship first. Doing that has made my world change, and I still cannot find anything out there as good as building a list and making money than sending emails. I mean not spam, targeted good stuff that adds value to your niche and audience.

    If you can do this, you will WIN!

    Dayne tips rock! Just think they can take away his businss, your computer can crash, your website can go down, but you still have the BIGGEST and BEST asset to any business. A LIST! Pure and simple.

    If you are in business and NOT Building some sort of list of prospects and or list of your past and current buyers, you have rocks in your head. That is JUST IMHO.

    Great tips mate.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Hiya Celente, are you well,

      Great contribution post from you aswell.

      Celentes advice on the forum should be read and applied warriors, he knows his stuff on list building!
      • [ 1 ] Thanks

  • Great Tips
    But my favourite thing that actually works for me is to engage with your list by giving them free gifts And replying to their emails in a good way. your behaviour reflects the quality of your email list. Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Banned
      I agree, take the time and actually REPLY to people who respond. Even if it isn't much, but the more the better. And free gifts never hurt, as long as it doesn't take away from them buying your main product.
  • Great content, thanks Dayne! I think 3X per week for emailing is about the right frequency. It allows a bit of breathing space between messages and sets up a nicely timed degree of expectation. I know that some marketers recommend daily postings, and one very well-known IM Guru sends me batches of up to 6 emails at a times. This is far too many and I am a little surprised with myself that I haven't unsubscribed actually.

    Being warm and friendly and sincere with subscribers is a must I feel. And answering all emails in a timely manner should be a daily exercise.
    • [1] reply
    • Thats because there's a huge gap between what you think you would do and what you actually do. Happens to everyone. When doing IM forget about what you think and focus on the numbers, they never lie.
  • EXCELLENT advice!

    I especially like the one about training your readers to click. There's a whole lead magnet right in that little nugget. Thanks for the inspiration!
  • Excellent post Dayne.

    I don't really consider myself a newbie (anymore) but I'll always be a student I think this should become required reading for anyone getting into listbuilding which, if you plan to build a real online biz, should really be everyone.

    I for one have been guilty of #2 and my list didn't hesitate to let me know with an increased unsubscribe rate

    It's amazing what a difference I noticed when I changed that approach and made a conscious effort to actually provide value in EVERY email. I get more opens and clickthroughs now as a result.

    No. 5 took me some time to figure out but I think I have a decent balance now. This particular tip has been great confirmation that I'm taking the right approach.

    Really appreciate the tips.

    • [1] reply
    • Banned
      This is what really changed the game for me for sure.
  • 5 Crucial Tricks I've Learned About Successful List Building...

    Good tips,

    With number 5, 5. Don't Give Away The Whole Enchilada
    So you are saying don't focus on content on "Advise to solve the problem" But instead, focus the content in the emails about the "problem itself, and amplifying it"

    Can you give some quick examples of this in some common niches please? so the example will show this point in a different perspective.
  • Great advice.

    Anyone who want to build list should take a look at this post.
  • Hey Dayne,

    Whilst I would like to be able to agree with point number 2 - based on my own feeling of how I would like to be treated and how I like to treat others - the cold hard reality of the matter is that many of the top IM'ers who do treat their lists as people they can make sales off and they make fortunes doing so. Here's how.

    The IM niche is a constantly running stream which carries people along with dream of being able to make fast, quick money. These people jump from one product to another, never stopping to take in, learn or understand even what is they just bought - it's almost as if they are on drugs.

    Top IM'ers know this, they also know that if someone unsubscribes from a list because you are spamming them 'buy my crap' messages three times a day, there are hundreds and thousand of newly arrived hopefuls that will take their place. These people are ready to buy.

    I have personally challenged some very big names in the business to justify their/this business model and I am reliably told they make more money doing things this way than trying to 'build a relationship'.

    Of course this applies to the make money on line niche predominantly, but is also true in areas like Forex or Weight loss.

    Ultimately you have to sleep at night and look yourself in the mirror the next morning, the choice is yours.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks

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